Methodological Framework for the Quantification of GHG Emission Reductions from Climate Change Mitigation Actions


  • Ioannis Sebos School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, 9 Heroon Polytechniou Street, 15780, Zografou, Greece
  • Athena G. Progiou Physicist D.E.A., AXON Enviro-Group Ltd., 18 Troias str., 11257 Athens, Greece
  • Leonidas Kallinikos School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, 9 Heroon Polytechniou Street, 15780, Zografou, Greece



Climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, mitigation actions, assessment of the effect of policies and measures


The quantification of the effect of climate change mitigation actions is a
very useful exercise that can be used to meet a variety of objectives, such as
informing policy design, enhancing policy implementation, assessing policy
effectiveness, justifying budget allocation, and attracting climate finance. It
is also a reporting requirement according to the reporting framework of the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and
the Monitoring Mechanism Regulation of the European Union (EU) about
climate change relevant information. However, the reporting of emissions
savings associated to mitigation actions by EU Member States is not com-
plete, according to recent technical reports of the European Environmental
Agency. The purpose of this paper is to present a methodological framework
that can be used to quantify the effect (i.e. emission reductions) of the
mitigation actions. It is based on comprehensive and transparent models and
formulas that could be easily tracked and reproduced. The proposed frame-
work could be easily applied by EU Member States, but also by other non-EUcountries, to enhance the reporting of climate change related information
to European Commission and UN bodies. By applying the methodological
framework for Greece, as a case study, it was possible to estimate the effect
of implemented policies and measures for historical years (ex-post analysis),
but also to estimate the projected effect (ex-ante analysis) of implemented,
adopted and planned policies for future years (e.g. 2030).


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Author Biographies

Ioannis Sebos, School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, 9 Heroon Polytechniou Street, 15780, Zografou, Greece

Ioannis Sebos (or Sempos) works as a Teaching and Research Associate
at National Technical University (NTUA). He also serves as the scientific
responsible and coordinator of the Greenhouse Gas Inventory System of
Greece. He is a Lead Reviewer of UNFCCC and EEA/EC. He is also a
lecturer at the Master Program “Applied Policies and Techniques for the
Protection of Environment” of the University of West Attica and adjunct
professor at Master Program “Environmental Design” of the Hellenic Open
University. Furthermore, he has participated in many technical projects deal-
ing with: inventories of gaseous emissions, solid and liquid waste, renewable
energy, climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies and policies,
industrial risk assessment and land use planning, etc. He has more than 5
years working experience in various industries, including cement industry,
construction industry, third party logistics, etc. He is also an Assessor for
Certification Bodies of Quality Management, Safety and Environmental Sys-
tems of the Hellenic Association System (ESYD). He is the author of more
than 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals and/or presentations in scientific

Athena G. Progiou, Physicist D.E.A., AXON Enviro-Group Ltd., 18 Troias str., 11257 Athens, Greece

Athena G. Progiou has studied Physics and possesses a D.E.A. in Chemistry
of the Atmospheric Pollution and Environmental Physics and a PhD in the
field of environmental engineering. She has an important experience through
her participation in more than 100 environmental national and European
projects with emphasis on atmospheric pollution and climate change. She
was evaluator for the 7th Framework Program and for the Horizon 2020
Program proposals, monitor for Horizon projects as well as reviewer in
scientific journals in the fields of her expertise. She has 50 publications in peer
reviewed journals and conferences. Currently, she is the coordinator of the
EU project “Integrated approach for exposure and health effects monitoring
of engineered nanomaterials in workplaces and urban areas”.

Leonidas Kallinikos, School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, 9 Heroon Polytechniou Street, 15780, Zografou, Greece

Leonidas Kallinikos is a key member of the NTUA Team that runs the
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory System. He has thirteen years of pro-
fessional experience in scientific projects related to energy, environment
and emissions from agriculture and waste sectors. Moreover, he has par-
ticipated in several projects as a process engineer carrying out activities
related to detailed design works, front end design, debottlenecking, process
and feasibility studies for several refineries and other big chemical facto-
ries. He has extensive technical experience in data management, emission estimation and development of mathematical simulation models using vari-
ous programming languages and relevant software. He has 11 publications in
peer-reviewed international journals, while his Phd thesis was awarded as the
best experimental doctoral thesis of the School of Chemical Engineering –
NTUA for 2010 (“Stamos Stournas” Award).


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How to Cite

Sebos, I. ., Progiou, A. G. ., & Kallinikos, L. . (2023). Methodological Framework for the Quantification of GHG Emission Reductions from Climate Change Mitigation Actions . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 39(3-4), 219–242.




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