Enhancing Accuracy in Population Mean Estimation with Advanced Memory Type Exponential Estimators

Poonam Singh1, Prayas Sharma2 and Pooja Maurya1,*

1Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, 221005, India
2Department of Statistics, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University Lucknow, 226025, India
E-mail: poonamsingh@bhu.ac.in; prayassharma02@gmail.com; poojamaurya@bhu.ac.in
*Corresponding Author

Received 24 September 2024; Accepted 01 December 2024


For a number of reasons, mean estimate is an essential sampling activity as it offers crucial information and forms the basis of statistical inference and judgement. In this study, we estimate the population mean using the Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) statistic and provide generalized family of exponential estimators. The theoretical aspects of the suggested estimator are evaluated via rigorous mathematical derivations of the bias and mean square error (MSE), which are then compared to other exponential estimators that are already in use. Furthermore, a thorough simulation research is carried out to thoroughly assess the effectiveness and empirical performance of the suggested strategy. The results highlight how the estimator’s effectiveness is significantly increased when both recent and historical data are used in tandem.

Keywords: Bias, Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA), Mean Square Error (MSE), Memory type estimator, Percent Relative Efficiency (PRE).

1 Introduction

Utilizing supplementary information is a crucial tactic in survey sampling to increase estimators accuracy in calculating the population mean. Additional, easily accessible population data that is connected with the study variable and may be used to increase estimating accuracy and efficiency is referred to as auxiliary information.

The ratio estimator propounded by Cochran [5] is usually used when the study and auxiliary variable have a positive linear relationship. By taking advantage of the proportionality between the two variables, this estimator permits modifications that are consistent with their direct correlation. By taking into account the strength of positive correlation, the ratio estimator efficiently lowers variance and improves the estimate dependability .

On the other hand, the product estimator given by Robson [14] is better suitable when the linear connection is negative. This estimator makes adjustments that reflect the opposing trends of the study and auxiliary variables by taking advantage of their inverse connection. Despite the divergent directional trends, the product estimator guarantees more precise population mean predictions by taking into account the negative correlation.

The importance of auxiliary information in improving estimate methods in survey sampling is highlighted by the careful selection of these estimators based on the kind of correlation between the study and auxiliary variables.

Many authors [1, 4, 6, 7, 16, 17, 19, 2125] have extensively utilized auxiliary information to refine and enhance the efficiency of estimators under various sampling designs. These contributions underscore the pivotal role of auxiliary variables in improving the accuracy and reliability of population parameter estimates, demonstrating their applicability across a wide array of methodological advancements and practical scenarios.

In recent decades, the systematic collection of data through time-scaled surveys has gained significant importance across various research fields, becoming essential for informed decision-making and effective policy formulation. Notable examples include the National Sample Survey (NSS) and the National Family Health Survey (NFHS), both conducted every five years by the Government of India. Additionally, the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) and the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS), conducted annually, provide critical insights into demographic, health, and educational trends over time. A significant challenge arises when conventional estimators are employed to estimate the population parameter from these time-scaled surveys. These estimators give ordinary results that fail to capture the complexity of the data, primarily due to their design for cross-sectional studies, which fails to account for the temporal trends inherent in longitudinal data. As a result, important changes over time, such as fluctuations in employment rates and trends in healthcare access, are overlooked, resulting in potentially misleading conclusions for policy-making.

To address these challenges, we utilize the EWMA statistic, which assigns exponentially decreasing weights to past observations. By placing greater emphasis on more recent data, EWMA facilitates a more dynamic analysis of trends. In this study, we explore the effectiveness of EWMA in estimating population parameters and propose a memory-type exponential estimator specifically designed for time-scaled surveys. Roberts [13] was the first to propose the idea of EWMA. Several authors [2, 3, 811, 15, 20] have utilized EWMA statistic to estimate population parameters in the context of time-scaled surveys. Their research emphasizes how important EWMA is for combining current and historical data, which improves estimating accuracy and efficiency in dynamic survey environments. Nonetheless, there is still a dearth of research on exponential estimators for time-scaled surveys. Numerous sampling methods and their uses have been extensively studied, but the particular use of exponential estimators in time-scaled surveys has not gotten as much attention. Since exponential estimators have the potential to increase the precision and effectiveness of population parameter estimation, particularly when taking into account the temporal dynamics of data collection in time-series or longitudinal surveys, this gap offers a chance for more research.

EWMA Statistic- The EWMA statistic is a memory-type statistic that enhances estimator efficiency by weighting past and present data. Roberts [13] was the first to introduce the EWMA statistic to observe the change in process mean and is given by


where y¯ is the mean of current data, and 0λ1 is the smoothing constant, which varies proportionally to the weight given to the latest data and is inversely proportional to the weight given to past value (information). Note that when λ takes the value 1, it means that all weight is given to the latest data, and in this case, the EWMA statistic is equal to y¯. Here i denotes the number of samples, and Zi-1 denotes the past value (information). Here we assume the starting value of Zi-1 i.e., Z0 is equal to zero.

The term “exponentiallyweights” means the weight λ decreases exponentially as the number of past data points increases. And


where Y¯andσY2 is the mean and variance of the study variable respectively. And the limiting variance of Zi is given by


Now we briefly outline the rest of the manuscript. In Section 2, we reassess several existing estimators from the literature and derive the expression for their MSE. Section 3 introduces a class of memory-type exponential estimators for which we determine the minimum MSE. In Section 4, we conduct an extensive simulation study. Finally, Sections 5 present the conclusion of our study.

2 Review of Some Existing Estimators in Literature

First, we review several prominent estimators that have been extensively studied and applied in the literature and then modify them into memory-type estimators to improve their efficiency.

Let Y and X be the study and auxiliary variables, respectively, within a population U={U1,U2,,UN} having N units. Let y¯ and x¯ denote the sample means of the study variable and the auxiliary variable, respectively. Additionally, let

Zi =λy¯+(1-λ)Zi-1 (1)
Qi =λx¯+(1-λ)Qi-1 (2)

be the EWMA statistic for study and auxiliary variables, respectively. Based on the above population, a summary of several related existing estimators along with their MSE is provided below:

(a) The classical ratio estimator suggested by Cochran [5] is


Further Noor-ul Amin [8] suggested the memory type ratio estimator as follows:

y¯^mri=Z¯iQ¯iX¯ (3)

The approximate MSE of y¯^mri is given by

MSE(y¯^mri)=(λ2-λ)f1Y¯2(Cy2+Cx2-2ρCxCy) (4)

where f1=1n-1N, Cy and Cx represent the coefficients of variation for the study and auxiliary variables, respectively, and ρ is the correlation coefficient between the study and auxiliary variables.

(b) Regression estimator suggested by Watson [1] is as follows:


where b is the regression coefficient. By utilizing (1) and (2), in y¯^reg the memory-type regression estimator is given as:

y¯^mrgi=Zi+b(X¯-Qi) (5)

The approximated MSE of y¯^mrgi is given below

MSE(y¯^mrgi)=(λ2-λ)f1Y¯2Cy2(1-ρ2) (6)

(c) The exponential ratio type estimator suggested by Bahl and Tuteja [4] is given by


Now, employing (1) and (2) in the above expression, the memory type exponential ratio estimator is given as:

y¯^mexi=Ziexp(X¯-QiX¯+Qi) (7)

and we obtain the approximate MSE of y¯^mexi, which is as follows:

MSE(y¯^mexi)=(λ2-λ)f1Y¯2[Cy2+Cx2(14-ρCyCx)] (8)

3 Proposed Class of Memory Type Exponential Estimators

Now, in this section, we propose a class of memory-type exponential estimators that introduce a novel approach to improving estimation accuracy. These estimators are designed to efficiently incorporate past information, potentially resulting in lower MSE and higher PRE compared to existing methods.

Suppose Y and X are the study and auxiliary variables, respectively. The exponential type estimator given by [18] is

tpe ={ϑ1y¯+ϑ2(y¯x¯)X¯}exp[α(X¯-x¯)α(X¯+x¯)+2β]

where y¯ and x¯ are the sample mean of study and auxiliary variable, X¯ is the population mean of auxiliary variable, ϑ1 and ϑ2 denote approximately chosen constants intended to minimize MSE(tpe), while α and β are real constants.

Now, employing (1) and (2), in tpe the memory type exponential estimator is given as follows:

tmpei ={ϑ1Zi+ϑ2(ZiQi)X¯}exp[α(X¯-Qi)α(X¯+Qi)+2β] (9)

where ϑ1 and ϑ2 represent approximately chosen constants aimed at minimizing MSE(tmpei), α,β are real constants, and X¯ is the population mean (which is known in advance) of auxiliary variable.

Table 1 Members of the proposed class of estimator for different value of ϑ1 and ϑ2.

α β ϑ1 ϑ2 Estimators
1 1 ϑ1 ϑ2 tmpei1={ϑ1Zi+ϑ2(ZiQi)X¯}exp[X¯-QiX¯+Qi+2]
1 -1 ϑ1 ϑ2 tmpei2={ϑ1Zi+ϑ2(ZiQi)X¯}exp[X¯-QiX¯+Qi-2]
1 0 ϑ1 ϑ2 tmpei3={ϑ1Zi+ϑ2(ZiQi)X¯}exp[X¯-QiX¯+Qi]
0 1 ϑ1 ϑ2 tmpei4={ϑ1Zi+ϑ2(ZiQi)X¯}

We use the Taylor series expansion to calculate the minimum MSE of the estimator tmpei up to the second-order approximation, using the terms listed below:

ζ0=Zi-Y¯Y¯,ζ1=Qi-X¯X¯ (10)

such that

E[ζ0] =E[ζ1]=0 (11)
E[ζ02] =f1Var(Zi)Y¯2=(λ2-λ)f1Cy2, (12)
E[ζ12] =f1Var(Qi)X¯2=(λ2-λ)f1Cx2, (13)
E[ζ1ζ1] =f1Cov(Zi,Qi)Y¯X¯=(λ2-λ)f1ρCyCx (14)

Utilizing equation (10) in (9), we have


we can also write the above equation as:


where γ=αX¯2(β+αX¯). Now, by subtracting Y¯ from both sides of the above equation, we obtain

tmpei-Y¯ =Y¯[ϑ1{1-γζ02+32γ2ζ12}
+ϑ2{1+(1+γ+32γ2)ζ12-(1+γ)ζ0ζ1}-1] (15)

Employing expectation on both sides of the Equation (3), and using (12), (13), (14), we have

Bias(tmpei) =Y¯ϑ1{1-f1(λ2-λ)(γCy2-32γ2Cx2)}
((1+γ+32γ2)Cx2-(1+γ)ρCxCy)}-1] (16)

By squaring and taking expectation on both sides of (3) and applying (11), (12), (13), and (14), we get:

MSE(tmpei)=Amϑ12+Bmϑ22+2Cmϑ1ϑ2+2Dmϑ1+2Emϑ2+Fm (17)


Am =Y¯2[1+f1(λ2-λ){Cy2+Cx2-2ρCyCx}]
Bm =Y¯2[1+f1(λ2-λ){Cy2+(3+4γ+4γ2)Cx2
Cm =Y¯2[1+f1(λ2-λ){Cy2+(1+2γ+4γ2)Cx2
Dm =-Y¯2[1+f1(λ2-λ){32γ2Cx2-ρCyCx}]
Em =-Y¯2[1+f1(λ2-λ){(1+γ+32γ2)Cx2-(1-γ)ρCyCx}]
Fm =Y¯2

To minimize the MSE of the estimator tmpei, we differentiate equation (17) with respect to ϑ1 and ϑ2, we have

ϑ1 =BmDm-CmEmCm2-AmBm=ϑ1 (18)
ϑ2 =AmEm-CmDmCm2-AmBm=ϑ2 (19)

Now, utilizing ϑ1 and ϑ2 in equation (17), we obtain the expression for minimum MSE of tmpei

MSEmin(tmpei) =Amϑ12+Bmϑ22+2Cmϑ1ϑ2+2Dmϑ1
+2Emϑ2+Fm. (20)

4 Simulation Studies

A comprehensive simulation study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed memory-type estimators. The Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Percent Relative Efficiency (PRE) of both the proposed and existing estimators, relative to the usual estimator y¯, were calculated using the following formulas, based on 10,000 replications:

MSE(tj)=110000j=110000(tj-Y¯)2 (21)


PRE(tj,y¯)=MSE(y¯)MSE(tj) (22)

where tj=tmri,tmrgi,tmexi,tmpei1,tmpei2,tmpei3,tmpei4forj=1,2,3,4,5,6,7 respectively.

The PRE of the estimators is calculated at various levels of correlation ρ=(0.75,0.80,0.85,0.90,0.95) and weight parameter λ=(0.10,0.25,0.50,0.75,0.95) using the algorithm given by [12]:

(i) Generate two independent population of size N=5000 such that X=N(10,4) and Z=N(10,4).

(ii) Set Y=ρX+1-ρ2Z where ρ is the correlation between X and Y, and take the value for λ.

(iii) Select 10000 samples of sizes n=50,100,200,300,500 respectively. And compute the estimator for each 10000 samples.

(iv) Compute the MSE for each sample size for each estimator using (21).

(v) Obtained the relative efficiencies for each sample using (22).

Table 2 PRE of estimators tmri,tmrgi,tmexi,tmpei1,tmpei2,tmpei3,tmpei4 relative to usual estimator y¯, with smoothing constant λ=0.10,0.25, across different values of ρ.

λ=0.10 λ=0.25
ρ n tmri tmrgi tmexi tmpei1 tmpei2 tmpei3 tmpei4 tmri tmrgi tmexi tmpei1 tmpei2 tmpei3 tmpei4
50 130.339 259.769 241.379 259.803 259.815 259.808 259.777 124.519 248.9633 236.981 248.982 248.9865 248.984 248.9752
100 130.236 256.483 240.919 256.499 256.504 256.501 256.486 124.446 245.8732 236.565 245.8819 245.884 245.8829 245.8789
0.75 200 130.2458 254.9266 240.6422 254.9345 254.9371 254.9356 254.9284 124.4498 244.3562 236.2858 244.3605 244.3615 244.3609 244.3589
300 130.4292 254.8418 240.9131 254.8471 254.8488 254.8478 254.843 124.6254 244.2817 236.5581 244.2845 244.2852 244.2848 244.2835
500 130.4138 254.2836 240.7363 254.2866 254.2875 254.287 254.2843 124.615 243.7464 236.3703 243.7481 243.7484 243.7482 243.7475
50 158.2099 315.3172 282.7581 315.3644 315.3808 315.3716 315.3266 151.2466 302.4025 278.9843 302.4275 302.4339 302.4303 302.4168
100 158.0578 311.273 282.2054 311.2949 311.3026 311.2983 311.2773 151.1315 298.5969 278.475 298.6085 298.6115 298.6099 298.6037
0.80 200 158.0433 309.3339 281.8465 309.3446 309.3483 309.3462 309.33 151.1121 296.7074 278.1128 296.7132 296.7146 296.7138 296.7108
300 158.2765 309.2517 282.1398 296.7108 309.2613 309.2599 309.2532 151.3367 296.6392 278.4107 296.643 296.644 296.6434 296.6414
500 158.236 308.5317 281.9107 308.5358 308.5372 308.5364 308.5325 151.3028 295.9477 278.1643 295.9498 295.9504 295.9501 295.9489
50 204.6092 407.7925 338.1489 407.864 407.8901 407.8755 407.8044 195.8653 391.6131 335.8177 391.6501 391.6604 391.6547 391.6315
100 204.3758 402.49 337.507 402.5232 402.5355 402.5286 402.4954 195.6814 386.6162 335.2139 386.6335 386.6383 386.6356 386.6249
0.85 200 204.3206 399.9111 337.0577 399.9273 399.9333 399.93 399.9138 195.6229 384.104 334.7582 384.1125 384.1148 384.1135 384.1083
300 204.6336 399.8276 337.3538 399.8384 399.8423 399.8401 399.8294 195.9262 384.0404 335.0621 384.046 384.0476 384.0467 384.0432
500 204.5502 398.8362 337.07 398.8423 398.8446 398.8433 398.8372 195.8521 383.0859 334.7517 383.0891 383.09 383.0895 383.0875
50 297.0771 592.0839 410.9774 592.2381 592.2666 592.2381 592.1006 285.0404 569.9099 411.4358 569.9761 569.9964 569.9851 569.9365
100 296.6856 584.2814 410.3027 584.3428 584.3668 584.3534 584.2891 284.7227 562.5388 410.7865 562.5697 562.5792 562.5739 562.5514
0.90 200 296.5472 580.4236 409.7885 580.4537 580.4653 580.4588 580.4274 284.5846 558.7797 410.2613 558.7948 558.7994 558.7968 558.7858
300 297.0134 580.3257 410.0346 580.3455 580.3531 580.3489 580.3282 285.0392 558.7133 410.5154 558.7233 558.7263 558.7246 558.7173
500 296.8422 578.789 409.7203 578.8003 578.8047 578.8022 578.7904 284.8825 557.2291 410.1636 557.2348 557.2365 557.2355 557.2314
50 572.666 1141.341 491.1003 1141.74 1141.906 1141.813 1141.372 551.6907 1103.051 495.368 1103.242 1103.309 1103.271 1103.102
100 571.8166 1126.114 490.5995 1126.301 1126.379 1126.335 1126.128 550.984 1088.603 494.8742 1088.692 1088.724 1088.706 1088.627
0.95 200 571.4236 1118.432 490.1682 1118.523 1118.56 1118.539 1118.439 550.6043 1081.107 494.4319 1081.151 1081.166 1081.157 1081.119
300 572.3255 1118.25 490.2576 1118.31 1118.335 1118.321 1118.255 551.4904 1080.992 494.5201 1081.02 1081.03 1081.025 1080.999
500 571.8849 1115.073 490.0197 1115.107 1115.121 1115.113 1115.076 551.0793 1077.909 494.2434 1077.925 1077.931 1077.928 1077.913

Table 3 PRE of estimators tmri,tmrgi,tmexi,tmpei1,tmpei2,tmpei3,tmpei4 relative to usual estimator y¯, with smoothing constant λ=0.50,0.95, across different values of ρ.

λ=0.50 λ=0.95
ρ n tmri tmrgi tmexi tmpei1 tmpei2 tmpei3 tmpei4 tmri tmrgi tmexi tmpei1 tmpei2 tmpei3 tmpei4
50 119.902 240.574 233.365 240.613 240.614 240.613 240.639 119.377 239.907 233.025 240.01 240.012 240.011 240.08
100 119.903 237.523 232.942 237.542 237.542 237.542 237.554 119.481 236.841 232.621 236.901 236.901 236.901 236.934
0.75 200 119.872 235.995 232.658 236.004 236.005 236.005 236.01 119.465 235.322 232.334 235.347 235.347 235.347 235.363
300 120.048 235.936 232.946 235.942 235.942 235.942 235.946 119.6493 235.274 232.631 235.281 235.29 235.281 235.301
500 120.051 235.436 232.764 235.439 235.439 235.439 235.441 119.659 234.767 232.448 234.776 234.776 234.776 234.782
50 145.726 292.387 275.871 292.437 292.439 292.438 292.466 145.097 291.596 275.595 291.721 291.733 291.731 291.808
100 145.694 288.613 275.327 288.637 288.638 288.637 288.651 145.188 287.808 275.049 287.873 287.874 287.874 87.91
0.80 200 145.635 286.716 274.971 286.727 286.728 286.727 286.734 145.147 285.911 274.687 285.942 285.943 285.943 285.961
300 145.861 286.669 275.281 286.677 286.677 286.677 286.681 145.385 285.879 275.017 285.899 285.891 285.891 285.911
500 145.845 286.021 275.046 286.026 286.026 286.026 286.028 145.376 285.223 274.771 285.235 285.235 285.2353 285.242
50 188.936 379.086 333.901 379.156 379.151 379.158 379.188 188.146 378.108 333.766 378.296 378.304 378.299 378.383
100 188.841 374.103 333.223 374.137 374.139 374.138 374.153 188.211 373.094 333.049 373.185 373.189 373.187 373.227
0.85 200 188.746 371.589 332.789 371.605 371.606 371.606 371.613 188.131 370.581 332.606 370.625 370.627 370.626 370.645
300 189.053 371.557 333.111 371.568 371.568 371.568 371.572 188.455 370.561 332.949 370.599 370.591 370.599 370.611
500 189.003 370.661 332.804 370.668 370.668 370.668 370.67 188.414 369.664 332.621 369.68 369.681 369.68 369.688
50 275.507 552.782 411.883 552.898 552.906 552.902 552.9313 274.41 551.471 412.015 551.78 551.801 551.789 551.874
100 275.312 545.381 411.101 545.437 545.441 545.439 545.453 274.425 543.998 411.147 544.147 544.157 544.151 544.191
0.90 200 275.118 541.633 410.629 541.651 541.662 541.661 541.667 274.267 540.253 410.654 540.325 540.33 540.327 540.347
300 275.583 541.618 410.911 541.636 541.637 541.636 541.641 274.757 540.272 410.947 540.319 540.323 540.321 540.333
500 275.464 540.221 410.543 540.231 540.232 540.232 540.234 274.651 538.859 410.571 538.886 538.888 538.887 538.894
50 535.071 1073.594 499.076 1073.885 1073.919 1073.9 1073.887 533.135 1071.42 499.56 1072.192 1072.278 1072.23 1072.209
100 534.566 1058.953 498.437 1059.092 1059.108 1059.099 1059.092 532.995 1056.565 498.775 1056.935 1056.976 1056.953 1056.942
0.95 200 534.108 1051.514 498.0625 1051.581 1051.588 1051.584 1051.581 532.611 1049.14 498.385 1049.319 1049.338 1049.327 1049.321
300 535.023 1051.509 498.164 1051.552 1051.557 1051.555 1051.552 533.578 1049.208 498.488 1049.324 1049.337 1049.329 1049.325
500 534.687 1048.594 497.859 1048.619 1048.622 1048.62 1048.619 533.269 1046.259 498.176 1046.325 1046.333 1046.328 1046.326

5 Discussion and Results

Tables 2 and 3 represents the PRE of the existing and the proposed estimators relative to usual estimator y¯, with smoothing constant λ=0.10,0.25,0.50and0.95, across different values of ρ and n. Key findings from Tables 2 and 3 are:

(i) As λ (smoothing constant) decreases from 0.95 to 0.10 for any fixed value of ρ (0.75ρ0.95) the PRE of the proposed estimators tmpeij,j=1,2,3,4 increases. Here λ indicate the weight assign to current information so if we take λ=1 i.e. we use only current information then our proposed memory type exponential estimator is equal to the estimator tpe.

(ii) Increasing the correlation coefficient between the study and the auxiliary variable results in a rise in the PRE of the estimators. This is true regardless of the values of λ and n. It may be inferred from this that the effectiveness of the estimators improves as the strength of the association between the study and the auxiliary variable increases (that is, as ρ increases). When the value of ρ is larger, it shows that the auxiliary variable offers more relevant information for predicting the study variable, which ultimately results in more accurate predictions. This information is used more effectively by the suggested estimators, which ultimately leads to an increase in PRE values.

(iii) As the sample size n rises, notably for the values n=50,100,200,300, and 500, the proposed class of estimators has a PRE that is higher than that of the current estimators. This is the case even when the values of λ and ρ remain the same. The implication of this is that the proposed estimators demonstrate superior efficiency in utilizing the information provided by both the study and auxiliary variables as more data points become available. Furthermore, with a larger sample size, the estimators are able to better capture the underlying relationships and reduce the variability in the estimates. This better performance leads to a higher PRE, which indicates that the suggested estimators are more effective in terms of accuracy when compared to the alternatives that are currently available.

According to Figure 1, which depicts the influence of smoothing constant λ on the PRE of the suggested estimators, the sample size is set at n=200, and the coefficient of correlation is ρ=0.90. When the value of λ grows from zero to one, we find that the PRE of the suggested class of estimators rapidly drops. This is something that we see. The fact that PRE gradually decreases as the value of λ grows suggests that the suggested estimators perform better as they include more information from the past. This is because they become less susceptible to noise and fluctuations in the data that is currently being used.


Figure 1 Effect of smoothing constant λ on PRE of estimators ti (here ti, i=1,2,3,4 used for notation of the estimators tmpei1,tmpei2,tmpei3,tmpei4 respectively.)


Figure 2 Effect of correlation ρ on PRE of estimators ti (here ti, i=1,2,3,4 used for notation of the estimators tmpei1,tmpei2,tmpei3,tmpei4 respectively.)

According to Figure 2, which depicts the influence of correlation coefficient ρ on the PRE of the suggested estimators, the sample size is set at n=200, and the smoothing constant is λ=0.50. When the correlation coefficient ρ is increased, the suggested class of estimators experiences a rise in the PRE. The implication of this is that the suggested estimators become more effective as the linear connection between the study and auxiliary variables becomes stronger (that is, as ρ increases). When ρ is larger, it suggests that the auxiliary variable gives more pertinent information for predicting the study variable. This enables the estimator to make better use of the data that is accessible to them. Because of this, the performance of the estimator is enhanced, which ultimately results in a greater PRE percentage.This pattern demonstrates that a larger correlation between the study and auxiliary variables helps the estimator to attain better accuracy.

6 Conclusion

In this study, we aimed to enhance the efficiency of estimators by leveraging the concept of EWMA statistic. For the purpose of accomplishing this objective, we developed a family of estimators that include the EWMA statistic. Furthermore, in order to assess the effectiveness of these estimators, we carried out a comprehensive simulation research. The results of this investigation are shown in Tables 2 and 3 to illustrate the findings. It is obvious, after doing an analysis of the data included in these tables, that the suggested category of estimators consistently displays greater efficiency when compared to other established estimators, such as y¯^mei, y¯^mrgi, and y¯^mexi. Based on these results, we strongly suggest that our suggested family of estimators be used for the purpose of estimating population parameters since they provide a higher level of efficiency in comparison to the approaches that are already in use. Additionally, the scope of our research might be broadened by investigating other sampling methods, such as cluster or stratified sampling, and by using our estimators to estimate a wider variety of population characteristics, such as variances, proportions, or regression coefficients. This would allow us to investigate a wider range of population parameters. Furthermore evaluating the adaptability and robustness of the suggested estimators in a variety of statistical settings will be made easier with the assistance of this expansion.


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Poonam Singh is a dedicated academician and researcher in the field of Statistics. She earned her Ph.D. in 2020 from Banaras Hindu University. With over eight years of experience in teaching and research, Dr. Singh specializes in modeling and estimating unknown population parameters in survey sampling, with a focus on addressing non-response and measurement errors. Currently serving in the Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University, she has published around 15 research articles in indexed journals, showcasing her contributions to the field. Dr. Singh is passionate about fostering collaboration and has been actively involved in international research initiatives. A skilled educator, Dr. Singh has a strong commitment to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, inspiring future statisticians through her expertise and enthusiasm for the subject.


Prayas Sharma is currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow. Dr. Sharma holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science & Statistics, Masters and Doctorate degree in Statistics from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. Dr. Sharma has good knowledge of Statistics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Business Analytics & Research Methodology along with strong computational & programming skills.He has more than 11 years of academic experience, both in the domain of teaching and research. His research interest includes Survey Sampling, Estimation Procedures using Auxiliary Information and Measurement Errors, Predictive Modelling, Business Analytics and Operations Research. Dr. Sharma has published more than 50 research papers in reputed National & International journals along with one book and two chapters in book internationally published. He has more than 630 citations with H-Index 17 & I index of 20. Dr. Sharma has a keen interest in reading, writing and publishing, he is serving 7 reputed journals as editor/associate editor and more than 30 journals as reviewer and reviewed more than 150 research papers from the journals like Communication in Statistics (T&F), Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice (T&F), Heliyon, Scientific Reports, Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health (Elsevier), Applied Economics, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Statistics in Transition, International Journal of Applied and computational Mathematics (Springer), International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (Emerald), Benchmarking (Emerald), Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research to name a few.


Pooja Maurya is a research scholar in the Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi. She holds a Master’s degree in Statistics and is currently pursuing research in the field of sampling theory. Her work focuses on developing innovative methodologies and techniques within sampling theory, contributing to advancements in the domain.


1 Introduction

2 Review of Some Existing Estimators in Literature

3 Proposed Class of Memory Type Exponential Estimators

4 Simulation Studies

5 Discussion and Results



6 Conclusion

