Modeling Renewables Based Hybrid Power System with Desalination Plant Load Using Neural Networks
Renewable energy; Hybrid power system; ANN, Desalina - tion; RO; Solar; Wind; Battery, storageAbstract
Hybrid power system is seen as a viable alternative to the conven -
tional systems. Estimating the potential of these hybrid power systems
for a selected site is a major input required for making informed deci -
sions. Often, estimation of the kWhr production is a very elaborate and
tedious exercise due to lack of a reliable model for the same. This article
proposed an Artificial Neural Network based model that can be used to
easily estimate the total kWhr/year for a given combination of Solar PV,
Wind generator and Battery. The variable load considered for the model
is a desalination plant load. The data is modelled using Neural Network
and validated. The proposed Neural Network model offers a reliable
estimation on the total annual power generation for a given combination
of Solar PV, Wind generator and battery capacity,
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