Financial Development, CO2 Emissions, Fossil Fuel Consumption and Economic Growth: The Case of Turkey


  • Dr. Korhan Gokmenoglu Ph.D. Mohammadesmaeil Sadeghieh


Many past studies have explored the relationships between income
and CO2 emissions; however, most have not covered the possible effects
of financial indicators on their frameworks. This study investigates the
relationships between financial development and environmental deg -
radation in Turkey from 1960 to 2011 using a multivariate framework
that focuses on economic growth and fuel consumption as additional
determinants of environmental degradation. Because a unit root test
indicated that data were not stationary, the Johansen co-integration test
was applied, revealing that the variables under investigation are co-
integrated in the long run. After establishing the long-run relationship
between variables, error correction modeling identified the long-run
and short-run coefficients of the variables. The findings show that in the
long-run, economic growth has negative and significant effect on car -
bon emissions (-0.069) while fuel consumption has positive and elastic
impact on carbon emissions (2.82). Therefore, the error correction term
implies that CO2 moves to its long-run equilibrium level at a speed of
adjustment of 16.97% by the contributions of gross domestic product
(GDP), fossil fuel consumption and financial development.


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Author Biography

Dr. Korhan Gokmenoglu, Ph.D. Mohammadesmaeil Sadeghieh

Dr. Korhan Gokmenoglu is an associate professor in the depart-
ment of banking and finance of Eastern Mediterranean University. He
has attended various universities as a student or scholar including
Middle East Technical University (Turkey), Brandeis University (U.S.),
ESSEC (France), University of California San Diego (U.S.). His Ph.D.
is in the field of macroeconomics. He has published many papers in
international journals on energy economics. His fields of interest are en -
vironmental degradation, renewable energy, energy policy, and energy-
growth nexus. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Gokmenoglu, D. K. . (2019). Financial Development, CO2 Emissions, Fossil Fuel Consumption and Economic Growth: The Case of Turkey. Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 38(4), 7–28. Retrieved from


