The First and Second Law Analyses of Thermodynamics of Potato Slices Drying Process


  • S.K. Shukla Indian Institute of Technology, Varnasi, India
  • A.K Srivastava SRMGPC, Lucknow, India
  • U.K. Singh K.N.I.T., Sultanpur, India



solar collector, solar dryer, energetic efficiency, exergetic ef- ficiency, exergy loss


The objective of the work being presented is to investigate the
thermal performance of indirect, multi-tray solar drying system. Ex -
pressions for exergy in, exergy out and exergy loss for flat plate solar
collector, drying chamber and trays kept in drying chamber were writ -
ten under steady state conditions. Experiments were performed for 6
to 8 hours on two days namely 14/03/2014 and 24/03/2014 and the
observations taken on 24/03/14 has been analyzed using Energetic and
Exegetic approach. The value of first law efficiency for flat plate solar
collector and solar dryer varied between 10% to 30.49% and 4.009% to
9.45% respectively. Second law efficiency of solar collector and solar
dryer have been found varying from 0.7126% to 1.829%.and 49.85% to
67.75% respectively. The Exergetic efficiency for tray 1, tray 2 and tray
3 has been computed and these values varied from 90.43% to 93.412%,
72.684% to 92.352% and 78.179% to 94.61% for each trays respectively.
Considering heavy energy and exergy losses from flat plate solar collec -
tor and drying chamber, the results of first Law and second Law efficien -
cies are in fair agreement with each other.


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Author Biographies

S.K. Shukla, Indian Institute of Technology, Varnasi, India

S.K. Shukla is a professor in Mechanical Engineering Department,
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India. He has been post
graduated and completed his Ph.D. from IIT Delhi. His areas of interest
are thermal engineering, heat and mass transfer analysis in solar thermal
systems and design of renewable energy systems, modeling etc.

A.K Srivastava, SRMGPC, Lucknow, India

A.K Srivastava, corresponding author, is a faculty of SRMGPC
Lucknow. He is pursuing Ph.D. from Dr. A.P.J.A.K.T.U. Lucknow for -
merly known as U.P.T.U Lucknow India. He has more than 20 years of
teaching experience in the area of mechanical engineering with thermal
engineering as specialization. E-mail:

U.K. Singh, K.N.I.T., Sultanpur, India

U.K. Singh is a retired professor and head of department, K.N.I.T.
Sultanpur (U.P.), India affiliated with Dr. A.P.J.A.K.T.U Lucknow for -
merly known as U.P.T.U. Lucknow. He has more than 40 years of teach -
ing experience of various levels. His area of interests are machine design,
fluid mechanics and design of mechanical engineering equipments etc.
He is credited with publications of 19 research papers in international
journals and 36 in various national journals of repute.


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How to Cite

Shukla, S. ., Srivastava, A. ., & Singh, U. . (2017). The First and Second Law Analyses of Thermodynamics of Potato Slices Drying Process. Distributed Generation &Amp; Alternative Energy Journal, 32(4), 7–25.


