Dynamic Analysis of VSC-HVDC System with Disturbances in the Adjacent AC Networks





Voltage source converter, HVDC line, Frequency response, Protection system, Vector control, Transient voltage regulation, Efficiency, Wind farm, Faults


VSC-HVDC systems are widely used to integrate wind farms, asynchronous generations and networks operating at different frequencies. The Multi-terminal (MT) and multi-fed (MF) HVDC’s are the system mainly constituted of VSC’s, to integrate renewable sources and transmitting bulk power to conventional AC grids. A sudden change in the steady state even in adjacent networks may create severe disturbances in the operation of such HVDC systems. The disturbances in AC or DC networks directly influence the performance of systems, particularly in MT-HVDC and MF-HVDC systems. However, the HVDC systems are known for their intelligent control in modulating operational states as and when required. This paper presents the dynamic analysis of MF-HVDC system due to load changes, faults and other disturbances in the adjacent AC networks. The result indicates that VSC-HVDC provides decoupled control of active and reactive power with capability in adjusting operational mode during various minor and major disturbances. Based on the results obtained, the paper proposed a novel sensitivity factor indicating percentage coupling among various line parameters during disturbances. Furthermore, the VSC’s injects harmonic signals on both AC and DC sides of HVDC system. These harmonics voltage or currents signals may get amplified to a dangerously high magnitude at resonance frequencies. Thus, the frequency characteristics of different subsystems are also analyzed using FFT. A ±100 kV, 200 MW bipolar MF VSC-HVDC test systems is used to simulated the results in MATLAB/Simulink software.


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Author Biographies

Ravi Shankar Tiwari, 1)NIT Jamshedpur, 831014, India 2)GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, 281406, India

Ravi Shankar Tiwari received the bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Govt. Engineering College, Rewa, M.P, India in 2007 and the M. Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering with specialization in power system from VJTI, Mumbai, India, in 2010. He is an Assistant Professor at the department of Electrical Engineering, GLA University, Mathura, India and currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, India. His research interest is power system protection, renewable and distributed generation.

Rahul Kumar, NIT Jamshedpur, 831014, India

Rahul Kumar received the bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from MIT Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India in 2018. He received M. Tech degree with specialization in power electronics and drives from NIT Jamshedpur, India in 2022. Currently, he is working Faculty Trainees in Hemlata Group of Institution, Assam, India. His major research area includes power system protection, HVDC & FACTS.

Om Hari Gupta, NIT Jamshedpur, 831014, India

Om Hari Gupta is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, India. He received the Ph.D. degree (Electrical Engineering) from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India. He is a recipient of the Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship for research visiting the Ontario Tech University (Formerly University of Ontario Institute of Technology), Oshawa, ON, Canada in 2017. His major areas of research interests include Power System Protection, Microgrid, Renewable-based Distributed Generation, and Electric Power Quality. Dr. Gupta is a senior member of IEEE and a reviewer for various international journals including IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Electric Power Components and Systems, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, etc.

Vijay K. Sood, Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, ON, Canada

Vijay K. Sood received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Bradford, Bradford, U.K., in 1977. He is currently an Associate Professor at Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, Canada. He has extensive experience in the simulation of HVDC-FACTS systems and their controllers. He has authored two textbooks on HVDC Transmission. His research focuses on the monitoring, control, and protection of power systems and integration of renewable energy systems into the smart grid. Dr. Sood is a Registered Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario, a Fellow of the IEEE, Engineering Institute of Canada, and Emeritus Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.


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How to Cite

Tiwari, R. S. ., Kumar, R. ., Gupta, O. H. ., & Sood, V. K. . (2023). Dynamic Analysis of VSC-HVDC System with Disturbances in the Adjacent AC Networks. Distributed Generation &Amp; Alternative Energy Journal, 38(05), 1403–1432. https://doi.org/10.13052/dgaej2156-3306.3853


