Converting LPG Stoves To Use Biomethane
Biomethane, LPG, Domestic Stove, Porous Burner, Vertical Burner, Wobbe IndexAbstract
This article presents a study on using portable biomethane for
domestic cooking in Thailand in domestic stoves. Thailand presently
uses approximately 20,000 tonnes of LPG every day. It is estimated that
Thailand has the potential to produce the equivalent of 3,000 tonnes
of LPG equivalent energy from compressed biomethane gas (CBG) per
day. This assumes full conversion of all agricultural, industrial and mu-
nicipal wastes into CBG. Since CBG is a form of renewable energy, the
use of it for domestic cooking purposes will help to reduce Thailand’s
dependence on imported energy and have a positive impact on the en-
vironment. The difficulty arises when a cylinder of biomethane, which
is processed biogas comprising of at least 85% methane, is used instead
of LPG, which is comprised of propane and butane, in a cooking stove.
The Wobbe index for LPG is approximately double that of biomethane
indicating that they are not interchangeable gases. The density of LPG
is also 2 - 3 times that of biomethane which results in incompatible
calorific or heating values and flow rates, assuming constant pressure,
in domestic stoves. Without modification to the stove or the supply
conditions the biomethane will not properly combust. Two domestic
stoves types were selected and modified to allow biomethane to be
used. An experiment was setup to measure the fuel flow rates, pressure
and combustion efficiency in these modified stoves. The results of these
experiments point to an optimal design modifications for converting an
LPG to a biomethane stove.
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