Effect of Nonlocal Elasticity and Phase Lags on the Magneto Thermoelastic Waves in a Composite Cylinder with Hall Current

Rajendran Selvamani1,*, S. Mahesh2 and Farzad Ebrahimi3

1Department of Mathematics, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, India
2Department of Mathematics, V.S.B. Engineering College, Karur, India-639111
3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
E-mail: selvam1729@gmail.com; maheshfuzzy1@gmail.com
*Corresponding Author

Received 26 September 2022; Accepted 09 June 2023; Publication 11 July 2023


In this study, the effect of nonlocal scale value and two phases lags on the free vibration of generalized magneto thermoelastic multilayered LEMV (Linear Elastic Material with Voids)/CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) composite cylinder is studied using nonlocal form of linear theory of elasticity. The governing equation of motion is established in longitudinal axis and variable separation model is used to transform the governing equations into a system of differential equations. To investigate vibration analysis from frequency equations, the stress free boundary conditions are adopted at the inner, outer and interface boundaries. The graphical representation of the numerically calculated results for frequency shift, natural frequency, and thermoelastic damping is presented. A special care has been taken to inspect the effect of nonlocal parameter on the aforementioned quantities. The results suggest that the nonlocal scale and the phase lag parameters alter the vibration characteristics of composite cylinders significantly.

Keywords: Multilayered cylinders, non local, LEMV/CFRP, thermoelastic, phase lags, hall current.

1 Introduction

The anticipated models of nonlocal elasticity and nonlocal thermoelasticity solids be subject to different approaches of additional functions of solid mechanics and go through stress-strain relations, governing equations and laws of equilibrium, were deliberated by [16]. Under the precise conditions studied, the response of both models is identical for steady homogeneous flows such as steady simple shear flow or pure extension by [7]. To put the method to the test, some important problems in 2D incompressible elasticity are addressed. It is demonstrated that it can be effectively used to capture large strains of incompressible solids by [8]. A center manifold reduction theorem for quasilinear elliptic equations posed on infinite cylinders that is done without a phase space in the sense that we avoid explicitly reformulating the PDE as an evolution problem, as well as an exact solution for the problem of large deformations of torsion, axial tension–compression, and radial expansion or shrinkage of an elastic hollow circular cylinder equipped with pre-stressed elastic coatings and the effect of preliminary stresses coatings on the stress–strain state of a cylindrical pipe by [9, 10]. New approach opens a new avenue to modeling of soft materials accurately and conveniently at large deformation, directly from the data by [11]. Vibration analysis of multilayered composite LEMV/CFRP cylinders are investigated and the effect of the rotation, initial stress and gravity discussed by [1215].

Layered shells subjected to static loading are taken into account. The theory is founded on a variational formulation in which the associated Euler-Lagrange equations include, in addition to the usual shell equations formulated in stress resultants, the equilibrium of higher order stress resultants resulting from the thickness integration of the local equilibrium equations by [16]. A rigorous (nonlinear) basic state and asymptotic analysis of buckling of compressed thin cylindrical shells are used and novel singular-perturbation problem that arises as a result of the preceding problems by [17]. The phenomenon of snap-buckling in an infinitely long nanocomposite cylindrical panel subjected to uniformly distributed transverse pressure loading is investigated by [18]. [19] deliberated thermoelastic solutions for thermal distributions moving over thin slim rod under memory-dependent three-phase lag magneto-thermoelasticity and memory response in a magneto-thermoelastic rod with moving heat source based on Eringen’s nonlocal theory under dual-phase lag heat conduction. [20] debated three-dimensional thermoelasticity analysis of graphene platelets reinforced cylindrical panel. [22] deliberated nonlocal theory of thermoelastic materials with voids and fractional derivative heat transfer. [23] studied thermoelastic interactions on hyperbolic two-temperature generalized thermoelasticity in an infinite medium with a cylindrical cavity. [24] investigated of thermal preloading and porosity effects on the nonlocal nonlinear instability of FG nanobeams with geometrical imperfection. The combined effect of electric and magnetic field in a conductor is known as hall current due to their properties its more attention. Lata and Singh [2527] studied the wave propagation in nonlocal magneto-thermoelastic solids with Hall current and discussed the various effects on wave characteristics.

Forced vibration analysis in axisymmetric functionally graded viscothermoelastic hollow cylinder under dynamic pressure and effect of three-phase-lag model on the analysis of three-dimensional free vibrations of viscothermoelastic solid cylinder is discussed by [2832]. Effect of dual-phase-lag and three phase lag model on the vibration analysis of nonlocal generalized thermoelastic diffusive hollow sphere and hollow sphere with voids is investigated by [33].

In the current work, we originate the new constitutive relations and the governing equations for nonlocal thermoelastic multilayered composite cylinder in the existence of Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity model. Variable separation is used to convert the governing equations into a system of differential equations. For traction-free thermal boundary conditions, the frequency equation is investigated for the survival of a variety of possible modes in compact form: thermally insulated and isothermal boundary conditions. To investigate vibration analysis from frequency equations, we use the numerical technique to generate numerical data with the help of the Matlab software. The numerically computed and simulated results for frequency shift, natural frequency, and thermoelastic damping are addressed with graphs and tables.

2 Modelling of Problem

A homogeneous, transversely isotropic elastic cylinder of inner and outer radius x and a exposed with thermal field in axial direction is considered for the free vibration of nonlocal composite cylinder. The displacement with hall current and thermal field equations in cylindrical coordinates (r,z) is given by

σrr,rl+σrz,zl+r-1(σrrl)+(1-ϵ22)Fr=(1-ϵ22)ρu,ttl (1a)
σrz,rl+σzz,zl+r-1σrzl+(1-ϵ22)Fz=(1-ϵ22)ρw,ttl (1b)
  =(δ+τqt)[T0dT,tl+T0(β1(errl+eθθl)+β3e,zzl)] (1c)

The non-local stress strain relations are given as follows [31]

(1-ϵ22)σrrl =c11errl+c12eθθl+c13ezzl-β1Tl (2a)
(1-ϵ22)σzzl =c13errl+c13eθθl+c33ezzl-β3Tl (2b)
(1-ϵ22)σrzl =c44erzl (2c)

where σrrl, σrθl, σrzl, σθθl, σzzl, σθzl are the stress and errl,ezzl,eθθl,erθl,ezθl,erzl are the strain components, T is the temperature, c11,c12,c13,c33,c44,c66 are the elastic moduli, β1,β3 are thermal expansion moduli and K1,K3 thermal conductivities, ρ is density, cv is specific heat capacity and τθ and τq are phase lags. Here ϵ=e0a0 is the elastic nonlocal parameter, a0 is the internal characteristic length and e0 is a material constant.

The current density from the Jx=σ0μ0H01+m2(mu,t-w,t) and Jz=σ0μ0H01+m2 (u,t+mw,t) can be computed from the Lorentz’s force Fi=μ0(J×H0)i in which j=σ01+m2(E+μo(u˙×H-1enej×H0)) Lata and Singh [2021].

Where, σ0 is the electrical conductivity, m(=ωete) is the Hall parameter, ωe is the electronic frequency, te is the electron collision time, e is the charge of an electron, ne is the number of density of electrons.

The strains fields of the cylinder is taken as

errl =u,rleθθl=r-1(ul+v,θl),ezzl=w,zl
erθl =vrl-r-1(vl-u,θl),ezθl=v,zl+r-1w,θl,
erzl =w,rl+u,zl (3)

Substitution of the “Equation (2) and (2)” into “Equation (1)” gives the following small motion equations.

  -(1-ϵ22)μ02H02σ21+m2(u,t+mw,t)=(1-ϵ22)ρlu,tt (4a)
  -(1-ϵ22)μ02H02σ21+m2(mu,t-w,t)=(1-ϵ22)ρlw,tt (4b)
  =(δ+τqt)[T0dT,tl+T0(β1(u,rtl+r-1u,tl)+β3w,zl)] (4c)

where Kij is heat conduction coefficient, d=ρCvT0. The coupled thermoelasticity (CTE) theory may be obtained when τθ=τq=0 and δ=1 in “Equation (4c)”. The Lord–Shulman (LS) generalized thermoelasticity theory may be obtained when τθ,τq0, δ=1 in “Equation (4c)”. The Green–Naghdi (GN) thermoelasticity is obtained when τθ,τq0, δ=0 in “Equation (4c)”.

The time harmonic solutions of “Equation (4)”, is assumed as

ul =U,rlexp{i(kz+pt)}
wl =(ih)Wlexp{i(kz+pt)}
Tl =(c44β3)(ϕlh2)exp{i(kz+pt)} (5)

Where, ul,wl,φl indicates the displacement potential function, k is the wave number parameter, p is the angular frequency i=-1. For convenient problem solving, we set the following non-dimensional values x=ra,ε=ka,c=ρp, Ω=ρp2a2(1-ϵ22)2c44

c¯11 =c11(1-ϵ22)/c44,c¯13=c13(1-ϵ22)/c44,
c¯33 =c33(1-ϵ22)/c44,c¯66=c66(1-ϵ22)/c44,
β¯ =β1(1-ϵ22)/β3,k¯i=(ρc44)12β32T0aΩ,N=(1-ϵ22)2c44μ02H02σ21+m2.

Substituting “Equation (5)”, in “Equation (4)”, we obtain:

  +(iK¯11β¯a22(1+τt)+iK¯33β¯(1+ipτt)ε2-ρd¯ipβ¯(1-τq))ϕl=0 (6)

“Equation (2)”, can be written as in the following form using above relations

  ×(UlWlϕl)T=0 (7)

Bifurcating the “Equation (7)”, we can arrive

(A6+B4+C2+D)(UlWlϕl)T=0 (8)


A =c¯11iK¯11β¯a2(1+τt)
B =c¯11H+c¯11iK¯11β¯a2(1+τt)(Ω2-c¯33ε2+m(ph))
C =c¯11(Ω2-c¯33ε2+)H-c¯11ε2τqp2iac44-(Ω2-ε2)H
D =ε[(Ω2-ε2)-iNp]τqp2iac44
H =iK¯33β¯(1+ipτt)ε2-ρd¯ipβ¯(1-τq)

When the relationship given in “Equation (8)”, is factored into a biquadratic equation for (αjla)2, j = 1, 2, 3, 4 and the symmetric mode solutions are derived as

Ul =j=13[AjJn(αjx)+Bjyn(αjx)],
Wl =j=13ajl[AjJn(αjx)+Bjyn(αjx)],
ϕl =j=13bjl[AjJn(αjx)+Bjyn(αjx)], (9)

Where (αjlax)>0, for (j=1,2,3,4) are the zeros the following equation

(A(αjla)6+B(αjla)4+C(αjla)2+D)(UlWlϕl)T=0 (10)

The following relations ensure the values of the constants ajl,bjl and cjl in “Equation (9)”.


3 Motion Model for Linear Elastic Materials with Voids (LEMV)

The motion equation of displacement and equilibrated inertia of LEMV is modelled as

  -δkψ,tt-ωψ,t-ξψ=0 (11)

The LEMV stress is given as

σ,rr =(λ+2μ)u,r+λr-1u+λw,z+βϕ
σrz =μ(u,t+w,r).

The solution of “Equation (3)”, is considered as

u =U,rexpi(kz+pt)
w =(ih)Wexpi(kz+pt)
ψ =(1h2)χexpi(kz+pt) (12)

“Equation (3)”, can be reduced in the following determinant form for further estimation

|(λ+2μ)2+k1-k2k3k22μ¯2+k4k5-k32k5α2+k6|(U,W,χ)=0 (13)


2 =2x2+1xx
k1 =(ch)2ρρ1-ε2μ¯,k2=(λ¯+μ¯)ε,k3=β¯,
k4 =(ch)2ρρ1-ε2(λ¯+μ¯),k5=β¯ε
k6 =ρρ1(ch)2k¯-α¯ε2-iω¯(ch)-ξ¯

The “Equation (13)”, can be rewritten as,

(6+P114+P122+P13)(U,W,ψ)=0 (14)



The solution of “Equation (14)”, is estimated as

U =j=13[AjJ0(αjx)+Bjy0(αjx)],
W =j=13aj[AjJ0(αjx)+Bjy0(αjx)],
χ =j=13bj[AjJ0(αjx)+Bjy0(αjx)],

The values of aj and bj are calculated from the following relations


4 Boundary Conditions-Frequency Equations

In order to get the required dispersion relation, the following boundary conditions are adopted along inner, outer and interface area of nonlocal composite cylinder.

(i) σrrl=σrzl=Tl=0 with l=1,3

(ii) σrrl=σrr; σrzl=σrz; Tl=0;

A 18 × 18 determinant is reached while plugging the above boundary conditions in the obtained solutions

|(Rij)|=0,(i,j=1,2,3,18) (15)

At x=x0 Where j=1,2,3

R1j =2c¯66(αj1x0)J1(α1jx0)-[(α1ja)2c¯11+ζc¯13alj+β¯blj]J0(α1jax0)
R2j =(ζ+aj1+β¯bj1)(αj1)J1(α1jx0)
R3j =bj1x0J0(α1jx0)-(αj1)J1(α1jx0)

And the other nonzero elements R1,j+4,R2,j+4,R3,j+4 and R4,j+4 are obtained by replacing J0 by J1 and y0 by y1.

At x=x1

R4j =2c¯66(αj1x1)J1(α1jx1)
R4,j+8 =-[2μ¯(αjx1)J1(αx1)
R5j =(ζ+aj1+β¯bj1)(αj1)J1(α1jax1)
R5,j+8 =-μ¯(ζ+aj)(αj)J1(αjx1)
R6j =(αjl)J1(αjlx1)
R6,j+8 =-(αj)J1(αljx1)
R7j =ajlJ0(αjlx1)
R7,j+8 =-ajlJ0(αjlx1)
R8j =bjlJ0(αjlx0)
R8j =aj(αj)J1(αj1x1)
R9j =bjlx1J0(αjlx1)-(αjl)J1(αjlx1)

And Ri,j+4,Ri,j+8,Ri,j+11,Ri,j+14, (i=5,6,7,8,9) and R9,j+4, R10,j+4, R11,j+4, at x=x1 is computed by swapping J0 by J1 and y0 by y1 in the proceeding values. The values Rij, (i=12,13,,15 and j=8,9,,18) are drafted by changing x1 by x2 at x=x2. Also, the values Rij, (i=16,17,18 and j=14,15,,18) can be derived at x=x3 by proper replacements.

5 Validation of the Results

5.1 Thermal Hollow Cylinder by Multi-dual Phase-lag Theory

From this model, if we ignore the nonlocal parameter (=0) and LEMV, we can obtain the vibration of thermal hollow cylinder via a multi-dual phase-lag theory as discussed in [34].

5.2 Pyrocomposite Hollow Cylinder

From this model, if we ignore nonlocal parameter (=0) and vanish the parameters phase-lag of the heat flux τθ, phase-lag of temperature gradient τq and put δ=1, we can deduce this result in to pyrocomposite hollow cylinderwhich is consistent with the analytical model derived in [35].

5.3 Pyrocomposite Hollow Cylinder with CFRP Core

If the constants like, void volume fraction ψ=0, and the Lame’s constants λ=c12,μ=c11-c122 in the Equation (3), then the analytical model has been reduced in to free vibration analysis of multilayered composite cylinder with embedding core material CFRP.

6 Numerical Discussion

In this subsection, numerical examples are projected to authenticate the proposed analytical model. Also, different theories of thermoelasticity like GTE (generalized thermoelasticity), CTE(coupled thermoelasticity) and E(elasticity) are drafted and studied numerically. The physical constants of CdSe is taken for numerical computation as follows [15]


The numerically computed complex frequency might be written as Ω=ΩR+iΩI, the size dependent frequency shift is defined as


Where ΩR is the real part and Ω0 is the fundamental vibration frequency of nonlocal polygonal plate in the absence of thermal field and is defined as


The thermo elastic damping is taken as


Numerical results which are obtained for various thermoelasticity theories and nonlocal parameter (ϵ) as function of wave number is derived for multilayered composite LEMV/CFRP cylinders. The non-dimensional frequency is tested over wave number for various thermo elasticity theories and increasing value of nonlocal parameter (ϵ) are compared in Tables 1 and 2. From this results the influences of various thermoelasticity and nonlocal parameter (ϵ) in non-dimensional frequency is having considerable impact. Especially the nonlocal parameter gives noticeable impact in both LEMV and CFRP cylinders.

Table 1 Non-dimensional frequency in CFRP composite cylinder

Non-dimensional Frequency
Non-Local Parameter =0.01 Non-Local Parameter =0.02
0.2 0.1455 0.1578 0.1678 0.1549 0.1678 0.1748
0.4 0.2235 0.2458 0.2685 0.2694 0.2874 0.2978
0.6 0.4578 0.5014 0.5874 0.3564 0.3674 0.3874
0.8 0.6547 0.7452 0.8974 0.6878 0.7478 0.8589
1 0.8978 0.9582 1.0258 0.8074 0.9578 1.0010

Table 2 Non-dimensional frequency in LEMV composite cylinder

Non-dimensional Frequency
Non-Local Parameter =0.01 Non-Local Parameter =0.02
0.2 0.7456 0.8549 1.0214 0.7248 0.7154 0.6985
0.4 0.9885 0.9912 1.1258 0.9568 0.9258 0.9021
0.6 1.0625 1.1258 1.2574 1.002 0.9985 0.9754
0.8 1.4589 1.5421 1.6254 1.2356 1.1125 1.0025
1 1.7895 1.8126 1.8578 1.5684 1.4985 1.3254

Table 3 Variation of Radial, Axial and Temperature in LEMV composite cylinder with =0.01

Wave number CTE LS GN
0.2 U 1.2214 1.1422 1.0419
W 0.8456 0.8248 0.8085
T 4.1584 4.0587 4.0276
0.4 U 1.5640 1.4599 1.3615
W 0.8885 0.8568 0.8365
T 3.2334 3.0572 3.5918
0.6 U 2.1917 2.0865 2.9986
W 1.0025 1.0020 0.9996
T 2.6083 2.5357 2.4631
0.8 U 2.6309 2.4622 2.2066
W 1.2589 1.2356 1.0235
T 1.2049 1.1242 1.0428
1 U 3.4837 3.2911 3.0588
W 1.6895 1.5684 1.3258
T 0.9863 0.656 0.5844

In Tables 3 and 4 the Radial, Axial and Temperature Distribution are observed for multi-layered composite LEMV/CFRP cylinders for amplified wave number values in the presence of various thermoelascity theories and nonlocal parameter. As visualized from these tables, the radial and axial values reaches higher mode as wave number rises. However, this trend is reversed or temperature distribution in both LEMV and CFRP cylinders. Also, a significant effect of various thermo elastic and nonlocal values prevail for all the physical variables.

Table 4 Variation of radial, axial and Temperature in LEMV composite cylinder with =0.02

Wave number CTE LS GN
0.2 U 3.4561 3.3589 3.2145
W 0.8485 0.8258 0.8014
T 4.3255 4.2589 4.2147
0.4 U 3.7589 3.6587 3.5687
W 1.0045 1.0005 0.9756
T 3.4589 3.2147 3.1459
0.6 U 4.3684 4.2457 4.1257
W 1.1568 1.1025 1.0135
T 2.8569 2.7489 2.6589
0.8 U 4.8547 4.6859 4.4258
W 1.4589 1.3589 1.1359
T 2.4589 2.3258 2.2548
1 U 5.6895 5.4587 5.2589
W 1.6578 1.5895 1.2689
T 1.8589 1.7256 1.5896

Table 5 Comparison of dimensionless frequency against wave number with [35]

Non-dimensional Frequency
Wave Number [35] Present Study
0.2 0.1999 0.1987
0.4 0.6000 0.6056
0.6 0.1200 0.1190
0.8 0.1800 0.1792
1 0.2400 0.2412

Table 6 Comparison of temperature distribution with [34]

Thermoelasticity Theories [34] Present Study
CTE 0.557632 0.549321
Temperature distribution L-S 0.469378 0.468198
G-N 0.254464 0.249533

Variation of non-dimensional frequency against mode number is observed from Figures: 1 & 2 in the presence of various thermoelasticity theories and elasticity for thermoelastic hollow multi-layered LEMV cylinders with the nonlocal and hall current parameters =0,=0.03 and m=0,m=0.1. In all cases for increasing value of mode number (n) frequency keeps linear nature in GTE, CTE for =0 & =0.03, but in the presence of elasticity (E) and non-local parameter () frequency makes light variation from the linear nature.

The non-dimensional frequency as a function of mode number of multi-layered CFRP cylinders are plotted in Figures: 3 & 4 in the presence of various thermoelasticity theories and elasticity with the nonlocal and hall current parameters =0, =0.03 and m=0,m=0.1. In Figure 3 the increasing values of mode number frequency values increases in presence the of GTE, CTE, elasticity (E) for =0 & =0.03 on the other hand from Figure 4 it can be seen that the presence of GTE, CTE,elasticity (E) and nonlocal parameter frequency keeps tiny oscillation nature increasing values of mode number.


Figure 1 Variation of non-dimensional frequency against mode number (n) in the LEMV cylinder with =0.03&m=0.1.


Figure 2 Variation of non-dimensional frequency against mode number (n) in the LEMV cylinder with =0&m=0.


Figure 3 Variation of non-dimensional frequency against mode number (n) in the CFRP cylinder with =0.03&m=0.1.


Figure 4 Variation of non-dimensional frequency against mode number (n) in the CFRP cylinder with =0&m=0.


Figure 5 Variation of frequency shift against mode number (n) in the for LEMV cylinder with =0.03 & m=0.1.


Figure 6 Variation of frequency shift against mode number (n) in the LEMV cylinder with =0&m=0.

Further, the impact of frequency shift on the mode number of multi-layered LEMV cylinder is observed in Figures 5 and 6 in the presence of various thermoelasticity theories and elasticity with the nonlocal and hall current parameters =0,=0.03 and m=0,m=0.1. In LEMV cylinders the frequency shift have linear nature for lower values of mode number and nonlinear nature for higher values of mode number in the presence and absence of nonlocal parameter. From the Figures 7 and 8, the discrepancy between frequency shift and mode number are observed in the presence of various thermoelasticity theories and elasticity with the nonlocal and hall current parameters =0,=0.03 and m=0,m=0.1 for thermoelastic hollow multilayered CFRP cylinders. In CFRP cylinders the frequency shift have experiences nonlinear nature for lower values of mode number and linear trend for higher values of mode number and he significant influence of nonlocal parameters has been observed.


Figure 7 Variation of frequency shift against mode number (n) in the CFRP cylinder with =0.03&m=0.1.


Figure 8 Variation of frequency shift against mode number (n) in the CFRP cylinder with =0&m=0.


Figure 9 Variation of thermoelastic damping against mode number (n) in the LEMV cylinder with =0.03&m=0.1.


Figure 10 Variation of thermo elastic damping against mode number (n) in the LEMV cylinder with =0&m=0.


Figure 11 Variation of thermo elastic damping against mode number (n) in the CFRP cylinder with =0.03&m=0.1.

Variation of thermoelastic damping against mode number of thermoelastic hollow multilayered LEMV/CFRP cylinders has been observed form Figures: 912 in the presence of various thermoelasticity theories and elasticity with nonlocal and hall current parameters =0,=0.03 and m=0, m=0.1. In both LEMV/CFRP cylinders thermoelastic damping decreasing for lower values of mode number and retains oscillating nature for higher values of mode number. In both the cases, efficiency of the damping is increased by the nonlocal parameter.


Figure 12 Variation of thermo elastic damping against mode number (n) in the CFRP cylinder with =0&m=0.

7 Conclusions

This study proposed the natural frequency of a transversely isotropic nonlocal magneto thermoelastic multi-layered LEMV/CFRP hollow cylinder with Hall current. By using variable separation, governing equations can be converted into differential equations. The outer and inner surfaces of a hollow cylinder were determined to be stress free and thermally insulated/isothermal boundaries. According to the calculated analytical and numerical results, the influence of mode number on non-dimensional frequency, frequency shift, and thermoelastic damping is significantly affected by nonlocal parameter and phase lags of various thermoelasticity theories (GTE, CTE and E). Further, these improvements of mode number on the discussed physical variables were intensified by embedding CFRP core.


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Rajendran Selvamani is an Associate professor in the Department of Mathematics, Karunya University, Coimbatore, India. His research interests include solid mechanics, numerical methods, partial differential equations, and modelling of mechanical behaviours of nanomaterial. He has 20 years of teaching experience and has published more than 100 international research papers in reputed peer reviewed journals, and is the author of three books in well-known publishers.


S. Mahesh received the bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Madurai Kamaraj University in 2009, the master’s degree in mathematics from Bharathidasan University in 2011, and the philosophy of doctorate degree in mathematics from Karunya University in 2021, respectively. He is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics, V.S.B. Engineering College Karur, India. His research areas include Solid mechanics and thermodynamics.


Farzad Ebrahimi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKIU, Qazvin, Iran. His research interests include mechanical behaviors of nano-engineered systems, mechanics of composites and nanocomposites, functionally graded materials, viscoelasticity, and smart materials and structures. Dr. Ebrahimi has authored more than 400 high-quality peer-reviewed research articles in his fields of interest. He has also edited and authored multiple books for well-known publishers. He is an Associate Editor of the journal Shock.


1 Introduction

2 Modelling of Problem

3 Motion Model for Linear Elastic Materials with Voids (LEMV)

4 Boundary Conditions-Frequency Equations

5 Validation of the Results

5.1 Thermal Hollow Cylinder by Multi-dual Phase-lag Theory

5.2 Pyrocomposite Hollow Cylinder

5.3 Pyrocomposite Hollow Cylinder with CFRP Core

6 Numerical Discussion













7 Conclusions

