A Privacy Preserving and Efficient Multi Authority – CP-ABE Scheme for Secure Cloud Communication
Shardha Porwal* and Sangeeta Mittal
Department of Computer Science Engineering & Information Technology,
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India
E-mail: shardha.porwal@jiit.ac.in; sangeeta.mittal@jiit.ac.in
*Corresponding Author
Received 08 August 2020; Accepted 14 November 2020; Publication 06 February 2021
In the cloud computing environment, Multi authority Ciphertext Policy-Attribute Based Encryption (CP-ABE) schemes are used as a key escrow free solution to securely and efficiently share data over cloud. However, the length of ciphertext in existing Multi Authority-CP-ABE schemes increases with the number of attributes in the access policy. Moreover, these schemes do not protect against dishonest attribute authorities. In this paper, a constant length ciphertext Multi Authority-CP-ABE scheme is proposed that reduces the communication overhead over the network. The scheme also prevents dishonest authority from compromising the system. Apart from this, for enhanced privacy of receivers, the access policy is communicated in hidden form. Thus, the presented scheme provides an efficient corrupt resistant, key escrow free Multi Authority-CP-ABE scheme by generating constant length ciphertext and hidden access structure. Results demonstrate the enhanced security and reduced cost of encryption and decryption by 8% and 48% respectively as compared to other existing works.
Keywords: MA-CP-ABE, hidden access policy, constant length ciphertext, corrupt resistant, key escrow free.
Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) techniques support one-to-many encryption to communicate a confidential data over public network and guarantee fine-grained access control [1]. Based on whether the access policy is attached with secret key or the ciphertext, ABE can be implemented as Key Policy based ABE (KP-ABE) and Ciphertext Policy based ABE (CP-ABE) respectively [2, 3]. In KP-ABE scheme, the ciphertexts and decryption keys of users are associated with set of attributes and access policies respectively. The access control is implemented by key issuer instead of data owner who is encrypting the text, making it lesser flexible and scalable than CP-ABE scheme where encryptor decides access policy for data users. The proposed scheme thus uses CP-ABE based implementation scheme, which was first proposed by Bethencourt et al. [3]. In this scheme, setup and attribute based key generation operations, were performed by a Central Authority (CA). An efficient implementation was later proposed in [4]. The drawbacks of schemes given in [3, 4] and its successors were the problem of key escrow and performance bottleneck due to single authority. To overcome the problem of performance bottleneck, Chase proposed the Multi Authority-CP-ABE (MA-CP-ABE) scheme, in which task of key generation is transferred from CA to multiple Attribute Authorities (AAs) [5]. However, this scheme did not resolve the problem of key escrow. Authors in [6] and [9], proposed MA-CP-ABE schemes without and with CA respectively to resolve the problems of key escrow and performance bottleneck. In both the schemes, CA did not have any control over AAs for attribute management and system worked by assuming that AAs should be honest. Therefore, the scheme is not secure in presence of corrupt or compromised AA. Authors in [12, 16] have proposed schemes, where CA has control over attributes of AAs but their schemes are having problems of key escrow.
Another issue in traditional CP-ABE is that size of ciphertext increases with increase in number of attributes in the access policy. Substantial communication overhead and decryption cost can be reduced if the ciphertext length is made constant, thus improving overall efficiency of the scheme [8]. Apart from this, in conventional CP-ABE, access policy is attached in plaintext along with ciphertext which may reveal the identities of users. This can be addressed by embedding the access policy inside the ciphertext in hidden form [13].
Zhang et al. addressed issues related to efficiency and privacy by proposing fully hidden access structure, constant size ciphertext MA-CP-ABE scheme [17]. Their scheme suffered from unauthorized access attack where the attribute-based components of ciphertext did not require attribute based secret key of users for decryption. As a result, even the users who do not possess required attributes can also read the encrypted data. Moreover, this scheme also does not handle dishonest AAs. Overall, following security issues still exist in existing schemes:
1. CA is not able to protect corrupt AAs
2. Either CA does not have control on AA or the scheme is not key escrow free.
3. If the scheme is not key escrow free then that is CA is able to access user specific data.
4. If CA does not have control on AA the corrupt authority may provide secret key for unauthorized attributes to a user.
It is thus evident that existing MA-CP-ABE schemes either CA does not have control on attributes of AAs or are not key escrow free [12, 16]. Hence, the main focus of this paper is to improve the efficiency of MA-CP-ABE scheme with hidden access policy by generating constant length ciphertext and to handle dishonest AAs. The proposed work designs a key escrow free MA-CP-AE scheme which is corrupt resistant against AAs and generates constant length ciphertext with hidden access policy. In order to address the security issues, following objectives were set for the proposed work.
1. Design a key escrow free MA-CP-AE scheme which is corrupt resistant against AAs.
2. Efficiency of the scheme should be better as compared to existing scheme.
3. Reduce the storage requirement on cloud server.
4. Implement user anonymity with hidden access policy.
In the proposed scheme, if a corrupt AA generates a secret key for an unauthorized user, the user will not be able to decrypt the ciphertext. The proposed scheme is proved to be secure against Chosen Plaintext Attack (CPA) and its efficiency is found to be better than [14–17].
Three main research contributions have been made through this work.
1. The proposed work presents a corrupt-resistant key escrow free MA-CP-ABE scheme with constant length ciphertext and hidden access policy where CA has control on AAs. Hence, the scheme enhances the security by protecting the system from corrupt AA.
2. The efficiency of proposed scheme is better as compared to existing MA-CP-ABE schemes.
3. Reduced requirement of storage space over cloud due to diminished length of ciphertext.
The paper is organized into six sections. The related work is given in Section 2. Section 3 gives the overview of the proposed scheme. The construction of the proposed scheme is explained in detail in Section 4. The results and analysis are given in Section 5, followed by conclusions in Section 6.
Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) technique was first proposed by Sahai and Waters [1] in 2005. Goyal et al. [2] proposed Key Policy based implementation of ABE in 2006. Ciphertext Policy based implementation of ABE was first proposed by Bethencourt et al. [3] in 2007. An efficient implementation was later proposed in [4]. The schemes from [1–4] are single authority ABE and have the problem of key escrow and performance bottleneck. The first MA-CP-ABE scheme was proposed by Chase [5] in 2007 but their method was not key escrow free. Lin et al. [6] proposed a key escrow free scheme but did not provide security against dishonest AAs.
Partially hidden access policy with ABE was first proposed by Nishide [7] in 2008. Emura et al. [8] proposed a fully hidden access policy CP-ABE scheme with constant length ciphertext. However, being are single authority ABE, the approaches given in [7] and [8] did not resolve the problem of key escrow and performance bottleneck. The authors in [9] proposed a MA-CP-ABE scheme, in which CA generates a secret key for data consumer but CA does not has control of attributes on AAs and the scheme generates variable length ciphertext with open access structure. Chase and Chow’s MA-CP-ABE scheme achieves key-escrow by removing CA [10]. The MA-CP-ABE schemes given in [11] improved the efficiency by generating the constant length ciphertext but did not support hidden access policy. Luo et al. [12] proposed a hierarchical MA-CP-ABE scheme in which CA has control on AAs but the scheme is not key-escrow free.
Table 1 Overview of features of various MA-CP-ABE schemes
Key | Presence | Hidden | Corrupt | ||
Escrow | of | Access | Resistant | ||
Central | Ciphertext | Against | |||
Techniques | Free | Authority | Length | Policy | AA |
(Muller et al. [9]), (Vaanchig et al. [14]) | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
(Chase and Chow [10]) | Yes | No | No | No | No |
(Doshi and Jinwala [11]) | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
(Luo et al. [12]), (Chandrasekaran et al. [16]) | No | Yes | No | No | Yes |
(Zhong et al. [13]) | Yes | No | No | Yes | No |
(Ling and Weng [15]) | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No |
(Zhang et al. [17]) | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No |
Proposed Scheme | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
The MA-CP-ABE schemes given in [13] supported hidden access policy but did not generate constant length ciphertext. The scheme given in [14] is key escrow free MA-CP-ABE scheme that does not supports constant length ciphertext and hidden access policy. Ling and Weng proposed a MA-CP-ABE scheme that generates ciphertext with hidden access structure but the length of ciphertext varies with number of attributes in access policy [15]. Chandrasekaran et al. [16] proposed a MA-CP-ABE scheme which improves the efficiency of [12] using fast ate pairing, this scheme also has the problem of key escrow. The MA-CP-ABE scheme given in [17] generates constant length ciphertext and supports hidden access policy but the scheme is not correct as it has unauthorized access attack. In the schemes given in [9–11] and [13–17], CA does not have control over attributes of AA but resolves the problem of performance bottleneck and key escrow. The schemes, given in [12] and [16] handle corrupt resistant against AAs but both are not free from key escrow. Table 1 gives the summary of MA-CP-ABE schemes based on the chosen security parameters.
Challagidad and Birje [18] proposed an efficient MA-CP-ABE scheme for cloud storage. The scheme arranges data users in role hierarchy to have multi level and multi authority access control. The scheme reduces the encryption/decryption cost but does not supports corrupt resistance against AAs. Dixit et al. [19] have proposed a secure access control scheme for authentication of data users and a robust data encryption fuction on the principles of Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) in a multi-authority environment. The scheme securily store data on cloud server but does not protect data from unautorized user if he/she get access key for unauthorized attributes from corrupt AAs. Li et al. presented a CP-ABE based access control system model of CloudIoT platform. They constructed a CP-ABE scheme with hidden acces policy, which guarantees the privacy of the users. However, this scheme considered single authority only.
This paper attempts to overcome the gaps in existing literature and proposes an efficient corrupt resistant key escrow free MA-CP-ABE scheme with constant length ciphertext and hidden access policy, which enhances the security by protecting the system from corrupt AA.
In this section, preliminaries, the communication, security model and workflow of the proposed scheme have been presented.
Notations and their descriptions are given in Table 2.
Table 2 Notations and descriptions
Notation | Description |
CA | Central Authority |
AA | Attribute Authority |
DP | Data Provider |
CS | Cloud Server |
DC | Data Consumer |
public parameter | |
master key | |
Set of attributes assigned to attribute authority AA | |
attributes’ secret key of Attribute Authority AA received from CA | |
Set of attributes of DC | |
the secret key of Data Consumer DC received from CA | |
Certificate of DC generated by CA | |
attributes’ secret key of DC received from Attribute Authority AA | |
The private key of AA | |
The public key of AA | |
The ciphertext of M for defined policy W | |
Bilinear groups of prime order p | |
Random generator of | |
Random generator of | |
Set of integers of prime order p | |
Mapping | |
Universal set of attributes | |
Component of depends on | |
Component of depends on attribute set of DC | |
Component of independent of attribute set of DC | |
Component of depends on attribute set | |
Ciphertext components independent of attributes | |
Attributes dependent ciphertext components | |
Index set of AAs, whose attributes are involved in W |
Assuming and are cyclic groups of prime order p and are randomly chosen generators of and respectively. A mapping function e defined as , is said to be bilinear mapping if it satisfies the given properties.
• Bilinearity: , and mapping e satisfies following bilinearity property
• Non-degeneracy: Mapping of
• Efficiently computable: mapping is efficiently computable.
The access policy W is described as logical formula consisting of set of attributes and AND/OR/Threshold gates [3]. The access policy is stored in a data structure called access structure and attached with ciphertext. Assume, a set of n attributes of data consumers then collection is known as monotonic access structure if it satisfies the access policy W, where W is defined as for all Y, Z if and then . A data consumer ‘DC’ is authorized over W if its attribute set otherwise ‘DC’ is known as unauthorized user. In our protocol, we have used monotonic access structure and assumed is set of only authorized users. The access structure is embedded in the ciphertext such that it remains hidden from other users in the system. In the proposed scheme, only AND gate based access policies have been considered. For OR/THRESHOLD based access policies, the proposed hidden access structure will not work.
The DBDH problem in bilinear groups is described as given below: on input of the tuple to decide Z is equals to or Z. A simulator A’s advantage is if ([probability of ] – [probability of A ]) is greater than . Here, . If no probabilistic, polynomial time algorithm has at least advantage in solving DBDH problem then it is said that DBDH assumption holds.
Figure 1 represents the communication model of the proposed scheme. There are five entities, namely Central Authority (CA), Attribute Authority (AA), Data Provider (DP), Cloud Server (CS) and Data Consumer (DC).
Figure 1 System model.
Central Authority (CA): CA is a fully trusted entity and has control over attributes assigned to each AA. CA generates public parameter for every communicating entity and global master key . It then assigns attributes to every AA by generating and distributing attribute set based secret key . CA generates a secret key and certificate for every DC based on a set of attributes of DC.
Attribute Authority (AA): AA is a semi-trusted entity and generates its public key and private key . AA also generates attribute dependent secret key for every DC.
Data Producer (DP): DP generates data M, encrypts M using symmetric encryption key . To share to data users, DP encrypts using global public key , attribute authorities public key , access policy W and generates the ciphertext . Finally, DP stores encrypted M and on the CS.
Cloud Server (CS): CS is considered an untrusted entity that stores the ciphertext .
Data Consumer (DC): DC accesses the ciphertext stored on CS and decrypts to get M using a secret key received from CA and secret key received from AA. Data will be correctly retrieved only if DC is a valid data consumer.
To prove the CPA security of the proposed scheme, the adversary A, and the challenger C play the following selective security game.
Init: C receives the challenging access policy from A.
CA_Setup: C runs CA_Setup() and generates for A.
AA_Registration: C runs AA_Registration() and generates
AA_Setup: C runs AA_Setup() and generates for A.
Phase 1:
A provides and queries adaptively for secret key and such that from CA.
Challenge: A provides plaintext data to the C. C randomly chooses and encrypts using the scheme access policy and provides ciphertext CT to A.
Phase 2: repeat Phase 1.
Guess: A randomly chooses . The gain that A has in this security game would be , where is .
Figure 2 Flow diagram of the proposed scheme.
As shown in flow diagram given in Figure 2, the scheme proposes seven algorithms, A1 to A7 explained in detail in section IV. These algorithms execute in four phases namely, System initialization, Attribute’s key generation for data consumer, data encryption and decryption. DC receives a key from CA which is to be used for decryption. This key protects from granting unauthorized data access by dishonest AAs. Step by step communication among entities to securely share the data using cloud storage is as follows:
As shown in Figure 4, phase 1 consists of algorithms A1 to A3, phase 2 consists algorithm A4 and A5, phase 3 consists A6 and phase 4 consists algorithm A7. CA executes algorithm A1: CA_Setup and generates . CA provides to all other entities in step 1.
Each AA has to register with CA, CA executes algorithm A2: AA_Registration and provides to in step 2.
After receiving , each AA executes algorithm A3: to generates its private key , public key and as shown in step 3, AA gives to DPs, DCs.
Every DC is also required to register with CA and provides to CA in step 4.
Phase 2 is about attribute’s key generation for data consumer in which CA executes algorithm A4: in step 5 and provides to DC. DC gives to AA in step 6 and then in step 7 AA generates the attribute key for attribute set by executing algorithm A5: which contains the attributes common to AA and DC.
To communicate the data, DP executes algorithm A6: , , of phase 3 and generates the ciphertext and store it in the cloud in step 8.
To access the stored ciphertext , DC executes the algorithm A7: of phase 4 and get the decrypted data in step 9.
The proposed scheme works in four phases, namely system initialization, attributes key generation of data consumer, encryption and decryption.
Phase 1: System Initialization
This phase initializes the system by executing algorithm A:CA_Setup(), A2:AA_Registration(), A3:AA_Setup() and A4:CA_Dc_Secret_Key().
A1: CA_Setup:
//Central Authority (CA) executes the algorithm to generate
public parameters and master key . The
public parameters are published globally and the master key is kept as secret key
of CA.
This algorithm is executed by (CA) to set system parameters . The algorithm requires a security parameter k and universal set of attributes as input. Here, N is the total number of attributes in u. Each attribute may have M different values . The algorithm selects generators and as well as integers and set of numbers , where . , where is also initialized. Finally, public parameter, obtained as in per Equation (1) and master key as per Equation (2).
(1) | ||
(2) |
Master key is retained by CA only and it publishes the public parameter globally.
A2: AA_Registration
// The algorithm is executed by CA to assign attributes and corresponding
secret keys to attribute authority.
This algorithm is executed by (CA), which generates a set of attributes and attributes’ secret key for attribute authority AA. The algorithm takes master key , public parameter as input. The algorithm assigns a set of attributes to AA and defines attributes’ secret key for AA as given in Equation (3).
(3) |
A3: AA_Setup:
//AA runs the algorithm to generate its public key and private key.
This algorithm is run by AA to generate AA’s public key and private key. The algorithm takes public parameter as input. The algorithm chooses and generates AA’s private key and public key as per Equations (4) and (5).
(4) | ||
(5) |
Phase2: Attribute set based key generation for the data consumer
This phase generates the secret key for different data consumers according to their attribute set.
A4: CA_DC_Secret_Key:
//Central Authority runs the algorithm to compute secret key and to
generate certificate for every data consumer.
(6) |
A5: AA_DC_Secret_Key
//Attribute Authority executes the algorithm to generate the secret key
for every data consumer.
AA executes this algorithm, which generates attribute secret key for data consumer DC. The algorithm first verifies to check the authenticity of DC. If DC is an authenticated data consumer, then the algorithm defines attribute based secret key for an attribute set as Equation (7).
(7) |
Phase3: Data encryption This phase shows the encryption operation of the proposed scheme.
A6: Encrypt:
//Data producer executes the algorithm to encrypt the data to be
communicated to specific data consumers over the network and stores on the cloud.
Data Producer (DP) executes this algorithm to encrypt the data to be communicated. The algorithm takes input the public parameters , public key of all AAs whose attributes are involved in specifying access policy W represented as and access policy W. The algorithm encrypts data under access policy W, where W consists AND gate. The algorithm generates the ciphertext as follows.
The algorithm selects an integer and defines as Equations (8)–(10).
(8) | ||
(9) | ||
(10) |
The algorithm defines the ciphertext as follows:
(11) |
Finally, DP stores the ciphertext on the CS.
Phase4: Data decryption
This phase shows the decryption operation of the proposed scheme to reconstruct
the data from the ciphertext.
A7: Decrypt:
//Data consumer runs the algorithm to get the content key of a data file
stored on the cloud.
This algorithm is executed by DC to reconstruct the data . The algorithm takes input ciphertext , attribute secret keys and secret key and determines using Equation (12) if DC has attributes specified in W.
(12) |
In the proposed scheme, DC receives a key from CA which is used for decryption. This is constructed as , where and , are components of . DC receives another key from AA which is also used for decryption and is constructed as , where and , r, are components of . If a corrupt AA generates for those attributes for which DC is not authorized then at decryption both , are required and DC will not be able to decrypt the ciphertext. Hence, the key protects from granting unauthorized data access by dishonest AAs.
The proposed scheme has important feature of corrupt resistant against attribute authorities. The security analysis proves that the presented scheme is secure against the Chosen Plaintext Attack. This section represents a comparative analysis of the security features, theoretical complexities and computational performance of the presented scheme with the schemes given in [14–17].
The proposed scheme is proved to be secure against Chosen Plaintext Attack (CPA).
The scheme is proved to be CPA secure by reducing the security of the proposed
scheme to Decisional Bilinear Diffie Hellman (DBDH) assumption.
Theorem: Assuming the DBDH assumption holds then the proposed scheme satisfies the indistinguishability of data and chosen-plaintext attack.
Assuming adversary A wins the following CPA game for the proposed scheme with gain
. Then an algorithm B is constructed to break the assumption with
gain , where N is
C randomly chooses generators , , integer values and v belongs to . If then C sets else if then C sets . Then C submits instance to B.
Init: B receives the challenging access policy from A. Assuming .
CA_Setup: B randomly chooses and computes also chooses random numbers for each attribute, where and sets and if . Then B computes and sets public parameters and gives to A.
B sets secret key for each assigned to AA.
AA_Setup: B randomly chooses and computes , . Then B provides, public key to A.
Phase 1:
To get the secret key , A provides to B, where A is not
satisfied by . Then the A’s attribute must , in such a
way that is not satisfied by . B determines such .
For each , B randomly chooses and sets . Finally, B computes . The secret key component of is generated as
For getting the other component of , attribute secret key , A queries adaptively with to B. Since is not satisfied by , hence, can be denoted as and can be denoted as . B determines and from and from and randomly chooses , defines and provides other components of secret key as . The validity of these components of secret key is shown as follows:
If equals to (0 mod p) holds, then the maximum probability for some , such that is .
Challenge: B randomly chooses and generates ciphertext for .
Phase 2: Same as phase1.
Guess: A chooses from . B sets result 1 if
is equals to
otherwise, B set result 0. The ciphertext is valid for
access policy , if and gain to A is
. Therefore, is equals to
is equals to .
Otherwise if then, gain to A is and is equals to is equals
to . Hence, B’s gain is in
this game.
Hence proved.
Table 3 Comparison of security features of the proposed scheme with the schemes given in [14–17]
The | |||||
Proposed | |||||
Security Feature | [14] | [15] | [16] | [17] | Scheme |
Key Escrow Free | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Corrupt resistant from AA | No | No | Yes | No | Yes |
Constant length ciphertext | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |
CA controls AAs | No | No | Yes | No | Yes |
AA’s attributes | Generated by AAs | Generated by AAs | Generated by CA | Generated by AAs | Generated by CA |
DC’s keys | Generated by AAs and CA | Generated by respective AAs | Generated by respective AAs | Generated by respective AAs | Generated by CA and AAs both |
Prevention of dishonest AA | No | No | No | No | Yes |
Protection against unauthorized access | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Hidden access policy | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Verification of user | No | Verification at CA | No | No | Verification at AAs |
Table 3 provides the comparison of security features of the presented scheme and schemes given in [14–17]. A comparative analysis of features is provided on the bases of parameters given in Table 4. Key-escrow free feature of MA-CP-ABE protects accessing of the user’s data from CA or AAs, Corrupt resistant from AA protects unauthorized access of data in case of illegal key generation by AAs. Constant length ciphertext reduces the storage space on the cloud, unauthorized attribute key distribution is protected through control of CA on AAs. The scheme given in [14] is key escrow free, MA-CP-ABE and provides protection against unauthorized access. Scheme given in [15] has features of [14] and provides anonymity though hidden access structure, also verify user at decryption end. In the scheme given in [16], CA generates attribute keys for AAs, here AAs are controlled though CA but the scheme has issue of key escrow. Zhang et al. in [17] proposed CA free MA-CP-ABE, their scheme generates constant length ciphertext and protects user privacy using a hidden access policy. The proposed scheme has all the required features of [14–17] and protects the scheme from unauthorized access exists in [17]. CA gives a part of secret key to data consumer which is attribute dependent and is required at the time of decryption. Even if a dishonest AA gives an attribute key for the attributes that DU does not have, then also DU is unable to decrypt the encrypted data.
The symbols used in the comparison of theoretical complexities are given in Table 4.
Table 4 Symbols Used in Theoretical Complexity analysis
Symbol | Descriptions |
Number of AAs involved in generating SK or CT | |
Number of attributes of Data Consumer | |
Length of access policy in terms of the number of attributes | |
Exponentiation cost in G | |
Exponentiation cost in | |
Exponentiation cost in | |
CP | Cost of pairing operation |
Size of an element in G | |
Size of an element in | |
Size of an element in |
Table 5 Comparison of Theoretical Complexities of the schemes given in [14–17] and The Proposed Scheme
The Proposed | ||||||
Parameter | Component | [14] | [15] | [16] | [17] | Scheme |
Space complexity | Secret keys of Data Consumer | |||||
Ciphertext | ||||||
Time complexity | Encryption operation | |||||
Decryption operation | 3CP |
Table 5 shows the comparisons of theoretical complexities of the schemes given in [14–17] and the proposed scheme in terms of theoretical space and time complexity. The theoretical space complexity of secret key of DC in [14–17] is larger than the proposed scheme because they generate variable-length secret key that varies according to number of attributes of data consumer while the size of secret key of proposed scheme is constant and very less as shown in Table 5. The theoretical space complexity of ciphertext is also less in the proposed scheme as only three ciphertext components are generated. The theoretical time complexity of encryption operation of [17] requires extra cost for pairing operations that varies with the number of attributes in access policy and scheme given in [14, 16] require cost for access structure generation. The scheme given in [15] requires more exponentiation in encryption than the proposed scheme. Hence encryption costs of the schemes given in [14–17] are more than the proposed scheme. The decryption cost of the scheme given in [17] requires two additional pairing operations and one additional exponentiation in . The decryption cost [14] and [16] is more due to computation of access tree structure. The cost of decryption operation of [15] is also more than the proposed scheme. Hence, the cost of decryption operation of the proposed scheme is also lesser than the cost of decryption algorithms given in [14–17].
This section describes the analysis of the computational performance of the proposed scheme. All computations were done on an Intel Core i5, CPU@2.70GHz machine with 8 GB RAM. The scheme is implemented in Java using jpbc library [21]. Encryption operation has been performed on dummy text files. These files were encrypted using symmetric encryption and secret key is encrypted using [14–17] and the proposed scheme.
Figure 3 shows the comparison of computation cost of encryption operation with varying number of attributes of access policy of schemes given in [14–17] and the presented scheme. The computation cost of the encryption operation of the schemes given in [14–17] is more due to extra pairing operations or computation from access structure on varying number of attributes in access policy. For comparison, the simplified access policy having only AND gates has been designed and complete attribute set has been included for estimating the computational time of encryption/decryption operations. The computational cost of the encryption operation of the proposed scheme and the schemes given in [14–17], if only 5 attributes are specified in the access policy, are 145 ms, 380 ms, 150 ms, 500 ms and 165 ms respectively. For, 15 attributes this cost increases to 305 ms, 580 ms, 320 ms, 700 ms and 337 ms for proposed and schemes in [14–17]. On further enhancing the number of attributes to 25, time taken becomes 460 ms, 780 ms, 480 ms, 900 ms and 500 ms for the given scheme and [14–17] respectively. Thus, the computational cost of the encryption operation of the schemes given in [14–17] are 69%, 4%, 95% and 8% more in comparison with the proposed scheme for 25 attributes.
Hence, it can be inferred that on increasing number of attributes, increase in computation time is lesser for proposed scheme than the schemes presented in [14–17].
Figure 4 shows the comparison of computation cost of decryption operation on varying number of attributes possessed by data consumer according to schemes given in [14–17] and the presented scheme. The computation cost of the decryption operation of the schemes given in [14–17] and the proposed scheme are 180 ms, 110 ms, 200 ms 40 ms and 27 ms respectively for five attributes of data consumer and it is not varying with increase in attributes in proposed scheme. Hence, the computational cost of the decryption operation of the schemes given in [14–17] are 566%, 307%, 640% and 48% more in comparison with the proposed scheme.
Figure 3 Computational cost of encryption operation of the schemes given in [14–17] and the proposed scheme.
Figure 4 Computational cost of encryption operation of the schemes given in [14-17] and the proposed scheme.
Table 6 Communication cost of transmission of symmetric key and data file using [14–17] and the proposed scheme
Communication Cost of Encrypted | Communication Cost of | |
Scheme | Symmetric Key (in ms) | Encrypted Data File (in ms) |
[14] | ||
[15] | ||
[16] | ||
[17] | ||
The proposed scheme | ||
Here t cost required to transmit one bit, l length of encrypted data file in bits, and length of group elements, Length of access policy in terms of the number of attributes, number of bits required by an attribute of access policy, Number of AAs involved in generating ciphertext of symmetric key. |
In the proposed system model, the data files are encrypted using symmetric encryption schemes. This section analyses the cost of transmitting the encrypted symmetric keys and encrypted data file. The communication cost of sharing an encrypted symmetric key and encrypted data file between DP and CS or CS and DC using schemes [14–17] and the proposed scheme is given in Table 6. Assuming that the transmission cost of 1 bit is ‘t’ and |S| is number of bits required by an attribute of access policy. The symbols used in this analysis are given in Table 4. There is requirement of only one ciphertext for n number of users. From table 6, it can be seen that the communication cost of the proposed scheme is less as compared to [14–17].
This work presents an efficient corrupt resistant key escrow free MA-CP-ABE scheme with constant length ciphertext and hidden access policy. It is secure against dishonest attributes authorities and generates small fixed size secret key also. The results show that the performance of the proposed scheme is better than existing MA-CP-ABE schemes in terms of encryption/decryption cost. The scheme is also proved to be CPA secure. In the proposed scheme, the computational cost of encryption and decryption operations are decreased by atleast 4% and 48% respectively as compared to other existing works. The proposed scheme is secure against corrupt AAs. There is scope to make it more flexible by adding functionality of dynamic attribute assignment to AAs so that the system can be protected from failure in case of down AA. The access policy of the proposed scheme considers only AND gate. The scheme can be extended to consider OR/THRESHOLD based access policies.
[1] Sahai A. and Waters B., “Fuzzy identity-based encryption”, in Proc. EUROCRYPT, 2005, vol. 3494, pp. 457–473.
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Shardha Porwal is Assistant Professor in department of computer science engineering and information technology in Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida. Her research interest includes Cryptography and Network Security, Data structure and algorithm. She has published several papers in international conferences and journals. She received her M.Tech. degree from Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India. She has 10+ years of teaching experience.
Sangeeta Mittal is Associate Professor in Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida. Her areas of research interest include Software Defined Networks, Computer Networks, Network Security, Cryptography, Sensor Based Smart Environments and Wireless Sensor Networks. She has published several papers in international conferences and journals of repute. She earned her PhD from Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, M.E. in Computer Engineering from Punjab University Chandigarh India and BE from Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, India. She has 16+ years of experience in teaching UG and PG computer science courses. She is a member of ACM and life member of CSI.
Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, Vol. 9_4, 601–626.
doi: 10.13052/jcsm2245-1439.945
© 2020 River Publishers
3.1.3 Access Policy (W) and Hidden Access Structure
3.1.4 The Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) Assumption
The CPA Security game for the proposed scheme
4 Construction of the Proposed Scheme
Verifiability against corrupt AA
5.2 Security Features Analysis
5.4 Computational Performance Analysis