Promoting Energy Efficiency in an Emerging Market: Insights and Intervention Strategies
Promoting energy efficiency and conservation is an urgent im -
perative in responding to the need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions,
particularly in emerging markets. This article provides insights into
factors that may enhance or impede the purchase of energy-efficient
household appliances in Vietnam. It also suggests intervention strate-
gies to enhance the motivators and mitigate the barriers associated with
energy-efficient appliance purchases. Data were collected from shop -
pers in popular electronics and appliance stores. The findings reveal
that consumer purchasing behaviors are motivated by long-term sav-
ings, environmental protection, social influence, green self-identity and
innovative technologies. Major barriers include lack of information, low
level of credibility of energy rating labels, high prices, time consump-
tion and limited product range.
This article is of interest to policy-makers, social-environmental
organizations, manufacturers and retailers in the development of more
effective strategies for promoting energy efficiency and conservation. It
extends current knowledge about environmentally responsible behav-
ior in emerging markets such as Vietnam.
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