PSSFSS—An Open-source Code for Analysis of Polarization and Frequency Selective Surfaces
Peter S. Simon
Retired Antenna Engineer, Camarillo, California, USA
Submitted On: April 26, 2023; Accepted On: March 27, 2024
The open-source code PSSFSS for analysis and design of polarization selective surfaces (PSSs), and frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) is presented, beginning with an introduction to the Julia programming language in which the code is written. Analysis methods and algorithms used in PSSFSS are described, highlighting features of Julia that make it attractive for developing this type of application. Usage examples illustrate the code’s ease of use, speed, and accuracy.
Index Terms: computer code, frequency selective surface, FSS, Julia programming language, open-source, polarization selective surface, radome, reflectarray.
PSSFSS [1] is a free, open-source code for analysis and design of polarization selective surfaces (PSSs), frequency selective surfaces (FSSs), radomes, reflectarray elements, and similar devices. It is written in Julia [2], a recently developed language for high-performance technical computing. Its speed, accuracy, and ease of use make PSSFSS useful and accessible to both students and working engineers. Section 2 of this paper briefly introduces the Julia programming language. Section 3 describes the PSSFSS program, including information on its deployment as a standard Julia package. It then goes on to outline the steps in the analytical formulation used in PSSFSS. Some of the key steps are detailed and their realization in Julia code is presented. In the process, a few of the features of Julia that make it well-suited for this type of application are highlighted. Section 4 provides several usage examples, including timing and convergence studies, with comparisons to exact solutions or results of other simulation tools. Finally, conclusions are presented in Section 5.
Julia [2] is a recently developed, free and open-source computer programming language intended for high-performance technical computing. A modern, dynamic, high-level language, Julia was specifically created to address perceived shortcomings of existing languages like R, C, C++, Fortran, Matlab, and Python. Notably, the developers of Julia were awarded the 2019 James H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software. Although Julia can be used interactively where it “feels” like an interpreted language, it transparently compiles code to machine language prior to execution (“JIT” or just in time compilation), resulting in execution speed competitive with Fortran or C. Indeed, in 2017 Julia joined C, C++, and Fortran as the only languages to have achieved petaflop performance [3]. Support for parallelism (both distributed and threaded) is built into the language, as is support for multidimensional arrays of any dimensions and types. The syntax for performing linear algebra is similar to Matlab’s. Installation of Julia is a simple process on Windows, Linux, or Macintosh computers. The language fully supports Unicode, so that symbols such as ϵᵣ, μᵣ, and tanδ can be used for Julia variable names, if desired.
Most of Julia’s core code and its standard libraries are written in Julia itself, making it easy for users to read, understand, and contribute improvements. User-written packages employing custom types can be just as performant as functions and standard libraries supplied with the language, since all are written in Julia. In this way, Julia solves the so-called “two-language problem” wherein packages for dynamic languages like Python or Matlab that require maximum performance must either be partially written in C or Fortran, or be restricted to a compilable subset of the full language.
Additional comments about specific features of Julia that were found to be useful in developing PSSFSS are included below in Section 3.
PSSFSS has been released as a registered Julia package. As such it can be installed via a single command at the Julia REPL1. Doing so causes Julia to download the Git repository [1] containing the PSSFSS source code, along with repositories of dependent packages. Similarly, updates published to the PSSFSS Github repository can be automatically retrieved by the user with another simple Julia update command.
Besides its on-line user manual [4], PSSFSS includes a detailed, 86 page theory document [5] that derives from first principles the formulas and algorithms implemented in the code. The code is heavily commented with references to specific sections and equation numbers in the theory document to promote codetransparency.
PSSFSS solves for the electric and/or magnetic surface currents on planar FSS/PSS sheets located within a stratified medium consisting of any number of dielectric layers. Currents are represented using modified Rao-Wilton-Glisson (RWG) basis functions [6] and are determined via a periodic moment method (PMM) solution of the mixed-potential integral equation (MPIE) in the space domain. The potential Green’s functions are computed using a wide-band expansion [7] that, for normal incidence, permits the most expensive part of matrix assembly to be performed once only, regardless of the number of analysis frequencies performed. Multiple FSS/PSS sheets are accommodated by cascading their generalized scattering matrices (GSMs). The number of Floquet modes retained in the GSMs is calculated automatically such that excluded modes must encounter at least of attenuation between neighboring sheets. The following subsections describe some of these analysis steps in more detail, and describe their Juliaimplementation.
As in other surface-based moment method (MoM) formulations, in PSSFSS a conducting surface (in the case of a capacitive FSS) or aperture (in the case of inductive FSS) must be triangulated as a preliminary step in forming the RWG basis functions. Triangulation is accomplished using the Triangulate package, a convenient Julia interface to the well-known, planar mesh generator Triangle [8]. Polygon and triangle vertex locations in the plane are stored in one-dimensional arrays, each element of which is of type SVector{2,Float64}as defined in the StaticArrays [9] package. Here the type parameters 2 and Float64 mean that each planar vertex is represented by a length-2 “static vector” consisting of two 64-bit floating point values (the and coordinates of the point). Since the length of an SVectoris encoded statically into its type, this length is known to the Julia compiler, allowing optimizations at compile time such as CPU register or stack allocation (rather than slower heap allocation), and efficient packing in memory and retrieval from arrays of these objects. For example, an array of SVectors requires exactly the same amount of memory as is required for a contiguous array of 64-bit floating point numbers. Furthermore, linear algebra operations on StaticArray objects of small orders are specialized via unrolling and other optimizations to be many times faster than those on an ordinary, heap-allocatedarrays.
Besides speed of computation, static vectors (and matrices) inherit all the convenient array syntax of the language. By way of illustration, given a pair of SVectors r and s, the expression 3r - 2s will perform the indicated scalar multiplications2 of each vector followed by a vector difference. The result will be another SVector. With the LinearAlgebra standard library package, many additional operations are defined. E.g., we may compute the dot product of the two vectors by writing r ⋅ s. The centered dot is the infix form of the two-argument dotfunction and is typed at the Julia REPL (or within an appropriately configured editor) as cdot (LaTeX notation) followed by a Tab character.
Discretization of the MPIEs via MoM in the spatial domain requires calculation of the potential Green’s functions for currents flowing in a stratified medium, subject to quasi-periodic (Floquet) boundary conditions in the lateral directions. For efficient numerical evaluation, each potential Green’s function is represented as a sum of modal series and quasi-static, spatial series, as derived in detail in [5]. As an example, consider an electric surface current flowing in the interface plane , located between dielectric layers and of the stratified media. The component of magnetic vector potential dyadic Green’s function evaluated at due to a point current source at is
(1) |
where is an appropriately chosen smoothing factor with units of wavenumber, , is the permeability of dielectric region , is the radian frequency, and is a constant that depends on frequency, , and the electrical parameters of regions and . and are quasi-static, spatial series, and is a modal series. All series are double sums which is abbreviated as hereafter.
The spatial series are
(2) | ||
(3) |
where , and are the direct lattice vectors of the periodic metalization pattern, and and are the incremental phase shifts associated with the Floquet boundary conditions in the and directions, respectively. It is evident that these rapidly (exponentially) convergent series are independent of frequency whenever the incremental phase shifts are. This occurs for normally incident illumination of the FSS () or when simulating an FSS placed within a rectangular waveguide. When either of these is the case, and a swept-frequency analysis is desired, the contributions of the spatial series can be calculated a single time and re-used at each new analysis frequency, achieving substantial execution time savings. It should also be noted that contains the known static singularity in the term, permitting singularity subtraction and closed-form integration [10] as part of the MoM procedure.
It is of interest to see how these series are evaluated in Julia. The following code fragment is taken from the PSSFSS package:
# Sum over the r’th ring: for (m, n) in Ring(r) uρₘₙ = norm(uρ⃗₀₀ - (m * us⃗₁ + n * us⃗₂)) phase = -(m*ψ₁ + n*ψ₂) … endThe for loop iterates over the (m,n) tuples of integer indices comprising the rth concentric ring of the summation lattice. For example, Ring(0) generates the single tuple (0,0), while Ring(1) iterates over the eight tuples (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, -1), and (0, 1). In the code base Ring is a struct defined simply as
struct Ring r::Int endwhere the double colon is a type declaration for field r. The capability to iterate on Ring(r) as in the for loop above comes from defining a method for the base Julia iterate function that accepts two inputs: a variable of type Ring, and the current state of the iterator. It provides as outputs the next iterate and updated state. Each tuple is then efficiently generated iteratively in turn (i.e., lazily) in the for loop, avoiding unnecessary heap allocations. The above for loop is actually embedded in an outer loop over the ring index r, where convergence is checked after summing the contributions over each ring—the natural and rigorously correct way to form partial sums of such series. Thus the Ring type, straightforwardly implemented using Julia’s standard iteration protocol, enhances the simplicity and readability of the Green’s function code.
Calculation of the scalar variable uρₘₙ within the body of the for loop above shows how closely Julia code can resemble the mathematics that it is implementing. Variables uρ⃗₀₀, us⃗₁, and us⃗₂ are all of type SVector{2,Float64}, representing in this case dimensionless 2-vectors. Again, such variable names incorporating Unicode symbols are easily typed using LaTeX notation. The expression passed as the argument to the norm function above will be evaluated prior to the call, resulting in a new SVector, stored either in the CPU stack or CPU registers (without any heap allocation). The function norm computes the 2-norm of a vector or matrix, and is exported by the LinearAlgebra package. However, a method specifically for arguments of type SVector{2,Float64} is provided at compile time by the StaticArrays package. Both the construction of the argument and calculation of its norm in the specialized method avoid (via unrolling) the loops that would otherwise be needed for dealing with standard arrays.
The modal series is
(4) |
(5) |
Here is the area of the unit cell, is the spectral transmission line Green’s function as defined in [11], , , , and and are the reciprocal lattice vectors. The modal series is very smooth as a function of and rapidly converging, since the summand decays as . Using the change of variables and using the fact that
(6) |
the series can be rewritten in the form
(7) |
If we restrict evaluation to a discrete, regular grid of and points, and assume that the summand is negligibly small outside some maximal ring index, it is straightforward to recast the series above into the form of a two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform, which is efficiently evaluated using the fast Fourier transform (FFT). Low-order bivariate polynomial interpolation is used to allow evaluation of the modal series at arbitrary points within the grid.
In the Julia implementation of the modal series, it is convenient when tabulating to use an array whose indices can range over both positive and negative integers. This is accomplished by use of the OffsetArrays package, which provides Julia with arrays that have arbitrary indices, similar to those found in some other programming languages like Fortran. Consider the following code fragment, taken from the modal series code:
parent = zeros(ComplexF64, 2mg + 1, 2mg + 1)
table1g = OffsetArray(parent, -mg:mg, -mg:mg)
The zeros call returns a two-dimensional array of 64-bit, complex, floating-point numbers initialized to zero. The indices range from 1 to 2*mg + 1 (native Julia arrays use 1-based indexing). The OffsetArray call returns an array sharing the same memory as parent, but whose indices range from -mg to mg. There is no performance penalty associated with indexing into table1g versus parent. Both StaticArrays and OffsetArrays were originally contributed by the Julia user community, and both are written entirely in Julia, showing the power and flexibility inherent in the language.
Tabulation of is performed in a parallel (multi-threaded) loop. Here is a fragment from the relevant code:
@threads for r in (mmax_oldo2+1):mmaxo2
ringsum1 = zero(eltype(table1g))
for (m, n) in Ring(r)
β⃗ₘₙ = β⃗₀₀ + m * β⃗₁ + n * β⃗₂
β² = β⃗ₘₙ ⋅ β⃗ₘₙ # magnitude squared
table1g[m,n] += ringsum1
The outer loop over ring index is parallelized (threaded) by a call to @threads of the built-in threading library Threads. The @ symbol denotes a Julia macro, which can arbitrarily transform Julia source prior to compilation. The two lines shown in the inner loop over summation ring indices, where and are computed, exemplify once again how the use of Unicode symbols in variable names can enhance clarity when translating a mathematical formulation to Julia code. β⃗₀₀, β⃗₁, and β⃗₂ are all defined previously in the code and have type SVector{2,Float64}. The assignment causes β⃗ₘₙ to also have the same type without requiring any type declaration, an example of type inference performed by the Julia compiler.
Following tabulation, the FFT is performed in-place by a call to the function FFT! from the FFTW package. The latter provides convenient Julia bindings to the popular FFTW library [12].
A GSM is represented in the Julia code by the GSM type, defined as
struct GSM
The s11, s12, s21, and s22 fields store the four partitions of the full GSM. In Julia, an array is indexed using square brackets, e.g. s[1,2] to select the element of array s in the first row and second column. The Julia compiler converts this syntax into the call getindex(s, 1, 2). By extending the getindex function with a new method for the GSM type, one can enable indexing into a variable of thistype:
function Base.getindex(gsm::GSM, i, j)
(i, j) == (1, 1) && (return gsm.s11)
(i, j) == (1, 2) && (return gsm.s12)
(i, j) == (2, 1) && (return gsm.s21)
(i, j) == (2, 2) && (return gsm.s22)
throw(BoundsError(gsm, (i, j)))
Here the short-circuit logical “and” operator && is used as a concise if-then construct, a common Julia idiom. Given g::GSM, the above definition allows, e.g., g[1,2] to be used in lieu of g.s12. Since Julia functions use “pass-by-sharing” semantics, such indexing does not cause any unwanted copying of the GSM partitions.
Cascading of GSMs is accomplished by use of the Redheffer star product [13–14]. If and are scattering matrices for two linear networks, the scattering matrix of the cascaded network is given by the (scattering) star product . If and are the blockmatrices
(8) |
then their star product is
(9) |
(10a) | ||||
(10b) | ||||
(10c) | ||||
(10d) |
and is the identity matrix. The star product is implemented in PSSFSS in the cascade function:
function cascade(a::GSM, b::GSM)
n2a = size(a[2,2], 2)
n1b = size(b[1,1], 1)
n1b ≠ n2a && error("Non-conformable GSMs")
gprod1 = (I - a[2,2] * b[1,1]) \ a[2,1]
s21 = b[2,1] * gprod1
s11 = a[1,1] + (a[1,2] * b[1,1] * gprod1)
gprod2 = (I - b[1,1] * a[2,2]) \ b[1,2]
s12 = a[1,2] * gprod2
s22 = b[2,2] + (b[2,1] * a[2,2] * gprod2)
return GSM(s11, s12, s21, s22)
The backslash operator and the symbol I used above are from the LinearAlgebra package. I is an object that represents an identity matrix of any order. The backslash, as in Matlab, performs matrix division using a polyalgorithm that depends on the array types on both sides. For the dense, square matrices occuring on the left-hand sides here, it calls a LAPACK solver based on LU factorization. By including the function definition
⋆(a,b) = cascade(a,b)
it is now possible to compute the cascade of GSMs s and t and store the result in c by simply typing c = s ⋆ t.
The GSM of a dielectric layer has the form , where is a diagonal matrix. Therefore, when cascading some general GSM with that of a dielectric layer, the calculations needed are significantly simpler than the general case described by Eqs. (10). PSSFSS defines the Layer type for dielectric layers, along with several additional methods of the cascade function, with signatures cascade(a::GSM, b::Layer) and cascade(a::Layer, b::GSM), wherein the appropriate, simplified calculations are encoded. This is an example of multiple dispatch, one of the fundamental paradigms of Julia programming. The correct method to be called for a function is selected from the available methods at compile time based on the types of all of the call site arguments. This is in contrast to standard object-oriented programming, where the selected method depends only on the first argument (single dispatch). Multiple dispatch is clearly more powerful, and it can be argued that it is a better fit to the needs of scientific computing. For example, given conformable arrays A, B, and C, the expression A * B * C is transformed by the Julia compiler into the call *(A, B,\jlinlC), a three-argument method for the * (multiplication) function. Within that method, the number of multiplications needed for (A * B) * C is compared to that for A\jlinl* (B * C) to choose which of these to execute. Users can add their own methods as needed for their customtypes.
The default method for frequency sweeps is an extremely robust, diagonal rational function interpolation using the Stoer-Bulirsch [15] (“fast sweep”) algorithm. Applied to the final, composite GSM of the structure being analyzed, it eliminates the need for a full PMM solution at each frequency (a “discrete sweep”), often producing speedups of to . The algorithm starts by analyzing the structure at five equally spaced frequencies (interpolation “knots”) across the requested bandwidth. The composite GSM of the full structure is interpolated at the remaining frequencies via two different orders of rational function, and an error estimate is computed from their difference at each frequency. The next knot is selected as that frequency with the largest error estimate. A full analysis is performed at this knot, and new interpolations are performed incorporating the new data. The process continues until the error estimate remains less than - for three consecutive iterations. The strict termination criterion employed in PSSFSS for this algorithm makes it absolutely reliable, in the author’s experience.
Additional details of the theory and implementation for PSSFSS can be found in [5].
Currently supported element types include rectangular strips, meanderlines, loaded and filled crosses, sinuous and manji crosses, Jerusalem crosses, split rings, and polyrings. The latter are able to model concentric rectangular loops or polygonal rings. All element types are fully parameterized for easy specification and optimization. The user manual [4] includes a gallery of supported element types.
Available output quantities include scattering parameters (magnitudes, phases, or complex) using a TE/TM, Ludwig 3, or LHCP/RHCP polarization basis, axial ratio, and others.
PSSFSS is run in a Julia script. The geometry to be analyzed is specified as a vector of two or more dielectric Layers and zero or more RWGSheets. The latter define the FSS/PSS sheets and are instantiated by calling constructors such as meander, strip, polyring, etc. After also specifying the desired scan angles (or unit cell incremental phase shifts) and frequencies to be analyzed, a call to the analyze function performs the analysis. Outputs are requested using a tiny domain-specific language implemented by the @outputs macro. As an example, providing \jlinl@outputs s21db(L,R) ar22db(v) as the second argument to the extract_results function will produce a matrix whose columns contain 1) transmission amplitude in dB to LHCP pol exiting port 2 due to a RHCP wave incident at port 1, and 2) reflected axial ratio in dB exiting port 2 due to an incident Ludwig 3 vertical wave at port 2. The outputs can be further post-processed and/or plotted in the same interactive or batch Julia session.
This example consists of a symmetric strip grating, i.e., a grating where the strip width is half the unit cell period , as shown in part (a) of Fig. 1. The grating lies in the plane with free space on both sides. The shaded areas represent metalization. The dashed lines show two possible choices for the unit cell location: “J” for a formulation in terms of electric surface currents, and “M” for magnetic surface currents. The same triangulation (parts (b) and (c) of the figure) can be used for either choice. The length of the unit cell in the direction is arbitrary, here chosen to be one tenth of the strip width. The triangulation shown uses edges in the direction and in the direction for a total of squares bisected into triangles. The PSSFSS analysis covered frequencies where period normalized to wavelength () varied from to , requiring about seconds of execution time. Normal incidence reflection coefficient magnitudes and phases computed by PSSFSS are compared with the exact solution ([16], [17, Prob. 10.6]) for the electric field parallel () and perpendicular () to the direction of the grid (the axis) in Figs. 2 and 3.
Figure 1: Symmetric strip grid: (a) Gray areas represent metalization, Dashed lines show two possible choices for unit cell location, (b) Triangulation used for both J and M choice of unit cell, and (c) Triangulation with unit cell boundary also shown.
Figure 2: Reflection magnitude for symmetric strip grid.
Figure 3: Reflection phase for symmetric strip grid.
The maximum magnitude error for either polarization is about at the highest frequency. Maximum phase error is about , also at the highest frequency. In all cases the solutions for the M and J unit cells bracket the exact solution. Presentation of the Julia script needed to run this example is omitted here; it can be found in the onlinemanual [4].
This example, taken from [18] and illustrated in the inset of Fig. 4, constitutes a severe test of the fast sweep algorithm. The unit cell is a square. The FSS is etched on a thick dielectric slab with . The incidence angle is so that higher-order free-space Floquet modes begin propagating at 7.025, 12.292, 12.542, 14.051, 16.665, and . Figure 4 shows how the computed transmission coefficient for TM polarization converges as the discretization is made finer. All of the traces overlay for frequencies below about . The fast sweep results for the final case are also shown, and they are indistinguishable from the discrete sweep results. The maximum fast sweep error for any of the 381 frequencies plotted is less than . The “glitches” in the traces between and are resonances associated with blazing frequencies. Swept frequency timing for discrete and fast sweeps are shown in Table 1. This analysis and all others reported in this paper were performed on a Core i7-9700 CPU. As shown in the table, fast sweeps for this example exhibited a speedup of about . Greater speedups are usually obtained, but the many modes passing out of cut-off in this band make this case especially difficult. Here, about 90 of the 381 requested analysis frequencies required a full PMM solve in the fast sweep. The worst convergence of the model is obtained at the highest frequency, . The final column of Table 1 shows how the computed transmission coefficient at this frequency changes with number of triangles in the discretization. Applying Richardson extrapolation [19] to this series results in a predicted converged value of -, about away from the 6664 triangle result. Listing 1 contains the code used to generate the fast sweep PSSFSS data and geometry plot for the 3400 triangle case.
Figure 4: TM transmission coefficient for the over-sized Jerusalem cross slot from [18]. The inset triangulation contains triangles; a blue dashed line demarks the unit cell.
Table 1: Timing and convergence for the Jerusalem cross
Number of | Sweep Time (s) | Fast Sweep | T at 20 GHz | |
Triangles | Discrete | Fast | Speedup | (dB) |
1224 | 199.3 | 58.3 | 3.4 | -9.97 |
2176 | 627.5 | 155.2 | 4.0 | -9.83 |
3400 | 1732.1 | 420.1 | 4.1 | -9.75 |
6664 | 9182.0 | 2096.8 | 4.4 | -9.66 |
This example, from [20], consists of a 5-sheet, sequentially rotated, circular polarization selective surface (CPSS). The top images in Fig. 5 are the individual sheet triangulations. Each sheet shares the same unit cell, a square. Sheets are etched on dielectric substrates separated from their neighbors by foam layers. The structure consists of 9 dielectric layers and 5 FSS sheets. Below the sheet triangulations is a plot of computed insertion loss and transmitted axial ratio (AR) for a right-hand circular polarization (RHCP) wave normally incident on the structure, both computed by PSSFSS and CST, the latter digitized from plots in [20]. The differences in the two models’ results are attributed to finite metalization thickness used in the CST model, a feature not yet supported by PSSFSS. Analysis of the 5-sheet composite structure at 101 frequencies required only for PSSFSS, compared to the and reported in [20] for CST using a coarse and fine mesh, respectively. The speed of PSSFSS for this case is due to multiple factors: 1) analysis is fastest at normal incidence, 2) meanderlines and strips are triangulated using structured meshes which are exploited by PSSFSS to avoid redundant calculations, 3) the elements used herein fill only a small portion of the unit cell and are not resonant, reducing the number of triangles required, and 4) the smoothly varying GSM over this analysis bandwidth required only 13 full solutions out of 101 analysis frequencies in the fast sweepalgorithm.
Figure 5: 5-Sheet CPSS from [20]: (a) All 5 sequentially rotated sheets share the same unit cell and (b) RHCP RHCP axial ratio and insertion loss computed by PSSFSS and CST Microwave Studio.
Listing 2 is a fragment of the log file created by PSSFSS when analyzing the CPSS. It recapitulates the layup of the structure and displays the number of Floquet modes assigned to each dielectric layer in the finalcolumn. The layers labeled 1 and 11 are the semi-infinite vacuum regions on either side of the FSS structure. Note that the thin substrates adjacent to the FSS sheets, labeled as layers 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, are assigned zero modes. This is because a very large number of modes would be required to cascade GSMs for very thin layers adjacent to FSS sheets. Instead, PSSFSS defines a so-called “GSM Block” consisting of the sheet and any neighboring thin layers. A single, composite GSM is computed for this GSM Block using the stratified media Green’s functions. For the remaining foam spacer layers, it is observed that 10 modes are used in the layers 3 and 9, while 18 modes are used in the thinner layers 5 and 7.
Of course, this use of multi-mode GSM cascading is only possible because all sheets in this structure share the same periodicity. For structures with sheets of different periodicity, PSSFSS employs the usual approximation where only the principal TE and TM Floquet modes are included in the GSMs used for cascading.
This example, originally from [21, Fig. 7.9], was also used in [22]. The geometry, shown in Fig. 6, consists of two identical loaded cross slot-type elements separated by a layer of dielectric constant 1.9. Outboard of each sheet is a layer of dielectric constant 1.3. The closely spaced sheets provide another good test of the generalized scattering matrix cascading formulation implemented in PSSFSS. Analysis of this structure with PSSFSS at 381 frequencies over a 20:1 bandwidth was performed for a few different mesh discretizations. A total of 18 Floquet modes in the center dielectric layer was selected by the code to accurately model interactions between the two closely spaced FSS sheets. Computed transmission amplitudes from PSSFSS and HFSS are compared in Fig. 7, where good agreement is observed over a very wide dynamic range of nearly . Timings for the different discretizations are given in the figure legend.
Figure 6: Bandpass filter geometry consisting of two identical loaded cross slots in a three-layer, symmetrical, dielectric sandwich structure.
Figure 7: Normal incidence transmission amplitude versus frequency for the bandpass filter.
The complete scripts for all the above cases along with numerous other usage examples can be found in [4], including reflectarray elements, rabsorbers, and a fully worked-out design optimization for a CPSS using an evolutionary algorithm.
An open-source code PSSFSS for analysis of polarization and frequency selective surfaces has been described. PSSFSS can be obtained, installed, and used easily and without cost. It is written in the relatively new Julia programming language; therefore, some of the features of Julia that were especially convenient and useful in developing PSSFSS were highlighted. PSSFSS employs multi-threading and several novel algorithms to enhance computational efficiency. Examples were provided that demonstrate the speed, ease of use, and accuracy of the code.
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1"REPL" is an acronym for Read-Evaluate-Print Loop, the interactive terminal environment where the user types inputs that are then evaluated and printed back by Julia.
2A numeric literal prepended to a variable or parenthesized expression implies multiplication.
Peter S. Simon is a retired antenna engineer and a Life Senior Member of the IEEE. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara. He served in the United States Navy as both an enlisted man and later as a commissioned officer. During his engineering career he worked at Raytheon Electromagnetic Systems Division (now Raytheon Intelligence & Space), Goleta, CA, in positions involving antenna design and computational electromagnetics, where he ultimately attained the rank of Principal Engineer. Following his stint at Raytheon, he joined Space Systems/Loral (now Maxar Technologies Space Systems), Palo Alto, CA, where his work again involved computational electromagnetics, analysis, and design applied to reflector antennas, feed horns, frequency and polarization selective surfaces, and feed networks for commercial satellite applications. In 2014 he was selected among the first group of SSL employees to be awarded the title of Distinguished Engineer. He is the author or coauthor of five patents and several papers relating to antennas. Since his retirement he has been involved in developing open-source software using the Julia programming language.
ACES JOURNAL, Vol. 39, No. 2, 139–148
doi: 10.13052/2024.ACES.J.390207
© 2024 River Publishers