An Automation Script Generation Technique for the Smart Home

Jiayi Kuang, Gang Xue*, Zeming Yan and Jing Liu

School of Software, Yunnan University, Kunming, Yunnan, China
*Corresponding Author

Received 15 April 2022; Accepted 09 March 2023; Publication 16 June 2023


A home automation system means monitoring and controlling various kinds of devices in the home remotely using the Internet of things (IoT). Technologies such as natural language processing techniques, user-friendly visual programming, and machine intelligence programming are already available for home automation. For such systems, the increase in the number of devices often makes users focused on the system’s ability to perform complex or composing tasks. However, some existing natural language processing systems can only perform simple tasks and cannot meet users’ needs. Thus, it is difficult for users to develop the home automation systems they need using visual programming systems because of the large amount of programming knowledge required. Meanwhile, automatic programming without user action can only write a few lines of code and implement little functionality. There are relatively few tools available for generating home automation scripting languages. To address this problem, we propose a practical method for generating executable home automation scripts using Chinese texts. Our method includes the following steps: it extracts critical information from the command sentences in Chinese; it uses first-order logic to check the validity of the extracted information; based on the validation, the correct sentences are mapped into the intermediate language scripts, which can interface with different home platforms. We conducted experiments on Home Assistant, converted intermediate scripts to Home Assistant, and collected 600 scenario descriptions. The experimental results show that the method can automatically generate executable scripts for the Home Assistant platform, and the correct rate was 93.66%.

Keywords: Home automation, automation script generation, first-order logic, natural language processing.

1 Introduction

Smart home systems are penetrating people’s lives, and can monitor or control home attributes such as lighting, climate, entertainment systems, and home appliances, providing residents with a safe, comfortable, and energy-saving home environment. More and more people are choosing to use these systems to obtain a better residential experience [1]. When home automation systems are connected to the Internet, home devices become an important constituent of the IoT [2]. The IoT-enabled smart home applications have gained substantial attention nowadays [3, 4]. Employing wireless connections, such as Bluetooth, Zigbee, and WIFI, provides facilities to implement a wide range of smart home applications [5]. Therefore, these allow homeowners to securely control a large number of appliances regardless of whether they are inside or outside their homes.

Automation is a key technology for smart homes. All intelligent controls and services are built on a complete and mature smart home automation system, according to the end-user requirements, through automatic detection, information processing, analysis, judgment, and manipulation control to realize the process of corresponding control of the smart home [68].

Many smart home solutions aim to automate the basic operations of these home devices using various technologies [9]. The technologies currently available to achieve home automation include natural language processing technology [10] which refers to simple command processing, user-friendly visual programming [11], and machine intelligence programming [12]. However, along with the increase in end-user requirements, the tasks of home automation systems are becoming more and more complex. Relying solely on the existing technologies to fulfill the needs of all users is a time-consuming and unrealistic approach. What is more, previous works using natural language processing (NLP) only focus on the concept of “understanding” a simple sentence that can be handled by an instruction, for instance, such as turning on the light, turning off the television, playing media, etc. [13]. However, many tasks cannot be described by a single instruction, such as “When the humidity in the living room is high, the alarm will be turned on, and the dehumidification function of the air conditioner will be activated until it stabilizes.” The conditional relations in such descriptions and entity logic relations in sentences are difficult to understand and handle.

Another way is users programming what they need by themselves [14]. Unfortunately, although some visual programming systems are user-friendly, they still require users to consciously think about the programming in a way similar to typical programmers, introducing variables and deciding when/how to use the conditionals, loops, or events [15, 16].

The technology of automatic script generation refers to the use of some techniques to automatically generate the source code for automatic programming. It can therefore improve the efficiency and quality of software development, enhance automation and reduce manual workloads. Script generation technology has matured in various fields, so it has promising applications for home automation [17, 18].

Motivated by this, in this paper, our proposed method solves the problem of generating the automation scripts based on implementing the Chinese text for home automation. In particular, the main contributions can be summarized as follows.

(1) This paper introduces an intermediate language specification that supports the generation of system-independent scripts.

(2) Based on the specification, we propose a method of script generation which achieves home automation. It differs from a simple implementation of commands and uses script generation techniques to implement complex scenarios containing multiple devices and actions.

(3) The proposed method was experimented with and validated on Home Assistant. The experiments results show that the method is able to express 93.66% of the examples in our experiment.

The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 summarizes the related work. The basic technologies are introduced in Section 3. Section 4 provides the details of how to generate the script. The experiments and the analysis of results are summarized in Section 5, while Section 6 concludes the presented work.

2 Related Work

Currently, some approaches focus on using natural language processing, visual programming, and machine programming for home automation. At the same time, the application of script generation techniques in other areas has encouraged our proposed method.

Introducing natural language processing technology into home automation is a significant choice for many studies. A work in the literature [19] implements three basic home appliances by using the ZigBee technology and cloud-based IoT. The user gives the voice command, and it is interpreted by the mobile using the NLP. The mobile acts as a central support, and it decides what type of operation should be fulfilled by appliances according to the requests. Similarly, considering that users can communicate with smart home automation by speaking their native language, allowing the devices to run the command-and-control mechanism more quickly, the study in [20] integrates a cloud-based speech recognition system into smart home automation. All of the methods mentioned before only concentrate on achieving function using a single natural language description, such as closing the light and opening the television, neglecting that end-users always have complex requirements that a single description cannot satisfy. Unlike these approaches, our proposed method automatically generates the executable scripts to complete more complex tasks based on the user’s Chinese description, including various home devices, events, conditions, and actions. The complexity refers to the difference between a scenario and a normal command. The scenarios contain a series of devices linked together, and scenarios can be executed repeatedly. In contrast, a command is for a single device and can only be executed once.

Some programming tools focus on designing visual programming systems for homes in which users can synthesize some smart home system functions according to their complex and diverse requirements. Existing earlier work [21] builds a prototype of the home automation system with the visual programming solution and code generation module. Meanwhile, previous work [22] designs a smart home system that adopts message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) as the communication protocol of the smart home system and introduces the component-oriented flow-based programming (FBP). Those systems are more friendly for the end-users to combine the tasks they need. However, they require a certain degree of complexity knowledge that most users have difficulty understanding and mastering. Moreover, they mainly work for specific phone or computer operating systems. In contrast, our proposed method automatically generates scripts based on the user’s Chinese text without complex operations and knowledge, and the proposed intermediate language specification can support most of the home automation systems. There are many kinds of home automation systems. The compatibility between devices is a big problem. This paper solves the compatibility problem by introducing intermediate language specifications. The extracted Chinese content is not directly converted into scenario scripts but first converted into intermediate language specifications and then into executable scenario scripts under the target home automation system. For different home automation systems, only the step of converting the intermediate language specification to specific home automation differs in the processing flow. It is only necessary that the particular home automation platform can support the intermediate language specification. In this paper, we take the Home Assistant platform as an example. We do not experiment with many platforms. That is because only the conversion of the intermediate language specification is different. Simulating a series of devices under the home automation system is a lot of work. Home Assistant is chosen because it is a representative platform with good compatibility between devices.

The ability to implement complex scenario functionality and the degree of automation integration are the key metrics to consider when using home automation systems. Some existing studies use artificial intelligence (AI) methods to replace programmers to write programs [23]. Although some human intelligence technologies like machine learning are a breakthrough to automatic programming without any user operations, they could write a few lines of code and achieve a little function [24, 25]. Such a small amount of code cannot satisfy the growing demand for smart homes and a complex device environment of the home. In contrast to these works, the method proposed in this paper includes an automatic generation of scripts for home automation. Its automation process is easier and does not require any training process. At the same time, this method does not require a training model and can save computing resources. What is more, our proposed method uses cheap devices such as Raspberry Pi to provide a simple edge service that can reduce the pressure on the core network while protecting user privacy. Every command given by the user needs to be transmitted to the cloud in some existing smart home systems, which will leak the information of various devices in the user’s home. As shown in Figure 1, since there is no need to train the model, the devices don’t need to have strong performance to deploy the service. Because the method in this paper can deploy the text processing service and the intermediate language specification conversion service to the edge area or the user’s home, there is no need to transfer information about the user’s devices, etc., to the cloud. Therefore, user privacy can be protected.


Figure 1 The details of the architecture in this paper.

Automation using script generation technology involves robots and smartphone fields. The existing works [26] propose a practical framework named Nerva, which can automatically synthesize robot applications using natural language descriptions. Other examples of the existing works [27] present Smart Synth, a novel end-to-end programming system for synthesizing smartphone automation scripts generated using natural language descriptions. Inspired by these papers, our proposed method aims to automatically generate home automation script directly utilizing user-natural language descriptions. In such a way, users can enter Chinese text containing the description of various complex device events, conditions, and actions to generate scripts.

3 Preliminaries

This section introduces basic technologies, including natural language processing, first-order logic, intermediate language specification, and related tools.

3.1 Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI). This is a widely used technology for personal assistants that are used in various business fields/areas. This technology works on the speech provided by the user, breaks it down for proper understanding and processes accordingly. Natural language processing is an upcoming field where already many transitions such as compatibility with smart devices and interactive talks with a human have been made possible [28]. Knowledge representation, logical reasoning, and constraint satisfaction were the emphasis of AI applications in NLP. Here, first it was applied to semantics and later to the grammar.

3.1.1 Lexical semantics

Lexical semantics is a branch of linguistics which is concerned with the systematic study of word meanings. Two of the most fundamental questions addressed by lexical semanticists are the following ones: (a) how to describe the meanings of words, and (b) how to account for the variability of meaning from context to context. These two issues are necessarily connected, since an adequate description of meaning must be able to support our account of variation and our ability to interpret it. The study of contextual variation leads in two directions: on the one hand, to the processes of selection from a range of permanently available possibilities; and on the other hand, to the creation of new meanings from old, by such means as metaphor and metonymy, in response to contextual pressure [29].

The first part of the semantic analysis, studying the meaning of individual words is called lexical semantics. It includes words, sub-words, affixes (sub-units), compound words, as well as phrases. All these elements are collectively called lexical items [30]. In other words, lexical semantics reflects the relationship between the lexical items, the meaning of sentences, and the syntax of a sentence.

Lexical semantics include the following steps: Classification of lexical items like words, sub-words, and affixes, is performed in lexical semantics. Next, decomposition of lexical items like words, sub-words, and affixes, is performed in lexical semantics. Finally, differences and similarities between various lexical semantic structures is also analyzed [31].

3.1.2 Named entity recognition (NER)

The goal of the NER is to label names of people, places, organizations, and other entities of interest in text documents. There are three major approaches to NER: lexicon-based, rule-based, and machine learning-based. However, an NER system may combine more than one of these categories. Some approaches to NER rely on POS tagging [32]. NER is a preprocessing step for tasks such as information or relationship extraction.

3.2 First-order Logic

First-order logic known as predicate logic, quantificational logic, and first-order predicate calculus is a collection of formal systems used in mathematics, philosophy, linguistics, and computer science. The first-order logic keeps all the Boolean operators of propositional logic. However, it adds some important new mechanisms. The propositions are analyzed into predicates and arguments that take it a step closer to the structure of natural language [33]. The standard construction rules for the first-order logic recognize terms such as individual variables and individual constants, and predicates which take different numbers of arguments.

3.2.1 Lambda calculus

Lambda calculus (also written as λ-calculus) is a formal system in mathematical logic for expressing computation based on function abstraction and application using variable binding and substitution. Lambda calculus, as a widely used calculation model, can clearly define what a computable function is, and any computable function can be expressed and evaluated in this form [34].

The syntax of the lambda calculus defines some expressions as valid lambda calculus expressions and some as invalid. A valid lambda calculus expression is called a “lambda term”. The following three theoretical rules give an inductive definition that can be applied to build all syntactically valid lambda terms: First of all, a variable, x, is itself a valid lambda term [35]. Next, if t is a lambda term, and x is a variable, then (λx,t) is a lambda term (called an abstraction). An abstraction (λx,t) is a definition of an anonymous function that is capable of taking a single input x and substituting it into the expression t. It thus defines an anonymous function that takes x and returns t; Finally, if t and s are lambda terms, then (t,s) is a lambda term (called an application).

3.2.2 Alpha equivalence and beta reduction

There are two evaluation rules in first-order logic: Alpha equivalence (or conversion) and beta reduction [36].

A basic form of equivalence, definable on lambda terms, is alpha equivalence [37]. It captures the intuition that the particular choice of a bound variable, in an abstraction, does not (usually) matter [38].

The beta reduction rule states that an application of the form λ(x.t)s reduces to the term t[x:=s]. The λ-calculus may be seen as an idealized version of a functional programming language. Under this view, beta reduction corresponds to a computational step [39]. This step can be repeated continuously by the additional beta reduction in an iterative way, until there are no more applications left to reduce. In the untyped λ-calculus, as presented here, this reduction process may not terminate completely. That is, the term reduces to itself in a single beta reduction, and therefore the reduction process will never terminate [40]. Another aspect of the untyped λ-calculus is that it does not distinguish between the different kinds of data.

3.3 Intermediate Language Specification

An intermediate language specification with representative features of the current smart homes is introduced in this paper. Our proposed method can port the automation scripts to other smart home platforms using it. It is designed to represent a wide variety of smart home tasks, and keep the structure information from the NLP. The syntax of the intermediate language specification is shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2 The syntax of the intermediate language specification.

In Figure 2, a script S represents a new scenario. P is a set of parameters. B is the main body of the module. B consists of a sequence of instructions that executed in order. A condition C consists of an event for a triggered scenario and I to be executed when the event is raised. Each instruction I contains the attribute set Attr and the action A. The T represents the conversion function, which converts the intermediate instructions to target instructions, and it contains the instruction conversion function Trans_I and the attribute conversion function Trans_Attr.

The intermediate language specification mainly includes events, conditions and actions:

• Events: These represent events that occur in the daily home environment. For example, the event of people going home, or the event of high humidity in the living room. These events trigger scenario generation.

• Conditions: These denote the conditions on the state of the intelligent devices in the home. For example, the light is on or off, or the level of the current temperature.

• Actions: These are normal control home operations, such as turning off the television or light connection, identifying face, or speaking “Hello”. It executes a sequence of actions when its event is triggered and the conditions are satisfied.

An example is given to explain the intermediate language specification syntax in this part. The Chinese description is “”. The message (At 5:00 p.m., the water heater is turned on and set to 45 degrees, and the LED lights in the living room are turned on, followed by the lights in the hallway.) corresponds to the intermediate instruction shown in Figure 3.


Figure 3 Intermediate instruction corresponding to the example.

3.4 Related Technical Tools

The tools covered in this paper are Natural language Toolkit (NLTK) and Home Assistant. The NLTK is used for the first-order logic to discriminate between the true and false sentences. The Home Assistant is used to build home scenarios and deploy experiments.

3.4.1 NLTK

The NLTK is a complete toolkit for all the NLP techniques in which the method has been used. The NLTK is written in Python language, a simple yet powerful scripting language with excellent functionality for processing linguistic data. The NLTK defines a basic infrastructure that can be used to build the NLP programs in Python [41].

3.4.2 Home assistant

Home Assistant is a mature and complete Python-based smart home automation system.1 Due to its advantages, Home Assistant was used in the experiment to build smart home scenarios. Then the experiments were conducted by combining the collected data with our proposed method running on Home Assistant to verify its effectiveness.

4 The Script Generation Method

This chapter describes the technical details of the script generation method for home automation. In total, the steps for generating scripts contain text processing, validity check, and generating intermediate scripts. The main processes of the text processing include the scenario trigger condition extraction, operation extraction, and attribute extraction. The general steps of script generation are shown in Figure 4.


Figure 4 Steps for script generation.

Scripts generated from natural language scenarios given by the user are called scenario scripts. In the scenario script, the processing flow can divide into the two parts, including the scenario recognition and command recognition. The related symbol descriptions of the algorithm are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Related symbol descriptions of the algorithm

Symbol Description
Fi Information about the user’s devices Fu
Ru User’s home environment information
Du User-defined dictionaries
Fu The list of devices for user u
Ttext The natural language text to be processed
Ssentences Sentences divided according to pause symbols in the text
C Conditions for scenario triggering
Sremains The rest sentences of Ssentences
Fi,obj The specific information of device obj
attrobj The attributes attrobj of device obj, and attrojbFi

The steps consist of the following six algorithms. The first step is to perform a pre-load of the device data. Algorithm 1 is the overall processing flow. Algorithm 2 proposes the conditions for the scenario triggering. Algorithms 3 and 4 are used to extract the command to be executed and the attributes to be set. Algorithm 5 checks the validity of the crucial information. Algorithm 6 is used to generate a series of intermediate language scripts [42]. The relationship between the algorithms is shown in Figure 5.


Figure 5 The relationship between the algorithms.

In the pre-data loading process, the method needs to obtain information about the smart devices in the user’s home. They contain some basic information such as which rooms are in the user’s home and which devices are in these rooms. Moreover, it also needs to know the device information, including the properties supported by the device actions, such as lights supporting brightness settings. If the user provided the model number of the device, the properties of the device are easily available. Once this information is loaded, the algorithm can proceed to the next process.

Algorithm 1 is the steps for script generation. In Algorithm 1, lines 1 to 4 load the device information and the text information. Line 5 wraps the text in the sentences, and line 6 calls Algorithm 2 via the Trigger function to extract the conditions triggered by the scenario. Line 10 extracts the commands in the text sentence by sentence, line 12 to line 16 extracts a command, which includes the device body and the attributes to be set by calling Algorithms 3 and 4, respectively. Line 17 checks the validation of the extracted command and finally wraps the command and the trigger conditions.

The following scenario is used as an example to demonstrate the script generation process. Take a typical Chinese description “LED (At 5:00 p.m., turn on the water heater and set the temperature to 45 degrees while turning on the LED lights in the living room and then the lights in the corridor.)” as an example.

Algorithm 1 Steps for script generation

1: Function: Scenario = Generating (Fu,Ttext)

2: Input:

3: Fu the list of devices for user u

4: Ttext the natural language text to be processed

5: Output:

6: Scenario A scenario, including the conditions under which the scenario is triggered, the instructions that already need to be executed

7: Load Fi

8: Load Ru

9: Load Du

10: The Ttext is processed by word separation, encapsulating words and lexicalities into Tword

11: Divide Tword into sentence lists Ssentences according to the stop sign

12: (C,Sremains) = Trigger (Fu,Ssentences,Fi,Ru)

13: Initialize a scenario object scenario

14: scenario.conditionC

15: Initialize a list L of the command class

16: FOR all sentences sentenceSremains

17:  Instantiate an object cmd of the command class

18:  FOR all words wordsentence

19:   IF the operation data of cmd is not finished extracting

20:    Opera (word,Ru,Fu,cmd)

21:   ELSE

22:    Attribute (word,Fi,cmd)

23:  cmd = Check (cmd,Fi,Ru)

24:  IF cmd not null

25:   Lcmd

26: scenario.commandsL

27: return scenario

Algorithm 2 is mainly used to extract the trigger conditions of the scenario. Line 2 traverses the conditional statement and extracts the condition in line 3. Lines 4 and 9 determine the type of the condition, extract the trigger condition and encapsulate it in Sremains. As shown in Algorithm 2, it defines two modes of triggering the scenario, one is time-triggered (at a fixed point in time, such as when it is dark or at 6:00 pm), and the other is state triggered (when the state is satisfied, such as when I go home, or when the burglar device is triggered). In the above example, 5:00 PM would be extracted as a trigger time.

Algorithm 2 Scenario trigger condition extraction

1: Function: (C,Sremains) = Trigger (Fu,Ssentences,Fi,Ru)

2: Input:

3: Ssentences sentences divided according to pause symbols in the text

4: Fu the list of devices for user u

5: Fi information about the user’s devices Fu

6: Ru user room information

7: Output:

8: C Conditions for scenario triggering

9: Sremains The rest sentences of Ssentences

10: Load Fi

11: FOR all sentences sentenceSsentences

12:  Identify the temporal gerund t and the temporal entity e

13:  IF both t and e satisfy the condition

14:   Create the time condition time

15:   Ctime

16:   BREAK

17:  Identify the state clause s

18:  IF s satisfies the state condition

19:   Extraction of object o and the state condition oFu

20:   Create the state condition state

21:   Cstate

22:   BREAK

23: Sremains the rest of the sentences in Ssentences

24: return (C,Sremains)

Algorithm 3 Operation extraction

1: Function: Opera (word,Ru,Fu,cmd)

2: Input:

3: word the word in the text

4: Fu the list of devices for user u

5: Ru user’s room information

6: cmd the object of the command class

7: Initialize a global list name_buf for caching data such as names

8: Initialize a global action list action_buf to cache data for verb types

9: IF word.lexicaln and wordRu

10:  cmd.locationword

11: ELIF word.lexical(n,vn)

12:  IF wordFu

13:   cmd.objword

14:   Load the set of action functions Fi for device i

15:  ELIF x(name_buf+word) and xRu

16:   cmd.objword

17:   Load the set of action functions fi for device i

18:   name_bufempty

19:  ELSE

20:   name_bufword

21: IF word.lexical(v,vn)

22:  IF wordFcmd.obj

23:   cmd.operaword

24:  ELIF x(action_buf+word) and xFcmd.obj

25:   cmd.opearx

26:   action_bufempty

27:  ELSE

28:   action_bufx

29: IF cmd.opearnull and cmd.objnull

30:  the operation data of cmd is not finished extracting

31: return cmd

Algorithm 3 extracts the operation of the instruction using the syntax of Chinese grammar. It includes the device that is the subject of the instruction, the action to be performed, and the location of the device, if it exists. Lines 3 to 4 determine if it is the location of the device based on the list of nouns and locations. Lines 5 to14 identify the device based on the noun and preposition relationship. Lines 15 to 22 identify the action to be performed by the device based on the verb-object structure. Lines 23 to 24 encapsulate the data. Based on Algorithm 3, the three entities in the example, water heater, LED light, and corridor light will be extracted, including the actions and known locations of the entities (e.g., the action “on” for the three devices and the locations of the two lights).

Algorithm 4 Attribute extraction

1: Function: Attribute (word,Fi,cmd)

2: Input:

3: word the word in the text

4: Fi information about the user’s devices

5: cmd the object of the command class

6: Initialize a global list buf for caching data

7: Initialize global variables key

8: Load Fi,cmd.obj

9: IF word.lexical=m

10:  IF keynull

11:   cmd.attributes(key,word)

12: IF word Fi,cmd.obj and word.lexicalm

13:  IF key=null

14:   keyword

15:  ELSE

16:   cmd.attributeskey

17:   key word

18: ELIF x(buf+word) and xFi,cmd.obj

19:  IF key=null

20:   keyx

21:  ELSE

22:   cmd.attributeskey

23:   key x

24:  bufempty

25: ELSE

26:   bufx

The function of Algorithm 4 is to extract the attributes of the instruction, in the case that they exist. Before this step, the algorithm has already obtained the body of the device through Algorithm 3, and the subsequent attributes belong to the body of the device. There are two types of the attributes, one is a key–value pair, and the other is value only. Lines 4 to 6 perform a key–value pair determination. Lines 7 to 12 extract the values of the attributes. Lines 13 to 21 reorganize it according to the prepositional relationship. In the previously mentioned example, the temperature property 45 for the water heater will be extracted. The light has no attributes and is set to the default brightness in the script.

Algorithm 5 Validity check

1: Function: cmd = Check (cmd,Fi,Ru)

2: Input:

3: Fi information about the user’s devices Fu

4: Ru user room information

5: cmd a wrapper object for the command class

6: Output:

7: cmd instruction object after first-order logic detection

8: Initialize a command object cmd

9: Load attributes attrobj of device cmd.obj, attrojbFi

10: Get the corresponding devices d in room cmd.location, cmd.locationRu

11: IF cmd.objd

12:  cmd.locationcmd.location

13: ELSE

14:  return null

15: FOR all attributes attrcmd.attributes

16:  Instantiate an object cmd of the command class

17:  IF attr.keyattrobj

18:   IF attr.value is within legal limits

19:    cmd.attributesattr

20: return cmd

Algorithm 5 performs a validation check to verify the validity of the extracted information. Lines 4 to 7 perform a check on the device location. Line 8 traverses the attributes of the instruction. Lines 10 to 12 check the validation of the attribute values. The invalid commands are eliminated. Algorithm 5 processes the example by checking the validation of the three devices extracted from the above algorithms. All three devices are in the correct position as well as the operation function. The temperature of the water heater is within the legal range.

Once the algorithm has the set of scenario trigger conditions and command objects, the method proposed in this paper converts the scenario into the intermediate language instruction obtained according to the method described in Section 3.3. Algorithm 6 represents the intermediate script generation process.

Algorithm 6 Generation of scenario intermediate language scripts

1: scenario name:

2: Get the trigger condition trigger

3: Get instructions instruction set

4: Get command parameters params

5: when (trigger, parameter): = Message Received

6: if (trigger = trigger) then

7: for each in instruction set:

8:   Get and parse instruction each

9:   Get and set parameters each

10:   Generate an intermediate instruction im_instruction

11:   Add im_instruction intermediate instruction set

12:   scenario name:

13:  Get the trigger condition trigger

Algorithm 6 converts the extracted scenario-correct crucial information into an intermediate language script. Lines 2 to 6 read the trigger conditions to set them and get the parameters and instruction set. Lines 7 to 13 iterate through each instruction in the instruction set and set the attributes and the values of the attributes. The corresponding results in the example are shown in Figure 6.


Figure 6 The intermediate script for Algorithm 6 corresponds to the example.

5 Evaluation

To validate the method proposed above, the experiments are designed on Home Assistant, and a home environment is built on this platform. In addition, the experimental part describes how to convert from the intermediate script to Home Assistant. The real data were collected to verify the effectiveness of the method based on the baseline data. Afterwards, the experiments were analyzed in terms of whether they could be run successfully and to assess the total running time of the generated results.

The experimental environment configurations are shown in Table 2. The two computers are used in the experiment, the Home Assistant Server is used to run Home Assistant, and the other Script Server is used to run the generated smart home automation scripts.

Table 2 Experimental environment configurations

Participant Hardware Condition Platform Environment Network
Home assistant server Intel Core i5–3770 CPU,8GB Python v3.6.2rc2 100Mbps
Script Server Intel Core i5-11320H,16GB Python v3.8.10 100Mbps

5.1 Convert From Intermediate Script to Home Assistant Automation Script

When the valid information is obtained, our proposed method mapped intermediate script to the target software language. As shown in Algorithm 7, this step aims to associate the intermediate script with the specific smart home platform. In the experiment, this platform refers to the Home Assistant.

Algorithm 7 Convert from the intermediate scripts to executable scripts

1: Function: file = Translate (scenario, name)

2: Input:

3: scenario A smart home scenario

4: name The name of the smart home platform

5: Output:

6: file the deployment file corresponding to this scenario in a certain smart home platform

7: Loading the transfer rules of platform name

8: Initializing an empty file file

9: IF scenario.condition is the time type

10:  Generate the corresponding time class time

11:  filetime

12: IF scenario.condition is the state type

13:  Generate the corresponding state conditions state

14:  filestate

15: Combination trigger conditions to condition

16: filecondition

17: FOR all commands cmdscenario.commands

18:  Get the id and function of the device in the smart home platform

19:  FOR all attributes attrcmd.attributes

20:   Get the attr field and set the value

21:   file(attr,value)

22: return file

Algorithm 7 converts intermediate scripts to the executable scripts. Line 1 loads specific smart home platform information and conversion rules. Lines 3 to 8 set the trigger conditions of the script according to the type. Lines 10 to 15 iterate through all commands in the scenario and set the properties of the commands.

The experiment assumed that the smart home system platform is Home Assistant, which has a web client, and take Chinese description “(Turn on the bathroom water heater then set the temperature to 45.)” as an example. It will eventually call service in the Home Assistant that reads “Turn on the water heater and set the temperature property to 45”, with the specific code in the home assistant as shown in Figure 7.


Figure 7 The specific code in the home assistant.

5.2 The Experiment

We first built a home scenario on Home Assistant, including family members, home areas, and smart home components. Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong are family members. The home areas are divided into nine areas, including the living room, balcony, corridor, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom 1, bedroom 2, corridor, storage room, and a smart door. It is equipped with a smart door lock, a camera, a door magnetic alarm, and audio. The living room is equipped with a smart TV, an air conditioner, an electric curtain, a light, a microphone, an infrared detector, a temperature, and a humidity sensor. The balcony has a light, an electric drying rack, an infrared detector, a temperature, and a humidity sensor. There are two lights and an infrared detector in the corridor. The bathroom has a washing machine, a lamp, a ventilation fan, a showerhead, a faucet, an infrared detector, and a temperature, humidity sensor. The kitchen has a gas switch, a refrigerator, a water heater, a microwave oven, an oven, a pressure cooker, a hood, a faucet, and a gas alarm. There is a light and a fan in the dining room. The smart devices in the master bedroom 1 are a bedside lamp 1, a lamp 1, an electric curtain, a desktop computer, an air conditioner, a temperature and a humidity sensor, and a closet. Master bedroom 2 has a bedside lamp 2, a lamp 2, an electric curtain, an air conditioner, a temperature and a humidity sensor, and a closet. The storage room has a light and an infrared detector.

Table 3 Characteristics of the baseline data

Description Success tms
Sentence 1 YES 160.00
Sentence 2 YES 130.99
Sentence 3 YES 142.99
Sentence 4 YES 104.00
Sentence 5 YES 107.00
Sentence 6 YES 141.98
Sentence 7 YES 145.99
Sentence 8 YES 116.00
Sentence 9 YES 133.99
Sentence 10 YES 105.00
Sentence 11 YES 101.99
Sentence 12 YES 116.00
Sentence 13 YES 102.99
Sentence 14 YES 111.00
Sentence 15 YES 117.00
Sentence 16 YES 118.00
Sentence 17 YES 127.99
Sentence 18 YES 129.99
Sentence 19 YES 144.00
Sentence 20 YES 122.99
Sentence 21 YES 132.99
Sentence 22 YES 101.99
Sentence 23 YES 106.00
Sentence 24 YES 101.99
Sentence 25 YES 106.99
Sentence 26 YES 100.00
Sentence 27 YES 114.00
Sentence 28 YES 137.00
Sentence 29 YES 106.99
Sentence 30 YES 128.99

All the components of the home include virtual and actual devices, while they are also smart devices that can be properly connected to the Home Assistant via the Internet. The first-order logic process for loading data into a Python data structure is shown in Appendix A.2. The configuration of the home environment devices in Home Assistant is shown in Appendix A.3.

Based on the above home scenarios, 30 baseline data of the daily use environment of the smart home were set up. To collect the descriptions of the users, we conducted a user study at Yunnan University and provided a document to describe the tasks. Thirty students participated in this study and 600 different descriptions were given for 30 baseline data, correspondingly. The experiment used all these data to evaluate our method.

The success of the experiment is determined by checking whether the correct YAML generates, whether it can convert to the expected script file and whether the generated script file can run correctly in Home Assistant. According to these criteria, in these 600 hundred data, there was an error in 38 data entries. We found that our method was able to express 93.66% of the experimental environment data. In Table 3, the first column gives the descriptions of tasks. The statement n is used here to simplify the table. All these data are presented in English and Chinese in Appendix A.1; the latter two columns “success” and the “tms” shows whether the task can be successfully expressed and the total running time of the program. The time unit is milliseconds. What is used in the experiment is the Chinese language text.

In the experiment, some data occurred in error for the following reasons. The method proposed in this paper is mainly based on syntactic analysis to process the text. In the collected data, the results cannot be extracted correctly when there are syntactic errors in the sentences or when the overall format of the instructions is not followed. The algorithm in this paper bundles the device instructions and attribute settings together and thus does not allow multiple devices to be set consecutively in a single phrase. There are some limitations of the algorithms. First, the instructions that exceed the functional scope of the home device are not executed successfully. In addition, specific dictionaries must be set up for phrases that cannot be handled correctly by syntactic and lexical analyses.

6 Conclusion

The smart home automation system is one of the IoT applications that facilitates the control of home appliances over the Internet using an automation system. The complexity of the devices in the home IoT has increased the needs of users, specifically for the combined tasks of the multiple scenarios, conditions, and devices used simultaneously. However, the existing Chinese smart home automation systems and some research only provide limited applications that can perform a single task that is mostly a time-consuming and costly process. Users need a lot of professional programming knowledge and manual work to develop a system according to their own needs. To solve these problems and fill in the existing gap in technological development, we have proposed a method that generates smart home automation scripts using Chinese texts. Our proposed method has two main features. Firstly, it provides a smart home automation system independent intermediate language specification so that the method can easily adapt it to different systems. Secondly, based on the specification, it generates the smart home script automatedly. The experimental result demonstrated that 93.66% of the 600 Chinese texts from user research in the experiment can successfully generate the executable scripts.


This work has been supported by the Science and Technology Plan in Key Fields of Yunnan Province under grant No. 202202AD080002, and the Open Foundation of Key Laboratory in Software Engineering of Yunnan Province under grant No. 2020SE318.


The authors strictly declare that there are no safety, environmental or ethical issues associated with this paper.


A.1 Experiment Baseline Data

In the experiment, we provide the 30 representative Chinese texts. The baseline data that users always need and their explanations are shown in Table 4.

Based on the data mentioned above, 30 volunteers provided several of the 600 relevant descriptions used in the experiment.

A.2 First-order Logical Home Environment Data Loading

The home environment data is loaded as follows.

def define (Fi, Ru): v = """

has => {(livroom,LEDligliv), (livroom,smatv), (livroom,aircondition), (livroom,curliv), (livroom,mic), (livroom,livdet), (livroom,livtempwet),(corridor,corlig1), (corridor,corlig2), (corridor,boldect), (kitchen,watheater),(kitchen,kicdoor), (kitchen,smalarm), (kitchen,gasswitch), (kitchen,refrig), (kitchen,oven), (kitchen,precooker), (kitchen,ranghood), (kithchen,gaswith),(kitchen,kitfau), (kitchen,refrig), (kitchen,fogalarm), (kitchen,kitdoor),(carteen,eatlig), (carteen,fan), (bath,washer), (bath,balig), (bath,shower), (bath, venti), (bath, bafaucet), (bath, badetor), (bath, batemwet), (carteen,eatlig),(carteen,fan),(bedr1,bedlig1),(bedr1,tablig1), (bedr1,bed1cur),(bedr1,computer),(bedr1,bed1tempwet), (bedr1,closet1),(bedr1,bed1air),(bedr2,bedlig2),(bedr2,tablig2), (bedr2,bed2cur), (bedr2,bed2air),(bedr2,bed2tempwet),(bedr2,closet2), (stor, savelig),(stor,savedect),(smdoor,smlock), (smdoor,camera), (smdoor,dooralarm),(smdoor,audio), (corridor,alarm) }

attr => { (watheater,temp),(watheater,on),(LEDligliv,bright),(oven,temp) (LEDligliv,on),(LEDligliv,color),(ligcor,bright),(oven,off) (kicdoor,off),(smalarm,off),(venti,on),(ligcor,on),(oven,on) (smatv,on),(samtv,off),(aircondition,on),(aircondition,temp), (alarm,off) (aircondition,wet),(aircondition,off),(curliv,on),(curliv,off),(alarm,on) (mic,on),(mic,off),(mic,vol),(livdet,on),(livdet,off),(refrig,temp) (livtempwet,on), (livtempwet,off),(bolig,on),(bolig,off),(bolig,bright), (bolig,color), (rack,on),(rack,off), (rack,up),(rack,down),(boldector,on), (boldector,off),(boltemwet,on),(boltemwet,off),(corlig1,on), (corlig1,off), (corlig1,color),(corlig1,bright), (corlig2,on), (corlig2,off),(watheater,temp) (corlig2,color),(corlig2,bright), (boldect,on),(boldect,off),(smalarm,on), (smalarm,off),(gasswitch,on), (gasswitch,off),(refrig,on),(refrig,off), (precooker,on), (precooker,off), (precooker,temp), (ranghood,on), (ranghood,on), (ranghood,off),(kitfau,on),(kitfau,off),(kitfau,temp), (fogalarm,on),(fogalarm,off),(kitdoor,on),(kitdoor,off),(eating,on), (eatlig,off),(eatlig,bright),(eatlig,color),(fan,on),(fan,off),(fan,speed), (bedlig1,on),(bedlig1,off),(bedlig1,bright), (bedlig1,color), (bedlig2,on),(bedlig2,off),(bedlig2,bright), (bedlig2,color), (tablig1,on),(tablig1,off),(tablig1,bright), (tablig1,color), (tablig2,on),(tablig2,off),(tablig2,bright), (tablig2,color), (bed1cur,on),(bed1cur,off), (bed2cur,on),(bed2cur,off), (computer,on),(computer,off),(computer,bright),(bed1air,on) (bed1air,off), (bed1air,temp), (bed1air,wet), (bed2air,on) (bed2air,off), (bed2air,temp), (bed2air,wet),(bed1tempwet,on), (bed1tempwet,off), (bed2tempwet,on),(bed2tempwet,off), (closet1,on), (closet1,off), (closet2,on), (closet2,off),(smlock,on), (smlock,off),(camera,on),(camera,off),(camera,bright),(dooralarm,on), (dooralarm,off),(audio,on), (audio,off),(audio,vol),(savedect,on), (savedect,off),(savelig,on), (savelig,off), (savelig,color), (savelig,bright), } """ return v

A.3 Home Devices Configuration

The configuration of the home environment devices that are part of the Home Assistant is shown in Figure 8 below.


Figure 8 Devices in home assistant.


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Jiayi Kuang is a master student at the School of Software, Yunnan University, China. She received her B.Eng. degree from Zaozhuang University, China, in 2019. Her research interests include the Internet of Things and service computing.


Gang Xue received his B.Eng. degree from Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping in 2000. He received his M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from Yunnan University in 2006 and 2009, respectively. He is currently an associate professor at the School of Software, Yunnan University, China. His research interests include service computing, edge computing, and embedded systems.


Zeming Yan is a master student at the School of Software, Yunnan University, China. He received his B.Eng. degree from Jishou University, China, in 2019. His research interests include service computing and edge computing.


Jing Liu received the Ph.D. degree in computer application technology from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2003. From September 2003 to July 2005, he was with No. 30 Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation as a postdoctoral fellow. From September 2005 to December 2012, he had been an assistant professor at Sun Yat-Sen University. Since January 2013, he has been an associate professor at Yunnan University. His current research interests include applied cryptography and network security.


1 Introduction

2 Related Work


3 Preliminaries

3.1 Natural Language Processing

3.1.1 Lexical semantics

3.1.2 Named entity recognition (NER)

3.2 First-order Logic

3.2.1 Lambda calculus

3.2.2 Alpha equivalence and beta reduction

3.3 Intermediate Language Specification



3.4 Related Technical Tools

3.4.1 NLTK

3.4.2 Home assistant

4 The Script Generation Method




5 Evaluation

5.1 Convert From Intermediate Script to Home Assistant Automation Script


5.2 The Experiment

6 Conclusion




A.1 Experiment Baseline Data

A.2 First-order Logical Home Environment Data Loading

A.3 Home Devices Configuration



