Nodal Electricity Price Based Optimal Size and Location of DGs in Electrical Distribution Networks Using ANT LION Optimization Algorithm


  • Md Irfan Ahmed Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Patna, India
  • Ramesh Kumar Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Patna, India



Distributed generation (DG), locational marginal price (LMP), distribution network (DN), electricity market (EM), antlion optimization (ALO), optimal size and location (OSL)


Distribution system has been the weakest link in the entire power system supply chain. It is also one of the most vital parts of the power system. However, a lot of methods have been developed to improve the condition of the distribution system. The use of distributed generations (DGs) is one such method where the generated power is closer to the load center, and the DG is also providing ancillary services to the grid. The nodal electricity price for DGs location is determined based on the Locational Marginal Price (LMP). LMP implies the price to buy and sell power at each node within electrical distribution markets. In the nodal electricity market (EM), the cost of energy is determined by the location of DG to which it is provided. This paper presents a novel approach that utilizes nodal electricity price for optimal sizing and location (OSL) of DGs. A multi-objective ANTLION optimization (MOALO) has been utilized as an optimization approach to compute the OSL of DGs units. ANTLION optimization (ALO) is based on the unique hunting behaviour of antlions. Optimization has been done for social welfare maximization, loss minimization, and voltage profile improvement in distribution networks (DNs). The results of the proposed technique have been evaluated for IEEE 33 bus DNs.


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Author Biographies

Md Irfan Ahmed, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Patna, India

Md Irfan Ahmed received the bachelor’s degree in electrical and electronics engineering from MITS Rayagada, Orissa in 2009, the master’s degree in power system engineering from National Institute of Technology Patna in 2014, and he is currently pursuing Ph.D. from National Institute of Technology Patna, Bihar, India. His current research interest includes electricity markets, distributed generation, and power system economics.

Ramesh Kumar, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Patna, India

Ramesh Kumar received the bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Patna University, in 1986, the master’s degree in control system engineering from Patna University in 2001, and the philosophy of doctorate degree in Electrical Engineering from Patna University in 2009. He is currently working as Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Patna. His research areas include control system, distributed generation, and power system economics.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, M. I. ., & Kumar, R. . (2022). Nodal Electricity Price Based Optimal Size and Location of DGs in Electrical Distribution Networks Using ANT LION Optimization Algorithm. Distributed Generation &Amp; Alternative Energy Journal, 38(01), 111–140.



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