Improving Efficiencies of Ratio- and Product-type Estimators for Estimating Population Mean for Time-based Survey

Priyanka Chhaparwal1 and Sanjay Kumar2,*

1Department of mathematics, University of Engineering and Management, Gurukul, Sikar Road, Near Udaipuria Mod, Jaipur, Rajasthan 303807, India
2Department of Statistics, Central University of Rajasthan, Bandarsindri, Kishangarh-305817, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
*Corresponding Author

Received 07 January 2022; Accepted 12 April 2022; Publication 29 April 2022


Statisticians often use auxiliary information at an estimation stage to increase efficiencies of estimators. In this article, we suggest modified ratio- and product-type estimators utilizing the known value of the coefficient of variation of the auxiliary variable for a time-based survey. Further, to excel the performance of the suggested estimators, we utilize information from the past surveys along with the current surveys through hybrid exponentially weighted average. We obtain expressions for biases and mean square errors of the suggested estimators. The conditions, under which the suggested estimators have less mean square errors than that of other existing estimators, are also obtained. The results obtained through an empirical analysis examine the use of information from past surveys along with current surveys and show that the mean square errors and biases of the suggested estimators are less than that of the existing estimators. For example: for a sample size 5, mean square error and bias of the suggested ratio-type estimator are (0.0414,0.0065) which are less than (0.5581,0.0944) of the existing Cochran (1940) estimator, (0.4788,0.0758), of Sisodia and Dwivedi (1981) estimator and (0.0482,0.0082) of Muhammad Noor-ul-Amin (2020) estimator. Similarly, mean square error and bias of the suggested product- type estimator are (0.0025,-0.0006) which are less than (0.0612,-0.0096) of the existing Murthy (1964) estimator, (0.0286,-0.0071), of Pandey and Dubey (1988) estimator and (0.0053,-0.0008) of Muhammad Noor-ul-Amin (2020) estimator.

Keywords: Ratio estimator, product estimator, auxiliary variable, coefficient of variation, HEWMA, simulation study.

1 Introduction

Let U:(U1,U2,UN) be a finite population of size N. Let y and x be a study variable and an auxiliary variable, respectively. Further, a sample of the size n using simple random sampling without replacement (SRSWOR) is selected to estimate the population mean Y¯(=1Ni=1Nyi) of study variable y.

The classical ratio estimator for the population mean suggested by Cochran (1940) is given by

TR1=y¯x¯X¯ (1)

Similarly, the classical product estimator for the population mean suggested by Murthy (1964) is given by

TP1=y¯X¯x¯, (2)

where y¯=1ni=1nyi, x¯=1ni=1nxi and X¯(=1Ni=1Nxi) are the sample mean of the study variable, sample mean of the auxiliary variable and population mean (known) of the auxiliary variable, respectively.

When prior knowledge on the coefficient of variation Cx of the auxiliary variable is available, Sisodia and Dwivedi (1981) suggested a ratio-type estimator of population mean given by

TR2=y¯(X¯+Cxx¯+Cx) (3)

Similarly, a product-type estimator of population mean using the coefficient of variation Cx of the auxiliary variable was suggested by Pandey and Dubey (1988) given by

TP2=y¯(x¯+CxX¯+Cx) (4)

In sample surveys, several authors like Singh and Solanki (2012), Misra (2018), Muhammad et al. (2019), Kumar and Kumar (2020), Ahuja et al. (2021) and others have widely utilized auxiliary information in different forms in sample surveys to increase the performance of the estimators of the study variable.

However, in all of these studies mentioned above, authors have worked on estimators using the current sample information only. In this article, we have utilized the hybrid exponentially weighted moving average (HEWMA) statistic. This statistic utilizes the past sample information along with the current sample information. Such type of statistic is useful while conducting sample surveys over a fixed time span, such as quarterly, weekly, or annually. In this article, we suggest ratio- and product-type estimators using HEWMA statistic and known coefficient of variation of the auxiliary variable.

2 Hybrid Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (HEWMA) Statistic and Suggested Estimators

Let a sequence of independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables be X1,X2,,Xn and consequently a sequence HE1,HE2,,HEn is defined by the following formula

HEt=λ1Et+(1-λ1)HEt-1 (5)

where, Et is the usual EWMA statistic given by

Et=λ2X¯t+(1-λ2)Et-1 (6)

Here, λ1 and λ2 are the smoothing constants ranging between 0 and 1. With the help of a pilot survey, we can estimate the initial values of Et and HEt as an expected mean. Here, we considered it zero i.e. HEt=Et=0. Haq (2013) suggested this HEWMA Statistic.

Haq (2017) obtained the mean and variance of HEt, which are given as follows:

E(HEt) =μ (7)
V(HEt) =(λ2λ1)2(λ2-λ1)2{(1-λ1)2(1-(1-λ1)2t)1-(1-λ1)2
-2(1-λ1)(1-λ2)(1-(1-λ1)t(1-λ2)t)1-(1-λ1)(1-λ2)}σ2n, (8)

where, t1, μ and σ2 are the mean and variance of the variable of interest. The limiting form of the variance is given by

V(HEt) =(λ2λ1)2(λ2-λ1)2{(1-λ1)21-(1-λ1)2+(1-λ2)21-(1-λ2)2

The HEWMA statistics for the study variable and the auxiliary variable are used to form the suggested ratio- and product-type estimators.

For the sake of clarity, the HEWMA statistic for the study variable is given by

St=λ1Ety+(1-λ1)St-1, (9)

where, Ety is the usual EWMA statistic given by

Ety=λ2y¯t+(1-λ2)Ety-1 (10)

and the HEWMA statistic for the auxiliary variable is given by

At=λ1Etx+(1-λ1)At-1, (11)

where, Etx is the usual EWMA statistic given by

Etx=λ2x¯t+(1-λ2)Etx-1 (12)

Using these statistics At and St, Muhammad Noor-ul-Amin (2020) studied memory- type ratio and product estimators:

TR3=StAtX¯ (13)


TP3=StX¯At, (14)

where, the expressions for biases and the mean square errors of the estimators TR3 and TP3 are given by

MSE(TR3)=θY¯2δγ(Cy2+Cx2-2ρxyCyCx), (15)
Bias(TR3)=θY¯δγ(Cx2-ρxyCyCx), (16)
MSE(TP3)=θY¯2δγ(Cy2+Cx2+2ρxyCyCx) (17)


Bias(TP3)=θY¯δγρxyCyCx, (18)

where, δ=(λ2λ1)2(λ2-λ1)2, γ={(1-λ1)21-(1-λ1)2+(1-λ2)21-(1-λ2)2-2(1-λ1)(1-λ2)1-(1-λ1)(1-λ2)}, Cy2=Sy2Y¯2, Cx2=Sx2X¯2, Cyx=SyxY¯X¯,Sy2=1N-1i=1N(yi-Y¯)2, Sx2=1N-1i=1N(xi-X¯)2, θ=(1n-1N), Syx and ρxy are the covariance and correlation between the study variable and the auxiliary variable. Note that for time varying variance, the γ will be replaced by γ1, where

γ1 ={(1-λ1)2(1-(1-λ1)2t)1-(1-λ1)2+(1-λ2)2(1-(1-λ2)2t)1-(1-λ2)2
-2(1-λ1)(1-λ2)(1-(1-λ1)t(1-λ2)t)1-(1-λ1)(1-λ2)} (19)

Several authors like Aslam et al. (2020, 2021), Noor-ul-Amin, M. (2021) and others have studied several estimators under different sampling designs using HEWMA statistics for the time-based surveys.

Following such methodology, we suggest ratio- and product-type estimators of population mean using the known coefficient of variation Cx of the auxiliary variable which are given by

TR4=St(X¯+CxAt+Cx) (20)


TP4=St(At+CxX¯+Cx), (21)


In order to derive the expressions for biases and MSEs of the estimators,

Let ε1=E(St-Y¯Y¯), ε2=E(At-X¯X¯) such that E(ε1)=E(ε2)=0.

By using SRSWOR, we have,


Now, the estimator TR4 can be written in terms of ε’s as

TR4=Y¯(1+ε1)(X¯+Cx)X¯(1+ε2)+Cx =Y¯(1+ε1)(X¯+Cx)X¯+X¯ε2+Cx

Similarly, the estimator TP4 can be written in terms of ε’s as

TP4=Y¯(1+ε1){X¯(1+ε2)+Cx(X¯+Cx)} =Y¯(1+ε1){X¯+X¯ε2+Cx(X¯+Cx)}

We obtain the expressions for MSEs and biases of the suggested estimators TR4 and TP4 up to the terms of order n-1, which are given by

MSE(TR4) =E(TR4-Y¯)2=Y¯2E(ε12+α2ε22-2αε1ε2)
=Y¯2δγ(Cy2+α2Cx2-2αρxyCyCx), (22)
B(TR4) =E(TR4-Y¯)=Y2E(α2ε22-αε1ε2)
=θY¯δγα(αCx2-ρxyCyCx), (23)
MSE(TP4) =E(TP4-Y¯)2=Y¯2E(ε12+α2ε22+2αε1ε2)
=θY¯2δγ(Cy2+α2Cx2+2αρxyCyCx) (24)


B(TP4)=E(TP4-Y¯)=Y¯E(αε1ε2)=θY¯δγαρxyCyCx. (25)

Note that for time varying variance, the γ will be replaced by γ1.

3 Comparison

Here, we obtain the required conditions for which the suggested estimators have lower mean square errors than the relevant estimators.

The estimator TR4 is better than the estimators TR1, TR2 and TR3 i.e.

MSE(TR4)<MSE(TR1)if ρxy<Cy2(γδ-1)+Cx2(α2γδ-1)2CyCx(αγδ-1),
MSE(TR4)<MSE(TR2)if γδ<1, (27)
MSE(TR4)<MSE(TR3)if ρxy<Cx2Cy(α+1), (28)

The estimator TP4 is better than the estimators TP1, TP2 and TP3 i.e.

MSE(TP4)<MSE(TP1)if Cy2(γδ-1)+(α2γδ-1)2CyCx(1-αγδ)<ρxy,
MSE(TP4)<MSE(TP2)if γδ<1, (30)
MSE(TP4)<MSE(TP3)if -Cx2Cy(α+1)<ρxy. (31)

4 An Empirical Study

In this section, we conduct an empirical study using three real data sets to see the performance of the suggested ratio-and product-type estimators over some existing estimators.

Population I (Mendenhall and Sincich (1992): In the data set, let y be the Carbon monoxide content (mg) and x be the Tar content (mg). The values of the following parameters of the study and the auxiliary variables for the given data set are as follows:


Population II: (Gujarati; 2003): The data set is related to the consumption of cups of coffee per day (y) and real retail price of coffee (x) in the United States for years 1970–1980. The values of the following parameters of the study and the auxiliary variables for the given data set are as follows:


Population III: (Maddala; 1992): The data set is related to the population density in different census tract in the Baltimore area in 1970, where y is the density of population in the census tract and x is the distance of the census tract from the central business district. The values of the following parameters of the study and the auxiliary variables for the given data set are as follows:


We compute the percent relative efficiencies (PREs) of the suggested estimators in contrast to the classical ratio estimator TR1 for the purpose of efficiency comparisons as:


where, TR=TR1,TR2,TR3 and TR4.

Similarly, for product-type estimators


where, TP=TP1,TP2,TP3 and TP4.

Table 1 MSEs, PREs and biases (with the limiting form γ) of different estimators TR1, TR2, TR3 and TR4 for the fixed value of λ1=0.20 and λ2=0.5 and for different value of n for the population I

λ1=0.20 and λ2=0.5
n=5 n=11 n=15
TR1 0.5581 100.00 0.0944 0.1776 100.00 0.0300 0.0930 100.00 0.0157
TR2 0.4788 116.56 0.0758 0.1524 116.54 0.0241 0.0798 116.54 0.0126
TR3 0.0482 1157.88 0.0082 0.0153 1160.78 0.0026 0.0080 1162.50 0.0014
TR4 0.0414 1348.07 0.0065 0.0132 1345.45 0.0021 0.0069 1347.83 0.0011

Table 2 MSEs, PREs and biases (with the limiting form γ) of different estimators TP1,TP2,TP3 and TP4 for the fixed value of λ1=0.20 and λ2=0.5 and for different value of n for the population II

λ1=0.20 and λ2=0.5
n=4 n=7 n=9
TP1 0.0612 100.00 -0.0096 0.0200 100.00 -0.0031 0.0078 100.00 -0.0012
TP2 0.0286 213.99 -0.0071 0.0093 215.05 -0.0023 0.0036 216.67 -0.0009
TP3 0.0053 1154.72 -0.0008 0.0017 1176.47 -0.0003 0.0007 1114.29 -0.0001
TP4 0.0025 2448.00 -0.0006 0.0008 2500.00 -0.0002 0.0003 2600.00 -0.0001

Table 3 Time varying MSEs for TR4 and TR3 for the fixed value of λ1=0.20 and λ2=0.5 and for different value ofn for the population I

λ1=0.20 and λ2=0.5
n=5 n=11 n=15
Estimators TR4 TR3 TR4 TR3 TR4 TR3
1 0.0047884 0.0055814 0.0015236 0.0017759 0.0007981 0.0009302
2 0.0128807 0.0150140 0.0040984 0.0047772 0.0021468 0.0025023
3 0.0208490 0.0243021 0.0066338 0.0077325 0.0034748 0.0040503
4 0.0272589 0.0317737 0.0086733 0.0101098 0.0045432 0.0052956
5 0.0319340 0.0372230 0.0101608 0.0118437 0.0053223 0.0062038
6 0.0351673 0.0409918 0.0111896 0.0130429 0.0058612 0.0068320
7 0.0373361 0.0435199 0.0118797 0.0138472 0.0062227 0.0072533
8 0.0387648 0.0451851 0.0123342 0.0143771 0.0064608 0.0075309
9 0.0396955 0.0462700 0.0126304 0.0147223 0.0066159 0.0077117
10 0.0402978 0.0469721 0.0128220 0.0149457 0.0067163 0.0078287
11 0.0406859 0.0474245 0.0129455 0.0150896 0.0067810 0.0079041
12 0.0409354 0.0477153 0.0130249 0.0151821 0.0068226 0.0079525
13 0.0410955 0.0479019 0.0130758 0.0152415 0.0068492 0.0079836
14 0.0411981 0.0480215 0.0131085 0.0152796 0.0068664 0.0080036
15 0.0412639 0.0480981 0.0131294 0.0153040 0.0068773 0.0080164
16 0.0413060 0.0481472 0.0131428 0.0153196 0.0068843 0.0080245
17 0.0413329 0.0481787 0.0131514 0.0153296 0.0068888 0.0080298
18 0.0413502 0.0481988 0.0131569 0.0153360 0.0068917 0.0080331
19 0.0413612 0.0482116 0.0131604 0.0153401 0.0068935 0.0080353
20 0.0413683 0.0482199 0.0131626 0.0153427 0.0068947 0.0080366
21 0.0413728 0.0482252 0.0131641 0.0153444 0.0068955 0.0080375
22 0.0413757 0.0482285 0.0131650 0.0153454 0.0068960 0.0080381
23 0.0413776 0.0482307 0.0131656 0.0153461 0.0068963 0.0080385
24 0.0413788 0.0482321 0.0131660 0.0153466 0.0068965 0.0080387
25 0.0413795 0.0482330 0.0131662 0.0153469 0.0068966 0.0080388

Table 4 MSEs of the limiting form of different estimators TP1,TP2,TP3 and TP4 and time varying MSEs for TP4 and TP3 for the fixed value of λ1=0.20 and λ2=0.5 and for different value ofn for the population III

λ1=0.20 and λ2=0.5
n=5 n=11 n=15
MSEs of the limiting form
TP1 10380196.2 3885634.9 2442399.1
TP2 10235273.5 3831385.8 2408299.7
TP3 897054.0 335795.6 211071.5
TP4 884529.8 331107.4 208124.7
Time varying MSEs for TP3 and TP4
n=5 n=11 n=15
Estimators TP4 TP3 TP4 TP3 TP4 TP3
1 102352.7 103802.0 38313.9 38856.35 24083.0 24424.0
2 275328.9 279227.3 103064.3 104523.6 64783.3 65700.5
3 445654.0 451964.1 166822.4 169184.4 104859.8 106344.5
4 582668.4 590918.5 218111.2 221199.4 137098.5 139039.7
5 682599.7 692264.7 255518.6 259136.5 160611.7 162885.8
6 751712.3 762355.9 281389.6 285373.9 176873.5 179377.9
7 798072.1 809372.1 298743.6 302973.5 187781.7 190440.5
8 828609.7 840342.1 310174.7 314566.5 194967.0 197727.5
9 848504.7 860518.8 317622.1 322119.3 199648.2 202475.0
10 861378.9 873575.3 322441.3 327006.8 202677.4 205547.1
11 869675.2 881989.0 325546.9 330156.3 204629.5 207526.8
12 875007.6 887397.0 327543.0 332180.7 205884.1 208799.3
13 878429.5 890867.3 328823.9 333479.7 206689.3 209615.8
14 880623.2 893092.0 329645.0 334312.5 207205.5 210139.3
15 882028.6 894517.4 330171.1 334846.1 207536.1 210474.7
16 882928.6 895430.1 330508.0 335187.8 207747.9 210689.4
17 883504.9 896014.6 330723.8 335406.5 207883.5 210827.0
18 883873.8 896388.7 330861.9 335546.6 207970.3 210915.0
19 884109.9 896628.2 330950.2 335636.2 208025.9 210971.3
20 884261.1 896781.5 331006.8 335693.6 208061.4 211007.4
21 884357.8 896879.6 331043.0 335730.3 208084.2 211030.5
22 884419.7 896942.4 331066.2 335753.8 208098.8 211045.3
23 884459.4 896982.5 331081.0 335768.9 208108.1 211054.7
24 884484.7 897008.3 331090.5 335778.5 208114.1 211060.8
25 884501.0 897024.7 331096.6 335784.7 208117.9 211064.6
26 884511.3 897035.3 331100.5 335788.6 208120.3 211067.1
Time varying MSEs for TP3 and TP4
n=5 n=11 n=15
Estimators TP4 TP3 TP4 TP3 TP4 TP3
27 884518.0 897042.0 331103.0 335791.1 208121.9 211068.7
28 884522.2 897046.3 331104.6 335792.7 208122.9 211069.7
29 884525.0 897049.1 331105.6 335793.8 208123.5 211070.4
30 884526.7 897050.8 331106.3 335794.4 208123.9 211070.8
31 884527.8 897052.0 331106.7 335794.9 208124.2 211071.1
32 884528.5 897052.7 331106.9 335795.1 208124.4 211071.2
33 884529.0 897053.2 331107.1 335795.3 208124.5 211071.3
34 884529.3 897053.5 331107.2 335795.4 208124.5 211071.4
35 884529.5 897053.7 331107.3 335795.5 208124.6 211071.4
36 884529.6 897053.8 331107.3 335795.5 208124.6 211071.5
37 884529.7 897053.9 331107.4 335795.6 208124.6 211071.5
38 884529.7 897053.9 331107.4 335795.6 208124.6 211071.5
39 884529.8 897053.9 331107.4 335795.6 208124.6 211071.5

5 Results

We utilize the hybrid exponentially weighted moving average (HEWMA) statistic to form ratio and product type estimators. This statistic utilizes the past sample information along with the current sample information. In Tables 1 and 2, we obtain values of MSE and bias with limiting form γ. In Table 1, the values of MSE and bias of the suggested estimator TR4 for n=5 are (0.0414,0.0065), respectively which are less than (0.0482,0.0082) of TR3, (0.4788,0.0758) of TR2 and (0.5581,0.0944) of TR1. We increase the information i.e. n=11,15, then the values of MSE and bias of the suggested estimator TR4 for n=11,15 are (0.0132,0.0021;0.0069,0.0011), respectively which are less than (0.0153,0.0026;0.0080,0.0014) of TR3, (0.1524,0.0241;0.0798,0.0126) of TR2 and (0.1776,0.0300;0.0930,0.0157) of TR1. This means that the suggested estimator is more efficient than the existing estimators and when we increase the information, MSE and bias decrease.

Similarly, in Table 2, we see that the values of MSE and bias of the suggested estimator TP4 for n=4 are (0.0025,-0.0006), respectively which are less than (0.0053,-0.0008) of TP3, (0.0286,-0.0071) of TP2 and (0.0612,-0.0096) of TP1. We increase the information i.e. n=7,9, then the values of MSE and bias of the suggested estimator TP4 for n=11,15 are (0.0008,-0.0002;0.0003,-0.0001), respectively which are less than (0.0017,-0.0003;0.0007,-0.0001) of TP3, (0.0093,-0.0023;0.0036,-0.0009) of TP2 and (0.0200,-0.0031;0.0078, -0.0012) of TP1. This means that the suggested estimator is more efficient than the existing estimators and when we increase the information, MSE and bias decrease.

Further, in Tables 3 and 4, we obtain values of MSE with time varying form. In Table 3, the values of MSE of the suggested estimator TR4 for n=5,11,15 at t=1, are (0.0047884,0.0015236,0.0007981), respectively which are less than (0.0055814,0.0017759,0.0009302) of TR3. Similarly, the values of MSE of the suggested estimator TR4 for n=5,11,15 at t=25, are (0.0413795,0.0131662,0.0068966), respectively which are less than (0.0482330,0.0153469,0.0080388) of TR3. This shows that the suggested estimator is more efficient than the existing estimator and the time varying MSEs of the estimators (TR3,TR4) in Table 3 approach to the MSEs of the limiting forms given in Table 1.

Similarly, in Table 4, the values of MSE of the suggested estimator TP4 for n=5,11,15 at t=1, are (102352.7,38313.9,24083.0), respectively which are less than (103802.0,38856.35, 24424.0) of TP3. Similarly, the values of MSE of the suggested estimator TP4 for n=5,11,15 at t=39, are (884529.8,331107.4,208124.6), respectively which are less than (897053.9,335795.6,211071.5) of TP3. This shows that the suggested estimator is more efficient than the existing estimator and the values of time varying MSE of the estimators (TP3,TP4) for n=5,11,15, approach to the values of MSE of the limiting forms.

Overall, we find that the suggested estimators are more efficient than the existing estimators. Further, when we increase the information, values of MSE and bias decrease. Also, the time varying MSEs of the estimators approach to the MSEs of the limiting forms.

6 Conclusion

Surveyors use auxiliary information in different forms to increase efficiencies of estimators. In this article, we utilize past as well as current sample information in the form of a hybrid exponentially weighted moving averages statistic and constructed ratio- and product-type estimators using known coefficient of variation of the auxiliary variable. The results obtained through the empirical study with real data sets show that the suggested ratio-and product-type estimators have less MSEs and biases than that of the existing estimators and hence, the suggested estimators are found more efficient than the existing estimators. Further, it is observed that the time varying MSEs of the suggested estimators are approaching to the MSEs of the limiting forms. It is also seen that the MSEs and biases of the estimators are reduced with the increased sample sizes.


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Priyanka Chhaparwal received her Ph.D. from Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer, Rajasthan. She is currently working as an Assistant professor at the Department of mathematics, University of Engineering and Management, Gurukul, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. Her research area includes estimating problems in sampling theory.


Sanjay Kumar obtained his Ph.D from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. He has been working as an Assistant Professor since metricconverterProductID2011 in2011 in the Department of Statistics, Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India. His research interests include estimation, optimization problems and robustness study in sampling theory.


1 Introduction

2 Hybrid Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (HEWMA) Statistic and Suggested Estimators

3 Comparison

4 An Empirical Study

5 Results

6 Conclusion

