A Family of Estimators for Population Mean Under Model Approach in Presence of Non-Response

Ajeet Kumar Singh1,* and V. K. Singh2

1Department of Statistics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India
2Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
E-mail: ajeetvns.singh@gmail.com; vijay_usha_2000@yahoo.com
*Corresponding Author

Received 01 August 2021; Accepted 17 December 2021; Publication 28 January 2022


We have defined a class of estimators for population mean under non-response error based upon the concept of sub-sampling of non-respondents utilizing an auxiliary variable. The class is a one-parameter class of estimators which is based on the idea of exponential type estimators (ETE). The model biasness and model-mean square error of the class and some of its important members have been derived under polynomial regression model (PRM). The effect of variations in PRM specifications on the efficiency of the estimators has been discussed based upon the empirical results.

Keywords: Non-response, families of estimators, polynomial regression model, mean square error.

1 Introduction

The errors arising due to drawing inferences about the population on the basis of only a part of it; the sample. This type of errors are called ‘sampling errors’. A second source of error may arise because of failure to measure some of the units in the selected sample or in the ascertainment of information some of the units or wrong reporting or recording or tabulation or processing of data. When all of these types are grouped together they are termed as ‘non- sampling errors’. Further non-sampling error has been studied with illustrations by Deming (1944), Mahalanobis (1946), Moser (1958) and Zarkovich (1966). There are several literatures by Basu (1958), Cassel et al. (1976), Brewer (1963), Singh et al. (2009b) and Shukla, R. K. (2010), Royall (1971) and Royall and Herson (1973a, 1973b) stating that the model-based inference is not only desirable but almost necessary.

Sometimes, these non-sampling errors are more serious than the sampling error. Therefore an effort has been made to reduce the non-sampling error along with the sampling error incurred while conducting sample surveys. The main factors of non-sampling error can be encountered as measurement error and error due to non-response. Hansen and Hurwitz (1946) were the first to deal with the problem of non-response in mail surveys with the concept of sub-sampling the non-respondents. They developed an unbiased estimator for population mean on the basis of respondents and non-respondents.

1.1 Super Population Approach

Contrary to the classical survey sampling theory which assumes that the observations on the units of the population are fixed, there is another school of thought that advocates the use of the concepts that the finite population values are realized outcomes of a set of random variables which has been selected from a probability distribution ξ. This approach is known as Super population Model Approach (SPMA), in contrast to classical theory known as Fixed Population Approach (FPA). The SPMA has its own advantages and disadvantages. In the literature, a good number of studies are available based upon SPMA. In most of these studies, the main aim has been to investigate the “robustness of the estimators under the misspecifications of the models, that is, how much the estimator is consistent in terms of stability of its variance or mean square error over the changes of the model.

A special case of super-population model was proposed by Royall and Herson (1973a, 1973b) named as Polynomial Regression Model (PRM), which is described as

Yk =δ0β0+δ1β1xk+δ2β2xk2++δJβJxkJ+k[v(xk)]1/2
=j=0Jδjβjxkj+k[v(xk)]1/2for k=1,2,,N (1)


Eξ(Yk) =h(xk)=j=0Jδjβjxkj;
Var[Yk] =σ2v(xk);Cov(Yr,Yk)=0,rk,

where Yk is the random variable associated with the kth unit of the finite population of size N, xk is the value of the kth unit of the population on the known auxiliary variable X typically referred to as their measures of size (xk>0 for k=1,2,3N), 1,2,N are independent random variables each having mean zero and variance σ2,δj(j=0,1,,J) is zero or one according as the term xkj is absent or present respectively in the model (1), v(xk) is a known function of x-values and β0,β1,,βJ are unknown model parameters. Royall and Herson (1973a) denoted this model as ξ[δ0,δ1,δ2,,δJ:v(x)]. Chambers (1986) has mentioned that in both sample survey theory and practice, expectation of Yk is proportional to xk and the variance of Yk is proportional to a known function v(xk) of the xk are of considerable interest.

2 Notations

Let a finite population Ω of size N consists N1 respondents and N2 non-respondent units and a sample of size n, drawn from the population, consists n1 respondents and n2 non-respondents. Further let h2 non-respondent units are randomly selected from the n2 non-respondents and all efforts were made to take information from these non-respondents.

Let the samples of sizes n and h2 be denoted by s and Rh2 respectively. Let Ω=RR¯ where R and R¯ be two disjoint sets of units, implying that R¯ is the non-observed part of the population Ω. Similarly let R=R1R2 (R1 and R2 being the disjoint sets of units) and R2=Rh2R¯h2, where R¯h2 be the remaining part of R2. Let p stands for the summation over the set (subset) p of units. We define the following notations:

Let Z = Variable Y or X

Z¯ =N-1Ωzk:The population mean of Z
SZ2 =(N-1)-1Ω(zk-Z¯)2:Population mean square of Z.

Sample means:

z¯ =n-1Rzk,z¯R¯=(N-n)-1R¯zk;
z¯Ri =ni-1Rizk,(i=1,2);z¯Rh2=h2-1Rh2zk;
z¯R¯h2 =(n2-h2)-1R¯h2zk.

Further let for the variable X

X¯(j) =N-1Ωxkj;x¯(j)=n-1Rxkj;x¯R¯(j)=(N-n)-1R¯xkj;
x¯Ri(j) =ni-1Rixkj;(i=1,2)
x¯Rh2(j) =(h2)-1Rh2xkj;x¯R¯h2(j)=(n2-h2)-1R¯h2xkjfor j=1,2,3

Obviously we observed that

X¯(1) =X¯;x¯(1)=x¯;x¯Ri(1)=x¯Ri(i=1,2);
x¯Rh2(1) =x¯Rh2;x¯R¯(1)=x¯R¯;x¯R¯h2(1)=x¯R¯h2.

H-H (1946) proposed an unbiased estimator of population mean Y¯ as follows:

y¯*=n1y¯R1+n2y¯Rh2n. (2)

Obviously, we have

E(y¯Rh2)=y¯R2 (3)


E(y¯*)=Y¯ (4)

If the information on an auxiliary character is available for each and every unit of the population, it could be assumed to be known for every unit in the samples of sizes n and h2 also. We can, therefore, utilize this information in order to define the estimator

y¯^R2=y¯Rh2(x¯R2x¯Rh2) (5)

for estimating the unknown sample mean y¯R2 of the non-respondents present in the sample of size n2. Based upon the estimator y¯^R2 and y¯R1, let us now define the estimator

T=n1ny¯R1+n2ny¯^R2 (6)

which is an alternative to the estimator defined in (7) and might be considered as an extension of the Hansen and Hurwitz estimator y¯*.

3 Proposed Family of Estimator

3.1 The Family TP*(δ)

We define here a one-parameter family of estimators for population mean Y¯ in the presence of non-response as

TP*(δ)=Tψ*(δ,X¯,x¯) (7)

where ψ*(δ,X¯,x¯) is a function of the parameter δ, population mean X¯ and sample mean x¯ based on the sample of size n of the auxiliary variable X and is given by

ψ*(δ,X¯,x¯)=exp[δ(X¯-x¯X¯+x¯)] (8)

Remark 1: The function ψ*(δ,X¯,x¯) is developed on the lines of exponential-type estimator suggested by Bahl and Tuteja (1991).

Remark 2: Some special cases of TP*(δ) is of importance. Letting δ=0, we have

TP*(0)=T (9)

which are similar to the estimators defined by H-H (1946). Further, for δ=1 and -1, TP*(1) and TP*(-1) respectively yield exponential-type ratio and product estimators, proposed by Bahl and Tuteja (1991), assuming that H-H (1946) technique of sub-sampling of non-respondents was followed for tackling the problem of non-response.

4 ξ-Bias and ξ-MSE of TP*(δ) Under PRM ξ[δ0,δ1,,δJ:v(x)]

We now obtain the ξ-Bias and ξ-MSE of the general family TP*(δ) under super population approach considering the PRM ξ[δ0,δ1,,δJ:v(x)].

Theorem 1: The ξ-bias of the estimator TP*(δ) is

Bξ[TP*(δ)]=j=0Jδjβj[ψ(δ,X¯,x¯){n1nx¯R1(j)+n2n(x¯R2x¯Rh2)x¯Rh2(j)}-X¯(j)] (10)

The proof of the expression (10) is presented in the Appendix, Section-I.

Theorem 2: The ξ-MSE of the estimator TP*(δ) is given by

  +σ2N2[R¯h2v(xk)+R¯v(xk)] (11)

The proof of the above expression is presented in the Appendix, Section-II.

5 Some Particular Cases of the Model ξ[δ0,δ1,δ2,,δJ:v(x)]


Some Particular Cases of the General PRM ξ[δ0,δ1,δ2,,δJ:v(x)] may be considered with changes in two different components, viz., in the function h(xk)=j=0Jδjβjxkj and in the function v(xk). For example, some particular forms of the general model may be taken as

Yk =β1xk+k[xk]1/2 (12)
Yk =β0+β1xk+k[xk2]1/2 (13)
Yk =β0+β1xk+β2xk2+k[xkg]1/2. (14)

Obviously models (12), (13) and (14) may be denoted respectively as ξ[0,1:x], ξ[1,1:x2] and ξ[1,1,1:xg]. Cochran (1953) and Brewer (1963) have shown that if v(xk) function is taken to be xkg with 0g2 then majority of the situations occurring in practice might be covered as far as the variance function of the model is concerned. Under this consideration, therefore, we may consider the following six PRMs for further analysis:

Model I ξ[0,1:1] h(xk)=β1xk,v(xk)=xk0, (15)
Model II ξ[0,1:x] h(xk)=β1xk,v(xk)=xk, (16)
Model III ξ[0,1:x2] h(xk)=β1xk,v(xk)=xk2, (17)
Model IV ξ[1,1:1] h(xk)=β0+β1xk,v(xk)=xk0, (18)
Model V ξ[1,1:x] h(xk)=β0+β1xk,v(xk)=xk, (19)
Model VI ξ[1,1:x2] h(xk)=β0+β1xk,v(xk)=xk2. (20)

Royall and Herson (1973a) have shown that under the Model II: ξ[0,1:x], the conventional ratio estimator becomes unbiased while it is biased under design approach. On the other hand, contrary to fixed population approach, the sample mean estimator is not unbiased under the model ξ[0,1:x]. All other models also have their importance and significance under different situations.

The expression for MSE of TP*(δ) under the six models are given as

Mξ[TP*(δ)]I =[β1{ψ(δ,X¯,x¯)(n1nx¯R1+n2nx¯R2)-X¯}]2
+σ2N2{(N-n)+(n2-h2)}. (21)
Mξ[TP*(δ)]II =[β1{ψ(δ,X¯,x¯)(n1nx¯R1+n2nx¯R2)-X¯}]2
+σ2N2{R¯h2xk+R¯xk}. (22)
Mξ[TP*(δ)]III =[β1{ψ(δ,X¯,x¯)(n1nx¯R1+n2nx¯R2)-X¯}]2
+σ2N2{R¯h2xk2+R¯xk2}. (23)
Mξ[TP*(δ)]IV =[β0{ψ(δ,X¯,x¯)(n1n+n2n(x¯R2x¯Rh2))-1}
+σ2N2{(N-n)+(n2-h2)}. (24)
Mξ[TP*(δ)]V =[β0{ψ(δ,X¯,x¯)(n1n+n2n(x¯R2x¯Rh2))-1}
+σ2N2{R¯h2xk+R¯xk} (25)
Mξ[TP*(δ)]VI =[β0{ψ(δ,X¯,x¯)(n1n+n2n(x¯R2x¯Rh2))-1}
+σ2N2{R¯h2xk2+R¯xk2}. (26)

6 Some Existing Estimators and Their MSEs


Singh et al. (2017) defined two families of estimators Ts*(δ) and tNR*(δ) under non-response and compared then under different polynomial regression models. The estimators and their MSEs under ξ[δ0,δ1,δJ:v(x)] are as follows:

(i) Ts*(δ) =y¯w*ψ*(δ,X¯,x¯) (27)
Mξ(Ts*(δ)) =[Bξ(Ts*(δ))]2+[ψ*(δ,X¯,x¯)n-1N]2σ2R1v(xk)
+σ2N2[R¯h2v(xk)+R¯v(xk)] (28)
(ii) tNR*(δ) =y¯w**X¯x¯ (29)


y¯w** =n1y¯R1+n2tR2(δ)n. (30)
tR2(δ) =y¯Rh2exp[δ(x¯R2-x¯Rh2x¯R2+x¯Rh2)] (31)


Mζ[tNR*(δ)] =[j=0Jδjβj(X¯nx¯(n1x¯R1(j)+n2ψ(δ,x¯R2,x¯Rh2)x¯Rh2(j))-X¯(j))]2
σ2Rh2v(xk)+1N2σ2R¯h2v(xk)+1N2σ2R¯v(xk). (32)

7 Robustness and Efficiency Comparisons of TP*(δ)


We made a study of the proposed family of estimators, TP*(δ) in terms of robustness criterion and compared it with the estimators Ts*(δ) and tNR* for its efficiency. All these estimators have been developed utilizing the concept of sub-sampling of non-response in order to cope up the problem of non-response, inherent in the population and their ξ-bias and ξ-MSE are obtained under the general PRM ξ[δ0,δ1,δ2,,δJ:v(x)] with different set-up of polynomial regression function h(xk) and variance function v(xk).


Since theoretical comparisons of ξ-MSEs of the estimators are not simple and any concrete conclusion can not be drawn, we have used an empirical data for this purpose. In order to make numerical comparison of robustness of the proposed estimator and MSE comparison of TP*(δ), Ts*(δ) and tNR*, we have considered an empirical data presented in Singh et al. (2017). The data has been taken from Kish (1967). The details of the data have been given in Appendix-E of Kish (1967). For the data, we have the following particulars for non-response rates 15, and 30 percent respectively: The xk represents the number of dwellings whereas yk denotes dwelling occupied by renters.

For the data set, we obtained the following values:


(i) For 15 percent non-response rate:


(ii) For 30 percent non-response rate:



Tables 12, 34 and 56 depict the variations in MSEs of estimators Ts*(α), TP*(δ) and tNR* respectively for δ=0,1 and -1 with 15, and 30 percent non-response rates over Models I–VI.

Table 1 Comparisons of MSEs of estimators with 15% non-response rate for δ=0 over Models I–VI

g Model Ts*(δ) tNR* TP*(δ)
0 Model-I 221.9701 33.63682 221.9745
1 Model-II 223.2496 35.04206 223.3812
2 Model-III 291.1687 109.2985 295.6571
0 Model-IV 221.9701 34.13085 221.9745
1 Model-V 223.2496 35.53468 223.3812
2 Model-VI 291.1687 109.7911 295.6571

Table 2 Comparisons of MSEs of estimators with 30% non-response rate for δ=0 over Models I–VI

g Model Ts*(δ) tNR* TP*(δ)
0 Model-I 19.85436 26.58954 19.8524
1 Model-II 21.38647 28.27287 21.28827
2 Model-III 110.8182 126.3833 104.4577
0 Model-IV 19.85436 26.15504 19.8524
1 Model-V 21.38647 27.83837 21.28827
2 Model-VI 110.8179 125.9488 104.4577

Table 3 Comparisons of MSEs of estimators with 15% non-response rate for dδ=1 over Models I–VI

g Model Ts*(δ) tNR* TP*(δ)
0 Model-I 108.2256 9.458615 108.2302
1 Model-II 109.5656 10.9243 109.704
2 Model-III 180.5684 87.10091 185.2896
0 Model-IV 108.6612 9.820009 108.6657
1 Model-V 110.0011 11.28569 110.1395
2 Model-VI 181.004 87.65979 185.7251

Table 4 Comparisons of MSEs of estimators with 30% non-response rate for δ=1 over Models I–VI

g Model Ts*(δ) tNR* TP*(δ)
0 Model-I 0.124783 6.455189 0.1227161
1 Model-II 1.730512 8.08324 1.627152
2 Model-III 95.3875 102.5966 88.69285
0 Model-IV 0.112961 6.28924 0.1108941
1 Model-V 1.71869 7.917298 1.615329
2 Model-VI 95.3756 102.4307 88.68103

Table 5 Comparisons of MSEs of estimators with 15% non-response rate for δ=-1 over Models I–VI

g Model Ts*(δ) tNR* TP*(δ)
0 Model-I 372.1006 67.9551 372.1047
1 Model-II 373.3227 69.31012 373.4478
2 Model-III 438.3187 141.6982 442.5852
0 Model-IV 371.3129 68.71755 371.317
1 Model-V 372.535 69.77258 372.6601
2 Model-VI 437.531 142.3581 441.7975

Table 6 Comparisons of MSEs of estimators with 30% non-response rate for δ=-1 over Models I–VI

g Model Ts*(δ) tNR* TP*(δ)
0 Model-I 82.59208 61.88629 82.59022
1 Model-II 84.05434 63.62918 83.96106
2 Model-III 169.4755 165.6155 163.4338
0 Model-IV 82.22125 61.0706 82.21938
1 Model-V 83.68351 62.81353 83.59023
2 Model-VI 169.1047 164.7998 163.0629

7.4 Simulation Study

Here we have used simulation study for the data given above. We have drawn 30000 times samples from the population of size 90 and take a sample of size 20 and use 15% non-response rate to find the MSEs of estimators for δ=0,1,-1.

Table 7 Comparisons of MSEs of estimators with 15% non-response rate for δ=0 over Models I–VI

g Model Ts*(δ) tNR* TP*(δ)
0 Model-I 1927.238 1727.755 558.0646
1 Model-II 1928.518 1729.029 559.3441
2 Model-III 1996.437 1796.658 627.2632
0 Model-IV 1927.238 1727.589 558.0646
1 Model-V 1928.518 1728.863 559.3441
2 Model-VI 1996.437 1796.492 627.2632

Table 8 Comparisons of MSEs of estimators with 15% non-response rate for δ=1 over Models I–VI

g Model Ts*(δ) tNR* TP*(δ)
0 Model-I 1724.227 1124.534 53.7949
1 Model-II 1725.227 1125.977 55.31391
2 Model-III 1795.378 1199.191 135.4364
0 Model-IV 1725.312 1127.193 54.9664
1 Model-V 1726.629 1128.636 56.48532
2 Model-VI 1780.501 1202.047 136.6079

Table 9 Comparisons of MSEs of estimators with 15% non-response rate for δ=-1 over Models I–VI

g Model Ts*(δ) tNR* TP*(δ)
0 Model-I 2138.325 2272.202 1487.107
1 Model-II 2139.568 2273.383 1488.19
2 Model-III 2205.636 2337.634 1546.085
0 Model-IV 2137.135 2268.999 1481.493
1 Model-V 2138.378 2270.18 1482.576
2 Model-VI 2204.446 2334.629 1540.47

8 Conclusions

From the tables some conclusions can be drawn about the family TP*(δ) for δ=0,-1 and 1 regarding its robustness and precision as compared with other estimators. There are as follows:


As far as the robustness property of the estimator TP*(δ) is considered, it can be concluded that the data give sufficient evidence that the proposed family seems to be robust enough under the models I, II, IV and V, where the polynomial regression function changes and variance function is of the form xkg, g=0,1. Similarly, the estimator seems to be robust under models III and VI where variance function is proportional to xk2. It is also to be emphasized that this property of the estimator holds good irrespective of “the non-response rate” and the choice of the parameter δ.


However, as the value of g increases, the performance of the estimators, irrespective of the model-choice and the choice of the parametric value, decreases.


From the Tables 7, 8 and 9 for 15% non-response rate, we conclude that this is similar to Tables 1, 3 and 5.


Section I: We have

Bξ[TP*(δ)] =Eξ[TP*(δ)-Y¯]
=Eξ[ψ*(δ,X¯,x¯)(n1n1n1R1yk+n2n1h2Rh2yk)-1Nk=1Nyk] (B1)

Now, using the PRM given in (1), we can write

Bξ[TP*(δ)] =Eξ[ψ*(δ,X¯,x¯)1nR1(j=0Jδjβjxkj+k(v(xk))1/2)
-1NΩ(j=0Jδjβjxkj+k(v(xk))1/2)]. (B2)

Since Eξ(k)=0 for all k, we have

Bξ[TP*(δ)] =ψ*(δ,X¯,x¯)(j=0Jδjβj1nR1xkj+j=0Jδjβjf2nRh2xkj)

Thus expression (10) follows.

Section II “The ξ-MSE of the estimator” TP*(δ) “under the model 1 is derived as follows”:

We have

Mξ(TP*(δ)) =Eξ[TP*(δ)-Y¯]2
-1NΩ(j=0Jδjβjxkj+k(v(xk))1/2)]2. (B4)

“Now realizing that” “Eξ(k,r)=0 for rk and” Eξ(k2)=σ2, “we have”

Mξ(TP*(δ)) =[j=0Jδjβj(ψ*(δ,X¯,x¯)(n1x¯R1(j)+n2x¯Rh2(j)n)-X¯(j))]2
+σ2N2[R¯h2v(xk)+R¯v(xk)]. (B5)

Expression (B5) can further be written as

Mξ(TP*(δ)) =[Bξ(TP*(δ))]2+[ψ*(δ,X¯,x¯)n-1N]2σ2R1v(xk)
+σ2N2[R¯h2v(xk)+R¯v(xk)]. (B6)

Hence the expression (11) follows.


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Ajeet Kumar Singh is Assistant Professor in Department of Statistics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. He received the Ph.D degree in Statistics from Banaras Hindu University. He has published more than 20 research articles in reputed international journals. Field of specializations is Sampling Theory.


V. K. Singh is retired Professor, from Department of Statistics, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India since 2000. Joined the Department as Assistant Professor in 1972. Did M.Sc (Statistics) and Ph.D. (Statistics) from Banaras Hindu University in 1972 and 1979 respectively. Having 45 years teaching experience and 43 years research experience. Field of specializations is Sampling Theory, Stochastic Modelling, Mathematical Demography and Operations Research. Published 92 research papers in reputed international/national journals. Guided 15 Ph.D. scholars for their Ph.D. Degree. Visited United Kingdom, Australia and Sri Lanka for attending International Conferences and organizing Symposiums. Convened 2 national conferences. Life member of Indian Statistical Association, Member of International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS), Associate Editor of Assam Statistical Review, India.


1 Introduction

1.1 Super Population Approach

2 Notations

3 Proposed Family of Estimator

3.1 The Family TP*(δ)

4 ξ-Bias and ξ-MSE of TP*(δ) Under PRM ξ[δ0,δ1,,δJ:v(x)]

5 Some Particular Cases of the Model ξ[δ0,δ1,δ2,,δJ:v(x)]


6 Some Existing Estimators and Their MSEs


7 Robustness and Efficiency Comparisons of TP*(δ)




7.4 Simulation Study

8 Conclusions


