Evaporative Passive Cooling Designs For Buildings


  • Dr. Zeynab Emdadi
  • Dr. Ali Maleki
  • Dr. Nilofar Asim
  • Dr. Mojtaba Azizi


Building energy consumption will likely increase in the future due
to enhanced living standards and greater use of air-conditioning. This
article reviews the technologies associated with evaporative passive
cooling including roof surface evaporative cooling, evaporative cooling
walls, and downdraft evaporative cooling in buildings. Our intent is to
attract architects and building engineers to the energy-saving benefits of
incorporating passive evaporative cooling in building designs.


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Author Biographies

Dr. Zeynab Emdadi

Dr. Zeynab Emdadi obtained her bachelor of science degree in
applied chemistry from Azad University of Iran in 2004 and a master of
science in organic chemistry from the K.N. Toosi University of Technol-
ogy Department of Chemistry (Iran) in 2008. Her Ph.D. in renewable
energy is from the National University of Malaysia. She is the corre-
sponding author for this article and a post-doctorate researcher at Iran
University of Science and Technology. Email: emdadi58@gmail.com.

Dr. Ali Maleki

Dr. Ali Maleki received a Ph.D. in chemistry from the Shahid
Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran in 2009. He has more than 200 journal
publications. He is currently an associate professor at the Iran Univer-
sity of Science and Technology. His awards include the 2016 IUPAC-
CHEMRAWN VII prize for green chemistry; Distinguished Researcher
of IUST (2013); Distinguished Teacher in Chemistry of IUST (2013).
Since 2012 he has been an editorial board member of Current Chemistry
Letters. Email: maleki@iust.ac.ir.

Dr. Nilofar Asim

Dr. Nilofar Asim obtained her bachelor of science in applied
chemistry, master of science in inorganic chemistry from Tehran Uni-versity and a Ph.D. in materials science from the National University
of Malaysia (Malaysia). She is presently working at the Solar Energy
Research Institute, Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia as an associate
professor. Asim’s main contributions are in synthesis of nanomaterials
(metal oxide and composite), photocatalysts, inorganic polymers and
agriculture waste materials modification for new applications. She has
published 60 research papers. Email: nilofarasim@ukm.edu.my.

Dr. Mojtaba Azizi

Dr. Mojtaba Azizi received a master’s degree in the field of or -
ganic chemistry from K.N. Toosi University of Technology in 2008. He
obtained a Ph.D. in 2017 in organic chemistry at the Iran University
of Science and Technology. He is an assistant professor at Department
of Chemistry of Malek Ashtar University of Technology. His research
areas include synthesis of thermally stable polymers, nanochemistry
(nanocatalyst, nanocomposite based on organic-, inorganic- and bio-
polymers), phytochemistry, synthesis of organic compounds, heterocy-
clic and biology active molecules. Email: azizi.kntu@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Emdadi, D. Z. ., Maleki, D. A. ., Asim, D. N. ., & Azizi, D. M. . (2023). Evaporative Passive Cooling Designs For Buildings . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 38(4), 63–80. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/SPEE/article/view/19495


