A Hybrid Approach of Secret Sharing with Fragmentation and Encryption in Cloud Environment for Securing Outsourced Medical Database: A Revolutionary Approach
Dac-Nhuong Le1, Bijeta Seth2 and Surjeet Dalal2
1Faculty of Information Technology, Haiphong University, Haiphong, Vietnam
2Department of Computer Science & Engineering, SRM University, Sonepat, Haryana, India
E-mail: nhuongld@hus.edu.vn; bijetaoberoi@gmail.com; profsurjeetdalal@gmail.com
Received 17 March 2018; Accepted 05 August 2018;
Publication 12 September 2018
Cloud Computing is observed as the greatest paradigm change in Information technology. Data outsourcing is an inventive representation with the intention of trustworthy storage and proficient query execution to customers. Data stored on the cloud is showing great attention. However, the security issues allied with data storage over the cloud is a chief daunting cause for potential adopters. Hence the focus is to find techniques that will offer more security. Many diseases fighting organizations are working together io implement cloud as a data sharing vehicle. It is obligatory to build up innovative solutions with the intention of amalgamate diverse approaches in order to generate flexible and adaptable systems, particularly for achieving elevated levels of utilization of developed algorithms. In this document, we suggest an innovative model based on fragmentation, secret sharing and encryption for medical databases which will divide the data amongst several cloud service providers. We develop a systematic structure exploiting the sensitive nature of information and results in enhanced security level. A database for medical system is represented as Entity association and Relational model. A cloud based model is proposed to offer secure patient centric right to access PHR in a competent way. The simulation results implemented in NetBeans Java for performance evaluation of existing cryptographic techniques are shown. Our security model is evaluated using CrypTool 1.4.30 considering the entropy of algorithms. The future work includes development of a computerized system retrieving, storing and maintaining data efficiently and quickly.
We are hasty approaching a new era in which we accumulate our data and perform expensive computation vaguely on remote servers-the CLOUD, in an admired idiom. The following Figure 1 mentions the cloud computing paradigm mentioning its characteristics, deployment models, service offerings and components. While the cloud offers several advantages like pay per usage, cost effectiveness, flexible, distributed computing environment and so on, it raises grave questions of confidentiality, since the data stored over the cloud can be harmed by unauthorized access of users [13, 15, 18, 23, 24].
Figure 1 Cloud computing paradigm.
Traditional Healthcare Information systems were based on Client-Server architecture maintained in-house. The high capacity servers are accessed by client computers used by nurses, doctors, patients, and administrators. Existing IT solutions in healthcare suffer major challenges including hardware infrastructure costs, costs involved in networking, staff training, user licenses, security and backup and so forth [26]. Cloud computing is the prevalent impending revolution to the Healthcare organizations for clinically relevant services and enhanced patient outcomes and lessen the infrastructure management burden. Cloud entirely solves such Big-data issues by offering an inter-organizational medical sharing environment facilitating a huge and high capacity data center with numerous computers, storage devices, network devices and power systems [27] to Cloud providers. The health data often contains sensitive information like personal information, health records etc, it is necessary for the users to have assurance of data protection before storing the data onto the cloud. There are abundant applications of cloud based Personal Health Record systems and Bioinformatics research [28]. Despite several pros of Cloud computing, such as security, privacy, regulatory issues and governance make healthcare organizations reluctant to move their systems to cloud environment. This paper aims to provide and overtly diminish the set of latent adversaries for security by providing an architecture utilizing encrypted medical report and adopting secret sharing approach and applying it to Personal Health Records, and allocate the ensuing fragments to diverse independent Cloud providers, and Fragmentation technique is used for query implementation.
The paper proceeds in following way: Foremost in Segment 2, we present an overview of cloud scenario in healthcare: its need, benefits and challenges. Section 3 explains the motivational scenario. Section 4 explains techniques to make data confidential by using fragmentation, secret sharing and encryption methods. Section 5 describes the proposed cloud model and architecture overview. Section 6 has the Implementation, Discussion and Analysis. Finally, our conclusion and future scope are presented in Section 7.
The environment in healthcare industry is changing gradually demanding for most effective medical services at low cost increasing competition level between different healthcare providers. Cloud computing aims to decipher clinical troubles faced these days and explain business deeds that have plagued current healthcare providers. But still it is not widely adopted because healthcare industry still relies on paperwork. Health Information technology needs to be changed because then patients will be most benefited by this technology as they can look for preferred behaviour addressing their status of health and drive down cost and improve efficiencies. Cloud computing has several benefits like:
Though cloud computing has entered various applications but it is not so much used in practice in healthcare industry where it is still underutilized. Certain requirements [1, 8, 10] that must be fulfilled by healthcare industry also like:
Some of the significant barriers of cloud computing responsible for its slow adoption in healthcare are:
Cloud computing will be at the forefront of healthcare modernization as it provides several benefits [3–10, 21, 22, 30] like:
Above points mention the advantages of adoption of cloud computing in healthcare industry.
Database to be outsourced undergo from two chief challenges:
Subsequently, a well-built and protected database outsourcing technique that ensures protected storage and proficient query processing arises. An analytical framework is proposed to be developed using which an organization can store its data on the cloud in a same manner. It should be easy to use and should handle all operations within the trusted organization and send encrypted data to the cloud.
Our major contributions are shown as follows:
The segment describes Fragmentation which divides the attributes of relation in the trusted database management system satisfying all confidentiality constraints. Vertical fragmentation was anticipated by Navathe, Ceri, Wiederhold and Doa in 1984 and concentrated on transaction performance enhancement [19]. Ciriani et al. proposed an algorithm satisfying all confidentiality constraint and computed minimal fragmentation. S Sareen et al. in 2016 proposed an algorithm based on decision tree and fragmented attributes based on Decision tree algorithm [13, 14].
Consider a relational database ′D′ with relation R1, R2,…,Rn and set attributes. A list of fragments obtained is denoted as F = FR1, FR2, …, FRm satisfying:
Take in account a distributed style in which the data owner outsources his relational database ′D′ having list of relational schemas R = {R1, R2, R3, …, RN} having attributes a1, a2, …, an on multiple clouds managed by different data storage providers. A set of confidentiality constraints C1, C2, …, Cn over R ensuring confidentiality can be one of the followings:
Creating a Decision Tree Algorithm shows in Algorithm 1.
Example illustrating fragmentation: Consider Table 1 as a relation patient with given attributes. The above algorithm can be used to split the Table 1 into three fragments fr1, fr2 and fr3.
Table 1 Relation Patient Stored in Plaintext
Id | Title | DateofBirth | Zip | Cured by | Illness |
1 | Dev | 3/7/1981 | 131001 | Medicine | Blood pressure |
2 | Neena | 7/6/1970 | 131002 | Surgery | Cancer |
3 | Inder | 4/3/1967 | 131003 | Medicine | Aids |
4 | John | 12/9/1975 | 131003 | Insulin | Diabetes |
5 | Meera | 4/3/1989 | 131004 | Surgery | Tumour |
Algorithm 1 Creating a Decision Tree
Table 2 defines the privacy and alliance constraints where c0 represents highly sensitive information that must be protected. Constraints from c1 to c4 correspond to association constraints and constraints c5, c6 represent alliance of attributes that can collectively reveal the patients information.
Table 2 Sample of Association Constraints and Confidentiality
Association Constraints |
C0 = (Id) |
C1 = (title, Illness) |
C2 = (title, Cured by) |
C4 = (title, zip) |
C5 = (title, DateofBirth) |
C6 = (DateofBirth, zip, Cured by) |
C7 = (DateofBirth, zip, Illness) |
Figure 2 Decision tree based on fragmentation of attributes.
This section provides an overview of sceret sharing scheme. Since the security of data is fully dependent on the secret keys used, a particular person shouldn’t have full charge of the key. This has guided to the design of secret sharing schemes which is a cryptographic technique. Shamir and Blakely developed
Secret sharing schemes with the main aim of secure key management. The basic idea of any secret sharing scheme is to segregate the secret key or confidential information into different pieces and allocate them among different storage providers so that certain subsets of the persons can get together to recover the data with the help of this scheme [15–18].
1) Important aspects of any secret sharing scheme:
2) Important Schemes: Shamir secret sharing [20] is based on secure order preserving technique based on polynomial interpolation and Lagrange’s interpolation formula in which a single secret value sj is shared among n different data centres out of which only k share are required to achieve the original values in order to reconstruct sj. The security of the scheme lies on the fact that at least k points are required to uniquely reconstruct the polynomial of degree k - 1. Inverse of Shamir secret sharing algorithm has to be applied to retrieve back the original result. Any kind of structured query is being supported by Shamir secret sharing like range queries, exact match queries, aggregate queries etc. Example: having an employee table having id and salary as its attributes with x records and queries attributing over salary attribute. So, we divide salary among n data servers and split them into s1, s2, s3, …, sx. Any trusted client only can retrieve the information as shown in the Figure 3:
The Threshold scheme: works at attribute level (dividing attribute tuple by tuple) and uses singleton constraint.
Figure 3 Employee table attributed over salary using Shamir Secret sharing.
Database service providers DSP1, DSP2, …, DSPn store fragments fr1, fr2, …, frn dividing our data as into n pieces v1, v2, …, vn such that
This format is called threshold scheme. If k = n then the participants have to construct the secret original datasets.
3) Computation of shares and reconstruction of shares: In secret sharing process, secret value is assigned to variable a0 and random k - 1 coefficients are chosen as a1, a2, …, ak-1. The polynomial of degree k - 1 is generated as
Any secret information can be represented as X(x1, x2, …, xn) as a set of n randomly chosen points and stored on Data storage providers (DSP). The secret value is equivalent to number of fragments and is computed by substituting the values of coefficients a1, a2, …, ak-1 as f(xi) and are stored on DSPi. The variable id of relation patient table is separated into three shares and stored amongst three database service providers. For five tuples, five random polynomials are chosen with degree 2(k - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2).
Let us take value of a1 as a1 = (2,1,4,3,5) and a2 = (1,2,6,3,4) and x = 1,3,4 respectively. Thus, the value of polynomial becomes as shown below for the corresponding values to id 1,2,3,4,5 respectively. The values of the shares are computed by substituting the secret points in each polynomial.
Table 3 Share Computations Using Polynomial Function
Id | Polynomial F(x) | X = 1 (share1) | X = 3 (share2) | X = 4 (share3) |
41 | 1x2 + 2x + 1 | 4 | 16 | 25 |
52 | 2x2 + 1x + 2 | 5 | 23 | 38 |
63 | 6x2 + 4x + 3 | 13 | 69 | 115 |
74 | 3x2 + 3x + 4 | 10 | 40 | 64 |
85 | 4x2 + 5x + 5 | 14 | 56 | 89 |
The reconstruction of shares can be done only by trusted DBMS by using any set of k DSPs and retrieving atleast k shares. The coefficients of polynomials can be generated by using Newtons divided difference interpolation and the evaluate as = a0 such as
where Δdyk,Δd2yk,…,Δdn-kyk are the first, second and kth order divided difference.
In the taken example, to recreate the unique value of id say 1, it needs to retain the share from the corresponding values of id from different DSPs using three secret points (1, 4), (3, 16) and (4, 25) to generate value of f(x) = x2 + 2x + 1 as shown in Table 7 and calculating second order polynomial by substituting values in equation from Table 7 as:
Likewise other values of sensitive attributes can be computed using Newton’s divided difference tables and polynomials.
Table 4 Fragment 1 Stored on DSP1
S.no | Id | Title |
1 | 4 | David |
2 | 5 | Neetu |
3 | 13 | Inder |
4 | 10 | John |
5 | 14 | Meera |
Table 5 Fragment 2 Stored on DSP2
S.no | Id | Dateofbirth | Zip |
1 | 16 | 03/07/1981 | 131001 |
2 | 23 | 07/06/1970 | 131002 |
3 | 69 | 04/03/1967 | 131003 |
4 | 40 | 12/09/1975 | 131003 |
5 | 56 | 04/03/1989 | 131004 |
Table 6 Fragment 3 Stored on DSP3
S.no | Id | Cured by | Illness |
1 | 25 | Medicine | Blood pressure |
2 | 38 | Surgery | Cancer |
3 | 115 | Medicine | Aids |
4 | 64 | Insulin | Diabetes |
5 | 89 | Surgery | Tumor |
Table 7 Newtons Divided Difference Table for id = 1
id | xi | yi | Δdyi | Δd2yi |
1 | 1 | 4 | 6 | 1 |
2 | 3 | 16 | 9 | |
3 | 4 | 25 |
Cryptography can be defined as the art of transforming plaintext (readable text) into ciphertext (unreadable text) which ensures data privacy and non alteration of data. Our paper focuses on providing protection to data from any modification or malfunctioning by untrusted third party. To provide security to data, it must be stored in an encrypted format. Some of the cryptographic approaches are discussed further.
Following Table 8 provides a comparison of the various algorithms studied.
Security and privacy violation in clouds has been the primary factor restricting its widespread use. To assure the health record management over access to the Personal Health Record, it is further promising to encrypt the PHR before outsourcing. An automated process of collecting patients vital information and delivering this information to be stored, processed and distributed over cloud is proposed. In this section we are going to analyze our projected system model, which will allow information to be stored on multiple clouds transparently to the user. The foremost intend of our proposed structure is to offer secure patient-centric right to use personal health records and key management in a competent way.
Table 8 Comparison Table for Different Parameters
Algorithm | Year | Key Size | Block Size | Encryption Speed | Level of Security | Attacks |
AES | 2001 | 128, 192, 256 bits | 128 bits | Faster | Excellent security | Key recovery, side channel attack |
RSA | 1977 | 1024, 248 | ≤ log2(n) In practice, | Average | Adequate secure | Brute force attack, timing attack |
block size is 2k bits | ||||||
with 2k < n ≤ 2k+1 | ||||||
Diffie | 1976 | Variable | Variable | Depend on key | Good security | Man in the middle attack |
Hellman | and block size | |||||
Blowfish | 1993 | 32–448 | 64 bits | Very fast | Highly secured | No attack found successful |
The SecSFE is the proposed Secure Secret, Fragmented, and Encrypted system consisting of 4 steps:
Each time a patient visits the Healthcare Unit (HU), the authorized doctor (client) performs the signing and encrypting tasks of the PHR and sends it to the database. Next, the encrypted PHR is partitioned through to the secret sharing algorithm, and scatters each share over the Internet to different Cloud service providers. The blend of the three techniques helps to diminish the threat of information seepage in multi-clouds even further, in the visage of inquiring or hacked CSPs.
Furthermore, the availability of data stored in the cloud is increased. The recovery procedure is analogous to the storage course involving authentication of CSP’s and reconstruction of encrypted PHRs. SecSFE involves:
1) Secure Storage: The subsequent steps are taken to amass the data provided by a data storage provider, namely, a doctor securely using encryption and TA:
2) Secure Verification: In the proposed SecSFE scheme, if a user desires to access the PHR stored by Data storage provider, subsequent are the steps for uniqueness and access authentication:
3) Secure Auditing: In the proposed architecture shown in the Figure 4, if a client clears the access and verification phase, data integrity is verified by the TPA using the subsequent steps:
In the next section, we will provide an outline of a design in Figure 4 comprising the storage course from a solitary Healthcare unit (HU) including the data flow and security measures. The system will consist of four major components: Data Storage Provider (DSP), Cloud, Data users, and Trusted Third Party Auditor.
Figure 4 Architecture of proposed model.
In the proposed system architecture, the patients are the entities whose personal health record will be uploaded in the Cloud. They are the data owners who are a trusted authority of her information. The information is stored in Personal Health Record. The users are database clients having the query to be executed. The users obtain their secret keys from trusted authority. Trusted Authority (TA) is responsible for user registration and authentication and stores user information on cloud data store. The trusted authority transforms the user queries and generates query implementation plan as a subset of queries and operations like join, delete. The query transformer generates query implementation plan considering the different attributes, relations and data stored in metadata repository. It contains information about data distribution among different fragments. After login authentication when user wants to upload any file he requests to cloud to upload a specified file. The Cloud performs key generation and distributes the keys to the Owners. The datasets are arbitrarily partitioned using horizontal and vertical partitioning. Then the partitioned dataset is encrypted using the encryption algorithm. Encrypted file and generated key are stored in the database. A key is sent to the user as an acknowledgment which is further used for downloading a file. When user wants to download his file, again he needs to specify a file name and key which is obtained in response while uploading a file. The cloud again decrypts the desired file with the help of key and sends back a decrypted file i.e. original file. Multiclouds represent different database storage providers in which information fragments are scattered. Database storage providers perform functions like overseeing the components of hardware and software, performance enhancement, backup and recovery, security enrichment. Multiclouds are proposed to be used so as to increase the security level and avoid vendor lock-in problem that exists in single cloud. They store the various database storage providers. Figure 4 shows the overall concept of the framework.
Domains using Personal Health record (PHR) [2] can be categorized as
Personal health record can have following attributes personal health information, medical history, examination, emergency contact and insurance information as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Attributes of PHR.
The client can select the operation to be performed as described by following algorithms and Encryption/decryption can be performed using Blowfish algorithm.
Queries requested by users are converted into subqueries and next the best possible query execution plan is made based on the specified conditions.
Example showing precise match query implementation over three fragments: a simple query retrieving id, title, dateofbirth and illness of patients who have met surgery and have zip less than 131003 can be written as:
Query Q: Exact match query execution
select tid, title, dateofbirth, illness
from patient
where zip ¡=131003 and Cured by = ‘surgery’;
select tid, dateofbirth
from f2
where zip ¡= 131003;
select tid, dateofbirth, illness
from ResQ1, f3
where resQ1.id = f3.id
and Cured by = ‘surgery’;
select tid, name, dateofbirth, illness
from ResQ2, f1
where ResQ2.id = f3.id;
tid is the tuple identifier. But the final result is obtained from the following subqueries because the id attribute is stored on three fragments in form of three shares. The results obtained from the following subqueries are sent to different DSPs respectively storing different fragments respectively are shown in Table 9 below:
Table 9 Query Results
Tid | Title | Dateofbirth | Illness |
2 | Neetu | 07/06/1970 | cancer |
Query: Retrieving shares from three fragments.
Select id
from f1
where ResQ3.tid = f1.tid;
Subqueries (Q1):
select id
from f2
where ResQ3.tid = f2.tid;
Subqueries (Q2):
select id
from f3
where ResQ3.tid = f3.tid;
Table 10 Newtons Divided Difference Table
Id | xi | yi | Δdyi | Δd2yi |
1 | 1 | 5 | 9 | 2 |
2 | 3 | 23 | 15 | |
3 | 4 | 38 |
The polynomial value is obtained by following equations:
The final results are obtained in Table 11.
Table 11 Final Query Results
Tid | Id | Title | Dateofbirth | Illness |
2 | 2 | Neetu | 07/06/1970 | cancer |
The encryption module is implemented using JavaNet-Beans 1 IDE 8.0.2 on Windows 10 Platform. In the program, the secret key algorithms namely RSA, Diffie–Hellman, AES and Blowfish were implemented and their performance was compared by encrypting and decrypting input files in bytes of changeable contents and sizes.
Table 12 Comparison Table for Different Parameters
Encryption | Decryption | Encryption | Decryption | File Size | |
Algorithm | Time (ms) | Time (ms) | Key Size | Key Size | (Bytes) |
AES | 2525 | 3362 | 375 | 973 | 5351 |
RSA | 4020 | 3702 | 375 | 32 | 5351 |
Diffie Hellman | 2137 | 3362 | 973 | 973 | 5351 |
Blowfish | 1399 | 2420 | 40 | 40 | 5351 |
In the end, the results were obtained which concluded that Blowfish is considered to be most secure and fastest algorithm. The Table 12 shows the Encryption/Decryption times and key sizes respectively in milliseconds.
Algorithm 2 Uploading Operation
Algorithm 3 Downloading Operation
1) Security Analysis: Fine sources of randomness are crucial in cryptography, and entropy is frequently employed to measure randomness. Low entropy signifies that the source probably isn’t actually random. In particular, if we have a random variable X that takes on values x1, …, xn with probabilities p(x1), …, p(xn) respectively, then the entropy of X is:
This value is maximized when all of the probabilities are the same. If we have 2n different symbols, that maximum value will be n bits of entropy per symbol. That’s the hypothetical highest level of entropy that we can achieve.
2) Numerical Analysis: The security has been analyzed using CrypTool 1.4.302. The Entropy of the mentioned algorithms is considered as an evaluation parameter. The entropy of a document is an index of its information content and is calculated in bits per character. Higher the entropy value signifies higher the hardness of the key. From the evaluation Table 13, we observed that the entropy of proposed Paillier is higher than other algorithms.
Table 13 Comparison Table for Entropy
Algorithm | Entropy |
RSA | 1.5 |
DES | 2.53 |
Diffie Hellman | 3.34 |
Blowfish | 4.49 |
The bar graph for considering parameters among RSA, EIGamal, Paillier and proposed Paillier has been shown in Figure 6 and for entropy in Figure 7.
Figure 6 Bar graph for various discussed algorithms.
Figure 7 Bar graph for entropy of different algorithms.
Cloud computing has emerged out as an ideal data sharing medium to share patient data. The concept of fragmentation, secret sharing and encryption aims to safeguard the privacy of outsourced information and users queries. Sensitive attributes can be protected by splitting secret values and distributing them with different fragments on multiple database service providers. Next, encryption enhances the security level further. The projected system is a novel patient-centric framework with a set of mechanisms for information access management to PHRs kept in cloud severs. The proposed system strives to lend trustworthy and scalable data storage and key management at a much reduced cost. The privacy is assured by means of confidentiality constraints recitation the sensitiveness of attributes and their relationships. Our main intend is to construct the system for users in an easy manner and devoid of installing any applications on the customer site. In our prospect work, we plan to implement the proposed architecture to provide complete computerized data storage systems for hospitals so that information be able to be stored, maintained, restructured, retrieved efficiently in addition to securely.
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Dac-Nhuong Le has a M.Sc. and Ph.D. in computer science from Vietnam National University, Vietnam in 2009 and 2015, respectively. He is Deputy-Head of Faculty of Information Technology, Haiphong University, Vietnam.
He has a total academic teaching experience of 12 years with more than 50 publications in reputed international conferences, journals and online book chapter contributions (Indexed By: SCI, SCIE, SSCI, ESCI, Scopus, ACM, DBLP). His areas of research include: evaluation computing and approximate algorithms, network communication, security and vulnerability, network performance analysis and simulation, cloud computing, IoT and image processing in biomedical.
His core work in network security, soft computing and IoT and image processing in biomedical. Recently, he has been the technique program committee, the technique reviews, the track chair for international conferences: FICTA 2014, CSI 2014, IC4SD 2015, ICICT 2015, INDIA 2015, IC3T 2015, INDIA 2016, FICTA 2016, ICDECT 2016, IUKM 2016, INDIA 2017, CISC 2017, FICTA 2018, ICICC 2018, CITAM 2018 under Springer-ASIC/LNAI Series. Presently, he is serving in the editorial board of international journals and he authored 8 computer science books by Springer, Wiley, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, Lambert Publication, Scholar Press, and VSRD Academic Publishing.
Bijeta Seth is pursuing a Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at SRM University, received her M.Tech Degree from the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Seth Jai Prakash Mukand Lal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Radaur in 2011. She has completed her B.Tech from Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Haryana Engineering College, Jagadhri in 2005. Her research interests are in the areas of Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence and she has published many papers in the national and international journals and confereces.
Surjeet Dalal received his Ph.D. Degree in 2014 from Suresh Gyan Vihar University Jaipur (Rajasthan) and M.Tech Degree in 2010 from PDM College of Engineering, Bahadurgarh Haryana. He has completed B.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering) from Jind institute of Engineering & Technology Jind (Haryana) in 2005. He has more than nine years of teaching experience in various colleges under Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra. His current research area is Artificial Intelligence, Multi-agent system, Case-based reasoning and Cloud Computing. He has presented more than twenty papers in the national/international conferences. He has published more than thirty papers in the national and international journals. He has guided many M.Tech students for their thesis work under Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
He is the reviewer of many national/international journal of repute in India and Abroad. He is the professional member of various professional and research committees. He is the professional member of CSI India, IEEE New York, IETE Chandigarh and ISTE-AICTE New Delhi.
Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, Vol. 7_4, 379–408. River Publishers
doi: 10.13052/jcsm2245-1439.742
This is an Open Access publication. © 2018 the Author(s). All rights reserved.
2 Cloud Computing In Healthcare: Need, Benefits and Challenges
2.1 Requirements of Healthcare Industry
2.2 Challenges in Implementation of Cloud Computing in Healthcare
2.3 Benefits of Cloud Computing for Healthcare
6 Implementation, Results and Discussion
6.1 Exact Match Query Execution