District-level Study of Uttar Pradesh Based on the MCDM Approach

Sumedha Sharma1, Jitendra Kumar2,*, Niraj Kumar Singh1 and Anup Kumar3

1Department of Statistics, AIAS, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
2Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
3Department of Biostatistics and Health Informatics, SGPGIMS, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
E-mail: sumedhasharma18@gmail.com; jitendra.kumar@vit.ac.in
*Corresponding Author

Received 07 February 2024; Accepted 14 July 2024


Development and population are two crucial and complex areas of study for the researchers. They depend on many variables such as demography, economic status, nutritional status of the child and women, etc. This research aims to determine the best districts by evaluating them against eight specific criteria that reflect the demographic composition of women and children in Uttar Pradesh (UP).

The identification of the criteria of the variables is determined by various factors such as education, security & threat, gender equality, and health dimensions within the districts of UP, India. To achieve this we attempted to implement the multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods comprehensibly. This study has presented an impartial assessment of the performance of 75 districts in UP. The methodology included a technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) and multi-objective optimization based on ratio analysis (MOORA). Data on demographic and educational parameters were collected from the most recent published report of the national family health survey (NFHS-5) and various online portals & platforms of the government of UP. Also, we made an attempt to validate the techniques using a non-parametric statistical test known as Wilcoxon sign rank test. TOPSIS and MOORA were identified as two most popular MCDM techniques for demography research. Interestingly, we found districts namely, (Agra, Kanpur Nagar, Moradabad), Lucknow and Shrawasti as outliers with respect to variables area(A3), CAW(A5) and TFR(A6) respectively that need to be dealt with careful attention and effective measures has to be taken. The study provides useful information on the demographic characteristics of districts in UP and possibly provide the basis to our policymakers for designing the targeted interventions to improve the social and economic indicators of the State.

Keywords: MCDM, TOPSIS, MOORA, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, CAW, TFR.

1 Introduction

Government policy and planning are designed to create conditions for sustainable, inclusive, and intelligent growth goals. To achieve this, it is important for planning strategies to consider the preferences of the public before implementation. One way to obtain public preferences, which has recently attracted researchers, is to rank available resources.

MCDM is a field of study that deals with making decisions when multiple criteria need to be considered. Howard and Coat 1960 et al. have established the MCDM technique as a field of study. Their studies helped establish the principles of MCDM and played a key role in its development. In the 21st century, MCDM has continued to evolve with the advent of new techniques such as fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, and neural networks [1, 2]. Knowledge about the dynamics of demographic composition is almost a requirement for balanced planning to develop a State. The study has considered district-level observations on various demographic characteristics to understand the problem and its nature at the grassroots level. The MCDM approach is a decision-making tool that is widely used in social and economic analyses. Various fields of study applied the MCDM approach, such as the financial performance of fourteen large-scale conglomerates listed on the ISE (Istanbul Stock Exchange) between 2009 and 2011 using the Criteria Importance through Intercriteria Correlation (CRITIC)-TOPSIS method [3]. The CRITIC method has consistently been a popular tool for examining the robustness of various MCDM methods. It established their potential for stable criteria weights and ranks with larger decision matrices, while also pioneered the use of a distance correlation test to compare different weighting methods [4]. To analyse the data, their study used TOPSIS, a method of analysis that involves multiple criteria for decision-making. The study has evaluated and ranked the relative performance of competing companies considering multiple financial ratios as criteria [5]. Saxena et al. worked on an integrated CRITIC-TOPSIS approach to illustrate two real-time failure data sets. They compared the result with another MCDM method, namely Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) [6]. These techniques allow decision-makers to tackle even more complex problems and make more informed decisions in a wider range of contexts. The TOPSIS, MOORA, and VIKOR methods are used for the evaluation of the Nomenclature of Units for Territorial Statistics (NUTS) [7].

The present study has employed this approach to identify the key factors that influence the demographic characteristics of each district in the UP. The district-level study of UP based on the MCDM approach is a comprehensive analysis of various indicators across districts. As the most populous State in India, UP have significant implications for the overall demographic patterns of the country.

The study provides insight into the demographic trends and patterns of districts, highlighting the factors that contribute to these trends. The level of health of women and children in a particular district can be indicated by demographic characteristics such as the total fertility rate (TFR) and the infant mortality rate (IMR). Additionally, the gender ratio at birth and female education can reflect changes in societal development in that district.

The security parameters can be measured by the number of police stations and incidents of crime against women. The infrastructure of the district may be influenced by its total population and area. These demographic characteristics have been classified into two criteria: endogenous variables and exogenous variables. To select endogenous and exogenous variables, the availability of data and the 17 sustainable development goals were considered, with a focus on good health and well-being, quality education, and gender equality. Data from the NFHS-5 and official district websites was used to gather this information. This information’s may be helpful for policy makers and planners to develop targeted strategies and address the demographic challenges faced by different districts in the State. The study also assesses the relative performance of each district based on different demographic indicators, providing a comparative analysis of demographic conditions throughout the State.

Overall, this study provides a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners interested in understanding the demographic characteristics of various districts and developing evidence-based strategies to promote sustainable demographic development in the State.

1.1 Objectives

We are aiming at the following objectives:

(i) Develop an understanding of demographic characteristics in the UP.

(ii) Develop a district-wise consistency ranking based on demographic attributes.

(iii) Perform a descriptive analysis of various attributes under the study.

(iv) Derive inferences for highlighting the current demographic scenarios in the UP.

Our basic goal is to understand the intrinsic and extrinsic pattern of the basic demographic bedrock because understanding the basic demographic structure is important for a State or country’s holistic growth. Here, by development, we mean social, cultural, and economic progress.

1.2 Review of the Literature

The district-level study of UP based on the MCDM approach in demography has been a topic of interest for researchers in recent years. However, there has been a scarcity of research conducted in the field of demography using the MCDM approach. The purpose of this review of the literature is to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing literature on this technique. To rank districts according to their characteristics, various methods may be employed, viz. TOPSIS, VIKOR, SWOT AHP, PROMETHEE, MOORA, and ELECTER, drawing from recommendations in the literature. For instance, (Esangbedo and Wei et al., 2023) [8] addressed the issue of uncertainty in multi-criteria decision-making, specifically focusing on the normalization process. Although previous research has examined uncertainty in aspects such as performance values and weighting criteria, the impact of different normalization methods has not been thoroughly explored. TOPSIS methodology used and reviewed an up-to-date analysis of the existing literature, to design and develop the taxonomies for the current and emerging topics. They examined 266 academic papers and published them in 103 different journals [9]. For implementation of TOPSIS methodology they attempted to assign unique ranks for alternative phase change materials and provided entropy weights to the selected materials [10]. An attempt has been made for streamlining the progress of EU (European Union) members during EU-2020 and various strategies using TOPSIS and VIKOR methods has been experimented to achieve the success [11]. Also, we observe that a combination of CRITIC-TOPSIS and CRITIC-GRA methodology being adopted to analyse the performance of Indian private sector banks. To verify the ranks obtained, the Wilcoxon signed rank test was performed [12]. The research investigation was conducted to assess the efficacy of the machinery through the utilization of the MOORA technique, leading to the determination that it is a viable option for experimental scenarios [13, 14]. Some integrated techniques have been used based on TOPSIS and CRITIC method to determine the optimal software reliability growth model and an attempt has been made to compare the computed results with additive ratio assessment values [6]. Meanwhile, in yr. 2021 TOPSIS and entropy methodology were used to rank smart cities in the context of energy/ power distribution across the world except the continent of Africa [15]. With the entropy and TOPSIS integrated approach, the study ranked software reliability growth models (SRGMs) and underscored the challenges associated with selecting suitable SRGMs [16].

A separate study, employed Kaiser Criteria and principle factor analysis (PCA) based on Eigen-vectors and Eigen-value to rank 640 districts and 36 States / UTs in India [17]. The present work aimed at developing the district-wise consistency ranking based on existing demographic parameters in the State of UP, using MCDM methods to assess the comparative status of various districts, whereas, TOPSIS and MOORA methods are used to develop respective rankings. Achieving this goal we will be able to frame suitable policies and directed to design an effective strategy for its successful implementation within a given timeline.

Meshram et al. (2017) [18] Aims to evaluate the ranking of districts in Andhra Pradesh based on health and nutritional indicators using the TOPSIS method, which can serve as a tool to evaluate the development of the district regarding maternal health indicators in the State. MCDM methods have become increasingly popular in modelling COVID-19 problems owing to the multidimensionality of this crisis and the complexity of health and socioeconomic systems [19]. We found that MCDM involves AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) including fuzzy AHP as one of the most preferred and widely popular methods followed by TOPSIS and VIKOR. (Saleh et al., 2023) [20] Analysed to determine the optimal supplier of medical equipment according to the standards set by the Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI). This analysis involved the use of the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting), TOPSIS, and MOORA methods, in conjunction with three distinct approaches for weighting criteria.

The district-level study of UP based on the MCDM approach in demography has been an active area of research. The review of the study demonstrates the usefulness of the MCDM approach in evaluating demographic performance and development of districts in UP. The findings of these studies can provide valuable insight to policymakers and programme implementers in formulating viable policies and evolving suitable strategies to improve the demographic indicators for further success.

2 Methodology

2.1 Study Area

India is a country that consists of a wide array of variations such as socioeconomic, cultural, linguistic, geological, lifestyle’s, and genetic diversity within its population. Among its States, UP is recognized as the State having the largest population and the fourth largest in area. As per the 2011 Census, UP represents 75 districts out of 707 districts of India, and encompassed a significant portion of India’s geographical landscape, serving 17% of its total population, located in the north-central region of the country. As such, UP signifies a pivotal position in India.

2.2 Data Source

The data sets used in this analysis were obtained from the NFHS-5 (https:/dhsprogram.com), which was conducted by the International Institute of Population Sciences between 2019 and 2021 [21]. The data covers 707 districts in 28 States and 8 union territories in India and is representative of the main demographic characteristics. The sampling frame for the selection of villages and households in each district was based on the 2011 census. All women between the ages of 15 and 49 years of age, who lived in the selected households, were invited to participate in the survey. The total sample size was 101,839 for men and 724,115 for women. The higher number of women respondents reflects the focus of the NFHS-5 on maternal and child health. Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) was used to collect data on mini notebook computers by trained interviewers, which ensures better data quality, fewer inconsistencies, and missing cases. The fieldwork for NFHS-5 in some States/UTs was split into two halves due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns. In UP, for example, the fieldwork was conducted by the Academy of Management Studies (AMS) and Research and Development Initiative (RDI) Pvt. Ltd., in all 75 districts of the State from 13 January 2020 to 21 March 2020 before the lockdown and from 28 November 2020 to 19 April 2021 after the lockdown. Information was collected from 12,043 males, 93,124 women and 70,710 families.

2.3 CRITIC Method

The CRITIC method is a problem-solving approach used in decision-making and problem-solving that involves evaluating potential solutions or decisions based on their feasibility and desirability [22]. One of the most prevalent approaches to computing the weight of criteria is the CRITIC method. Criteria-weighting approaches are classified into three types: objective methods, subjective methods, and integrated methods [23].

2.3.1 The CRITIC method involves the following steps

Step 1. To normalize the decision matrix we use Equation (1) as shown below

Y¯ij=yij-yjworstyjbest-yjworst;j=1,2,3m (1)

Where, yij denote decision matrix of observations and yj denote the attributes.

For exogenous variables, the minimum value is the best value and the maximum value is the worst. Similarly, for endogenous variables, the maximum value is the best value and the minimum value is the worst.

Step 2. Calculate the standard deviation σj; (j=1,2,m).

Step 3. Determine the symmetric matrix of n × n with rjk, where rjk is the linear correlation coefficient between the vectors, Pj and Pk.

rjk=i=1m(yij-y¯j)(yjk-y¯k)i=1m(yij-y¯j)2(yjk-y¯k)2 (2)

Step 4. Calculate the measure of the conflict created by criterion j for the decision situation defined by the rest of the criteria as shown in Equation (3)

Measure of conflict=k=1m(1-rjk) (3)

Step 5. Determine the amount of information about each criterion.

Cj=σjk=1m(1-rjk) (4)

Where, Cj denote the amount of information about each criterion.

Step 6. Determine the objective weights

wj=Cji=1mCj;i=1,2m (5)

Where, wj denote the objective weights.

2.3.2 TOPSIS method

TOPSIS is a method used to evaluate and rank a set of alternatives based on a set of attributes. This study has considered various demographic characteristics mentioned below as our attributes [24].

TOPSIS is a multiple-criterion method for identifying solutions from a finite collection of alternatives based on the simultaneous minimization of distance from an ideal point and maximisation of distance from a nadir point. The TOPSIS method is based on the idea that the best alternative is the one that has the shortest distance to the positive ideal solution (PIS) and the longest distance to the negative ideal solution (NIS). The PIS is the alternative that has the best performance for each attribute, and NIS is the alternative that has the worst performance for each attribute.

2.3.3 Steps involved in TOPSIS methods:

Step 1: Construct a decision matrix where each row represents an alternative and each column represents attributes. The matrix (m x n), contains the performance scores of each alternative for each attribute.


Step 2: Normalize the matrix to eliminate the effects of different units and scales as shown by Equation (6)

Nij=Yiji=1mYij2;(i=1,2m;j=1,2,n). (6)

Where, Nij denote normalized matrix.

Step 3: Multiply the normalized matrix by the weights assigned to each criterion as shown in Equation (7)

γij=Nij*Wj (7)

Where, γij=Weighted normalized matrix, Wj=Weights of the criteria

Step 4: Calculate the PIS and NIS for the weighted normalized decision matrix.

PIS(γ+) ={γ1+,γ2+,γ3+,γn+};vj+
NIS(γ-) ={γ1-,γ2-,γ3-,γn-};vj-
={(min(γij),jJ);(max(γij),jJ|)}, (8)

Where, J is related to endogenous criteria/attribute, J| is related to exogeneous attributes.

Step 5: Calculate the Euclidean distance between each alternative and the PIS and NIS as shown by Si+ and Si-.

where,Si+ =j=1n(γij-γj+)2;i=1,2,,m;
Si- =j=1n(γij-γj-)2;i=1,2,,m. (9)

Step 6: Calculate the relative closeness of each alternative to the PIS by dividing the distance to the NIS by the sum of the distances from the PIS and the NIS.

RCi=Si-Si-+Si+; 0RCi1. (10)

where, RCi denote relative closeness

Step 7: Rank the alternatives based on their relative closeness to the PIS.

2.4 MOORA Method

The MOORA method is a decision-making technique used to evaluate alternatives that are characterized by multiple criteria. It is a popular multi-criteria decision-making method. The MOORA method uses ratio analysis to convert the evaluation criteria into a common unit, and finally, we calculate a score for each alternative based on how well it performs on each criterion. The scores are then combined to produce an overall ranking of the alternatives. A superior alternative receives the maximum score; while the worst alternative receives the lowest score [25].

2.4.1 The MOORA method involves the following steps

Step 1: Identify the criteria that will be used to evaluate the alternatives in the form of a decision matrix.


Step 2: Normalize the data for each criteria to bring it to a common scale, using either the Min-Max method or the sum-of-squares method.

yij*=yij/[i=1myij2]1/2;(j=1,2,n) (11)

Where, yij* denotes the normalized value computed using MOORA method.

Step 3: Multiply each score of the criteria by its weight to get the weighted score for each alternative.

Step 4: Estimation of Assessment values (zi), where zi is computed using Equation (12)

zi=j=1gwjyij*-j=g+1nwjyij*;(j=1,2,,n) (12)

Step 5: Rank the alternatives according to their total weighted scores.

2.5 Spearman Rank Correlation (ρ)

Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (ρ), as shown in Equation (13), is a non-parametric measure of linear association between two ranked variables. It estimates the relationship between the ranks assigned by both methods (TOPSIS and MOORA). This method is even suitable for variables that may not have a linear relationship but still exhibit a monotonic relation.

ρ=1-6×di2n(n2-1);-1ρ1 (13)

Where, di = difference between the two ranks assigned by two different aforesaid methods, and n denote the number of districts in UP.

2.6 Demographic Characteristics

A1= Female literacy rate (endogenous variable)

A2= Female ratio at birth (endogenous variable)

A3= Area of districts (endogenous variable)

A4= Number of police stations in a district (endogenous variable)

A5= Crime against women per district (exogenous variable)

A6= Total fertility rate (exogenous variable)

A7= Infant mortality rate (exogenous variable)

A8= Total population (exogenous variable)

2.7 Hypothesis Testing

The Wilcoxon signed-rank test, a non-parametric test, was utilized to validate the results obtained from the TOPSIS and MOORA analysis methods. The formulation and setting of null and alternative hypotheses is shown below:

H0:RT=RM; There is no significant difference between the individual ranks obtained by TOPSIS and MOORA analysis, against

H1:RTRM; There is a significant difference between the individual ranks obtained by TOPSIS and MOORA analysis.

Where, RT and RM denotes respective ranks used for TOPSIS and MOORA.

2.8 Flow Diagram

Figure 1, presents the organisational flow diagram of the methodology being implemented.


Figure 1 Methodology of the study.

3 Result and Discussion

3.1 Descriptive Statistics

Table 1 Summary statistics of attributes

Statistics A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
Mean 65.10 935.80 3541.89 20.1 658.11 2.39 48.32 2643447.65
Median 65.70 930.00 3021 20.0 574.00 2.37 50.78 2496970.00
Standard Deviation 9.53 92.19 2008.77 7.87 437.08 0.44 18.94 1145907.16
Coefficient of Variation 14.64 9.85 56.71 39.1 66.41 18.37 39.20 43.35
Kurtosis 0.27 -0.17 5.34 1.03 7.69 1.59 -0.34 -0.28
Skewness -0.67 0.47 2.02 0.86 2.14 0.90 0.03 0.39
Minimum 38.69 786.00 1015 7.00 88.00 1.62 10.17 127988.00
Maximum 81.48 1191.0 10863 43.0 2847.0 3.75 93.96 5954000.00
Confidence Level 2.19 21.21 462.18 1.81 100.56 0.10 4.36 263649.29

Table 1 presents tabulated summary statistics providing valuable insights into the nature of data distribution, its degree of symmetricity, variable characteristics and degree of sharpness of the curve generated for analytical purposes. The mean literacy rate (A1) across districts under study is 65.10 per cent. The average sex ratio (A2) across the State is 936 females per 1000 males. Each district has an average of approximately 20 police stations (A4) per district. The mean number of Crimes against Women (CAW) as denoted by (A5) per district is approximately 658. The average TFR (A6)is recorded at 2.39 children per woman. The mean IMR (A7) is approximately 48 deaths per 1000 live births. The average population (A8) in the districts is approximately 2,643,447.

Most attributes exhibit medians that closely align with their means, indicating a relatively symmetrical distribution, except the variable area (A3) and CAW (A5), which display positively skewed nature. The high standard deviations reflect district wise variability suggesting possible heterogeneity in the State. The Coefficient of Variation (CV) assesses the consistency in the performance of variables within the study. A consistency ranking has been assigned to assess the prevalent volatility among the variables. Attributes such as CAW (A5) and Area (A3) demonstrate relatively higher ranking indicating the significant disparities across various districts of the State.

The high kurtosis observed in Area (A3) (5.34) and CAW (A5) (7.69) indicates heavy tails, implying a prevalence of more extreme values compared to a normal distribution.

Narrow confidence intervals for literacy rate (A1) (2.19) and TFR (A6) (0.10) indicate reliable average estimates, while wider intervals for Area (A3) (462.18) and CAW (A5) (100.56) reflect increased uncertainty in these averages due to high variability.

The substantial variation in area size and crime rates highlights an unequal distribution of resources and the challenges encountered by districts. The raw data has been processed to be normalized using z-score as shown in Appendix 4, to identify the outlier’s presence in the data set and ensure the smoothness of available information’s.

It is important to highlight the names of certain computed outliers districts for different variables and requires special investigation to find the underlying causes for each of the variables under the study as shown in Appendix 4.

3.2 CRITIC Method

Appendix 1 represents the normalized decision matrix. In the process of min-max normalization, the data points undergo linear scaling to be accommodated within the interval [0, 1] using a specific mathematical expression. The normalization is achieved by adjusting the original values concerning the minimum and maximum values in the dataset. The outcome of the correlation coefficient matrix reveals that literacy rates (A1) and TFR (A6) are significantly correlated, with a correlation coefficient of 0.7601, suggesting a robust positive correlation. Similarly, the correlation coefficient for number of police station (A4) and Total population (A8) is -0.8388, indicating a strong negative correlation. The correlation coefficient between gender ratio at birth (A2) and CAW (A5) is -0.2140, signifying a weak negative correlation.

Table 2 Correlation coefficient of attributes

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
A1 1.0000 -0.1522 -0.1397 0.2432 -0.1571 0.7601 0.2476 -0.1314
A2 -0.1522 1.0000 0.0766 0.1721 -0.2140 -0.1042 -0.1117 -0.2889
A3 -0.1397 0.0766 1.0000 0.5498 -0.3666 0.0196 -0.1332 -0.4738
A4 0.2432 0.1721 0.5498 1.0000 -0.7423 0.3217 0.0880 -0.8388
A5 -0.1571 -0.2140 -0.3666 -0.7423 1.0000 -0.2047 0.1409 0.6741
A6 0.7601 -0.1042 0.0196 0.3217 -0.2047 1.0000 0.4542 -0.1498
A7 0.2476 -0.1117 -0.1332 0.0880 0.1409 0.4542 1.0000 -0.0074
A8 -0.1314 -0.2889 -0.4738 -0.8388 0.6741 -0.1498 -0.0074 1.0000

The CRITIC method is used to determine the weights of each attribute, and the results are presented in Table 3. It can be inferred from Table 3 that the attributes A5 and A6 have the least weights with the same value, while A5 and A6 hold the least significance. The criteria weights are then calculated using Equations (4) and (5).

Table 3 Weights

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
Cj 1.40952 1.73495 1.52317 1.57561 1.24672 1.21528 1.42928 1.61598
Wj 0.11995 0.14765 0.12963 0.13409 0.10610 0.10342 0.12164 0.13752

3.3 TOPSIS Method

The TOPSIS method analyses and ranks the data based on positive and negative ideal solutions. Then, positive and negative ideal solutions were determined based on the results.

Table 4 Positive and negative ideal solutions

Ideal solution type A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
V+ 0.0170 0.0215 0.0397 0.0306 0.0014 0.0079 0.0026 0.0007
V– 0.00809 0.0142 0.0037 0.0049 0.0442 0.0184 0.0254 0.0328

3.4 MOORA Method

We have attempted to normalize the data at hand using Equation (11) and multiply them by the weights to obtain the weighted normalized matrix. The assessed values will range between 0 and 1, with higher values indicating better performance. Based on the assessed values, we ranked the alternatives or attributes from highest to lowest. The alternative with the highest value is considered the best choice. According to this method, districts such as Kanpur Nagar, Lalitpur, Jalaun, Sonbhadra, Agra and Hamirpur are top performers with relatively higher ranking scores.

3.5 Comparative Analysis

Annexure-4 provides an intriguing presentation that reveals a robust correlation coefficient ρ=0.87 between two sets of rankings. Consequently, one can postulate that an elevated MOORA ranking of a certain district is associated with a corresponding higher ranking anticipated through the TOPSIS methodology. The two methods produced almost identical results with more or less similar rankings for best performing districts. We used the Wilcoxon signed rank test to evaluate the similarity between the rankings generated by TOPSIS and MOORA as presented in Table 5.

Table 5 Wilcoxon signed ranks test

N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks TOPSIS-MOORA
Negative Ranks 33a 37.77 1246.50 Z -0.379b
Positive Ranks 39b 35.42 1381.50 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) 0.705
Ties 3c a. Wilcoxon signed ranks test
Total 75 b. Based on negative ranks

Table 5, presents the output of the Wilcoxon signed rank test, implemented at α=0.50 level of significance. The results indicate that the difference between the ranks obtained by the two methods appears to be statistically insignificant (Z = -0.379, p = 0.705). Therefore, we do not find enough evidence against the null hypothesis and subsequently, we fail to reject the null hypothesis H0 as illustrated in sub-section 2.7. Thus, it can be inferred that there is no significant difference between the ranks obtained by TOPSIS and MOORA methods in this particular study. In other words, the ranks obtained by these two methods seem to be unidirectional.


Figure 2(a): TOPSIS method ranking visualization map.

3.6 Visualization of Ranked Districts

It is interesting to observe that MCDM methods provide almost similar ranking for top twenty districts, there is a significant variation is being observed in the ranking of remaining districts. It might be because of the fact that different tools emphasises different criteria. This study found that the Spearman rank correlation coefficient for various pairs of tools is statistically significant with a value of ρ=0.8. This implies the relevance of both approaches of ranking. This means the two methods of ranking are highly significant.

Figures 2(a) and 2(b) shows the visualization map of rank districts using the aforesaid methods TOPSIS and MOORA.


Figure 2(b): MOORA method ranking visualization map.

In the above figures, red colour indicates higher ranked and relatively more vulnerable districts, orange colour indicates districts with moderate vulnerability, yellow colour indicates districts with relatively weaker vulnerability and green colour indicates districts with almost no vulnerability (safe zone).

4 Conclusion

By considering demographic characteristics such as district-wise population, area, female literacy rate, female birth rate and health indicators based on child mortality rate and fertility rates, we motivated to assess the overall performance of different districts in UP and particularly aimed at identifying the districts with significant rankings to bring future improvements. We found the following top ten districts with relatively higher order namely, Sonbhadra, Lalitpur, Jaluan, Agra, Kanpur Nagar, Jhansi, Moradabad, Mirzapur and Hamirpur and the following districts with relatively poorer rankings namely, Bareilly, Sitapur, Allahbad, Aligarh and Lucknow. Though, the TOPSIS method is expected to identify the best-performing districts, whereas, the MOORA method enables us to determine the districts’ optimal ranking based on multiple objectives, in the present scenario both tools become unidirectional. The study revealed that certain districts in UP have excelled in terms of these criteria, while others lag behind. It also highlights the need for targeted interventions and policies in lagging dis to address the underlying challenges and promote inclusive development. It is important to highlight the name of computed outlier’s districts for each of the variables under study as shown in Appendix 4, and requires special investigation to find the underlying causes. In this paper, we statistically evaluated the progress of districts using various demographic indicators filtered through TOPSIS and MOORA methods. It is essential to emphasize the identification of specific outlier districts calculated for different variables under the study, necessitating a thorough examination to uncover the root causes of variability, as depicted in Appendix 4. (Agra, Kanpur Nagar, Moradabad), Lucknow, Shrawasti and are the districts declared outliers in respect to variables like, area(A3), CAW(A5), and TFR (A6) respectively. It is interesting to present our researchers, policy and decision-makers and all related stakeholders including common people of the State to bring focused attention and timely intervention to reduce the heterogeneity that persists across all seventy-five districts of UP that is one of the fastest evolving States of India in terms of increasing investment destination, improving laws and order State, a hotspot of religious tourism, and witnessed as one of the fastest growing States of India.

5 Limitations

However, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of the study. The first notifiable limitation is the secondary data source, which was acquired deliberately to ensure the authenticity and reliability of the data set. But, at the same, it didn’t provide us enough scope for survey-based experimentation. The second limitation refers to the methods using TOPSIS and MOORA. As the number of criteria and alternatives increases, there is a corresponding escalation in the computational intricacy and time needed to conduct the analysis. TOPSIS and MOORA approaches necessitate a substantial volume of data to ensure precision in the analysis, a resource that may not be consistently accessible or effortlessly procured.

6 Future Scope

The present work may provide good insight and show the roadmap to future researchers for carrying out the micro-level analysis that consists of relatively smaller geographical units of research namely, sub-divisions, blocks and villages for bringing in-depth investigation and achieving relatively higher precisions. The present work provides a unique understanding of challenges, threats and opportunities in each district of UP. Furthermore, MCDM methodologies such as CRITIC, AHP, MOORA and TOPSIS implementations to evaluate district-specific factors need to be investigated at micro geographical units (sub-divisions, blocks, and villages) of research. Employ information derived from the Census of India, the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), and various other governmental sources to access current demographic and socio-economic data. In the future, additional demographic variables sourced from existing data could potentially be integrated. As UP is the most populous state of India, the assurance of data availability and reliability at the district level may present challenges arising from discrepancies or deficiencies in data collection and reporting. The varied geographical terrain of UP could potentially give rise to logistical hurdles in the process of data collection and fieldwork.

7 Competing Interests and Funding

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest and that there is no funding for this research article.


Appendix 1: Weighted Normalized Matrix by TOPSIS method

S.N. Districts A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
1 Saharanpur 0.01496 0.01844 0.01347 0.01566 0.01182 0.01111 0.01442 0.01909
2 Bijnor 0.01525 0.01716 0.01479 0.01566 0.01403 0.01066 0.01346 0.02027
3 Rampur 0.01193 0.01747 0.00864 0.01210 0.00656 0.01309 0.01866 0.01286
4 Jyotiba Phule Nagar 0.01276 0.01552 0.00821 0.00926 0.00658 0.01307 0.01434 0.01013
5 Meerut 0.01629 0.01671 0.00946 0.02136 0.01218 0.01194 0.01366 0.01896
6 Baghpat 0.01591 0.01476 0.00482 0.00783 0.00622 0.01165 0.01158 0.00717
7 Gautam Buddha Nagar 0.01655 0.01619 0.00527 0.01495 0.01203 0.00792 0.01577 0.00907
8 Bulandshahr 0.01473 0.01518 0.01590 0.02065 0.01969 0.01257 0.01823 0.01926
9 Aligarh 0.01374 0.01859 0.01333 0.02136 0.02483 0.01215 0.01626 0.02022
10 Mahamaya Nagar 0.01376 0.01785 0.00672 0.00783 0.00708 0.01117 0.01576 0.00861
11 Mathura 0.01335 0.01678 0.01220 0.01566 0.01744 0.01266 0.01468 0.01402
12 Agra 0.01288 0.01628 0.03967 0.02848 0.01578 0.01158 0.01890 0.02432
13 Firozabad 0.01493 0.01572 0.00863 0.01495 0.01417 0.01173 0.02004 0.01375
14 Mainpuri 0.01543 0.01510 0.01008 0.00997 0.00891 0.01136 0.02273 0.01197
15 Bareilly 0.01105 0.01956 0.01504 0.02065 0.01837 0.01041 0.01375 0.02449
16 Pilibhit 0.01126 0.01469 0.01278 0.01068 0.01054 0.00982 0.01039 0.00070
17 Shahjahanpur 0.01190 0.01920 0.01671 0.01638 0.01348 0.01570 0.02367 0.01655
18 Kheri 0.01186 0.01626 0.02804 0.01638 0.01805 0.01205 0.02015 0.02214
19 Sitapur 0.01122 0.01824 0.02097 0.02065 0.01873 0.01362 0.02162 0.02468
20 Hardoi 0.01153 0.01980 0.02187 0.01780 0.00959 0.01455 0.02327 0.02253
21 Unnao 0.01341 0.01732 0.01664 0.01495 0.01417 0.01088 0.01555 0.01711
22 Lucknow 0.01602 0.01770 0.00923 0.03061 0.04418 0.00798 0.00681 0.02527
23 Farrukhabad 0.01321 0.01424 0.00796 0.00997 0.00568 0.01345 0.01653 0.01038
24 Kannauj 0.01363 0.01873 0.00764 0.00641 0.00776 0.01365 0.01761 0.00757
25 Etawah 0.01605 0.01442 0.00844 0.01495 0.00459 0.01166 0.01577 0.00871
26 Auraiya 0.01566 0.01588 0.00736 0.00783 0.00712 0.01086 0.01548 0.00759
27 Kanpur Dehat 0.01472 0.01853 0.01103 0.01210 0.01156 0.01068 0.01524 0.00989
28 Kanpur Nagar 0.01704 0.01473 0.03967 0.02990 0.02385 0.00818 0.00739 0.02522
29 Jalaun 0.01385 0.01438 0.01659 0.01566 0.00566 0.00898 0.00405 0.00930
30 Jhansi 0.01459 0.01673 0.01667 0.01851 0.01016 0.00807 0.01145 0.01100
31 Lalitpur 0.01157 0.01801 0.01840 0.01068 0.00171 0.01021 0.00275 0.00672
32 Hamirpur 0.01456 0.01592 0.01505 0.00997 0.00481 0.01027 0.01408 0.00608
33 Mahoba 0.01369 0.01906 0.01053 0.00712 0.00321 0.01196 0.01158 0.00482
34 Banda 0.01203 0.01752 0.01610 0.01282 0.00763 0.01194 0.01591 0.00991
35 Chitrakoot 0.01167 0.01604 0.01155 0.00712 0.00331 0.01175 0.01222 0.00546
36 Fatehpur 0.01301 0.01606 0.01516 0.01424 0.00953 0.01301 0.01409 0.01449
37 Pratapgarh 0.01552 0.01866 0.01362 0.01566 0.01578 0.01048 0.01211 0.01767
38 Kaushambi 0.01228 0.01754 0.00650 0.00997 0.00585 0.01336 0.01242 0.00881
39 Allahabad 0.01383 0.02149 0.02002 0.02919 0.02711 0.01154 0.01528 0.03278
40 Bara Banki 0.01173 0.01716 0.01421 0.01638 0.01136 0.01309 0.01509 0.01795
41 Faizabad 0.01538 0.01597 0.00921 0.01282 0.01212 0.01054 0.00809 0.01360
42 Ambedkar Nagar 0.01591 0.01476 0.00858 0.01353 0.00711 0.00851 0.00940 0.01320
43 Bahraich 0.00814 0.01530 0.01715 0.01638 0.01424 0.01784 0.01653 0.01920
44 Shrawasti 0.00809 0.01752 0.00711 0.00498 0.00436 0.01836 0.01167 0.00614
45 Balrampur 0.00881 0.01866 0.01223 0.01139 0.00542 0.01800 0.01648 0.01183
46 Gonda 0.01201 0.01754 0.01462 0.01210 0.00934 0.01202 0.00926 0.01890
47 Siddharthnagar 0.01010 0.01538 0.01057 0.01282 0.00537 0.01520 0.00449 0.01409
48 Basti 0.01325 0.01615 0.00982 0.01210 0.00523 0.01134 0.00907 0.01357
49 Sant Kabir Nagar 0.01282 0.01507 0.00601 0.00641 0.00447 0.01160 0.00722 0.00940
50 Mahrajganj 0.01287 0.01684 0.01078 0.01424 0.00650 0.01048 0.00814 0.01478
51 Gorakhpur 0.01427 0.01617 0.01272 0.01994 0.01390 0.01019 0.01148 0.02445
52 Kushinagar 0.01309 0.01949 0.01061 0.01353 0.00784 0.01216 0.00814 0.01962
53 Deoria 0.01490 0.01808 0.00928 0.01638 0.00137 0.00985 0.00457 0.01707
54 Azamgarh 0.01593 0.01514 0.01480 0.01851 0.01182 0.01071 0.01318 0.02539
55 Mau 0.01498 0.01693 0.00626 0.00854 0.00808 0.00965 0.01444 0.01214
56 Ballia 0.01461 0.01916 0.01089 0.02207 0.00574 0.00948 0.00560 0.01783
57 Jaunpur 0.01598 0.01621 0.01475 0.01994 0.00791 0.01010 0.00385 0.02474
58 Ghazipur 0.01510 0.01754 0.01233 0.01922 0.01080 0.01051 0.00559 0.01993
59 Chandauli 0.01473 0.01583 0.00907 0.01139 0.00362 0.01123 0.00814 0.01075
60 Varanasi 0.01644 0.01597 0.00561 0.01994 0.01680 0.00866 0.00558 0.02024
61 Bhadohi 0.01439 0.01514 0.00371 0.00641 0.00304 0.01259 0.00814 0.00869
62 Mirzapur 0.01460 0.01465 0.01651 0.01353 0.00445 0.01156 0.01132 0.01375
63 Sonbhadra 0.01275 0.01758 0.02479 0.01566 0.00427 0.01381 0.01161 0.01025
64 Etah 0.01405 0.01812 0.01624 0.01282 0.00622 0.01252 0.01562 0.00977
65 Kanshiram Nagar 0.01186 0.01799 0.00728 0.00783 0.01165 0.01535 0.01900 0.00791
66 Amethi 0.01323 0.01523 0.00851 0.01068 0.00486 0.01250 0.02543 0.01028
67 Budaun 0.01018 0.01570 0.01546 0.01566 0.00948 0.01325 0.01600 0.01722
68 Ghaziabad 0.01667 0.02133 0.00378 0.01495 0.00919 0.00872 0.00997 0.01875
69 Hapur 0.01544 0.01418 0.00408 0.00783 0.00286 0.01177 0.01631 0.00737
70 Moradabad 0.01365 0.01844 0.03967 0.01424 0.01724 0.01100 0.01595 0.01875
71 Muzaffarnagar 0.01519 0.01561 0.01092 0.01495 0.00704 0.01037 0.00418 0.01558
72 Rae Bareli 0.01310 0.01572 0.01476 0.01353 0.01088 0.01046 0.00947 0.01598
73 Sambhal 0.01073 0.01696 0.00896 0.00926 0.00757 0.01397 0.01815 0.01207
74 Shamli 0.01361 0.01857 0.00426 0.00570 0.00433 0.01220 0.01492 0.00723
75 Sultanpur 0.01494 0.01799 0.00976 0.01353 0.00967 0.01045 0.01132 0.01339

Appendix 2: Normalized Matrix for MOORA

S.N. Districts A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
1 Saharanpur 0.12559 0.12551 0.10478 0.11762 0.11160 0.10784 0.11860 0.13911
2 Bijnor 0.12800 0.11679 0.11501 0.11762 0.13240 0.10343 0.11071 0.14775
3 Rampur 0.10014 0.11888 0.06723 0.09089 0.06195 0.12707 0.15351 0.09371
4 Jyotiba Phule Nagar 0.10711 0.10561 0.06388 0.06950 0.06210 0.12690 0.11798 0.07383
5 Meerut 0.13671 0.11372 0.07357 0.16039 0.11497 0.11593 0.11239 0.13817
6 Baghpat 0.13353 0.10045 0.03752 0.05881 0.05873 0.11309 0.09527 0.05228
7 Gautam Buddha Nagar 0.13892 0.11016 0.04096 0.11227 0.11351 0.07687 0.12970 0.06612
8 Bulandshahr 0.12358 0.10328 0.12364 0.15504 0.18586 0.12205 0.14993 0.14039
9 Aligarh 0.11533 0.12649 0.10367 0.16039 0.23433 0.11795 0.13379 0.14740
10 Mahamaya Nagar 0.11550 0.12145 0.05226 0.05881 0.06679 0.10837 0.12960 0.06278
11 Mathura 0.11204 0.11421 0.09487 0.11762 0.16462 0.12285 0.12075 0.10219
12 Agra 0.10809 0.11077 0.30855 0.21385 0.14895 0.11242 0.15547 0.17728
13 Firozabad 0.12531 0.10696 0.06709 0.11227 0.13372 0.11382 0.16482 0.10023
14 Mainpuri 0.12948 0.10279 0.07840 0.07485 0.08407 0.11030 0.18693 0.08726
15 Bareilly 0.09276 0.13312 0.11702 0.15504 0.17341 0.10101 0.11307 0.17847
16 Pilibhit 0.09451 0.09996 0.09939 0.08019 0.09945 0.09533 0.08549 0.00513
17 Shahjahanpur 0.09991 0.13066 0.12995 0.12296 0.12727 0.15238 0.19474 0.12062
18 Kheri 0.09956 0.11065 0.21814 0.12296 0.17033 0.11691 0.16575 0.16133
19 Sitapur 0.09414 0.12416 0.16312 0.15504 0.17678 0.13217 0.17787 0.17990
20 Hardoi 0.09679 0.13472 0.17011 0.13366 0.09051 0.14120 0.19141 0.16421
21 Unnao 0.11250 0.11789 0.12947 0.11227 0.13372 0.10560 0.12788 0.12471
22 Lucknow 0.13448 0.12047 0.07181 0.22989 0.41697 0.07743 0.05605 0.18415
23 Farrukhabad 0.11087 0.09689 0.06195 0.07485 0.05360 0.13055 0.13597 0.07563
24 Kannauj 0.11435 0.12747 0.05945 0.04812 0.07323 0.13250 0.14486 0.05520
25 Etawah 0.13469 0.09812 0.06564 0.11227 0.04335 0.11321 0.12971 0.06346
26 Auraiya 0.13141 0.10807 0.05726 0.05881 0.06722 0.10538 0.12735 0.05535
27 Kanpur Dehat 0.12358 0.12612 0.08581 0.09089 0.10911 0.10364 0.12534 0.07206
28 Kanpur Nagar 0.14302 0.10021 0.30855 0.22454 0.22511 0.07936 0.06082 0.18380
29 Jalaun 0.11621 0.09788 0.12907 0.11762 0.05346 0.08719 0.03335 0.06780
30 Jhansi 0.12244 0.11384 0.12966 0.13900 0.09593 0.07833 0.09417 0.08018
31 Lalitpur 0.09711 0.12256 0.14313 0.08019 0.01611 0.09913 0.02265 0.04901
32 Hamirpur 0.12220 0.10831 0.11705 0.07485 0.04540 0.09970 0.11586 0.04430
33 Mahoba 0.11493 0.12968 0.08192 0.05346 0.03032 0.11606 0.09527 0.03514
34 Banda 0.10098 0.11924 0.12521 0.09623 0.07206 0.11591 0.13084 0.07219
35 Chitrakoot 0.09791 0.10917 0.08987 0.05346 0.03120 0.11406 0.10056 0.03979
36 Fatehpur 0.10916 0.10930 0.11793 0.10693 0.08993 0.12632 0.11588 0.10563
37 Pratapgarh 0.13022 0.12698 0.10595 0.11762 0.14895 0.10174 0.09962 0.12875
38 Kaushambi 0.10308 0.11937 0.05056 0.07485 0.05521 0.12970 0.10215 0.06418
39 Allahabad 0.11603 0.14626 0.15571 0.21920 0.25586 0.11202 0.12570 0.23888
40 Bara Banki 0.09842 0.11679 0.11053 0.12296 0.10721 0.12702 0.12410 0.13082
41 Faizabad 0.12908 0.10868 0.07164 0.09623 0.11438 0.10231 0.06651 0.09914
42 Ambedkar Nagar 0.13356 0.10045 0.06675 0.10158 0.06708 0.08263 0.07732 0.09620
43 Bahraich 0.06831 0.10414 0.13341 0.12296 0.13445 0.17314 0.13600 0.13993
44 Shrawasti 0.06790 0.11924 0.05534 0.03742 0.04115 0.17823 0.09600 0.04472
45 Balrampur 0.07391 0.12698 0.09513 0.08554 0.05111 0.17466 0.13557 0.08621
46 Gonda 0.10081 0.11937 0.11370 0.09089 0.08817 0.11666 0.07616 0.13777
47 Siddharthnagar 0.08475 0.10463 0.08223 0.09623 0.05067 0.14756 0.03697 0.10268
48 Basti 0.11122 0.10991 0.07635 0.09089 0.04936 0.11010 0.07464 0.09888
49 Sant Kabir Nagar 0.10759 0.10254 0.04675 0.04812 0.04218 0.11258 0.05937 0.06847
50 Mahrajganj 0.10804 0.11458 0.08385 0.10693 0.06137 0.10168 0.06695 0.10773
51 Gorakhpur 0.11977 0.11003 0.09893 0.14970 0.13123 0.09894 0.09440 0.17817
52 Kushinagar 0.10984 0.13263 0.08254 0.10158 0.07396 0.11805 0.06695 0.14301
53 Deoria 0.12501 0.12305 0.07215 0.12296 0.01289 0.09564 0.03757 0.12441
54 Azamgarh 0.13365 0.10303 0.11515 0.13900 0.11160 0.10392 0.10841 0.18504
55 Mau 0.12568 0.11519 0.04866 0.06416 0.07631 0.09366 0.11874 0.08847
56 Ballia 0.12262 0.13042 0.08467 0.16574 0.05419 0.09198 0.04607 0.12998
57 Jaunpur 0.13415 0.11028 0.11470 0.14970 0.07469 0.09806 0.03163 0.18031
58 Ghazipur 0.12672 0.11937 0.09592 0.14435 0.10194 0.10200 0.04600 0.14524
59 Chandauli 0.12364 0.10770 0.07058 0.08554 0.03412 0.10899 0.06695 0.07835
60 Varanasi 0.13799 0.10868 0.04360 0.14970 0.15861 0.08409 0.04591 0.14752
61 Bhadohi 0.12074 0.10303 0.02883 0.04812 0.02871 0.12215 0.06695 0.06332
62 Mirzapur 0.12254 0.09972 0.12841 0.10158 0.04203 0.11216 0.09311 0.10018
63 Sonbhadra 0.10701 0.11961 0.19281 0.11762 0.04028 0.13404 0.09551 0.07473
64 Etah 0.11789 0.12330 0.12628 0.09623 0.05873 0.12154 0.12846 0.07119
65 Kanshiram Nagar 0.09951 0.12244 0.05661 0.05881 0.10999 0.14903 0.15625 0.05764
66 Amethi 0.11105 0.10365 0.06616 0.08019 0.04584 0.12132 0.20922 0.07493
67 Budaun 0.08544 0.10684 0.12027 0.11762 0.08949 0.12856 0.13165 0.12554
68 Ghaziabad 0.13989 0.14516 0.02937 0.11227 0.08670 0.08461 0.08203 0.13665
69 Hapur 0.12961 0.09652 0.03170 0.05881 0.02695 0.11422 0.13414 0.05368
70 Moradabad 0.11456 0.12551 0.30855 0.10693 0.16272 0.10677 0.13122 0.13665
71 Muzaffarnagar 0.12744 0.10623 0.08496 0.11227 0.06649 0.10069 0.03440 0.11353
72 Rae Bareli 0.10995 0.10696 0.11484 0.10158 0.10267 0.10153 0.07786 0.11649
73 Sambhal 0.09003 0.11544 0.06968 0.06950 0.07147 0.13556 0.14927 0.08798
74 Shamli 0.11423 0.12637 0.03316 0.04277 0.04086 0.11841 0.12274 0.05270
75 Sultanpur 0.12541 0.12244 0.07592 0.10158 0.09124 0.10141 0.09311 0.09755

Appendix 3: Presents a normalized matrix evaluated using Equation (11)

1 Agra 4 6
2 Aligarh 74 71
3 Allahabad 73 63
4 Ambedkar Nagar 25 20
5 Amethi 55 69
6 Auraiya 41 43
7 Azamgarh 59 46
8 Baghpat 37 40
9 Bahraich 65 75
10 Ballia 10 5
11 Balrampur 29 60
12 Banda 15 23
13 Bara Banki 46 52
14 Bareilly 71 57
15 Basti 23 24
16 Bhadohi 33 38
17 Bijnor 58 45
18 Budaun 34 55
19 Bulandshahr 70 64
20 Chandauli 18 17
21 Chitrakoot 16 21
22 Deoria 12 8
23 Etah 11 18
24 Etawah 21 22
25 Faizabad 43 29
26 Farrukhabad 44 61
27 Fatehpur 26 34
28 Firozabad 69 68
29 Gautam Buddha Nagar 53 32
30 Ghaziabad 60 27
31 Ghazipur 24 16
32 Gonda 31 39
33 Gorakhpur 63 47
34 Hamirpur 9 11
35 Hapur 40 50
36 Hardoi 39 54
37 Jalaun 3 3
38 Jaunpur 19 10
39 Jhansi 6 7
40 Jyotiba Phule Nagar 42 53
41 Kannauj 54 58
42 Kanpur Dehat 35 30
43 Kanpur Nagar 5 1
44 Kanshiram Nagar 68 73
45 Kaushambi 32 42
46 Kheri 50 56
47 Kushinagar 36 31
48 Lalitpur 2 2
49 Lucknow 75 74
50 Mahamaya Nagar 47 48
51 Mahoba 14 13
52 Mahrajganj 20 19
53 Mainpuri 62 66
54 Mathura 66 59
55 Mau 57 51
56 Meerut 52 35
57 Mirzapur 8 14
58 Moradabad 7 9
59 Muzaffarnagar 17 12
60 Pilibhit 13 15
61 Pratapgarh 56 33
62 Rae Bareli 27 26
63 Rampur 51 62
64 Saharanpur 49 41
65 Sambhal 61 70
66 Sant Kabir Nagar 28 36
67 Shahjahanpur 64 67
68 Shamli 45 49
69 Shrawasti 38 65
70 Siddharthnagar 22 28
71 Sitapur 72 72
72 Sonbhadra 1 4
73 Sultanpur 30 25
74 Unnao 48 44
75 Varanasi 67 37

Appendix 4: Z-Scores of the variables

S.N. District A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
1 Saharanpur 0.677 0.935 0.073 0.237 0.238 -0.276 0.261 0.719
2 Bijnor 0.821 0.165 0.252 0.237 0.563 -0.487 0.074 0.907
3 Rampur -0.845 0.349 -0.585 -0.398 -0.538 0.646 1.088 -0.268
4 Jyotiba Phule Nagar -0.428 -0.822 -0.644 -0.906 -0.536 0.638 0.246 -0.701
5 Meerut 1.342 -0.106 -0.474 1.254 0.290 0.112 0.114 0.699
6 Baghpat 1.152 -1.278 -1.106 -1.160 -0.588 -0.024 -0.292 -1.170
7 Gautam Buddha Nagar 1.474 -0.421 -1.045 0.110 0.267 -1.760 0.524 -0.869
8 Bulandshahr 0.557 -1.028 0.404 1.126 1.398 0.405 1.003 0.747
9 Aligarh 0.063 1.022 0.054 1.254 2.155 0.209 0.621 0.899
10 Mahamaya Nagar 0.074 0.577 -0.847 -1.160 -0.462 -0.250 0.522 -0.941
11 Mathura -0.133 -0.063 -0.101 0.237 1.066 0.443 0.312 -0.084
12 Agra -0.369 -0.367 3.645 2.524 0.821 -0.056 1.135 1.549
13 Firozabad 0.660 -0.703 -0.587 0.110 0.583 0.011 1.356 -0.127
14 Mainpuri 0.910 -1.072 -0.389 -0.779 -0.192 -0.158 1.881 -0.409
15 Bareilly -1.286 1.608 0.288 1.126 1.203 -0.603 0.130 1.575
16 Pilibhit -1.181 -1.321 -0.021 -0.652 0.048 -0.875 -0.524 -2.195
17 Shahjahanpur -0.858 1.391 0.514 0.364 0.483 1.859 2.066 0.317
18 Kheri -0.880 -0.378 2.060 0.364 1.155 0.159 1.379 1.202
19 Sitapur -1.204 0.816 1.096 1.126 1.256 0.890 1.666 1.606
20 Hardoi -1.045 1.749 1.218 0.618 -0.092 1.323 1.987 1.265
21 Unnao -0.105 0.263 0.506 0.110 0.583 -0.383 0.481 0.406
22 Lucknow 1.209 0.490 -0.505 2.905 5.008 -1.733 -1.222 1.699
23 Farrukhabad -0.203 -1.592 -0.677 -0.779 -0.668 0.812 0.673 -0.662
24 Kannauj 0.005 1.109 -0.721 -1.414 -0.362 0.906 0.883 -1.106
25 Etawah 1.221 -1.484 -0.613 0.110 -0.828 -0.018 0.524 -0.926
26 Auraiya 1.025 -0.605 -0.760 -1.160 -0.456 -0.394 0.468 -1.103
27 Kanpur Dehat 0.557 0.989 -0.259 -0.398 0.199 -0.477 0.421 -0.739
28 Kanpur Nagar 1.719 -1.300 3.645 2.778 2.011 -1.640 -1.109 1.691
29 Jalaun 0.116 -1.506 0.499 0.237 -0.671 -1.265 -1.760 -0.832
30 Jhansi 0.489 -0.095 0.509 0.745 -0.007 -1.690 -0.318 -0.563
31 Lalitpur -1.026 0.675 0.745 -0.652 -1.254 -0.693 -2.014 -1.241
32 Hamirpur 0.474 -0.584 0.288 -0.779 -0.796 -0.666 0.196 -1.343
33 Mahoba 0.040 1.304 -0.328 -1.287 -1.032 0.118 -0.292 -1.542
34 Banda -0.795 0.382 0.431 -0.271 -0.380 0.111 0.551 -0.737
35 Chitrakoot -0.978 -0.508 -0.188 -1.287 -1.018 0.022 -0.167 -1.441
36 Fatehpur -0.306 -0.497 0.304 -0.017 -0.101 0.610 0.196 -0.009
37 Pratapgarh 0.954 1.065 0.094 0.237 0.821 -0.568 -0.189 0.494
38 Kaushambi -0.669 0.393 -0.877 -0.779 -0.643 0.772 -0.129 -0.911
39 Allahabad 0.105 2.768 0.966 2.651 2.491 -0.076 0.429 2.889
40 Bara Banki -0.948 0.165 0.174 0.364 0.169 0.643 0.391 0.539
41 Faizabad 0.885 -0.551 -0.508 -0.271 0.281 -0.541 -0.974 -0.150
42 Ambedkar Nagar 1.153 -1.278 -0.593 -0.144 -0.458 -1.484 -0.718 -0.214
43 Bahraich -2.748 -0.952 0.575 0.364 0.595 2.854 0.673 0.737
44 Shrawasti -2.772 0.382 -0.793 -1.669 -0.863 3.097 -0.275 -1.334
45 Balrampur -2.413 1.065 -0.096 -0.525 -0.707 2.926 0.663 -0.432
46 Gonda -0.805 0.393 0.230 -0.398 -0.128 0.147 -0.745 0.690
47 Siddharthnagar -1.765 -0.909 -0.322 -0.271 -0.714 1.628 -1.674 -0.073
48 Basti -0.182 -0.443 -0.425 -0.398 -0.735 -0.167 -0.781 -0.156
49 Sant Kabir Nagar -0.399 -1.093 -0.944 -1.414 -0.847 -0.049 -1.143 -0.817
50 Mahrajganj -0.373 -0.030 -0.294 -0.017 -0.547 -0.571 -0.964 0.037
51 Gorakhpur 0.329 -0.432 -0.029 0.999 0.544 -0.702 -0.313 1.569
52 Kushinagar -0.265 1.564 -0.317 -0.144 -0.350 0.213 -0.964 0.804
53 Deoria 0.642 0.718 -0.499 0.364 -1.304 -0.860 -1.660 0.399
54 Azamgarh 1.159 -1.050 0.255 0.745 0.238 -0.464 0.019 1.718
55 Mau 0.682 0.024 -0.910 -1.033 -0.314 -0.955 0.264 -0.382
56 Ballia 0.499 1.369 -0.279 1.381 -0.659 -1.036 -1.459 0.520
57 Jaunpur 1.188 -0.410 0.247 0.999 -0.339 -0.744 -1.801 1.615
58 Ghazipur 0.744 0.393 -0.082 0.872 0.087 -0.556 -1.460 0.852
59 Chandauli 0.560 -0.638 -0.526 -0.525 -0.973 -0.221 -0.964 -0.603
60 Varanasi 1.418 -0.551 -0.999 0.999 0.972 -1.414 -1.462 0.902
61 Sant Ravidas Nagar (Bhadohi) 0.387 -1.050 -1.258 -1.414 -1.057 0.410 -0.964 -0.930
62 Mirzapur 0.495 -1.343 0.487 -0.144 -0.849 -0.069 -0.343 -0.128
63 Sonbhadra -0.434 0.414 1.616 0.237 -0.877 0.980 -0.287 -0.681
64 Etah 0.217 0.740 0.450 -0.271 -0.588 0.381 0.495 -0.758
65 Kanshiram Nagar -0.882 0.664 -0.771 -1.160 0.213 1.698 1.153 -1.053
66 Amethi -0.192 -0.996 -0.604 -0.652 -0.790 0.370 2.409 -0.677
67 Budaun -1.723 -0.714 0.345 0.237 -0.108 0.717 0.570 0.424
68 Ghaziabad 1.532 2.671 -1.248 0.110 -0.151 -1.389 -0.606 0.666
69 Hapur 0.917 -1.625 -1.208 -1.160 -1.085 0.030 0.629 -1.139
70 Moradabad 0.018 0.935 3.645 -0.017 1.036 -0.327 0.560 0.666
71 Muzaffarnagar 0.788 -0.768 -0.274 0.110 -0.467 -0.619 -1.735 0.163
72 Rae Bareli -0.258 -0.703 0.249 -0.144 0.098 -0.578 -0.705 0.227
73 Sambhal -1.449 0.046 -0.542 -0.906 -0.389 1.053 0.988 -0.393
74 Shamli -0.002 1.011 -1.182 -1.541 -0.867 0.231 0.359 -1.160
75 Sultanpur 0.666 0.664 -0.433 -0.144 -0.080 -0.584 -0.343 -0.185


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Sumedha Sharma is pursuing Ph. D. in Statistics from Amity University Uttar Pradesh (AUUP), Noida and also working as a visiting faculty of statistical sciences in the same department. She had rendered services to ICMR Community Cervical Cancer project named “Screening for Cancer of Cervix by Aided-Visual and HPV Tests in a Rural Community” as Assistant Statistician and worked with MoHUPA as a Research Analyst. She gave training with DES, State/UTs on building permit data.


Jitendra Kumar [PhD(Statistics), M.Sc.(Statistics), M. Tech. CSE(AI & ML), FRSS(UK)] is the Associate Professor of Mathematical Statistics, Statistical Sciences and Computational Intelligence (Scientific Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Quantum Computing), in the Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences (SAS), Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India(Since Nov 30, 2018 till date). He has been credited to have over 25 years of experiences in academics, research and industry. He had served various organizations namely Prophecy Technology, Gurugram, Datanet India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, CSC Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, Bio Informatics Institute of India, Noida, Caechet Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd, Bhiwadi, Rajasthan and some other establishments as Consultant Technical Analyst and Statistician. He had served Amity University Uttar Pradesh (AUUP), Noida (ABS & AIAS) for 13 years (From Jan 13, 2006 to Nov 27, 2018) including Amity University, Dubai Campus (in Yr. 2013) as Assistant Professor (Gr. III.). Dr. Kumar has authored and co-authored few books & contributed many book chapters, over 50 publications, guided over 200 students dissertations & master thesis, supervising six research scholars, reviewed more than 100 research article’s published in reputed Scopus indexed journals, delivered over hundred talks besides being the members of many national and international organizations.


Niraj Kumar Singh has received his Ph. D. in Statistics from Banaras Hindu University in 2012. Presently he is working in Amity University, Noida as an Assistant Professor. He has been credited with 30 publications in mathematical demography and applied statistics. He has served as a reviewer for many peers reviewed and reputed journals.


Anup Kumar had pursued Ph. D. in Statistics from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. He has worked in Stochastic Modelling of Human fertility (Mathematical Demography). After teaching in the core department of Statistics at Central University of Rajasthan and Allahabad University, switched to Biostatistics Department, SGPGIMS, Lucknow. Dr. Anup has published more than 30 research articles in the area of Mathematical demography and Biostatistics. He has served as reviewer for many peer reviewed and reputed journals.


1 Introduction

1.1 Objectives

1.2 Review of the Literature

2 Methodology

2.1 Study Area

2.2 Data Source

2.3 CRITIC Method

2.3.1 The CRITIC method involves the following steps

2.3.2 TOPSIS method

2.3.3 Steps involved in TOPSIS methods:

2.4 MOORA Method

2.4.1 The MOORA method involves the following steps

2.5 Spearman Rank Correlation (ρ)

2.6 Demographic Characteristics

2.7 Hypothesis Testing

2.8 Flow Diagram


3 Result and Discussion

3.1 Descriptive Statistics

3.2 CRITIC Method

3.3 TOPSIS Method

3.4 MOORA Method

3.5 Comparative Analysis


3.6 Visualization of Ranked Districts


4 Conclusion

5 Limitations

6 Future Scope

7 Competing Interests and Funding


