Cryptanalysis of Tropical Encryption Scheme Based on Double Key Exchange

Xin Jiang, Huawei Huang* and Geyang Pan

School of Mathematical Sciences, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550025, China
*Corresponding Author

Received 01 December 2022; Accepted 13 February 2023; Publication 28 April 2023


A tropical encryption scheme is analyzed in this paper, which uses double key exchange protocol (KEP). The key exchange protocol is divided into two stages: The first stage of the key exchange uses matrix power function in a tropical semiring; the obtained shared key at the first phase of the key exchange serves as an input for the second phase. This paper proves that the common secret key of the first key exchange phase can be obtained by solving linear equations, and when the order of the matrix is 50, the time to solve the shared key is less than 1 second. Finally, the common secret key of the second phase can be obtained through KU attack and common secret key of the first key exchange. So the protocol isn’t secure.

Keywords: Tropical semiring, key-exchange protocol, tropical linear equations, KU attack.

1 Introduction

Modern public key cryptosystems mainly rely on factorization problem [1] and discrete logarithm problem [2, 3]. Shor [4] proposed a quantum algorithm that can solve the above two problems in multiple times on a quantum computer. Therefore, new cryptosystem in the future need to resist quantum attacks. Many cryptologists have designed many different cryptosystems based on different algebraic structures, such as matrix groups [58], braid groups [9, 10], inner automorphism groups [11], and ring structures [12], but these schemes have been cracked [1316]. In 2007, Maze, Monico and Rosenthal proposed the first kind of cryptosystem based on semigroups and semirings [17], which was cracked by Steinwant et al. Atani [18] and Durcheva [19] constructed cryptographic protocols based on semimodules over semirings and idempotent semirings respectively.

Imre Simon discovered the well-known Tropical semiring [20]. The operations + and in this structure are defined as min(or max) and addition. In recent years, because of the multiplication of tropical semiring is common addition, which greatly improves the computational efficiency, so it is extensively used in various cryptographic schemes. Grigoriev and Shpilrain proved that the problem of solving the systems of min-plus polynomial equations in tropical algebra is NP-hard. And they suggested using tropical semiring to design various key-exchange schemes [21, 22]. The higher powers of tropical matrix shows some patterns, thus Kotov and Ushakov [23] proposed a fairly successful attack on the protocols presented in [21]. In reference [22], the first part of the key has partial order relationship, thus Rudy and Monico [24] exploited simple binary search to break the protocol. (Other successful attacks include [25, 26].) Any Muanalifah, Sergei Sergeev [27] proposed three types of key exchange protocols by using Jones matrix and Line de la Puentela Puente matrix. In addition, Huang, Li published a cryptosystem using multiple exponentiation problem of tropical matrices [28]. Huang, Li and Deng applied tropical circular matrices to construct cryptographic protocols [29].

In this paper, we analyze a tropical encryption scheme based on double key exchange proposed in [30]. Attackers can get the shared key in the first stage of key exchange protocol by solving the tropical linear equations, instead of solving difficult problems in [30]. Then, with the shared key obtained in the first stage as input, the shared key in the second stage can be obtained by KU attack [23].

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we recall some fundamental concepts that are required for understanding the paper.

Definition 2.1 [31] (Semiring) A semiring is a nonempty set R on which operations of addition and multiplication have been defined to satisfy the following conditions.

(1) (R,+) is a commutative monoid with identity element 0;

(2) (R,) is a monoid with identity element 1R;

(3) Multiplication distributes over addition from either side;

(4) 0r=0=r0 for all rR;

(5) 1R0.

If (R,) is commutative, then the semiring is called a commutative semiring.

Definition 2.2 [20] (Tropical semiring) The nonnegative integer tropical commutative semiring is the set W=N{} with two binary compositions and as follows:


and 0 satisfied the following equations:


It can be easily seen that (W,,) is a commutative semiring with addition identity and multiplication identity 0.

Let Mn(W) be the set of all n×n matrices over W. We can define and as follows:


Definition 2.3 [30] (Tropical polynomial) An expression is called tropical (min) polynomial as follows:


If p(x)=i=1naixi is a polynomial and AMn(W), then we can also define p(A) in the following method:


It is clear that if p(x), q(x) are tropical polynomials, and AMn(W), then


Definition 2.4 [30] (Tropical matrix power function ) Let the entries of the base matrix Q be chosen from a (semi)group G and the entries of the matrices X and Y be chosen from the tropical semiring W. Then tropical matrix power function is a mapping


(denoted:S=QX) or a mapping


(denoted: P=QY).

The elements of matrix S are computed according to the formula:

Sij=k=1nqkjxik=k=1nqkjxik, (1)

and elements of matrix P are computed according to the formula:

Pij=k=1nqikykj=k=1nqikykj (2)

It is worth noting that the operations after the second equal sign in (1) and (2) are the operations on classicial algebra.

Definition 2.5 [29] (circulant matrix) If a matrix A has the following form,


then it is called a circulant matrix.

Lemma 2.1 [30] If matrice X,Y and Z are circulant matrices, then matrices S=QX and P=QY are also circulant matrices.

Lemma 2.2 Let X,Y are circulant matrices, then XY=YX.

3 Tropical Encryption Scheme

In this section, we describe the tropical encryption scheme based on double key exchange proposed in [30]. Let W be a tropical semiring as above, S is the set of circulant matrices over the W and N is the set of the natural numbers. Alice and Bob publicly agree on circulant matrices Q1,Q2, where Q1,Q2S, and randomly choose matrix M whose entries form N (Q1,Q2, M has the same order).

First key exchange protocol phase:

(1) Alice chooses two circulant matrices A1,A2S (of the same order as the matrices Q1,Q2, M) as her private keys. She computes her public key KA=Q1A1Q2A2M and sends it to Bob;

(2) Bob chooses two circulant matrices B1,B2S (of the same order as the matrices Q1,Q2, M) as his private keys. He computes his public key KB=Q1B1Q2B2M and sends it to Alice;

(3) Alice computes the common secret key: KAB=Q1A1Q2A2KB;

(4) Bob computes the common secret key: KBA=Q1B1Q2B2KA.

It is easy to prove that


then Alice and Bob finally obtain shared key KAB (or KBA).

Second key exchange protocol phase: At this stage, the shared secret key KAB obtained is used as the input of the second key exchange phase.

(1) Alice generates random tropical polynomials p1(x),p2(x), and computes her public key

U=p1(M)KABp2(M) and sends it to Bob.

(2) Bob generates random tropical polynomials q1(x),q2(x), and computes his public key

V=q1(M)KABq2(M) and sends it to Alice.

(3) Alice computes common secret key: A=p1(M)Vp2(M);

(4) Bob computes common secret key: B=q1(M)Uq2(M);

It is easy to examine that Alice and Bob get common secret key, that is, A=B.

A =p1(M)Vp2(M)=p1(M)q1(M)KABq2(M)p2(M)

Encryption phase:

(1) Bob computes the ciphertext C=BT, where is bitwise sum modulo 2 of all entries of matrices B and T, T is plaintext encoded in binary form and has the same order of previously selected matrices Q1,Q2, M, and sends C to Alice.

Decryption phase:

(1) Alice decrypts C using her decryption key A as follows:


4 An Attack on Tropical Encryption Scheme

We can clearly see that the security of the encryption scheme completely depends on key matrices in the key exchange protocol. Firstly, we discuss the first key exchange protocol.

Theorem 4.1 Let Q1,Q2,M,KA,KB be as above. Suppose circulant matrix X satisfying condition: XM=KA, then shared key KAB can be calculated.

Proof: Now suppose circulant matrix X satisfying XM=KA, then


It is also known from Lemma 2.1 and Lemma 2.2 that


From Theorem 4.1, an attacker can break the first stage of key exchange protocol, which only needs to solve tropical linear equations. However, it is easy to solve the tropical linear equations, so the attacker can obtain the shared key in the short time. It is easily seen that when select n×n of matrices, solutions can be found in O(n3) time,refer to monograph [32, 33] for more details. Next, we use this method to attack the example in the references [30, section 4].

Example 4.1 Suppose


(1) Alice selects two circulant matrices A1,A2 as her private keys:


(2) Alice’s public key:


(3) Bob selects two circulant matrices B1,B2 as her private keys:


(4) Bob’s public key:


(5) Shared key:


Attack: Suppose



XM =(acbbaccba)(82152814133719)

The following tropical linear equations can be obtained from XM=KA;


Compute shared key:

XKB =(125912391264126412591239123912641259)(111411081121113411201119110911131125)

The attacker in the second phase of the key exchange protocol can use attack method in [23]. Now, let’s describe this attack.

Let matrices X and Y satisfy the following conditions:


with unknown coefficients xi,yj. Therefore, to break the protocol, we need to find x0,,xD,y0,,yD such that i,j=0DxiyjVij=U, where Vij=MiKABMj. Then, mini,j(xi+yj+Tklij)=0 for each k,l[1,n]. Where Tij=Vij-U. Next, compute


In the end, attackers find a cover C{P00,,PDD} of the set {1,2,,n}×{1,2,,n}, and satisfy


is solvable. Refer to the literature [23] for more details about this attack.

The range for entries of matrices is [0,1010]. Table 1 provides the time required to solve X under different orders of the matrix. When the order of the matrix is 50, solving the linear equations needs O(503) times, but the attacker only need one solution. It can be clearly seen from Table 1 that obtaining a solution does not exceed 1 second, so the attacker can obtain the shared key in the first phase in a relatively short time. (Experimental platform: Intel(R) Core (TM) i3-1115G4@ 3.00GHz).

Table 1 Average time to solve X

Order of Matrices Range for Entries of Matrices Time to Solve X (sec)
20 [0,1010] 0.001111388
30 [0,1010] 0.003949738
40 [0,1010] 0.010951591
50 [0,1010] 0.021650982

5 Conclusion

This paper analyzes the security of tropical encryption scheme based on double key exchange [30] and describes an attack, and the method mainly obtains the shared key of communication parties by solving the linear equations on the tropical semiring. This paper proves that attacker only needs to solve the linear equations to obtain the shared key in the first phase of key exchange protocol, and does not need to solve the difficult problem described in [30]. Table 1 shows that when the order of the matrix is 50, the attacker can obtain the shared key in the second phase in less than 1 second. Then, the shared key in the second stage can be obtained by adopting the KU attack [23]. Thus, the encryption scheme proposed in [30] is cracked.

Future works worth studying include the following:

(1) Try to select other types of matrices to design key exchange protocols based on the difficult problems in literature [30].

(2) Try to study the double-key cryptosystem more deeply.

(3) Combine existing attack methods to analyze other cryptographic systems.


This work is supported by the Science and Technology Foundation of Guizhou Province (QIANKEHEJICHU-ZK [2021] Ordinary313) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61462016).


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Xin Jiang received his BS from the Anshun University, Anshun, China in 2020. He is currently a graduate student in the School of Mathematical Sciences of Guizhou Normal University in Guiyang, China. His recent research interests include algebra and cryptography.


Huawei Huang received his BS from the Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, China in 2001, MS from the Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, China in 2004 and PhD from the Xidian University, Xi’an, China in 2008. He is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Mathematical Sciences, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang, China. His recent research interests include algebra and cryptography.


Geyang Pan received his BS from the Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang, China in 2021. He is currently a graduate student in the School of Mathematical Sciences of Guizhou Normal University in Guiyang, China. His recent research interests include algebra and cryptography.


1 Introduction

2 Preliminaries

3 Tropical Encryption Scheme

4 An Attack on Tropical Encryption Scheme

5 Conclusion


