Active Power Filters in Aircraft Electric Power Systems: A Comparison Among Conventional and Advanced Compensation Techniques
Aircraft electric power systems, aircraft active power filter, ANN, fuzzy logic control, adaptive blanket body search algorithm, genetic algorithm, more electric aircraft.Abstract
The world is moving towards more electric aircraft due to its benefits for more efficiency and less dependence on conventional energy. However, as conventional energy has its drawback of reduced total energy efficiency for aircraft, the use of more electronics is accountable for higher losses, unbalance currents, reduced power supply performance, and generation of harmonics. In this paper, a comparison among three conventional control techniques (Synchronous Rotating Frame, Sinusoidal Current Control and Constant Instantaneous Power Control) and advanced control techniques (ANN, fuzzy logic controller, genetic algorithm, adaptive blanket body cover algorithm, the combination of ANN & fuzzy logic controller and ANN with the application of genetic & adaptive blanket body search algorithm) for aircraft shunt active power filter has been proposed. Furthermore, the best control schemes for aircraft active power filters will be proposed to depend upon the THD of source current and voltage and the compensation time (speed).
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