European Journal of Computational Mechanics 2024-07-15T17:24:01+02:00 EJCM Open Journal Systems <h1>European Journal of Computational Mechanics</h1> <p>The <em>European Journal of Computational Mechanics</em> aims to publish innovative work on computational modelling methodologies, and in particular:</p> <div>* To publish research on original numerical methods and their application to the numerical simulation of engineering problems in solids, structures, materials and fluids. Contributions dealing with multi-physics or multi-scale problems are especially encouraged; <br />* To present innovative applications to complex engineering problems; <br />* To foster interactions between modelling approaches in different areas; <br />* To publish occasional review articles with a view to promoting an engineering application culture in computational mechanics.</div> <p>Any article presenting new theoretical concepts is expected to also provide either numerical validations, comparisons with experiments, or applications to real-world engineering problems.</p> <div>Submissions based on the straightforward application of classical approaches, e.g. using existing codes for performing parametric studies, are discouraged.</div> <p> </p> The Influence of Spatially Varying Boundary Conditions Based on Material Heterogeneity 2024-04-17T14:33:42+02:00 Evan John Ricketts Peter John Cleall Anthony Jefferson Pierre Kerfriden Paul Lyons <p>When conducting numerical analyses, boundary conditions are generally applied homogeneously, neglecting the inherent heterogeneity of the material being represented. Whilst the heterogeneity is often considered within the medium, its influence on the response at the boundary should also be accounted for. In this study, A novel approach to applying heterogeneous boundary conditions in the simulation of physical systems is presented, particularly focusing on moisture transport in unsaturated soils. The proposed method divides the surface into blocks or “macro-elements” and scales the boundary conditions based on the variation of material properties within these blocks. The principle of using overlapping kernel functions allows local effects to be considered, impacting neighbouring regions. To demonstrate the efficacy of the approach, a set of analyses were conducted that considered infiltration into a body of unsaturated soil, with various configurations of material properties and boundary conditions. The numerical simulations indicate that the application of scaled boundary conditions leads to a more natural and realistic response in the system. The applied method is independent on the numerical techniques employed in the simulation process, making it adaptable to existing computational codes, offering flexibility in capturing complex behaviours, and providing insights into how heterogeneity influences the system’s overall response.</p> 2024-07-15T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 European Journal of Computational Mechanics A Robust Fast Fracture Plane Orientation Angle Search Algorithm for Puck 3D Inter-Fibre Failure Criterion 2024-04-05T11:59:18+02:00 Nanda Wirawan Ibrahim H. Abuzayed Mahesa Akbar Jose L. Curiel-Sosa <p>In the present work, a novel fast fracture plane orientation angle (FPOA) search algorithm for the 3D Puck failure criterion is proposed. In the 3D Puck failure criterion, a linear search algorithm is employed to calculate the maximum inter-fibre failure (IFF) value by iterating and comparing the IFF value for each FPOA. This process itself requires a substantial amount of computational resources. The proposed fast FPOA search algorithm is implemented to substitute the linear search algorithm in order to reduce the computational time. A total of 1×10<sup>5</sup> randomised stress cases are used to analyse the accuracy of the algorithm. The result was then compared with the Puck Stepwise Seach Method (SSM) and other fast FPOA search algorithms. The results show that the proposed fast FPOA search algorithm has better accuracy compared to the other fast FPOA search algorithms and is almost 5 times faster compared to the SSM algorithm by Puck. In addition, a subroutine contains the Puck failure criterion and the proposed fast FPOA search algorithm is embedded into a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software to simulate the open-hole test (OHT) experiment on the composite material.</p> 2024-07-15T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 European Journal of Computational Mechanics Estimation of Passive Drag in Swimming via Experimental and Computational Means 2024-06-02T21:09:09+02:00 Alex Haskins Carla McCabe Ryan Keating Alex Lennon Dominic Chandar <p>Discussed is a comparison of computational and experimental evaluations of passive drag during human swimming. Experimentally, ten trials were conducted per athlete at five chosen velocities, using a commercial resistance trainer to record the tension force in a rope during a streamline position tow test. The resistive force recorded was assumed equal to the passive drag force and an average value of passive drag was found across each tow test. Mean passive drag values measured during the tow test were agreed well with existing experimental data across the range of velocities used, varying between 20 N at 1 ms<sup>−1</sup> up to 100 N at 2 ms<sup>−1</sup>. Computationally, using the immersed boundary method in OpenFOAM, basic geometry validation cases and streamline passive drag cases were simulated. Validation cases were completed on 2D cylinders and 3D spheres with the drag coefficient found at low and high Reynolds numbers, using the <strong>simpleFoam</strong> solver within OpenFOAM. Results tended to be slightly over predictive when compared with existing simulation and experimental data in literature. The accuracy of results could potentially be improved using a finer mesh and better quality geometries. The passive drag was also computed using OpenFOAM over a range of velocities, similar to the experiments, varying from 30 N at 1 ms<sup>−1</sup> to 120 N at 2 ms<sup>−1</sup>. Drag forces computed using simpleFoam were over predictive when compared to existing literature and the completed experiments, likely due to the inaccuracy of the geometry used in the simulations. When results were compared to existing literature for swimmers not in a perfect streamline position, more similar to the geometry used in this study, results were in better agreement. The accuracy of the results could be improved using a better quality geometry in the correct position.</p> 2024-07-15T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 European Journal of Computational Mechanics Investigating Branched Cut-off Wall Effect on Seepage Using Numerical Modelling 2024-06-12T14:36:47+02:00 Alex J. Thomas Alireza Ahangar Asr <p>In this research, numerical modelling has been conducted to expand on existing research on cut-off walls mainly done by, [<a href="file:///F:/KAJAL%20DA/Article/EJCM/EJCM_33-3/EJCM_33-3-Article-4/art4.html#bib2">2</a>] and [<a href="file:///F:/KAJAL%20DA/Article/EJCM/EJCM_33-3/EJCM_33-3-Article-4/art4.html#bib8">8</a>]. This study is aimed at examining a unique geometric alignment that accommodates ‘branches’ on either side of a vertical 12-metre-deep cut-off wall and investigates the subsequent effect on seepage (discharge) and uplift force within the foundation of the dam. From the study conducted it had been observed that seepage was reduced with the inclusion of these branches whilst the cut-off wall was located at the centre base of a concrete dam. Subsequent testing of altering the branches’ angle presented a further reduction in seepage through the soil strata, with the optimum angle being around the range of 60–70 degrees. Further experimentation had shown that altering the position at two other distinct locations (dam’s heel and toe) has had a significant reduction in seepage with the heel being the most effective at reducing it. Uplift pressure has been evaluated to show that the best position for minimal uplift force is at the heel of the dam.</p> 2024-07-15T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 European Journal of Computational Mechanics