Performance Evaluation of Two Medium-Grade Power Generation Systems with CO2 Based Transcritical Rankine Cycle (CTRC)


  • Kshitiz Sajwan Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, Noida
  • Meeta Sharma Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India
  • Anoop Kumar Shukla Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India



CO2 – Transcritical rankine cycle, multiple waste heat, utiliza- tion rate, exergy destruction.


As CO2 is emerging as an environment friendly working fluid its application
in high temperature engine’s waste heat recovery systems is found to be
more suitable than other hydrocarbons. This paper presents a performance
comparison of two systems based on transcritical Rankine cycle using CO2
as working fluid. A heavy-duty truck is opted for analysis in which coolant
is used to preheat CO2 and further the engine exhaust is used to transfer
the heat to main heater. The System-1 and System-2 having single and dual
loop based transcritical Rankine cycle are analysed. The independent param-
eters taken for the investigative analysis are turbine inlet temperature (TIT),
pressure ratio and effectiveness of heat exchangers. Comparison results show
that System-2 is producing 11.8 kW more power than system-1 at 12 MPa
pressure ratio and at 489◦C TIT. However, under same conditions, system-1 is
having 16.88% of thermal efficiency which is higher than system-2 by around
3%. Further, the Engine coolant utilization rates when compared are nearly
same in both the systems, the exhaust gas utilization rate came out higher
for System-2. In respect of exergy destruction, system-1 shows maximum
destruction in regenerator and System-2 in heater-2.


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Author Biographies

Kshitiz Sajwan, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, Noida

Kshitiz Sajwan is research scholar of M.Tech. Automobile Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering Department, Amity University, Noida. UP, India.

Meeta Sharma, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India

Meeta Sharma is working as an Associate Professor in the Mechanical
Engineering Department, Amity University, Noida. She is Ph.D from Dr.
A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, India. Her area of interest
are combined cycle power plants, cogeneration plants, waste heat recovery
systems, solar energy, Heat Transfer and Applied Thermodynamics etc. She is
also a member of professional body like Institution of Engineers, ISHMT etc.

Anoop Kumar Shukla, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India

Anoop Kumar Shukla is currently an assistant professor in the Department
of Mechanical Engineering Amity University Noida India. He received his
master and doctoral degree from Harcourt Butler Technological Institute
Kanpur. His research interest concern energy conversion and thermal man-
agement, hybrid power cycles, Biofuels, gas turbine cooling, and advanced
thermodynamics. is currently an assistant professor in the Department
of Mechanical Engineering Amity University Noida India. He received his
master and doctoral degree from Harcourt Butler Technological Institute
Kanpur. His research interest concern energy conversion and thermal man-
agement, hybrid power cycles, Biofuels, gas turbine cooling, and advanced


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How to Cite

Sajwan, K. ., Sharma, M. ., & Shukla, A. K. . (2021). Performance Evaluation of Two Medium-Grade Power Generation Systems with CO2 Based Transcritical Rankine Cycle (CTRC). Distributed Generation &Amp; Alternative Energy Journal, 35(2), 111–138.


