Policies and Economic Efficiency for Distributed Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Industry
Xiumin Niu1,* and Xufeng Luo2
1School of Economics and Management, Leshan Normal University, 614000, China
2School of Electronics and Materials Engineering, Leshan Normal University, 614000, China
E-mail: niuxm@lsnu.edu.cn
*Corresponding Author
Received 25 October 2021; Accepted 18 January 2022; Publication 16 May 2023
The technique of directly converting solar energy into electricity using PV modules is distributed photovoltaic (PV) power generation. It is frequently used in a system and is referred to as a distributed PV power system. The system generates power in the surrounding areas and connects to the neighbouring utility grid. A distributed energy storage (DES) system is a bundled solution that stores energy for future use. In the short term, one of the most significant problems with solar power storage is that the batteries utilized for the application are still costly and giant. The more power requires the bigger battery must be. Further research revealed that maximizing solar and wind energies minimizes greenhouse gas emissions and lower the total cost of energy. The ability to store energy is crucial in balancing because it makes the grid more adaptable and stable. The mission of energy conservation and energy storage (ECES) aims to help integrate energy-storage technology research, production, deployment, and integration to improve the energy efficiency of all energy systems and enable the increased use of renewable energy in place of fossil fuels. Storage benefits are examined in terms of distribution transformer loads and storage support during energy fluctuations from renewable energy. However, the results show that the methodology’s recommended framework is successful and obtained with enhanced performance with a reliability of 95.6%. The proposed technique improves the Reliability analysis ratio of 95.4%, Performance analysis comparison ratio of 98.6%, accuracy analysis ratio of 91.3%, ECES model’s efficiency is estimated at 95.6%.
Keywords: Distributed photovoltaic, energy storage system, economic efficiency, power industry.
When it comes to energy storage, a Distributed Energy Storage (DES) system is an all-in-one solution [1]. The DC-charged batteries and the bi-directional converters are the two most important parts of the system [2]. A shipping-friendly cage houses the equipment, allowing it to be used in a wide range of conditions [3]. It is said to be distributed photovoltaic power generation and directly converting solar energy into electricity using photovoltaic modules [4]: there are huge potential benefits to new kinds of power generating [5]. As a result of these technologies, power can be generated nearby and fed into the local electrical grid [6]. Researchers can use batteries or ultra-capacitors to store the electricity generated by steam-driven generators or solar cells [7]. Methane-containing gas released during the decomposition of municipal solid waste (MSW) and environmental waste (such as wastewater, food scraps, and animal dung) [8]; defined as a distributed energy resource that can be collected and used as a fuel in gas turbines or microturbines to generate electricity [9]. A complicated network distributes electricity to homes and businesses [10].
A sophisticated network of energy power stations, generators, and electrical wires, commonly called the grid, generates and transports electricity from power plants to customers [11]. In a transmission substation, wind farm electricity is increased to a high voltage of 150–800 kV before leaving the wind farm [12]. After that, it is sent to homes and businesses via the electrical grid [13]. After installation, solar electricity generates no pollutants or greenhouse gases [14]. Reduced reliance on imported oil and fossil fuels is a constant source of clean energy that can be generated on any given day of the year, including cloudy days [15]. The investment pays off instead of paying utility costs [16]. Electricity and fuel delivery technology include both basic energy sources like coal and crude oil as well as end-use energy currencies like kerosene or gasoline [17]. Power lines and tanker trucks, two examples of energy distribution technology, are essential [18].
Distribution substations are used to move electricity around the city. The high-voltage electricity from the slightly elevated transmission lines is lowered in voltage at the substation [19]. Subsequently, the electricity is delivered to a local distribution network without any transmission errors [20]. Several electrical companies are now using wind farms to provide their consumers with electricity [21]. The most common use for standalone wind turbines is heat pumps and telecommunication [22]. Wind turbines can be a cost-effective option for those living in windy places to reduce their utility expenses [23]. Respiration refers to oxidase events that release energy from food cells [24]. Long-distance transmission results in power losses. Most energy is lost due to transformers and power cables’ Joule effects [25]. Conductors dissipate the energy as heat. Between 8 and 15% are lost due to power plant-to-consumer transmission losses.
The important contribution of this paper is as follows;
• DES is evaluated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, using solar and wind energy as possible to lower overall energy expenses.
• A more flexible and stable grid is computed by energy storage, implemented to reduce the crucial balancing act.
• To implement ECES in facilitating the integration of energy-storage technology research.
The content of the article is as follows. Section 2 deals with the bibliography and foundation of the distributed photovoltaic and energy storage. The suggested detecting and preventing aberrant activities ECES framework is designed and discussed in Section 3. The software analysis and performance evaluation are covered in Section 4. Section 5 indicates the conclusion and future extent.
Although PV electricity has several advantages, the growing installed capacity of distributed PV (DPV) systems strains the system’s ability to provide consistent and reliable power. It is critical to correctly configure DPV power stations’ energy storage (ES) devices if the DPV industry’s growth and stability are accelerated.
Photovoltaic (PV) power’s unreliability and inconsistency can be mitigated by storage energy (SE), an important technology. Economic efficiency is heavily reliant on industrial policy in the early phases of the PV and SE sectors described by Yang F. F et al. [26]. This study examines all three aspects: technical assistance, managerial incentive, and financial resources. PV efficiency and the power load of end-users, such as home appliances and businesses, are the primary concerns by the implementation of PVSE. Using high-capacity aqueous sodium-ion electrodes with PV systems shows certain economic benefits for households and businesses in China’s current policy setting.
The energy storage system’s capacity relates to indexes of compensation precision for power fluctuations and the economy. It is used to limit power fluctuations in distribution networks that comprise distributed photovoltaic (PV) stated by Lin S et al. [27]. The correct capacity allocation could be achieved, a setup approach for energy storage system capacity (SA-ESSC) was proposed in grid-connected distributed PV systems. This interval estimation approach was used to produce the configuration function based on an investigation of the PV generation and load’s short-term forecast errors.
Distributed photovoltaic technology and cost performance dictate the advancement of grid parity as subsidies continue to diminish. As a result of the discussion on technology and cost, this article examined the economic performance of China’s distributed photovoltaic using the internal rate of return metrics (PV-IRRM) by Xin-gang Z et al. [28]. The findings reveal that, in general, the current external environment is favourable for the growth of distributed PV, although there are still certain restrictions. Projects with a high percentage of spontaneous self-use have superior economic success. The research concluded with policy proposals that the government can use.
The coal chemical industry contributes significantly to the pollution in the area. Hydrogen battery technology offers a broad range of possible applications, and it has recently emerged as a popular study area. For the coal chemical sector, creating a hybrid pluripotent coupling system (HPCS) with wind power, photovoltaic (PV) electricity, and hydrogen energy storage is a good solution to the challenges listed above by Fan X. C et al. [29]. The results suggest that a coal chemical industrial integrated wind, solar, and photovoltaic (PV) power system with hydrogen energy storage can meet China’s present energy development needs.
A series of studies on the significant potential for distributed solar power systems to be integrated into the United States electrical grid was launched in late 2017 to address challenges linked to this high potential penetration defined by Gao M et al. [30]. Early in 2018, the Solar Energy Grid Integration Systems (SEGIS) campaign was initiated due to this endeavour. Summary of executive needs in utility project planning and business strategies about the estimation of market penetration and the effects of expanded PV systems, new grid layouts, and PV system configurations are used as models.
The usage of solar photovoltaic electrical energy is unavoidable to alleviate the energy crisis and satisfy carbon emission reduction targets are detailed by Jia S et al. [31] and proposed an improved system performance and stability, rapid cost reductions on ES (RCRES) was implemented. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of PV’s rising market share and an overview of the PV system. Several EES for PV systems is provided and examined, here selected some areas for future research as well as some areas where existing work and related areas could use improved.
As DPV power develops rapidly, this subsidy will lay the groundwork for prospective PV and ES developments. From the above research on existing methods, PVSE, SA-ESSC, PV-IRRM, SEGIS, RCRES are analyzed with the performance of our proposed system ECES.
When the grid goes down due to severe weather or some other emergency, distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) systems can step in and provide power to the home or office. Consequently, distributed photovoltaic can considerably improve the electrical system’s reliability. In this article, the objectives of power resiliency are defined. The reasons why most current distributed PV systems cannot provide consumer power during a grid failure are explained.
It is important to note that when a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system experiences a grid outage, it can experience a variety of irregularities, including high alternative currents (AC) and a violation of voltage control coordination.
Figure 1 Block diagram of PV system.
The blocks that make up the system are shown in Figure 1. The DC-DC converter feeds the three-phase DC-AC inverter, generating the PV array with a single diode model type. Solar power system with different inverters does not require a transformer; the solar power system with two stages. Low penetration levels can adversely affect the grid due to power quality issues, operating voltage stability, effectiveness, and increasing reliability. High consumption levels of PV systems can have these effects. Many grid codes have been released to govern the integration of PV systems with the electric grid. There should be standards for current and voltage control and how a unit behaves when a grid disruption is in the regulation. Demand for PV systems power grid in numerous nations and a large number of researchers are engaged in developing new PV systems with power control. All researchers employed the PV technique for DC-DC converter duty cycle generation; however, this paper proposes an ECES model based on modulation index swarm for high power penetration sensor (HPPS).
(1) |
Equation (1) gives the energy consumption factors of power control. is the factor which is happened using the transformer system and is the grid parameter as the are the issues present in the ECES model. is the usual value of the previous system to compare it with it and is the determining factor, where is the monitored level and compared to the original data of the previous set. is the method to include the of present condition and is the previous penetration. is the energy generation factor in integrating the current value of energy, and is the last data of energy consumed.
A technique known as ECES is employed in Equation (1), which offers the energy consumption factors for power control.
(2) |
Equation (2), on the other hand, gives the parameter consideration for the ECES model’s energetic framework denoted as gives the increase of reliability and performance in the counselling framework by monitoring the sensor’s actions . The data will be examined based on values and then entered into an algorithmic approach of the ECES model for another method.
(3) |
Power conservation is said to be a detecting action is given by Equation (3), which is dictated by and gives every single sensor and is the integration of all detectors of the ECES model. is active in the sensors for the designated electrical parameter continuous on basis functions stage to ensure performances.
The proposed method’s primary criteria include power conservation and improved dependability are found by Equations (2) and (3).
An isolated high frequency DC-DC single phase full converter and a three-phase with output power control link a two-diode PV array with genuine characteristics to the grid. A two-diode model of the PV array’s power electronics and grid interface is used in ECES. Based on this, further simulation work might be possible.
Large-scale electrical energy storage is widely acknowledged to be a challenging operation. There is energy loss in this process because electrical energy is often converted into another form, such as mechanical work, and then converted back to its original electrical form. On the other hand, ECES technology provides energy storage in an unmodified form, which is desirable, particularly in terms of the efficiency level that would have been achieved.
Figure 2 Energy storage framework.
Electricity in a power system is generated via the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal and oil, as well as the use of hydroelectric dams, nuclear fusion, and other technologies. It is impossible to generalize the best storage technique; hence, locations, where certain types of storing energy are appropriate must be specified with magnetic energy (MES). It is a method for storing electrical energy in a battery. Because of the phenomenon of superconducting, it stores energy in a magnetic field. An electric field is created through the cooled superconducting wire by applying direct current (DC) in the power distribution unit. Figure 2 depicts the energy storage system as a block diagram. With the power conditioning system (PCS), the DC energy from the coil is transformed into three-phase alternative current energy, which is used to charge the MES for charging or discharging a control system.
The only power generated by the current battery electrochemical processes is its capability, measured in megawatt-hours. A 5 Ah battery, for instance, can be discharged for an hour at a constant rate of 1 C (5 A). Important to battery management are battery charge tests. In a nutshell, the amount of energy a battery can store is measured by its capacity. It is important to know how much current can be sent to an end value at a steady rate for an extended period while testing the device’s capability. Additional photovoltaic, windy, and dispersed energy supplies may be integrated into the grid with the help of power storage, which increases grid adaptability. It could increase the capacity factor of current costs and minimize the demand for new polluting maximum power stations by improving system performance.
(4) |
The power storage can be obtained , electric networks are forced to adjust their generation in response to fluctuations in the amount of electricity generated from distributed generation are defined in the above Equation (4) with summation process with limits .
is the functional-coefficient, is the detecting length
(5) |
Magnetic energy necessitates the use of specific types of energy storage. Electricity is stored in batteries . Magnetic fields can store energy because of the superconducting phenomena using this technique’s summation. Direct current is applied at the power distribution unit to the cooled superconducting wire, creating an electric field that is inclined in the above Equation (5).
Electric grids without power storage must scale up and down generation based on energy stored in fuels to accommodate fluctuations in electrical production from distributed generation. Whereas wind farms can be quickly scaled up or down to follow the weather, solar and nuclear farms must wait a long time to respond to load fluctuations.
Transferring electricity from a power grid into a form that can be stored and transferred back to electricity when needed refers to distributed energy storage (DES). An approach like this makes it possible to generate power from intermittent energy sources when demand is low and to use it when demand is generating costs are high or when no other generation option is available; these are obtained using the expressions,
(6) |
From the above-stated Equation (6), in addition to dealing with changes in electrical production from dispersed generation, electric grids using a summation of limits having to without power storage must increase and decrease generation based on fuel energy storage by applying Euclidean distance .
Figure 3 The value chain for electricity in grid storage.
Advanced power circuits, typically the link between the electrical grid and energy storage technologies, play an important technological function and provide numerous economic rewards when used with energy storage systems. Energy storage technologies (EST) are being integrated into the new power value chain, as shown in Figure 3. Portable electronics, vehicles, and permanent energy resources can benefit from EST. These systems include energy sources: electricity production, distribution, and transmission; distributed energy resources; sustainable sources; and residential and manufacturing consumers within a region. An approach like this makes it possible to generate power from a distributed generation when demand is low and to use it when prices increase while generating costs are high or when no other development option exists for the process of transmission.
(7) | ||
(8) |
From the equations as mentioned earlier (7) and (8), this includes electricity generation, , distribution , and transmission ; distributed energy resources ; sustainable sources of electricity supply ; and users in a given region are both home consumers and businesses. Using a strategy like this, power can be generated from distributed generations are while demand is low and used when prices rise, and generation costs are high, or when there aren’t any other options for the transmission process using summation to .
The equation yields seven sources of dispersed energy. This contributes to determining the efficiency of the suggested system’s performance. The efficiency of a solar cell is measured by comparing its output to the amount of energy it receives from the sun. The efficiency of a solar cell is affected by its performance and the spectrum, intensity, and temperature of the incident sunlight.
It moreover makes it easier to integrate alternative fuels into the system, which raises their energy occupancy rate and improves the quality of the energy they provide by strategic information frequency and power levels. In addition to the hydroelectric plant and transmission and distribution systems, storage can be used on the consumer’s side of the meter as well as numerous appliances and equipment in the home.
Low-cost preservation and power efficiency resources are typically used to solve the challenge of rising demand in most circumstances. Renewable energy sources, on the other hand, are gaining attention as a solution to the growing demand for energy for several purposes are obtained by,
(9) | ||
(10) |
Power quality is primarily concerned with changes in voltage and current magnitude and form. A variety of issues emerge, including power factor , transient and flicker ) problems. If experiencing any of these issues, consider using a distributed energy storage system . The power waveform is unaffected by any secondary oscillations or interruptions are defined in the above formula (9) and (10).
Figure 4 Process of ECES.
Globally, the use of electricity generated from renewable resources has grown at an astonishing rate. Even while variable resources are more readily available, it does not mean they are more efficient at producing the energy needed. In other words, the progression predicts more network load stability issues. Now, electrical energy storage is a requirement illustrated in Figure 4. For that reason, storing solar or wind power is a significant challenge because of the high cost of the infrastructure required. Keeping acquisition and maintenance costs in taking environmental concerns into account is necessary for decision-making. To be efficient, organizations charged with supervising renewable energy resources must reevaluate their current positions and develop strategies for responding to new demands. The investigation will take a look at many viewpoints. Power grid systems device that converts electrical energy into forms that may be stored and then converted back into electrical energy as needed with the help of a distributed storage system.
When electricity has been delivered from the transmission system to the end-user, it is time for electric power distribution. The distribution system is the electrical network that connects the transmission system’s substation to the final customer. There are collectors, distributors, and other components in this system.
The form of unwanted gases resulting from chemical combinations is influenced by the electricity purchased from the supporting tower and power plant. The power plant generates a large amount of heat energy and various gases used in the hospital and for industrial purposes. An industrialized plant capable of generating energy is referred to as a power plant. The majority process of ECES to be obtained can be expressed mathematically as follows:
(11) |
Equation (11) gives is the unit cost parameter for carbon deduction, is the complete change for carbon reduction on a power plant. is the action of time and is the time, is double the action time for carbon emission to completely change the carbon reduction, is the double unit cost on the action of time, . And is the unit cost to increase the value for monitoring the environment.
(12) |
Equation (12) says the the capacity of power to reduce by the emission and by multiplying the emission of gases to the summation value limits of is the unknown value is greater than or equal to 1 for enhancement of values. is the unit energy on the time factor and the action of the time deduction factor using integral.
Figure 5 Emissions of greenhouse gases.
Figure 5 depicts the amount of gas emitted into the atmosphere due to people’s unintentional activities, as determined by the ECES model. Most electricity generation facilities use turbines to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy and then supply it to the grid to meet societal demands. Photovoltaic solar energy plants are an exception, as they harness the sun’s energy to generate electricity. When people use a vehicle, it can produce standard chemical components, and fuel combustion causes problems for the environment—the notion of emissions or exhaust gas causes fuels to explode in the air due to cars. The ECES model relies heavily on the furnace’s composition, number, and location where the fuel is burned. Vehicles emit CO, SF, CH, and NO as well as HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons). The disposal of solid waste contributes significantly to the rise in greenhouse gas concentrations. As a result, collecting and recycling must be optimized for performance management to reduce pollution.
(13) |
Equation (13) gives the is the gas emission consumption by any device, is the consumption of heat and electricity, is the net calorific value of the devices, and is the carbon factor. is the unit conversion coefficient, and summation is used to integrate these values. In this capturing, the value of this equation gives the current emission of carbon emission.
(14) |
Equation (14) illustrates the as the complete carbon dioxide emission and Carbon is a greenhouse gas exclusively. is the carbon burnt from the combustion of fossil fuels and other unwanted substances. It functions as a greenhouse gas into the atmosphere, which causes ozone to worsen and leads to more ultraviolet light going beyond the stratosphere, causing more significant cancer issues and the destruction of several animals and plants.
As a result of fossil energy use, aeroplane fuel combustion releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The ECES model’s electricity generation standard is converted using a specific estimate of energy usage. Calculating greenhouse emissions necessitates the use of real-time data to capture the quantity of electricity used, followed by the use of conversion factors. Companies can estimate their GHG emissions from various activities by using calculations. Vegetables and tropical flowers, for example, are commonly grown in greenhouses. Even in the coldest months, a greenhouse keeps its occupants warm. The greenhouse’s plants and air are warmed by sunshine during the day.
Using a computational formula, a PV simulator tracks the output voltage and changes the output current to match it. As the load changes, the virtuous cycle Behind one renewable energy, PV will be the second-biggest producer of electricity by 2050. It will set the stage for a major restructuring of the world’s electrical industry. One-quarter (25%) of the world’s total electricity needs will be met by solar PV by 2050.
Figure 6 Path diagram for PV power system.
In the ECES model, distributed power from the supporting towers transfers towers to the power distribution panel, where the energy is used. Using several electrical amenities has been possible due to numerous technological advances in the average user’s day-to-day work. Transmission of power to wired and wireless connections occurs through the distribution part of the internet infrastructure.
(15) |
Equation (15) gives the power construction factor of where is the overall factor in monitoring energy consumption, and is the energy factor. is the power from the supporting tower to the distribution node as is the current from the tower, is the power distribution factor to the object, is the power distribution parameter. is the overall current distribution, while is the current through the converter. is the internet facility with no interrupt condition and is the overall process through the energy consumption factor. is the managing internet parameter without interruption through the building, is the no interruption factor over some of the places in the network.
Using semiconducting materials that exhibit the photovoltaic effect, photovoltaics (PV) is the process of converting light into electricity. This phenomenon has been explored in physics, photochemical reactions, and electrochemistry. Electricity is generated, and sensors are developed using the photovoltaic effect. Solar-generated electricity is free of pollutants and virtually noiseless. There are no hazardous pollutants discharged into the atmosphere, mineral wealth is not deauditpleted, or PV systems do not threaten the health of animals and humans. In terms of noise and visual intrusion, photovoltaic methods are great
Electricity storage systems and advanced power electronics play an important technological role and provide several financial benefits when used together in power electronics problems.
According to the current situation, many factors are emerging that may increase demand for energy storage systems in the ECES model. Stochastic generation from renewables is increasing, transmission infrastructure is becoming increasingly strained since new lines are being built slower than demand, micro-grids are emerging as part of distributed grid architecture, and by implementing our proposed model ECES, and there is an enhancement in reliability and security in the supply of electricity.
The baseload dispersed energy storage systems significantly reduce power variability and improve voltage stability. The primary application points are the measurement and location of the systems to store and distribute electricity. The essential role of power storage is to complement the grid operator many power sources, such as wind, solar, hydropower, nuclear and fossil fuels, and requirement supplies and performance parameters assets. In some cases, it can perform the functions of a generation, transmitting, and distribution asset all in the same device. Using superconductive electricity through the photovoltaic effect, photovoltaics (PV) converts light into electricity. These phenomena have been explored in physics, photochemical reactions, and electrochemistry. Power is generated, and sensors are developed using the photovoltaic effect.
Following the implementation in Section 3, the mathematical expression shows how different policies impact economic growth. Because major infrastructure energy consumption is really high and intricate, the strategy to improve ways must promote the existing approach. ECES system’s energetic counselling structure has provided comprehensive data that has allowed them to keep tabs on all output determinants. Technical conditions heavily influence PV power generation and ES charges, and these expenses directly impact the overall investment costs.
Figure 7 Reliability analysis ratio.
Because of the detailed information provided by ECES systems, it is now possible to keep track of all output factors. Reliability analysis is shown in Figure 7 and includes the SEGIS, PV-IRRMs, and ECES approaches proposed. It provides the sensing environment and offers a visual representation for customer reliability through the reliability system of ECES is ensured by evaluating the energy usage based on environmental considerations in the cutting-edge technological world.
“Latest and elevated IT advances” describe cutting-edge technology. The term “cutting edge” is frequently used to describe outstanding and creative IT firms. The profit from being on the cutting edge of innovative technologies as a company. In turn, this keeps us going in the proper path, away from complacent and forward of our rivals. Trying to capture someone who is constantly moving forward is challenging.
Simulated results of the proposed ECES system are shown in Table 1. Simulation nodes range from 10 to 100, and results like the number of nodes detected and the performance ratio are scrutinized. There is a comparison between the proposed ECES system’s simulation results and the traditional PVSE model, and the outcome is shown in the above table. According to the findings, the suggested ECES system is more effective than the existing model under all circumstances.
Table 1 ECES and PV performance comparison
Performance (%) | ||
Iterations | PVSE | ECES |
10 | 34.8 | 57.1 |
20 | 37.9 | 61.2 |
30 | 39.7 | 64.4 |
40 | 41.3 | 69.4 |
50 | 43.0 | 72.9 |
60 | 45.2 | 76.1 |
70 | 47.2 | 78.6 |
80 | 49.7 | 80.1 |
90 | 51.7 | 82.7 |
100 | 53.3 | 85.1 |
Figure 8 Performance comparison of EDRL-IVS.
Performance analysis is a highly specialized field that uses systematic observations and visual feedback to provide objective statistical data to help with performance and decision-making. Figure 8 contrasts PVSE with the newly developed approach, ECES, which outperforms the previous system.
Table 2 Accuracy comparison of ECES
Iterations | SA-ESSC | PV-IRRM | ECES |
10 | 47.2 | 50.4 | 71.4 |
20 | 48.4 | 53.6 | 74.7 |
30 | 49.5 | 56.8 | 76.3 |
40 | 52.7 | 58.5 | 77.7 |
50 | 54.8 | 60.7 | 81.9 |
60 | 55.9 | 62.2 | 83.1 |
70 | 59.4 | 61.3 | 85.2 |
80 | 60.6 | 65.6 | 88.5 |
90 | 63.8 | 68.8 | 90.6 |
100 | 66.2 | 69.2 | 95.6 |
Table 2 shows a comparison of ECES vs traditional methods, with the latter yielding superior outcomes. The three methodologies discussed above allow us to calculate the average task delay based on the processing capacity of the PV system in distributed energy strategies. PV systems are in demand to power the grid in many countries, and many academics are working to develop new PV systems with power management.
Because it examines all of a facility’s primary energy-consuming systems, a thorough audit yields an actionable energy project implementation strategy. This audit form provides the most accurate estimation of energy efficiency and cost reductions.
Figure 9 Accuracy comparison of EDRL-IVS with other methods.
Figure 10 Comparison of energy storage.
Figure 9 shows that standards should be established for the control of current and voltage, as well as how a device responds when the regulating grid is disrupted. The simulation results of the proposed ECES system are compared to those of the conventional PVSE model, and the final results are shown in the above figure. As a result of these observations, the proposed ECES system has proven superior to the current model in all situations.
This Figure 10 obtained by the Equations (5) and (6).
To summarize, using energy consumption based on reliability, accuracy, and performance comparison of ECES with existing methods helped describe our proposed approach model’s methodology and related approaches. Correct explanations of energy consumption are provided to overcome the difficulties associated with novel approaches. The ECES model’s efficiency is estimated at 95.6% based on the findings of previous methods.
This research examines the DPV and ES systems’ economic performance now used by individuals and businesses. To date, China’s government regulations, particularly those relating to financial assistance for solar power, mean that the economic benefits and PV and ES projects in homes and businesses could provide a high return on investment. The economic results of these initiatives differ according to the investment fields and government policies used in the ECES method. Depending on the industry, electricity costs, installed capacity, and power consumption differs. Since businesses act differently economically than households, their economic performance is varied.
One of the most important factors to consider when looking into DPV/ES projects is the battery capacity, especially for business users. For the research, ECES to be most economically efficient examined by the investor’s development pattern. Future calculations of the economic benefits of ES use in ancillary services could take into account both the storage and environmental value of supplemental services by formulating a comprehensive compensation mechanism for ES use and implementing renewable energy green electricity certificates. By emphasizing to boost the usage of renewable energy and decrease reliance on fossil fuels by integrating energy-storage technology and improving all energy systems’ efficiency by 95.6%.
The proposed technique improves the Reliability analysis ratio of 95.4%, Performance analysis comparison ratio of 98.6%, accuracy analysis ratio of 91.3%, ECES model’s efficiency is estimated at 95.6%. CO, methane, nitrous oxide, as well as smaller trace gases such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride (SHF) make up the total greenhouse gas emission (SF). It will be considered for the future work.
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Xiumin Niu received the bachelor’s degree in statistics from Shandong Technology and Business University in 2004, the master’s degree in statistics from Jinan University in 2006, and the doctor’s degree in statistics from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in 2016, respectively. She is currently a lecturer in the School of Economics and Management of Leshan Normal University. Her research areas include energy economy, environmental economy and carbon emissions.
Xufeng Luo received the bachelor’s degree in Measurement and control technology and instruments from Southwest Petroleum University in 2006, the master’s degree in Materials Engineering from Sichuan University in 2021, respectively. He is currently a lecturer in the School of Electronics and Materials Engineering of Leshan Normal University and a researcher at the Western China Silicon Materials and New Energy Industry Technology Research Institute. His research areas include new photovoltaic energy and semiconductor silicon materials.
Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal, Vol. 38_4, 1197–1222.
doi: 10.13052/dgaej2156-3306.3846
© 2023 River Publishers
1 Introduction Todistributed Photovoltaic and Energy Storage
2 Existing Policies on Photovoltaic in the Energy Storage Industry
3 Implementation of Energy Conservation and Energy Source (ECES)
3.2 Distributed Energy Storage Framework
3.3 Importance of Integration of Energy-Storage Technologies
3.4 Energy Conservation and Energy Storage (ECES) Method
3.5 Energies Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
3.6 Distributed PV Power System
4.1 Reliability Ratio Analysis
4.2 Performance Analysis of ECES and PV