Study on Life-Cycle Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gases Emission of Battery Electric Passenger Vehicles in China
Life cycle assessment, battery electric passenger vehicle, energy consumption, greenhouse gases.Abstract
Based on the localized data of environmental load, this study has established
the life cycle assessment (LCA) model of battery electric passenger vehicle
(BEPV) that be produced and used in China, and has evaluated the energy
consumption and greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission during vehicle pro-
duction and operation. The results show that the total energy consumption
and GHG emissions are 438GJ and 37,100kg (in terms of CO2 equivalent)
respectively. The share of GHG emissions in total emissions at the production
stage is 24.6%, and 75.4% GHG emissions are contributed by the operational
stage. The main source of energy consumption and GHG emissions at vehicle
production stage is the extraction and processing of raw materials. The
GHG emissions of raw materials production accounts for 75.0% in the GHG
emissions of vehicle production and 18.0% in the GHG emissions of full
life cycle. The scenario analysis shows that the application of recyclable
materials, power grid GHG emission rates and vehicle energy consumption rates have significant influence on the carbon emissions in the life cycle of
vehicle. Replacing primary metals with recycled metals can reduce GHG
emissions of vehicle production by about 7.3%, and total GHG emissions
can be reduced by about 1.8%. For every 1% decrease in GHG emissions
per unit of electricity, the GHG emissions of operation stage will decrease by
about 0.9%; for every 1.0% decrease in vehicle energy consumption rate, the
total GHG emissions decrease by about 0.8%. Therefore, developing clean
energy, reducing the proportion of coal power, optimizing the production
of raw materials and increasing the application of recyclable materials are
effective ways to improve the environmental performance of BEPV.
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