Towards Improving Productivity in NMap Security Audits
Jose Manuel Redondo1,* and Daniel Cuesta2
1 Computational Reflection Research Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Oviedo, Science Faculty, Office 240, C/Federico Garcia Lorca S/N, 33007, Oviedo, Spain
2Computer Network Attack (CNA), S2Grupo, Valencia, Spain
* Corresponding Author
Received 19 February 2019; Accepted 18 September 2019; Publication 04 October 2019
Maintaining an adequate security level in computer infrastructures, like Internet-facing web servers, requires periodic assessment of their vulnerabilities with specialized security tools. nmap
is arguably the most popular one, due to its versatility, powerful features, and low resource usage. However, this versatility can turn its usage difficult and error-prone, as it implements a lot of features and reports errors at runtime. This can lead to suboptimal results while designing auditing tasks. This research aims to decrease this complexity by developing a web GUI that favors experimentation, on-demand scans, and provides solutions to several shortcomings detected in the official one. We complemented it with a Domain Specific Language that implements early detection and reporting of syntax, type, and semantic errors when creating audit tasks. Both expand nmap
possibilities, creating robust, schedulable, distributable, and portable auditing tasks able to find anomalies analyzing their output. Our initial release shows that the web GUI has been well received by several security related media and professionals. The language can detect and report a wide range of potential errors, substantially increasing the robustness of the created tasks. Therefore, Domain Specific Languages with early detection of type errors turned to be suitable to lower the complexity and expand the usage possibilities of complex tools like nmap
Keywords: nmap
, web GUI, advanced features, productivity, Domain Specific Language, static type checking.
Attacks to different types of computer system infrastructures [1] are critical problems. Their number increases each year [2]. These attacks usually take advantage of subtle implementation details of protocols and services [3]. They may be performed over private companies, public institutions, or military infrastructures [4]. Consequences may be varied: steal user information [5], alter the normal behavior of services [6–8], data hijacking [9], or taking control of an infrastructure to perform malicious activities [10]. Both web applications and their hosting servers are very common attack targets [11].
The security status of computer systems can be evaluated through audits performed by professionals (called pentesters). They find vulnerabilities applying the same techniques that malicious attackers may use, but on controlled environments and agreeing to certain limitations. Found problems are written to a report, detailing their causes and potential solutions.
Pentesting activities require specialized tools. The nmap
network analysis tool [12] is arguably the most popular and widely used one. It was created in 1997 to discover hosts and services on computer networks (thus building a “Network Map”). Its user base and popularity greatly increased when it was ported to all major operating systems. It also won the Linux Journal Editor’s Choice Award in 2001 [13] and appeared in numerous news media. It is also part of widely used automatic vulnerability discovery tools.
capabilities have increased over the years. Nowadays, it is a very flexible and powerful security tool that performs a wide variety of security tests, beyond typical service type and version discovery. It has a scripting engine (Nmap Scripting Engine or NSE) and an extensive and customizable library of scripts [12]. These enable an ample set of advanced and specialized security tests in a wide range of scenarios. For example, it is possible to establish the geographical location of scanned targets, locate malware-spreading hosts via the Google Safe Browsing API, locate active e-mail accounts, or perform web server specific testing. It also supports a wide range of scanning techniques and integrates firewall/IDS evasion features, like the popular zombie scan technique.
Unfortunately, this turns using its full potential more difficult, especially for students or users with little experience. It has 4 ways of specifying targets, more than 110 options (divided in 10 categories), multiple option combinations (some mutually incompatible) that achieve different effects, and more than 600 standard NSE scripts [12] (it also supports adding third-party ones). Detailed information about nmap
options is not provided when running the tool from the command-line. Additionally, the official GUI (Zenmap) lacks information about options (and their correct parameter values) to facilitate performing quick on-demand scans (see Figure 1, part 1). More information is provided if designing a custom scan profile, but this requires time, advanced knowledge about the tool options, correct parameter values, and possibilities. This could lead to missing or misusing some important options when creating non-basic on-demand scans, leading to suboptimal results.
Solutions to simplify and automate complex operations with infrastructures not only comprise improving GUIs. The rise of the cloud as a deployment platform for public HTTP-based services has also popularized tools that allow deploying infrastructure as code, such as Ansible1 or Puppet2. These products define a Domain-Specific programming Language (DSL), so their programs can be translated to specific actions in the target infrastructure, installing, updating, configuring or managing software in any way the user will specify. The same approach is followed by the popular container management software Docker3 with its Dockerfiles.
Figure 1 Different Zenmap scan outputs.
One of the main advantages of this approach is that these programs can be easily distributed and used in multiple OS, as they are small plain text files. This way, a single program can be applied to multiple machine instances fulfilling the same role provided by modern cloud-based services. This substantially simplifies infrastructure configuration. However, the lack of early validation of these programs is arguably the main drawback of this approach: these DSLs are typically dynamic, so validation is performed mostly at runtime, while the infrastructure is being deployed by executing the program commands. This means that if one instruction has errors (for example, by using parameters of the wrong type), the user could be forced to run the program multiple times, until all errors are fixed.
scans also suffers this lack of early validation problem. The syntax and parameters of its options is usually very different from each other, and therefore prone to mistakes. Errors are always reported when the scan process is run (see Figure 1, part 2). This way, users might as well be forced to run a scan several times until its configuration is correct, decreasing their productivity. The contribution of our research is focused on facilitating nmap
usage by:
features in on-demand scans, and facilitate using its full potential? Can it also facilitate the usage of advanced nmap
options, or implement additional features (such as scan scheduling or output analysis), without requiring deep nmap
scan tasks with the same advantages of popular infrastructure-management DSLs: distribution, portability, and easy application to multiple targets. Our research also aims to substantially decrease lack of early validation problems, identifying and reporting task errors prior to its execution. Therefore, the final research question is if modern language processors design techniques can be used to provide early validation and debugging of nmap
option syntax, parameter types, and semantics, decreasing runtime errors.nmap
scan tasks designed with NMapGUI can generate NMapDSL code. Both products can run independently. Their features have been created focusing on teaching scenarios, encouraging knowledge transfer from experienced users to beginners, and providing verbose information about their operations. We will review the design principles, features, usage scenarios and planned future functionality, and how a part of our research was received by security-related media and users.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes NMapGUI. First, it details the shortcomings of the official GUI (Subsection 2.1); Then, it details NMapGUI main design features (Subsection 2.2), and UI design patterns (Subsection 2.3). The web GUI architecture and implementation characteristics will be reviewed in Subsection 2.4, along with sample usage scenarios (Subsection 2.5). Section 3 describes NMapDSL, describing its syntax (Subsection 3.1), validation (Subsection 3.2), architecture (Subsection 3.3), and execution results (3.4). Section 4 describes the reviews made by security-related media and users to the current release of our research prototype, along with a proposed systematic validation procedure. Finally, Sections 5, and 6 detail the conclusions, future, and related work.
Performing predefined on-demand scans with the nmap
official GUI (Zenmap) is simple. Users must choose a scan profile and provide scan targets. Default scan profiles are a list of 10 predefined combinations of nmap
options, determining the amount or type of information that will be obtained when a scan completes. However, unless we decide to edit a profile, Zenmap does not display a description about the profile goals. Its concrete options are just shown as a nmap
command line. This way, users with little experience might not fully understand the performed operations or the type of information they obtain, as it requires a substantial knowledge of the tool. Zenmap shows the following information after a scan finishes (see Figure 1, parts 1 and 3):
raw output.However, Zenmap does not facilitate the usage of the full nmap
auditing potential in several use cases, as we will outline in the following subsections.
Zenmap predefined scan profiles do not cover all possible options, combinations, or scan types, just a few of common usages. So, customizing on-demand auditing tasks requires manually editing the options to be used, which is error-prone due to the lack of information about them. Each option and parameter must be manually written in the Zenmap command box (see Figure 1), as if running from a system console. Zenmap displays more detailed information if a new scan profile is created, but this requires more time, and do not fit well in quick on-demand scan scenarios. So, users frequently rely on third-party support materials to consult the effects and syntax of each option. Finding the correct option combination to create an on-demand audit task can be complex and time-consuming, decreasing productivity.
The NSE script library gives nmap
a lot of flexibility, greatly enhancing its usefulness in multiple scenarios. Zenmap only provides a list of the installed NSE scripts (plus individual descriptions) when a new scan profile is created. The script list does not have filtering or search capabilities, so finding adequate scripts may be more difficult.
For example, a script like http-affiliate-id
, grabs affiliate network IDs from a web page, so pages with the same owner can be identified and studied together. Crawling and analysis of web error pages is offered by the http-errors
script, which can be used to guess important information about an audited system, or the technologies used in their hosted webs [14]. Several scripts also target specific hardware types or vendors: broadcast-bjnp-discover
discovers Canon printers in a network. Others detect backdoors in certain devices, as the http-dlink-backdoor
script does with certain D-Link router models.
Not using adequate scripts could drastically change the outcome of a security audit, especially when users have limited experience. For example, not using the http-dlink-backdoor
NSE script may leave some important vulnerabilities undetected, throwing false negatives, and not taking advantage of all nmap
The execution state of simultaneous scan tasks cannot be viewed on real time unless multiple Zenmap instances are run. Active scan tasks can be accessed through the “Scan” tab (see Figure 1, label 2), but only one can be viewed at a time in a single window. This potentially decreases productivity, forcing the user to navigate through different windows to know the status of each scan.
does not implement scheduling or output analysis with reporting features. These have to be performed by third-party tools. This lowers its usefulness in some pentesting scenarios, forcing the user to search or create tools when, for example, a low-cost surveillance method is needed, such as in IoT networks.
One of the major problems we faced when designing the GUI is that we could not follow a systematic approach involving users. Unfortunately, we could not find potential target users that have adequate knowledge of nmap
and consistently commit to the project development during the GUI creation phase. So, we were unable to create questionnaires for different potential user groups regarding functionality and UI design, to obtain feedback before creation. Shortcomings of the official GUI (Section 2.1) were identified using our own experience with nmap
and reading anonymous opinions in specialized forms. These information sources were also used to define the features of NMapGUI we will describe in the following subsections.
Having no initial feedback from potential user profiles increases the risk of creating an unsuccessful GUI design. We verified that this was not the case using the feedback provided by expert reviewers and users after its initial public release (see Section 4). However, we admit that using a systematic approach instead would have been more adequate.
NMapGUI was designed to prioritize experimentation and creating on-demand scans that can be optionally saved later. Opposite, Zenmap is more focused in creating custom scan profiles. Zenmap provides much more complete nmap
usage information when creating/editing profiles (see Section 2.1), which in turn requires a deep knowledge of nmap
options. NMapGUI displays the full range of nmap
options divided in four areas for immediate use (see Figure 2):
Figure 2 nmap
UI design and nmap
A fifth option area (“Global scanning options”) contains those that change the behavior of every scan. Inside each area, NMapGUI groups options by purpose (Figure 2). Each option has a short description and a syntax example to decrease the probability of accidental errors and needing external information sources.
NMapGUI favors interactivity allowing users to create scan tasks only with GUI elements: clicking on an option automatically adds it to the command line to be executed. If the option is already included, it is removed. However, user feedback (see Section 4) revealed that manually customizing the command to be run was requested, even if part of it was specified using GUI elements. Consequently, NMapGUI allows writing nmap
options directly in the command section, enabling combined manual- and click-based command construction. Pressing the “Go!” button runs the current command as a background task, so a new scan can be immediately built and run (see Figure 2).
NMapGUI organizes installed NSE scripts in a category tree, depending on their main purpose (see Figure 3). A keyword search engine facilitates finding them by description, obtained from its official documentation and shown as a tooltip. This way, users have information to decide if a script is suitable or not, decreasing the possibility of consulting external information sources. This is aimed to facilitate the work in learning environments.
Figure 3 NSE script information in NMapGUI.
Users can run multiple instances of nmap
with different option sets simultaneously within the same GUI instance. Every scan task runs in a different thread, and its output is displayed on an independent minimizable window at realtime (see Figure 2). This way, users may increase their productivity by easily running and supervising multiple scans at the same time, especially if the scans take a long time to complete (as those using IDS evasion techniques).
Periodically running nmap
auditing tasks over machine infrastructures, analyzing anomalies in their output, can be a very useful and low resource consumption surveillance practice. An anomaly can be defined as a condition that target machines fulfill when they should not to, or vice versa. For example, if a web server is expected to have the ports 22 (SSH
), 80 (HTTP
) and 443 (HTTPS
) open only, presence of additional open ports is anomalous. This might indicate a simple misconfiguration, but also an ongoing data exfiltration process from a compromised machine or web site. Also, finding these ports closed or unresponsive may indicate that a machine is down, or its services have been interrupted. This allows users to detect problems earlier, when the damage may not be very high, or quickly develop corrective responses without further compromising the infrastructure. Using nmap
for these tasks enhances the security level of an infrastructure with lower resource usage that more complex (albeit more versatile) threat detection software [15]. Therefore, it is easier to deploy in infrastructures with potentially low resources and/or bandwidth more easily, such as IoT networks.
The first step to create scan scheduling support is to give configured scans its own entity. To do this, we provide the ability to save scan task configurations created in NMapGUI as named scan profiles (see Figure 2), with an optional long description. This way, NMapGUI allows users to create a custom profile from their experience of working and testing several option combinations first. These named scan profiles are aimed to be distributed and reused, capturing the acquired usage experience. This was also specially thought to target learning environments.
NMapGUI named scan profiles are simple JSON files composed by key-value pairs. They contain the nmap
command line to be run (except the targets) and a description of its effects, so they can be easily shared and understood. Named scan profiles were designed with a different design approach to Zenmap custom profiles: users can design them to be very granular, so they don’t contain a great range of different options, modeling just particular features or usage types without requiring a deep knowledge of the tool. This way, more complex scans can be composed aggregating smaller named scan profiles. Using multiple named scan profiles in a scan task combines their options. Named scan profiles can also be used in NMapDSL programs (see Section 3).
The current release of NMapGUI and NMapDSL includes 37 different named scan profiles
, covering a wide range of nmap
options. Some of them use common features, like different TCP detection techniques (TCP_IP_scan
, TCP_SYN_scan
,...), but others also have more advanced options. For example, there are profiles with firewall/IDS detection and evasion techniques (detect_firewall, avoid_firewall_detection_packet_fragments
, ...), detection of NETB IOS services (netbios_find
), or even testing specific vulnerabilities (netbios_vuln_MS08067
Figure 4 Current prototype of the scheduling GUI proposed to be added to NMapGUI.
Figure 4 shows the NMapGUI window that supports scheduling and surveillance features using named scan profiles. Several can be chosen to be run over selected targets at a certain rate. Periodicity of tasks may be specified from minutes to months, depending on the surveillance frequency requirements. Detected anomalies may be reported through email or written to a local or remote file to be consulted later. Support for anomaly detection is divided in two categories:
Apache 2.2.4
is expected to be running in ports 80 and 443 of the target IP, all of them open
to traffic. Also, the port 22 (SSH
) needs to be explicitly closed
on the same machine. Additionally, results of the scheduled scan must also indicate that IIS
is running in the port 80 of
. Service name comparison is case-insensitive, and exact substring matching will be used once trimmed. Finally, by default all unlisted ports in the scan conditions table must either not appear in the task output, be closed
, or filtered
to not to generate an anomaly alert. This works as a blacklist, when everything is denied unless it is explicitly granted. The user may lift this restriction.Windows
operating system detected, and no Nginx
web server must be running. Detecting these strings in the scan output will be reported as errors to the users. OR
and OR NOT
operators have similar semantics but reported as standard information messages.Once the scheduling behavior is specified, NMapGUI can generate the corresponding NMapDSL program, which could be translated to scripting languages supported by the scanning machines OS (see Subsection 3.3). This also opens the possibility of running surveillance tasks with technologies like Docker (creating ad-hoc containers with nmap
installed), or from automated infrastructure deployment products, such as Puppet. These configurations may be also saved or loaded to be modified at any time.
As we said in Section 2.2, we also relied on our own experience and anonymous comments when designing the layout of the different GUI windows. We used expert advice to choose adequate UI patterns for each part of the GUI, but UI mockups couldn’t be systematically validated by users prior to building the application.
GUI feedback was again obtained after the application was released (see Section 4). We know that we took a substantial risk, as this is not the optimal way of creating a GUI, but its high specialization restricted the potential user community we can reach, to the point that we were forced to take a different approach. As we will see, the requested UI changes were not major, and feedback from nmap
experts has been good so far.
NMapGUI has been initially designed considering several UI design patterns [16] to facilitate its usability. As we can see in Figure 2, main UI abstraction is the Module Tabs pattern. This is because there is a limited visual space, and content needs to be separated into just 5 sections that need a flat navigation mode. As the content of each tab can be viewed separate from each other, section names are short, and content do not depend of the context of each other, this pattern adapts to our needs. We also prevent unnecessary page refreshing.
Regarding scan outputs, we used a Navigation Tabs design pattern but using the window abstraction with minimize, maximize and close buttons (so they are disposable) instead of typical tabs. This is because we will rarely have more than 9 scans running at the same time, scan output needs to fill the entire width of a page, and there is a need to single-out the currently selected scan. Regarding displaying single elements, the script category tree (see Figure 3) has been conceived to follow the Progressive Disclosure UI pattern while maintaining the classification of the scripts. This allows users to progressively display information about the script they are inspecting.
Finally, the nmap
options presented in each section are based in the Input Prompt UI pattern. Labels of options do not fully explain what should be filled into it. Therefore, they are accompanied by sample text using a different font style so, in combination with the label, both further explain what kind of input is needed. Although we have a single editable input field (the nmap
command line to be executed), using this approach clarifies what kind of input is expected in each option. In any case, more work in the usability is needed before the final NMapGUI release. We will detail part of this additional work in the future work section.
Current version of NMapGUI is an open source project composed by several packages (see Figure 5, part 1) designed to be easy to understand and extend.
Executing the NMapGUI .jar
file initially runs a small startup Java 1.8 Swing application. Its classes belong to the localGUI
package and ensure that nmap
is installed using the features of the Executor
package. Then, it allows users to start/stop an instance of the Spring application implementing the NMapGUI web interface. NMapGUI can only be used from localhost
to prevent potential security problems via remote command execution or using the machine as a pivot to explore other networks. In our tests we used the version 1.5.3 of the Spring framework.
Figure 5 Architecture of NMapGUI (1) and NMapDSL (2).
The architecture of the web application follows the MVC design pattern. The View
is responsible of processing user inputs, passing the corresponding commands to the web server via HTTP requests. Data visualization is enhanced using the jQuery 3.2.14 and the D3 V35 libraries.
Requests are managed by the WebController
class until they are executed. When the user runs a command, the controller calls CommandExecutorImpl
. This class is the default implementation of the command execution processes of the application, and therefore runs each nmap
instance with the provided options. Command execution is asynchronous, to enable running nmap
instances in parallel and to write each command output in its own window. For that reason, the WebController
uses an Observer design pattern, so it gets notified every time a command finishes to update the corresponding view.
The Model
package contains all classes representing system and scan result entities: Address, Command, Hop, Host, Hostname, Port, Scan
or Script
. Additionally, the Menu submodule contains entities representing different interface elements, like Menu, Submenu, Category
or Option
. Its configuration is read from an XML file so it can be easily updated.
Finally, the Util
package contains utility classes to convert from XML to HTML through an XSLT file (TransInfoHtml
), and to locate files that store command execution results (FileFinder
). Code coverage of the application tests is controlled using the jacoco 0.7.96 library.
This section describes how to use NMapGUI to run typical nmap
on-demand scans as part of an auditing process. On-demand scans are more flexible that creating custom scans profiles. The user can quickly react to the information obtained by a scan, so the next will can be customized depending on the information obtained by the previous one. For example, if the first scan detects a web server, the next ones may try different web-related NSE scripts (like the ones mentioned in Section 1) to try to discover different vulnerabilities.
The first scenario requires to check the TCP reserved ports of a remote system. To avoid potential filtering, the TCP SYN
scan type will be used. To do that, the user goes to the “Port Scan” area and, inside the “TCP Scan Type” group, locate and click the appropriate nmap
option for this type of TCP scan (-sS
). This way, the user should only remember the type of port scan, and NMapGUI provides the necessary information about the corresponding option. Then, the command can be enhanced guessing the OS type of the target system. To do that the user goes to the “OS Version” area and click on the “OS detection” option (-O
). As described on Section 2.2, the interface automatically adds this option to the existing nmap
command line. Once the user finishes adding all the desired options (using the GUI or manually editing the command), clicking in the “Go!” button shows the scanning progress at real time. All these steps are illustrated on Figure 6.
When the scanning process finishes, the user may decide to further explore the remote machine. This begins the second scenario, that uses the features of the nmap
NSE script library to enhance the results of a previous scan. In this case, the command will incorporate a script that outputs the fingerprints (service and versions description strings) of any service not directly recognized by nmap
. If the name of this script is not known, NMapGUI can be used to search it and perform the scan. Figure 7 shows the “NSE Scripts” area and its “Script list” tab. The desired script can be found under the “version” category (fingerprint-strings
). Once located, the script information can be checked to ensure it is the correct one. Finally, clicking on the script adds it to the current command line, so the enhanced scan can be run again. Although NMapGUI preserves the previously run nmap
command line, this is a new scan, so its output is displayed in a new independent window. Therefore, it is easy to study and compare both outputs later. Additionally, if the previous scan was still running, both scans will be executed in parallel. Figure 7 illustrates this scanning process and the final nmap
output when executed over the same target machine as the previous one.
Figure 6 Typical basic scan process over
Figure 7 Scanning
using NSE scripts.
As we said on Section 1, NMapDSL has two main design goals:
usage on environments that typically cannot display web pages or GUIs, like servers and IoT devices.The language is structured in blocks, each modeling different parts of a scanning process. Blocks include the scan scheduling, result notification, and output analysis features described on Section 2.2.4. Another software product created by this research is the NTrans validation and translation tool, responsible of translating valid NMapDSL programs to popular scripting languages. These translated scripts may be moved to any machine in the infrastructure with nmap
and the target scripting language runtime environment installed. They are also able to run stand-alone, without dependencies of the GUI components. We plan to support Python 2, Python 3 (including its fastest implementation [17], PyPy), Bash script, and Powershell as target scripting languages to be able to run on any major operating systems. As we said, NMapGUI is also aimed to generate NMapDSL code, so it can also work as a NMapDSL web IDE for external machines not able to run it.
To fulfill the requirements of our research, NMapDSL tries to increase user productivity being a simple and easy to understand language that facilitates performing advanced scan tasks without requiring deep knowledge of nmap
. This is also especially important in computer security courses. The language has six different blocks, although several are optional. Line comments are supported with #
. The main elements of each block are defined using the ANTLR7 specification syntax in Figure 8. Sample programs are shown in Figure 9.
This block is the most important, as it specifies a list of named scan profiles, or a single list of nmap
command-line options, telling nmap
what to do. If nothing is specified, nmap
runs with all-default parameters. Additionally, a series of scan customizing keywords may be optionally placed before SCAN, to facilitate running common advanced scan configurations without using options or profiles. These keywords do not cover the full range of possibilities of nmap
, but facilitates users with limited experience to access advanced scan types:
(4), and INSANE
(5), representing values from 0 to 5 of the -T<number>
ANTLR rule): keywords representing certain typical scan options, such as STANDARD
(runs standard scan techniques, -sC
(only lists hosts, -Sp
option), AGGRESIVE
(runs more common scan options, -A
option), or VERSION
(obtain versions of the operating system and running services, -O
option). Other keywords also use popular NSE scripts to achieve useful effects, like GEO
(geolocalizes targets using the Maxmind database, ip-geolocation-maxmind
script), WHOIS
(obtain DNS information about targets, whois
script), MALWARE
(uses the Google Safe Browsing API [18] to determine if the target is identified as a malware distributor, http-google-malware
(locates active email accounts, http-google-email
script), or WEB
(runs a series of scripts that specifically target web servers and CMSs, such as http-methods
and http-enum
(nmap -sV --script=http-enum <scanned target>
, automatically uses multiple nmap
options and techniques to evade firewalls or IDSs (-f, --randomize hosts, --badsum, -D RND:10, --spoof-mac 0
).Figure 8 ANTLR specification of NMapDSL blocks.
Figure 9 Samples of NMapGUI DSL programs.
This way, a valid SCAN block may be like this: INSANE ACTIVEONLY SCAN <profiles or NMap options>
. Scan profiles or options have more priority in case of overlapping with the keywords.
The ON
block is used to specify targets. It accepts lists of IPs, networks (CIDR format) or DNS names. An optional PORT
keyword allows to restrict which ports are going to be scanned.
block enables task scheduling functionality (see Section 2.2.4), accepting a number and a time unit (MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS
). If not specified, the task is run just once. The also optional NOTIFY
block deals with scan notifications, accepting email addresses to send scan results or a file path to write them to.
The two final optional blocks deal with anomaly detection. WITH
block describes the expected port/service distribution for targets within the range specified in the ON block. The WITH ONLY
variant is similar but treats as anomalies every port found OPEN
outside the ones specified in the script source code.
block allows creating simple AND/OR
logical expressions (optionally prepending NOT
) with strings, to check nmap
output against them. Both blocks behave as described in Section 2.2.4.
Unlike statically typed languages like Java, C# or C++, dynamically typed languages do not perform type-checking at compile time. Therefore, the probability of finding errors at runtime increases in exchange for a higher degree of flexibility. Static typing offers the programmer early detection of type errors, making possible to fix them immediately rather than discovering them at runtime [19]. All nmap
usage errors are reported at runtime (see Figure 1, part 2). Therefore, a programming language created to model nmap
auditing tasks will also have this drawback, as potential type errors will be detected at runtime.
Table 1 Summary of validations and additional features provided by NMapDSL
Validation Types | |
Script syntax validation | Detects misspelled keywords and unwanted characters |
Usage of existing options | Checks that every used nmap option exists |
Types of option parameters | Checks the type of the parameters passed to every nmap option |
Usage of existing NSE scripts | Notifies if attempting to use a non-installed NSE script |
Usage of documented script parameters | Warns if using non-documented script parameters |
Validate NSE script parameter types | Provides an extension mechanism to enforce robust validation of NSE script parameter types without modifying the script source code |
Semantic validation | Checks multiple conditions that can go wrong during a scan: target IPs within declared network ranges, usage of existing DNS, detection of incompatible options. . . |
Precise error location | Locates each detected error or warning (line and column) and provides a detailed explanation of its cause |
Additional Features | |
Scheduling (EACH ) |
Schedules scan tasks to be repeated after a predefined amount of time |
Output analysis (WITH ) |
Port, service banner detection, basic keyword search |
Special keywords | Usage of advanced nmap options with special keywords without requiring further configuration |
To counteract the lack of robustness due to no early type error detection, there are several research lines that developed solutions to statically detect type errors in dynamic languages [20], or when using dynamic metaprogram-ming features of statically-typed languages [21,22], without losing flexibility. All of them increased program robustness by enabling early detection of type errors in dynamically typed scenarios. We followed the same approach, enabling static type checking of the parameter types of nmap
options, along with a series of static semantic validations of the values of these types. Table 1 summarizes the types of validations NMapDSL performs and enumerates the described additional features.
This way, the current implementation of NMapDSL validates the syntax of all nmap
options: usage of malformed, misspelled or non-existing options will be reported. It also detects wrong types in their parameter values. Semantic errors, like incompatible options and IPs outside scanning ranges, are also detected and reported (see Figure 10). Warnings are also used; for example, when specifying unreachable IPs or DNS names, as the machine used to create the script may not be the same running it. Each error is reported providing a detailed explanation and its location (line and column). NMapDSL will only translate to a target scripting language those programs without errors. This way, the resulting scan tasks are less prone to have errors than manually configured ones, as NMapDSL offers its users a great range of early error validations. This is also useful in security courses, as the detected error information will be valuable to learn how to use nmap
Figure 10 Output examples of script generated with NMapDSL.
Regarding NSE scripts validation, every script has its own parameters and acceptable value types. Unfortunately, this information is not properly documented for our needs. Script descriptions may be extracted from its source code (parsing description
entries), and parameter names are usually documented via @args
or @arg
tags. However, parameter documentation is frequently incomplete, and there is no syntax to specify which are mandatory or its expected type. For this reason, NTrans includes a special folder script_info
that contains JSON files specifying this information. This way, if we use the dns-zone-transfer
script and a dns-zone-transfer.json
file is present in this directory, NTrans will load the file to read what parameters are mandatory
and its expected type (integer, string, url...
). If the corresponding .json
file do not exist, the script source code will be parsed, and a warning will be thrown if an undocumented parameter is used (scripts could leave some of their accepted parameters undocumented). This way, we use the available information without compromising scan flexibility, also enabling a mechanism to provide robust script validation without modifying the script source code. The initial version of NTrans is supplied with some .json
files corresponding to standard NSE scripts as examples.
As shown in Table 1, additionally to syntax, multiple semantic conditions are also checked. These are the most important ones:
SCAN: nmap
option syntax (either manually written or extracted from named scan profiles) is checked, throwing errors if they are malformed or the parameter types are invalid (see Figure 10).ON:
an error is thrown if an invalid IP, DNS name or CIDR is specified. Additionally, a warning is reported if their syntax is correct, but it cannot be resolved through a DNS query during the translation process. This could be caused by a temporary network outage or because only the scanning machine has access to these targets (hence issuing a warning) but helps to mitigate potential script creation errors. The same type of validation is done every time an IP, CIDR or DNS is used, such as in the nmap
command-line options of the SCAN block.EACH:
warns when using time units higher than 1000, considering that it is way too much time for a periodic task regardless its time unit. Only unsigned integer types are accepted.NOTIFY:
if an email is specified, an error is thrown if the address does not comply with the email Internet Message Format RFC2822 Standard [23], using the validators of the Apache Commons project8. The existence of the email domain is also checked, although only a warning is reported if not found for the same reasons we did with IPs or DNS names. If a file is specified, its path is checked, and a warning is issued if the specified file will be overwritten, again considering that the scanning machine might be different than the script creation one.WITH:
validation of IPs and DNS names is identical to the described in the ON
block. Port numbers are forced to be unsigned integers in the 1..65536 range. Additionally, coherency is checked between the targets specified in the ON block and the ones present in the WITH
block. For example, if a CIDR is specified in the ON part, and IP addresses are used in the WITH
block, every IP is checked to be within the CIDR range. Moreover, if the ON block uses a DNS name and the WITH
block uses an IP (or vice versa), both are checked to see it they match.Some of these conditions can only be checked if a net connection is available in the machine running NTrans
, giving a warning otherwise. Validation result examples can be shown on Figure 10 (part 1).
NMapDSL architecture is also represented on Figure 5 (part 2). The first step is to automatically generate the language parser by creating an ANTLR grammar [24] (NMAPDSL.g4
file in Figure 5) composed by several sections (see Figure 8), using the ANTLR features to automatically generate an adequate parser:
command-line option, grouped according to the classification used in NMapGUI and the nmap
help description.Once the parser is generated (Parser
package), all the translation process is controlled by the NTrans program (NTransMain
class), that validates its options and reads the DSL program source file. If all is correct, it parses the script using the generated parser, configuring an ErrorListener
package) to report possible errors. If program parsing is correct, it selects a target scripting language (depending on the one specified in NTransMain
options) and runs its corresponding code generator (Codegen
package, see Figure 5). Code generation triggers two validation processes:
class), or locating and enforcing the parameter type rules associated to a NSE script (ScriptValidation
class, see Section 3.2) among others. All the classes modeling these validation rules belong to the Validation
package, and use the features present in the subpackage Validators
, as shown in Figure 5, part 2.Semantics
package contains a series of validators, all deriving from the BaseSemanticValidator
class. These check the semantic rules of the program entities shown in Table 1. For example, the ValidScanTechnique
class checks that no incompatible options are used in a configured scan like, for example, more than one TCP scan technique. Reachability of CIDRs, DNS, and IPs, and compliance of the specified targets with the network range of targets to be scanned are also checked with classes of this package. Other validations performed by classes in this package include scheduling time limits, email domain, and provider configuration (if notifications via email are used), paths of input and output files, valid port numbers, ranges, named scan profiles and NSE scripts. All these classes give the precise location (line and column) of the located errors or warnings within the source code (see Figure 10). The Semantics
and Validation
packages can also be accessed from NMapGUI to reuse the same validations.Once this validation phase is complete, the detected errors are displayed (see Figure 10). If no error was detected, NTrans
proceeds to write the output program with the modeled scan task in the desired target scripting language. To do that, we use several classes belonging to the Codegen
package (see Figure 5), taking advantage that every nmap
option has its own entry in the language Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and, therefore, they can be treated individually if used in a program.
First, two additional visitors are used to extract information from the parser-generated AST tree. The first, VisitorScanData
, collects information about the values of the different nmap
options that are going to be used in the scan task. The second, VisitorOptionsInfo
, gathers detailed information about the used options. The purpose of this second visitor is to provide users with precise details about the activities of the scan task if it is run in verbose mode, so they can be useful in learning environments or to have a precise log of the performed activities. Both visitors are the same to all target languages, as they gather information in a language-agnostic way, placing all the information in the SourceGenerationData
class. An example of this detailed information is shown in Figure 10, part 2.
Finally, to generate code in the target scripting language, a class derived from the CodeGenerator
interface is loaded in the corresponding target language package, and its generateCode
method is called. This method loads a script model with the code of common functions to any generated task that is created for each target language (in Python it is called
). Then, joins it with the data gathered from the two mentioned visitors. Finally, code templates of different processing functions in the target scripting language syntax are added to finish the generated scan task, thanks to helper classes placed in the same package, and loaded from this main code generation class.
Figure 9 shows sample programs of the current specification of NMapDSL. Program 1 contains most of the scheduling shown on Figure 4: a subnet is monitored every two days to check opened ports on certain machines and ensuring that no machine reports Windows or Nginx installed. In a real scenario, this may detect unwanted servers or rogue machines. Program 2 scans the machine and ensures that a list of expected port and service names is strictly observed. In a real scenario, not fulfilling this might mean that the machine has been compromised. Finally, program 3 just checks a network for a series of machines. Extra ones in the list may warn about rogue or unwanted machines (an old server is accidentally brought up) in a network. Less machines may also indicate that a server has failed or have been misconfigured and unable to run, detecting outages.
Figure 10 (part 2) shows the typical output of scripts translated by NTrans
and examples of errors detected by NMapDSL
(part 1). Apart from the syntax errors, the error output of using illegal port numbers (3) or incoherent/unreachable IPs (5) we mentioned in Subsection 3.2 are shown. Additionally, usage of incompatible options is also detected (4), as nmap
cannot use multiple scan techniques in a single scan. Figure 10 (part 2) also shows the step by step detailed information provided by translated scripts about the purpose of every option and NSE script we mentioned, apart from the nmap
raw output. All these features answer research questions that were described in Section 1.
We released a preview version of NMapGUI implementing most of the described functionality to obtain feedback from the community. This preview version still lacks support to create or load named scan profiles, although the file format is defined and supported by the current release of NMapDSL. It does not integrate yet the DSL validation capabilities for nmap
options and values we saw in the previous section, although the DSL do implement them. Finally, the scheduling interface is under construction, and therefore not available in the main scan screen yet.
Several security-related websites made articles reviewing this initial release of NMapGUI [25–30]. Reviews praise the interface design and capabilities, especially the ability to supervise parallel commands and the integrated information about nmap
options and NSE scripts. Main concern about NMapGUI has been the potential security problems that may occur if a malicious user accesses the interface from an external machine, using the scanning machine as a pivot to access other networks. This is the reason why we decided to restrict connections to the GUI to localhost
User feedback obtained from social networks also shows a positive reaction, praising NMapGUI features. However, some users state that nmap
should only be used manually as a command-line tool due to their complexity and number of options, as a GUI could not capture its complexity. However, mastering nmap
is difficult precisely because its flexibility and complexity, hence the motivation of creating NMapGUI to lower it. Advanced users can manually modify nmap
commands in NMapGUI if they wish to do so. This way, they can take advantage of the GUI features while being in full control of the command structure, as they requested. Additionally, for users that just use command-line tools, using only NMapGUI to create NMapDSL auditing tasks is a valid alternative.
A group of users that have reviewed the product also questions the need of a new GUI, as an official one exists. NMapGUI is an alternative to the official one, designed to try to solve its deficiencies and increase user productivity in on-demand scan scenarios. When creating NMapGUI, we primarily target occasional users, students or users with limited nmap
experience. We think that this GUI facilitates learning how to use nmap
and provides adequate and more efficient ways to explore the different possibilities of the tool. Rawsec’s Cybersecurity Inventory has added NMapGUI as one of their recommended tools, so it can be easily found by more security professionals [31].
Finally, we also used the issue tracker of the NMapGUI GitHub repository to collect feedback and feature requests from users. For example, there is a feature request to load a scan configuration from a text file that will be implemented once NMapDSL and NMapGUI are fully integrated, loading DSL programs into the GUI. A couple of minor visual enhancements have also been requested and are being implemented, like animation and menu improvements, scrollable titles, internationalization, and further information in the tooltips. Another two very interesting requested features are command cancellation and option incompatibility detection. The latter will be available when both products are finally integrated, as this kind of early validation is implemented in NMapDSL (see Section 3.2).
We are planning to use these tools in higher education security-related courses, along with other complementary tools [32, 33]. First users will be students from different courses of the School of Computer Engineering of the University of Oviedo [34]. The Computer Security (BsC of Software Engineering), the Web Security Systems, and Web Server Administration [35, 36] (MsC and Doctorate in Web Engineering) courses are the first candidates. Next, courses of the infrastructure module of the future Master on Cybersecurity in Software Engineering (also from the same school) will also use them to perform infrastructure auditing tasks.
The purpose of applying our tools to education is twofold: facilitate the usage of nmap
as part of their contents and perform an initial systematic validation of our research. We have generally positive evaluation of experts in the field and incorporated our experience on increasing the robustness of dynamically typed languages to improve error detection on audit task creation. However, we did not perform a systematic validation of the tools yet. For this reason, we will describe the plan we established to evaluate our research in the future through the mentioned courses, so we can study its application in one of its intended usage contexts.
As the first author of this paper is the head teacher of several security-related courses, using their students will facilitate the implementation of the systematic validation we are going to describe. This way, we can easily create groups of students, control the interaction they have with different tools, and facilitate data collection and analysis using the online platform that our university provides. Doing this with security experts is not currently possible in our scenario. However, as described in Section 4, feedback from these users was used in a previous stage to improve the tool once released.
As our goal is to improve the productivity of nmap
security audits, we will systematically validate our research with use case studies [37]. They were chosen because the audit processes could only be assessed at a high level of abstraction, as they can be very complex and variable depending on its goal. To do a use-case driven systematic evaluation, we will ask several student groups to perform certain audit tasks of the same difficulty level both with nmap
and with our tools. Users with no previous experience with nmap
will be chosen among BsC students (most of them should be), while students with average audit experience will be selected upon the MsC courses, as they received a previous introductory security course. In the first case, an introductory lesson about nmap
goals, basic operation, and examples will be given, to provide the students enough materials to a successful start. Once all is set up, the proposed systematic validation procedure will follow these steps:
usage. Use cases will be divided in two main groups: creating audit tasks with realistic purposes from scratch and solving problems on supplied audit tasks with known errors. For example, we can ask students to guess the web server versions installed into machines present in a custom local network (this can be easily simulated with Docker using little resources).nmap
default guessing techniques. This way, the proper NSE scripts have to be used to obtain more information from targets, and therefore a correct answer. This audit task example is realistic and require the execution of multiple steps. Therefore, students must check different sets of nmap
parameters and scan modes, apply them, analyze its output and use it as the input of the next step. This requires practicing or acquiring more knowledge of the tool while they work towards the result, and some amount of experimentation using on-demand scans, so it fits with NMapGUI design approach.nmap
, and the other half will do the same with our tools. This is to prevent that the acquired experience with a tool influences the results of doing the same things with the other: users in a certain group will always work with the same tools to finish an audit task set.nmap
should create its own scripts for it, requiring additional knowledge about operating systems or programming languages.nmap
. Extra care should be taken to measure it, so we can correctly analyze the performance of the tools.The work described in this paper enables users with different experience levels to make better use of the nmap
security auditing capabilities with less effort. NMapGUI is a web application that improves the official nmap
GUI solving the shortcomings we identified. It gives users structured and immediate access to all nmap
features, facilitating performing on-demand scans without requiring creating a custom scan profile. Its design approach encourages users to create scan profiles once their options have been tested, so it is easier to share or reuse tried and tested configurations. Additionally, it uses these profiles as a base to allow scan scheduling, output analysis, and usage of advanced capabilities without requiring a deep study of nmap
NMapDSL is a domain specific language created to develop robust, advanced and portable scanning tasks easier, following the approach implemented by DSLs of popular infrastructure-as-code products. The language supports common useful nmap
features via keywords, facilitating its usage even without a GUI. This language also incorporates early error validation of scripts, covering critical areas of the scanning process. This way, the probability of generating scan tasks that fail at runtime decreases. Error location is reported precisely, and detailed descriptions of errors facilitates task debugging. The detailed information displayed by translated scripts about its purpose is also a valuable learning, debugging and logging tool, as the user knows exactly what it is running. Also, modeling robust scan tasks in a simple DSL eases sharing them between systems or users with different skill levels, which also is a valuable tool to use in security courses. We believe that our work may increase the productivity of nmap
users, ease the design of auditing tasks, the analysis of their results, and enable some user types, like students, to better understand and effectively use the wide set of capabilities of this highly popular security tool.
In a future iteration of NMapGUI we are considering adding more options to the interface, such as enhanced reporting options, one-click scan to intermediate nodes in the interactive node graph with the same scan profile as the target one, and ways to compare scan results performed to the same machine. Additionally, as we said in Section 2.3, more work using UI patterns to improve the usability of our GUI can be done [16]. For example, the scheduling part (see Figure 4) can be enhanced using the Rule Builder pattern to create search queries based on several conditions, especially when the output analysis feature acquires more functionality in the future. Shortcut Dropdown UI pattern can also be applied to dropdowns in the same screen. Navigation through the whole application can also be improved via the Keyboard Shortcuts, Breadcrumbs, and Adaptable View UI patterns, while validation of audit tasks can be easily integrated within the GUI thanks to the Input Feedback design pattern. Finally, we also plan NMapGUI to achieve the AA rating according the WAI standards [38], including checking background and foreground color contrast.
The next evolution of NMapDSL will expand language possibilities by enabling generated scripts to automatically calculate a security rating of each scanned target. This will be done extracting each service type and version information, using the cve-search
project features [39] to search for corresponding CVEs (Common Vulnerability Exposures) containing vulnerabilities of the products found. This way, the users will have immediate feedback about the vulnerability of each scanned machine, also integrating the features of the CVE-Scan
[40] project. This can also be used to prioritize the machines or infrastructure parts with more critical problems to implement corrective actions. We are also exploring the possibility of applying DSLs with early validation of type errors to lower the complexity or other similar security tools, to incorporate new keywords that further facilitate the usage of advanced nmap
scan options, and to use Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) [41] in the WITH
block. Additionally, we will implement the proposed systematic validation procedure described in Section 4.1 in the mentioned security-related courses.
Future work will also aim apply the same approach followed in this research to enable early validation in DSLs of common infrastructure-as-code products. Beginning with Docker, we plan to create a special parser of the DSL used in its Dockerfiles
that provides early validation of their elements. This way, we intend to identify missing Docker images, external files, packages to install or, in general, things that may cause conflicts while executing the program or build invalid containers. The aim will be to run the actual docker
process only over parsed and error-free Dockerfiles
, attempting to reduce runtime problems. If the file contains errors, a detailed output of the problems found, similar to the output provided by NMapDSL, will be provided without deploying any infrastructure.
The current version of NMapGUI can be downloaded from At the date of writing this paper, the project has earned 249 GitHub stars, 75 users have cloned it in their own GitHub account, and 26 have subscribed to project updates and notifications. An alpha version of the NTrans translation tool, able to output Python language scripts (versions 2 and 3, also compatible with PyPy 2 and 3), can be downloaded from This distribution also includes the full source code, tests, ANTLR [24] grammar, documentation, and sample scripts. Once the DSL is finished, both projects will merge into a single product.
This section describes other products whose aim is also to facilitate working with nmap
, trying to solve shortcomings like the ones described in Section 1. The focus of these products varies, trying to improve different functionalities or features needed during an audit task. Some aim for simplicity, while others favor on-demand scans the same way NMapGUI does. Regarding features, there are alternatives that focus on facilitate reporting (the final goal of every audit activity) or also implement additional features that NMapGUI also has, like scan scheduling. There are solutions that even allow management of users and groups, to give different scanning rights to people in a company. The main advantages of NMapGUI and NMapDSL over the alternative solutions are:
options and installed NSE scripts, providing substantial usage information.Regarding the concrete related work of our research, additionally to the nmap
official GUI (Zenmap [12]), which is an evolution of a previous GUI (NMapFE), there are several desktop-based projects that created a nmap
GUI to facilitate its usage to inexperienced users or increase their productivity. Nmap GUI [42] simplifies performing simple scanning tasks by just specifying a target a scan profile, like the Zenmap approach. It also mimics the nmap
output and allows the organization of scans using timestamps.
NMapWin [43] is another GUI with similar capabilities, although aimed only to Win32
platforms, with an outdated interface and no longer maintained by their authors. A more advanced GUI for nmap
is NmapSi4 [44], that targets the Qt library. This GUI also favors on-demand scans by offering a series of options to use nmap
in an organized way, grouping the different capabilities of the tool in a set of sections, like the approach of NMapGUI. Another similar GUI is NMapW [45], a Windows tool that organizes the main nmap
options in a category tree like the one we used in NMapGUI, but do not have explicit support for NSE scripts. It also allows users to store different scan configurations.
There are also web-based GUIs for nmap
. WMap [46] allows the user to execute a limited set of common nmap
commands easily, listing them along with information about its expected output. Additionally, Nmap-webgui [47], currently under development, is a project that aims to give users advanced capabilities to handle nmap
scans, like scan scheduling, comparison of results using diff
, and review of scan results.
The nmap-cgi [48] web GUI allows the usage of typical nmap
options (scan IPs, subnets, OS detection. . . ) through a very clear and simple interface. It incorporates user and group management, so it can assign different rights over individual nmap
options to them. It also incorporates three types of scans (single, scheduled and periodic) and exportable output format in XML. Another example is WebMap [49], a Django nmap
web interface currently under development with several features like NMapGUI, such as the traceroute
graph. It imports and parses nmap
XML generated files instead of working with its raw output, and allows to run and schedule auditing tasks from its dashboard, with a focus on reporting features and interacting with external applications. It does not provide the same degree of information than NMapGUI about nmap
options and scripts to maximize its usage potential in on-demand scans, and requires Docker installed to run.
We can also find GUIs for nmap
targeting Android devices. Examples are nmap-gui [50], Cydia Tweak Nmap GUI [51] and the lightweight pentesting tool Lightpen [33] that, although it does not allow to directly control nmap
options, it could execute some of its most common scan types as part of its future plugins.
Finally, the nmap
tool itself is also an integral part of more powerful and popular pentesting tools such as OpenVAS [52], Metasploit [53] or the IVRE Network Scanning and Analysis tool [54]. However, the complexity of these tools abstracts the usage of nmap
within the pentesting processes they perform, so users have no direct control over every specific nmap
option that it is used.
This work has been funded by the Spanish Department of Science, Innovation and Universities: project RTI2018-099235-B-I00.
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Jose Manuel Redondo is an Assistant Professor in the University of Oviedo, Spain since November 2003. Received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in computer engineering from the same university in 2000, 2002, and 2007, respectively. He participated in various research projects funded by Microsoft Research and the Spanish Department of Science and Innovation. He has authored three books and over 20 articles. His research interests include dynamic languages, computational reflection, and computer security.
Daniel Cuesta is a Computer Network Attack (CNA) consultant in S2Grupo (Valencia, Spain). He has worked as a security consultant in CapGemini Spain and is also a SecurityArtWork Collaborator. We will receive his B.Sc. in computer engineering from the University of Oviedo (Spain) in 2020. His main research interests focus in vulnerability discovery and assessment, along with other projects related with computer security.
Journal of Web Engineering, Vol. 18_7, 539-578.
doi: 10.13052/jwe1540-9589.1871
©2019 River Publishers
2.1 Shortcomings of the Official GUI
2.1.1 No information about individual options for on-demand scans
2.1.2 Limited support of NSE scripts
2.1.3 Limited support of parallel scan tasks
2.1.4 No scan scheduling or result analysis support
2.2 Main NMapGUI Design Features
2.2.1 Favor on-demand scans and experimentation
2.2.3 Parallel execution of scanning processes
2.2.4 Scan scheduling and anomaly reporting
3.4 Scripts Samples and Output