An Effective Approach for Solving Multi-objective Transportation Problem
Efficient Solution, Ideal Solution, Multi-objective Transportation Problem, simple heuristicAbstract
In this present study, a transportation problem is considered such that the total cost and time of transportation are minimized without taking into account their priorities. In literature, there are less techniques available for finding the efficient solutions of multi-objective transportation problem. So, we developed a heuristic algorithm to find most efficient solution of multi-objective transportation problem, which gives efficient solution with minimum difference from ideal solution. Firstly, we aim at formulating a multi-objective transportation problems along with a novel algorithm to find efficient solutions. The proposed algorithm gives optimal solution faster in comparison to other available techniques in literature for the given multi-objective transportation problem. Moreover, it avoids the degeneracy as well as requires low computational effort. Furthermore, an illustrative example is provided to show the feasibility and applicability of the proposed approach and compare the results with the existing approaches to show the effectiveness of it.
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