Analytic Study of Features for the Detection of Covert Timing Channels in NetworkTraffic
Félix Iglesias Vázquez, Robert Annessi and Tanja Zseby
CN Group, Institute of Telecommunications, TU Wien, Austria
Received 30 November 2017; Accepted 3 December 2017;
Publication 18 December 2017
Covert timing channels are security threats that have concerned the expert community from the beginnings of secure computer networks. In this paper we explore the nature of covert timing channels by studying the behavior of a selection of features used for their detection. Insights are obtained from experimental studies based on ten covert timing channels techniques published in the literature, which include popular and novel approaches. The study digs into the shapes of flows containing covert timing channels from a statistical perspective as well as using supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms. Our experiments reveal which features are recommended for building detection methods and draw meaningful representations to understand the problem space. Covert timing channels show high histogram-distance based outlierness, but insufficient to clearly discriminate them from normal traffic. On the other hand, traffic features do show dependencies that allow separating subspaces and facilitate the identification of covert timing channels. The conducted study shows the detection difficulties due to the high shape variability of normal traffic and suggests the implementation of semi-supervised techniques to develop accurate and reliable detectors.
Covert channels are parasitic communication channels, which are exploited to hide the existence of actual communications but for the senders and the receivers of the covert information. They are parasitic because they are built on top of other systems, usually related to technology or information transmission means. In the case of TCP/IP protocols, covert channels use either TCP/IP header fields or time properties of network traffic packets to hide the secret message.
The existence of covert channels is usually—but not necessarily—related to illegal and criminal activities, e.g., data leakage, malware propagation, penetration attacks. One example is the network attacks during December 2015 on Ukraine power companies, whose computers were infected with Gcat. The Gcat malware created covert channels on Gmail applications to conceal C&C (command-and-control) operations and to pass unperceived by security systems [8]. Covert channels are a serious problem related to security and system vulnerabilities; not in vain, they were already identified as a security threat for communication networks almost 40 years ago [25].
This work focuses on covert channels over TCP/IP and, specifically, on covert timing channels, i.e., whenever time properties of TCP/IP transmissions are exploited. We continue the investigations started with [12], where covert channels were classified by studying the implications and challenges faced from the detection side. Additionally, in [12] a general solution for covert channel identification called DAT (from Descriptive Analytics of Traffic) is proposed. The DAT methodology is based on representing traffic flows with a set of statistical measurements and estimations. In [13] and [15] the scope was reduced to timing channels, analyzing and testing the detection with supervised classification in [13] and with unsupervised algorithms in [15]. Even in spite of the fact that covert timing channels are anomalies from a semantic understanding, from the perspective of statistical properties they remain in zones also occupied by normal traffic, yet they can be differentiated by supervised analysis (as shown in [15]). In other words, the separation boundaries between traffic flows with and without covert timing channels are not located in low density areas of the problem space (at least when analyzing the spaces created by the features studied in [15]).
In this paper, we extend the experiments and improve the cited research in [12, 13, 15] as follows:
Study of new features for randomness and predictability
The suitability of five new coefficients related to the estimation of randomness and predictability in time series is studied. The addition of new features to the basic DAT vector format increases computational costs but is expected to enhance detection performance, being therefore justified in environments that demand high security and deal with assumable traffic volumes.
Validation with novel techniques
A validation phase was added to the experiments. In the validation phase, in addition to the eight covert timing techniques used in previous experiments, detectors are evaluated versus two new covert timing channels published in 2017, which are not present during training and testing phases. The robustness of statistical detection frameworks is therefore here tested as well as the hypothesis that suggests that different covert timing techniques are prone to similarly exploit the timing capacities of network traffic (within the scope of the features under
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 briefly describes the covert timing channel techniques used in the experiments. Section 3 describes the features under study. Section 4 depicts the experimental design and
For the experiments we have selected ten covert timing channel techniques. Eight of them are popular in the field of covert channel detection, widely described in [13] and in the original papers (we provide the corresponding references). The last two techniques have been published recently in [7]. We use them here for validation and testing detectors against unknown/novel techniques. We abbreviate technique names with three capital letters (or two and one number) that refer to the authors who published them. Techniques are briefly described later in this section, and Table 1 lists the specific parameters used for the generation of covert channels.
For a better understanding of the developed methods, it is important to clarify two different terms related to time properties. The Inter Arrival Time (IAT) refers to the time between packets seen from the perspective of the receiver; on the other side, the Inter Departure Time (IDT) is the time between packets seen from the perspective of the sender. Synthetically expressed: IAT = IDT + tx_delay, where “tx delay” is the transmission
In this technique communication partners are time synchronized and agree on a predefined time interval tint. The presence or absence of a packet within the predefined time interval stands for the covert symbol 1 or 0 respectively [4].
This is a technique originally described for the Time-to-Live (TTL) field [33], yet easily applicable to IATs. This technique makes use of two parameters, tb and tinc. tb refers to the base IDT at which packets may be sent and tinc to the time that may be added or substracted from tb. If the covert symbol 0 is to be transmitted, the IDT is set to tb; if the covert symbol 1 is to be transmitted, however, the IDT is set to tb ± tinc. Addition and substraction are applied alternately on subsequently occurring 1 symbols.
This straightforward technique [1] agrees on two different IDTs to mask binary symbols. For instance, t0 for 0 and t1 for 1.
The technique [28] is designed to interfere legitimate communications. It uses a base sample interval ω and adds some delay to IDTs. A covert 1 or a 0 is interpreted depending on if a given IAT is divisible by ω or only by ω/2.
By using Huffman coding, every covert symbol is encoded in a set of packets with different IDTs [32]. The proposed codification tries to optimize communication bandwidth based on the frequency of ASCII symbols observed in English texts. The given implementation only covers a set of basic lower case characters and numbers.
This technique [9] uses a time threshold th to discriminate 0s and 1s. If a given IAT is above th it will mark 1, 0 if below. For the implementation we used additional times to create the covert channel and match the proposed rule (Section 1).
In this technique [20] packets are sent in bursts. The number of packets sent per burst marks the intended covert symbol to transmit. Between two subsequent bursts, some time tw is waited. In principle, this technique is not exploited for binary channels, but manages some symbols (few, about 10 or 16).
This technique [10] uses TCP timestamps to convey covert information. Packet IDTs are altered in such a way that the least significant bit (LSB) of the TCP timestamp matches the covert information. TCP timestamps are updated at a specific clock frequency, usually 100, 250, or 1000 Hz. For this reason, this technique establishes a waiting tb between consecutive packets (authors suggest a minimum of 10 ms). If the LSB is the same as the desired numerical covert symbol, the packet is sent; if not, the sender checks the LSB again after a defined tw.
This technique [7] encodes the covert symbol 0 with a waiting time t0 (authors suggest 300 ms), whereas the covert symbol 1 triggers the immediate sending of a packet. Note that t0 is not defining any IDT; therefore, sending 0s does not imply sending any packet. For example, if ‘A’, which corresponds to the ASCII encoding ‘01000001’, is to be covertly send, the sender will follow this sequence: (1) wait 300 ms, (2) send one packet, (3) wait 1.5 s (300 ms×5),
This technique [7] encodes every letter of the English alphabet with a 5-digit numerical code where each digit corresponds to a different IDT. Authors propose a waiting time between covert letters, tw.
As mentioned in Section 1, a recent classification of covert channels is presented in [12]. Moreover, DAT is introduced as a general methodology to identify covert channels in network traffic flows. The DAT approach is fundamentally based on a set of statistical figures and estimations extracted from TCP/IP flow header fields as well as IATs. The specific field under
Before depicting features, it is worth remembering that detectors must define two time parameters to enable time series analysis:
Sampling time, which states the desired binning (time resolution, or granularity) for the time series analysis. DAT detectors and the experiments conducted here work with a 1-millisecond sampling time by default.
Observation period, which establishes the maximum time-window for the observation of a given flow. DAT detectors and the experiments conducted here work with a 5-minute observation period by default.
The feature vector extracted from IATs of analyzed flows is:
The meaning of each feature is described below.
An example should help to understand the introduced features. For instance, given the following sequence of IATs in a flow i:
Feature values would be: U = 6, i.e., the cardinality of the unique values set: {4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16}; p(Mo) = 4/14 = 0.29, given that the Mode (15) occurs 4 times; pkts = 15; and c = 14/7 = 2, since Sk = 2.
Multimodality refers to values that either significantly occur more often than others in the series or appear as attractors in the series distribution. Estimating multimodality means providing the number of such attractors. The features related to multimodality are:
Figure 1 Histograms (bars) and kernel density estimations (curves) of two different numerical series. Left plot: Sk = 2, Ss = 2. Right plot: Sk = 2, Ss = 6. Density magnitudes are omitted as only the number of peaks is relevant for the purpose of the estimation. Figure taken from [12].
The coefficients described in this section try to provide an estimation of the randomness, the unpredictability or the regularity of a time series. ρA was initially proposed in [12], whereas the other five measurements are added here to test if their inclusion enhances detector performances. In addition to the associated computational costs, the main drawback of all these coefficients is that they require time series be long enough (the minimum threshold is approximately placed between 10 and 100 elements). For short time series, coefficient values are either meaningless or not computable. This fact does not imply a serious problem for covert timing channel detection as, by default, short flows—specially in binary covert channels—cannot contain significant amounts of information and can be directly discarded by the detector. For instance, a binary channel that hides the sentence “hello world!” as 7-bit ASCII characters requires 1 + 12 × 7 = 85 packets (84 IATs).
TR — runs test. The runs test [2] checks if it is reasonable to consider that each element in the studied time series is independent and originates from the same distribution. For a non-binary time series A, an intermediate step is required:
where μA is the statistical mean of A. R is the runs of B, i.e., the number of sub-series of negative or positive values within B. Finally,
where E[R] is the expected number of runs, and S[R] stands for the expected standard deviation of R. Finally,
For time series with more than 20 elements, they are considered non-random if TR is positive.2 This test is widely explained in [2].
TS — sign test. The sign test [21] is similar to the run test. Given the time series A, instead of counting runs, it takes consecutive pairs of values and constructs a new time series as follows:
being n the total number of elements in A. P is the signs of B, i.e., the number of positive elements in B. Therefore,
where E[P] is the expected number of signs, and S[R] stands for the expected standard deviation of R. TS is defined similarly to TR:
where time series with more than 20 elements are considered non-random if TS is positive.
K — Kolmogorov complexity or compressibility. Given a string, the Kolmogorov complexity is defined as the length of the shortest computer program that generates such string [18]. The calculation of the Kolmogorov complexity, as originally defined, presents problems related to computability. Nevertherless, considering long-enough strings, using lossless compression for approximating Kolmogorov complexity has proven to satisfactorily estimate upper bounds in different domains [19]. In our experiments, we approximate K as:
with len(A) being the length of the time series A and len(B) the length of the compressed version of A by zlib3, i.e., B = zlib(A).
As an example, Figure 2 shows two time series: T1, generated at random, and T2, exhibiting a clear pattern. Regularity/predictability coefficients are shown below the figure.
Figure 2 Regularity/predictability coefficients for two example time series.
T2: ρA1.5 = 0.09, TR = 7.49, TS = 14.66, K = 0.31, Hq = 0.71, Ha = 0.08.
The experiments conducted in this research use real data flows for the traffic free of covert channels (henceforth called overt datasets) and flows with covert channels created by an ad-hoc traffic generation framework (henceforth called overt datasets). We describe them in this section.
As introduced in Section 3, flows are tracked 5 minutes as longest (observation period), and the sampling time for the IAT data is fixed to 1 millisecond. Final preprocessed datasets for experiment replication and further algorithm testing are publicly available to download from our
Real traffic—in principle assumed free of covert channels—has been obtained from the MAWI Working Group Traffic Archive6. The MAWI project promotes network traffic research by daily publishing 15 minutes of TCP/IP backbone traces, from 2:00 pm to 2:15 pm GMT. MAWI datasets are anonymized and do not contain payload. We used captures from three days in 2017: a) January 31, b) February 28, and c) March 31, randomly selecting flows to create three overt datasets, namely: nocc_training, nocc_testing and nocc_
Since, for the case of covert timing channels, DAT detectors automatically consider flows with less than 10 packets as overt flows (i.e., they are too short to contain a covert timing channel), all flows with less than 10 packets were removed from the overt dataset. In [13] and [15] flows with less than two packets were removed instead. This difference makes current experiments more demanding and challenging as covert flows are only compared with overt flows that potentially look like covert flows. Performance indices are expected to be worse due to this reason. It is important to remark here that datasets used in the experiments do not try to be representative of real traffic conditions (were the rate of covert channels is absolute negligible), but submit the analysis to problem spaces that are suitable for the knowledge extraction and feature testing.
After preprocessing steps, overt datasets contain 30000 flows in nocc_training, 30000 flows in nocc_testing and 46193 in nocc_validation.
Covert datasets were also generated in three groups, namely:
Each covert dataset was generated with a different set of files to be secretly sent. Each set of files consisted of various types of data, including plain-text (text files, list of passwords, technical reports and programming scripts), images (PNG and JPEG), compressed files (in ZIP and GZ formats), and encrypted files (in 3DES and GnuPG formats). Each singular channel was generated with a different parameterization, random seed and data to be covertly sent. Parameter value ranges were defined according to the original publications (whenever provided); otherwise, they were tuned based on traffic measurement expert knowledge. We also increased some parameter values whenever the source publication did not properly consider transmission delays for large networks. Table 1 shows the value ranges used for the random generation of parameters.
Table 1 Parameters used for the generation of covert channels. Parameters randomly fell within the shown intervals (uniform random distribution)
Technique | Parameters |
tx_delay | By default, transmissions delays are modeled with a Lomax (Pareto Type II) distribution with α = 3 ms and λ = 10 ms. |
CAB | tint ∈ [60,140] ms, being tint the base time window in which the presence or absence of a packet sets the covert symbol. |
BER | t0 ∈ [10, 50] ms, t1 ∈ [80, 220] ms. t0 stands for the IDT of covert 0s and t1 for covert 1s. |
SHA | The ground transmission was modeled by using a Gamma distribution with k ∈ [40, 760] ms and ϕ∈ [40, 360] ms. The SHA technique uses ω ∈ [10, 90] ms as sampling interval to manipulate the sending with little delays. |
GAS | IDT distribution for 0-packets: t0 = th - tsIDT distribution for 1-packets:: t1 = th - ts + ta, th ∈ [100, 300] ms, |
JIN | We used the codification proposed in [32]. |
LUO | tw ∈ [50, 250] ms. tw is the waiting time between bursts. Packets in a burst are sent every ms. |
ZAN | tb ∈ [30, 70] ms, tinc ∈ [20, 40] ms. tb is the base IDT between packets. tinc is added, subtracted or nor applied based on the covert symbol and the previous IDT. |
GIF | The minimum time between packets is tb ∈ [10, 30] ms. The time to recheck TCP timestamps is tw ∈ [4,12] ms. |
ED1 | Waiting time for zeros is t0 ∈ [200, 400] ms. |
ED2 | Waiting time between covert symbols is tw ∈ [130,170] ms. The 5-code is built by translating ASCII decimal values into 5-base equivalent numbers. 5-code IDTs: t0 ∈ [11,19] ms, t1 = t0 + tinc ms, t2 = t1 + tinc ms, t3 = t2 + tinc ms, t4 = t3 + tinc ms, with tinc ∈ [11,19] ms. The specific numbers have been chosen to deal with path delay variation such that the probability for decoding errors is reduced. |
Covert and overt datasets were explored in sequential steps:
Univariate analysis and feature correlation
As a first step, features were studied separately for the cc_training and nocc_training datasets by univariate analysis, aiming to detect noticeable differences in simple statistical figures. Later on, Pearson correlation between features were checked in order to detect distinct feature dependencies in overt and covert traffic.
Feature selection
cc_training and nocc_training were joined in a single training dataset to study feature dependencies with regard to the binary class labels. Features were weighted by feature selection filters and hybrid schemes with different criteria. i.e., decision trees, maximum relevance, information gain, correlation and the gini index—the theoretical background of such indices can be consulted in [26] and [23]. Additionally, feature weighting methods were embedded in a subsampling structure to reinforce result robustness by means of stability selection [22]. Obtained ranks were compared and a final feature set is proposed.
Binary classification and validation
In this phase, training datasets are presented to learners. Obtained models are tested with testing datasets and validated with validation datasets, which explore the effect of including non-trained covert timing channels in the analysis. The training is performed with 10-fold cross-validation, with stratified sampling to keep label proportions in each validation fold. Experiments are repeated with different feature sets to evaluate the results of the feature selection phase. Used learning schemes are: decision trees, random forests, SVMs, neural networks, Bayes-based ensembles and k-Nearest neighbors classifiers.
Unsupervised analysis
Training data is also analyzed by unsupervised outlier detection algorithms in order to see if the new proposed features make covert flows be outliers. Experiments slightly differ from the ones conducted in [15], where overt and covert datasets where presented together to the algorithms. Such experimental scheme might break the normal environment where covert channels appear by overpopulating the space with covert samples (in [15] they consisted on about 5% of the total flows). Covert channels are expected to be much more infrequent among overt data. Therefore, here, outlier detection models are calculated without covert channels, and covert flows are later contrasted with the model and ranked one by one, i.e., every covert flow is isolated and independently compared with the whole overt dataset. Used algorithms are: LOF [3], COF [30], INFLO [16] and HBOS [11]. Used performance indices are: P@n, precision at the top n ranks; Adj.P@n, adjusted P@n; AP, average precision; Adj.AP, adjusted AP; MaxF1, Maximum F1 score; Adj.MaxF1, adjusted MaxF1 score; ROC/AUC, area under the ROC curve. Explanations of such indices can be consulted in [5].
The results of the experiments described in Section 4.3 are shown and discussed in this section.
Correlation analysis shows some linear dependencies among the studied features in overt traffic (Figure 3, left plot). Even thought it obviously depends on the features under observation, the characteristics of network traffic make finding high-related features a common situation, as observed in [14]. The positive correlation between the number of U (i.e., unique IATs values) and Sk (i.e., distribution-based multimodes) is not surprising, as well as the correlation between pkts and c, TR or TS, which are expected to be higher as the number of packets increase. A special attention deserves indices among the regularity estimators. Entropy measures Ha show inverse correlation with U, which makes sense according to the definition of entropy. The Kolmogorov coefficient K shows inverse correlation with p(Mo) and TS, which also makes sense because K inversely defines chaos or irregularity if compared to p(Mo) or TS.
Figure 3 Results of the correlation analysis. Left matrix (A): correlations in the overt dataset. Middle matrix (B): correlations in the covert dataset. Right matrix (C): absolute differences between the correlations in the overt and the covert data set, i.e., ci,j = |ai,j - bi,j|∀i,j being i and j indices for rows and columns, and ai,j,bi,j,ci,j elements of A, B, C respectively.
Table 2 Univariate statistics for overt and covert traffic. Since feature distributions are not Gaussians, we use nonparametric Confidence Intervals (approximately 95%) over the median
Overt Traffic | Covert Traffic | |||||||||
mean | stdev | median | CI_low | CI_high | mean | stdev | median | CI_low | CI_high | |
u | 28.75 | 38.73 | 15.00 | 15.00 | 15.00 | 196.10 | 96.17 | 159.00 | 155.00 | 165.00 |
S k | 18.83 | 28.88 | 11.00 | 11.00 | 11.00 | 168.38 | 114.49 | 139.00 | 132.00 | 146.00 |
S s | 2.33 | 6.61 | 2.00 | 2.00 | 2.00 | 2.62 | 2.16 | 2.00 | 2.00 | 2.00 |
μ ωS | 0.01 | 0.05 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.02 | 0.04 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
ρ A | 0.11 | 0.08 | 0.10 | 0.10 | 0.10 | 0.04 | 0.03 | 0.04 | 0.03 | 0.04 |
c | 88.53 | 1462.21 | 3.29 | 3.29 | 3.29 | 781.63 | 2139.75 | 289.36 | 246.71 | 351.00 |
p(Mo) | 0.27 | 0.22 | 0.20 | 0.20 | 0.20 | 0.07 | 0.07 | 0.05 | 0.05 | 0.05 |
TR | –0.17 | 3.57 | –1.05 | –1.07 | –1.02 | 1.36 | 4.57 | –0.39 | –0.50 | –0.22 |
TS | 3.21 | 18.86 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.87 | 4.71 | 0.29 | 0.10 | 0.50 |
Ha | 6.95 | 4.43 | 10.00 | 10.00 | 10.00 | 0.57 | 0.06 | 0.58 | 0.58 | 0.58 |
Hq | 129.77 | 335.41 | 0.41 | 0.41 | 0.41 | 1.20 | 0.44 | 1.29 | 1.26 | 1.31 |
K | 0.97 | 0.12 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 0.02 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
pkts | 414.49 | 4014.59 | 23.00 | 22.00 | 23.00 | 3647.22 | 4465.61 | 1774.00 | 1615.00 | 2062.00 |
The plot in the middle of Figure 3 shows the case of the covert dataset. Covert traffic shows more extreme correlation indices. This fact suggests that covert flows follow more strict and regular structures with respect to the selected features. Another way to look at this picture is acknowledging that overt traffic is richer in shapes and possibilities. Such results foresee a classification scenario where covert flows can be discriminated, but false positives might be also likely. The right plot in Figure 3 shows which features—high values, light backgrounds—might be potentially determinant to establish classification boundaries to separate overt and covert
The comparison between univariate analysis of features for overt and covert datasets reveal significant differences in the central tendency measures (Table 2). However, values that significantly differ from overt to covert traffic also show high dynamic ranges (represented by the standard deviation).
In short, univariate analysis and correlation tests reveal:
Figure 4 Comparison of feature selection methods.
Feature selection experiments expose that features are ranked differently depending on the used feature selection method, as shown in Figure 4. This is not surprising due to the redundancy among features observed during correlation analysis. Nevertheless, all feature selection methods seem to agree in neglecting ρA and Hq whereas emphasizing K and c.
The preponderance of K can surprise due to the fact that its correlation relationships among features do not significantly differ when overt and covert traffic are compared each other. In any case, such peculiarity does not imply that K cannot be correlated with the class label. But K is indeed not linearlycorrelated with the class label (ρ = 0.04), and univariate statistics in Table 2 do not show differences between covert and overt traffic for K. Nevertheless, K exhibits a noticeable behaviour change when values are visually compared from an overall perspective (Figure 5).
Summarizing, based on the feature selection analysis we can cluster features in four groups, which remark their importance for distinguishing between covert and overt traffic:
Figure 5 K values throughout covert and overt sample flows.
As observed in [13], where features are selected by decision trees, c is stated as a decisive feature and ρA is neglected. However, with regard to the previous work the importance of other features vary due to the inclusion of the new regularity and randomness features, derived redundancies and the influence of new feature combinations. Also the selection of overt datasets with longer flows, whose characteristics are more similar to covert flows, has an effect on classifiers and feature selection algorithms, which are forced to give solutions with finer granularity.
Based on the feature selection analysis, classification experiments are run to verify the suitability of the selected features. Also, covert channels based on two new techniques are incorporated in a validation step to see if models drawn in training are able to detect novel covert timing techniques, meaning that new covert channels are likely to manipulate traffic capacities in a similar way (from a statistical perspective). Classification is performed with decision tree cores over three different feature sets:
Table 3 Experiment performance with Feature Set A (all)
Training | Testing | Validation | ||||
PC | PO | PC | PO | PC | PO | |
RC | 1001 (TP) | 21 (FN) | 986 (TP) | 50 (FN) | 1036 (TP) | 196 (FN) |
RO | 40 (FP) | 29960 (TN) | 41 (FP) | 29959 (TN) | 96 (FP) | 46097 (TN) |
Acc.(C): | 99.80% ± 0.12% | 99.71% | 99.38% | |||
Prec.(C): | 96.20% ± 2.24% | 96.01% | 91.52% | |||
Recall(C): | 97.95% ± 1.75% | 95.17% | 84.09% | |||
AUC(C): | 0.962 ± 0.099 | 0.973 | 0.903 | |||
PC: predicted covert, PO: predicted overt, RC: real covert, RO: real overt, | ||||||
TP: true positive, TN: true negative, FP: false positive, FN: false negative, | ||||||
(C): covert as positive class, Acc.: accuracy, Prec.: precision, AUC: area under ROC curve. |
Table 4 Experiment performance with Feature Set B (excluded negligible)
Training | Testing | Validation | ||||
PC | PO | PC | PO | PC | PO | |
RC | 997 (TP) | 25 (FN) | 946 (TP) | 74 (FN) | 991 (TP) | 241 (FN) |
RO | 37 (FP) | 29963 (TN) | 96 (FP) | 29961 (TN) | 81 (FP) | 46112 (TN) |
Acc.(C): | 99.80% ± 0.08% | 99.54% | 99.32% | |||
Prec.(C): | 96.45% ± 1.65% | 96.10% | 92.44% | |||
Recall(C): | 97.56% ± 1.60% | 92.86% | 80.44% | |||
AUC(C): | 0.959 ± 0.100 | 0.973 | 0.924 | |||
PC: predicted covert, PO: predicted overt, RC: real covert, RO: real overt, | ||||||
TP: true positive, TN: true negative, FP: false positive, FN: false negative, | ||||||
(C): covert as positive class, Acc.: accuracy, Prec.: precision, AUC: area under ROC curve. |
Table 5 Experiment performance with Feature Set C (excluded negligible and low relevant)
Training | Testing | Validation | ||||
PC | PO | PC | PO | PC | PO | |
RC | 893 (TP) | 129 (FN) | 915 (TP) | 121 (FN) | 980 (TP) | 252 (FN) |
RO | 57 (FP) | 29943 (TN) | 65 (FP) | 29935 (TN) | 142 (FP) | 46051 (TN) |
Acc.(C): | 99.40% ± 0.21% | 99.17% | 99.30% | |||
Prec.(C): | 94.23% ± 2.74% | 93.37% | 87.34% | |||
Recall(C): | 87.39% ± 8.07% | 88.32% | 79.55% | |||
AUC(C): | 0.931 ± 0.043 | 0.920 | 0.824 | |||
PC: predicted covert, PO: predicted overt, RC: real covert, RO: real overt, | ||||||
TP: true positive, TN: true negative, FP: false positive, FN: false negative, | ||||||
(C): covert as positive class, Acc.: accuracy, Prec.: precision, AUC: area under ROC curve. |
Tables 3, 4 and 5 show performances for every feature set when decision trees are used to create classification models. The revision of such tables disclose some findings:
Table 7 Identification of FN and FP in the validation phase for the relevant feature set
Technique | Wrong | μconf(0) | μconf(1) |
CAB (FN) | 8 | 1.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 |
BER (FN) | 18 | 1.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 |
SHA (FN) | 2 | 0.75±0.35 | 0.25±0.35 |
GAS (FN) | 24 | 1.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 |
JIN (FN) | 12 | 1.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 |
LUO (FN) | 8 | 1.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 |
ZAN (FN) | 11 | 1.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 |
GIF (FN) | 3 | 0.78±0.19 | 0.22±0.19 |
ED1 (FN) | 99 | 1.00±0.00 | 0.00±0.00 |
ED2 (FN) | 55 | 0.70±0.10 | 0.30±0.10 |
Overt (FP) | 81 | 0.05±0.09 | 0.05±0.09 |
FP: false positive, FN: false negative, wrong: total number of wrong classified flows μconf(0) and μconf(1) stand respectively for the average decision tree confidence to establish the 0 (overt) or a 1 (covert) label to the misclassified samples. |
Similar test have been carried out with other classifiers, specifically: random forests, SVM, neural networks, Bayes-based ensemble and k-Nearest
Finally, tests by outlier ranking algorithms tried to elucidate if the new considered features could provide extra information to face the detection of covert timing channels from an unsupervised manner. Experiments in [15] revealed that covert timing channels can hardly be seen as outliers. Here, outlier analysis are performed by considering two different feature sets:
Results are shown in Table 7 and Figure 6. Results confirm that density-based outlier detection is completely useless for detecting covert timing channels. Only the HBOS algorithm (histogram-based method) can face the task to differentiate between overt and covert flows. However, the probabilities to suspect that a legitimate flow is a covert flow are still too high. For example, the P@n index gives the proportion of correct results in the top n ranks.
Table 7 Outlier detection performance indices for feature set B and D
Feature set B | |||||||
P@n | Adj. P@n | AP | Adj. AP | MaxF1 | Adj.MaxF1 | ROC/AUC | |
LOF | 0.02 | –0.01 | 0.01 | –0.03 | 0.08 | 0.05 | 0.55 |
COF | 0.01 | –0.02 | 0.00 | –0.03 | 0.07 | 0.04 | 0.53 |
INFLO | 0.02 | –0.01 | 0.01 | –0.03 | 0.08 | 0.05 | 0.51 |
HBOS | 0.28 | 0.26 | 0.27 | 0.25 | 0.49 | 0.47 | 0.96 |
Feature set D | |||||||
P@n | Adj. P@n | AP | Adj. AP | MaxF1 | Adj.MaxF1 | ROC/AUC | |
LOF | 0.04 | 0.01 | 0.02 | –0.01 | 0.08 | 0.05 | 0.57 |
COF | 0.00 | –0.03 | 0.00 | –0.03 | 0.09 | 0.06 | 0.62 |
INFLO | 0.03 | 0.00 | 0.02 | –0.01 | 0.07 | 0.04 | 0.52 |
HBOS | 0.09 | 0.06 | 0.12 | 0.10 | 0.36 | 0.34 | 0.92 |
P@n = 0.28 in Table 7 is the best result for the HBOS case, but still too low to build a practical detector. AUC rates are nevertheless significantly high for HBOS. The AUC index can be understood as the probability that the algorithm ranks a randomly chosen positive example higher than a randomly chosen negative example. Summarizing, results show that practically all flows with covert channels obtain high HBOS ranks; overt flows are low-ranked instead, but still some overt flows—a meaningless proportion but still many when compared with covert flows rates—score high and even higher than
Already in [15] HBOS was the only method to find a significant difference between overt and covert flows. The inclusion of the new features (TR, TS, Ha and K) reinforces the outlier nature of flows with covert channels, as shown in Figure 6, but is still far from being discriminant.
Figure 6 Outlier ranking results. Again, distributions are not normal but strongly skewed. Plots show medians and Confidence Intervals over the median (approximately 95%). Red markers correspond to covert datasets, blue for overt datasets. Red lines are indistinguishable (or almost) in LOF, COF and INFLO due to value overlap.
Therefore, the main findings of the unsupervised experiments are:
In this work we have deeply analyzed the capacity of some network traffic features to disclose covert timing channels. All analyzed features are measured or calculated from network traffic flows IATs (Inter Arrival Times).
From the analyzed features, the most relevant ones for the detection of covert channels are: c, Sk, pkts and K. c is the estimation of potential covert byte-equivalent symbols, which depends on the number of packets in the flow (pkts) and the number of multimodes that appear in the probability density estimation when using gaussians as kernels (Sk). K is the Kolmogorov complexity estimation approximated by using zlib compression. On the other hand, the hurst coefficient (Hq) and autocorrelation-based coeffcients (ρA) are found inefficient and can be discarded.
Conducted experiments show that the detection of covert timing channels is a demanding challenge and new covert techniques can easily bypass trained detection schemes. The high variety of forms that network traffic can take and the extremely low expected rate of covert channels in real traffic are the main reasons that make the accurate detection so difficult. Combination of supervised and unsupervised techniques (i.e., semi-supervise methods) appears as the right direction to follow in order to develop satisfactory detectors. However, a considerable rate of false positives is almost unavoidable unless more complex methods are developed and implemented.
The research leading to these results has been partially funded by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) through project ICT15-129, BigDAMA.
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Félix Iglesias Vázquez was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1980. He obtained the Dipl.-Ing. in electrical engineering and MAS in IT from the Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain. In 2012 he received the Ph.D. degree in technical sciences from TU Wien, Austria, where he currently holds a University Assistant position doing fundamental research in data analysis and network security. He has worked on R&D for diverse Spanish and Austrian firms, and lectured in the fields of electronics, physics, automation, machine learning and data analysis.
Robert Annessi received his B.Sc. and his M.Sc. degrees in computer engineering from TU Wien in 2011 and 2014 respectively. He is genuinely interested in communication networks, network security, and privacy, and is currently pursuing his Ph.D in the area of secure group communication for critical infrastructures. His further research interests are anonymous communication, covert communication, and subliminal communication.
Tanja Zseby is a professor of communication networks in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at TU Wien. She received her Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering and her Ph.D. (Dr.-Ing.) from Technical University Berlin, Germany. Before joining TU Wien she led the Competence Center for Network Research at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) in Berlin and worked as visiting scientist at the University of California, San Diego.
Journal of Cyber Security, Vol. 6_3, 245–270.
doi: 10.13052/jcsm2245-1439.632
This is an Open Access publication. © 2017 the Author(s). All rights reserved.
1 It might be surprising the use of “7” instead of “8” in the quotient for estimating byte-equivalent symbols. The c index is an inflated estimation of the transmitted covert information and assumes that it consists of text. In this respect, note that ASCII most relevant/used symbols are less than 27 = 128.
2 For a 5% significance level, Z1-α/2 = 1.96.
4 For the experiments we have used the hurst implementation from Python library nolds 0.3.4:
5 For the experiments we have used the approximate entropy implementation from Python library nolds 0.3.4:
7 It’s worth remembering that
8 The decision tree configuration included pre- and postpruning to avoid overfitting and favor generalization. It used Information Gain (i.e., entropy-based) as splitting criterion; the minimal size for splitting was four samples; the minimal leaf size was two samples, allowing a maximal tree depth of 20 levels; the minimal gain for splitting a node was 0.1; the confidence level used for the pessimistic error calculation of pruning was 0.25, whereas the number of prepruning alternatives was three. In addition, a 10-fold cross-validation process was performed to reinforce disclosed models.
2 Explored Covert Timing Channel Techniques
2.2 Differential/Derivative (ZAN)
2.8 TCP Timestamp Manipulation (GIF)
2.9 ASCII Binary Encoding (ED1)
3.1 Simple Statistical Figures
3.3 Regularity/predictability Estimators
5.1 Univariate Analysis and Feature Correlation