Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of a Solar Distillation System with PCM Storage: Energy and Exergy Analysis


  • Ali Abdulruda Farhan Al-Hamadani Department of Mechanical Engineer- ing Wasit University, Iraq
  • S.K. Shukla Centre for Energy Re - sources and Development, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Vara- nasi, India.




Water distillation; Solar energy; Exergy; Efficiency; Melting, Lauric acid, Myristic acid


This article presents the experimental performance investigation of
solar still integrated with two types of phase change materials namely
Lauric acid and Myristic acid independently, used as storage medium
of solar energy. The experiments were performed during the months of
April-May 2011, under Indian climatic conditions. The effect of input
parameters such as mass of water in basin and mass of phase change
material integrated with solar still basin on productivity of the solar still
has been studied. Also on the basis of the experimental data the values
of exergy and energy were calculated. It has been found that (i) produc-
tivity of solar still integrated with Lauric acid is 22% more than the solar
still integrated with Myristic acid. (ii) the energy efficiencies for solar
still integrated with Lauric acid and Myristic acid are found to be 39.6%
and 34.4% where as exergy efficiencies values are 0.29% and 0.74% re -
spectively (iii) the cost of using Lauric acid is lesser than using Myristic
acid for same amount of productivity.


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Author Biographies

Ali Abdulruda Farhan Al-Hamadani, Department of Mechanical Engineer- ing Wasit University, Iraq

Ali Abdulruda Farhan Al-Hamadani is teaching for more than 10
years and currently working in the Department of Mechanical Engineer-
ing Wasit University, Iraq as Assistant Lecturer in Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. He has been graduated from Babylon University College of
Engineering, Iraq in 1994 and post graduated from Technology Univer-
sity College of Engineering in 2003.
Currently he is pursuing Ph.D. in the field of Solar Thermal Engi -
neering System form IIT (BHU) Varanasi, India. His areas of interest are
Modelling of Solar Distillation System, Life Cycle Cost Analysis etc.

S.K. Shukla, Centre for Energy Re - sources and Development, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Vara- nasi, India.

S.K. Shukla is working as Coordinator, Centre for Energy Re -
sources and Development, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Vara-
nasi, India. He has been post graduated and completed his Ph.D. from
IIT Delhi. His areas of interest are Thermal Engineering, Heat and Mass
Transfer Analysis in Solar Thermal Systems and Design of Renewable
Energy Systems, Modelling etc.


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How to Cite

Al-Hamadani, A. A. F. ., & Shukla, S. . (2014). Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of a Solar Distillation System with PCM Storage: Energy and Exergy Analysis. Distributed Generation &Amp; Alternative Energy Journal, 29(4), 7–24. https://doi.org/10.13052/dgaej2156-3306.2941


