Energy Performance Contracting by Public Housing Authorities


  • Peter Funk


This article provides an overview of the legal and contractual
considerations for certain performance contracts for energy conserva-
tion and on-site energy generation projects for public housing authority
(PHA) facilities. It focuses on the importance of achieving an effective
and comprehensive energy audit agreement as an initial step in the pro-
cess. It considers U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) requirements together with construction, financing and guaran-
tee considerations.


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Author Biography

Peter Funk

Peter Funk is a partner in the law firm of Funk & Zeifer LLP in New
York City. He has an extensive background in unregulated and regulated
electricity and gas. He advises private and public clients with regard to
energy matters. His public entity representations include public housing
authorities, municipalities, school districts, hospitals and others regard-
ing energy conservation, management and on-site generation projects
together with energy procurement. His private energy sector represen-
tations have included energy services companies, developers and end-
users together with gas and electric utilities. His experience includes in-
terconnection, transmission and distribution concerns, data centers, solar
power, landfill gas or animal waste bio-methane, cogeneration, energy
efficiency, conservation projects, demand-side management, and energy-
related financing. He has represented interveners in utility rate cases and
customers seeking to resolve disputes with utilities.
Peter is a member of the American, New York State, and New York
City bar associations. He graduated from Boston University School of
Law. He is a member of the Energy Committee of the New York City Bar
Association, the technical advisory board of Mission Critical Magazine,
and an associate member of the AEE. He has received a “Green Team”
award from the New York Association of Realty Managers. Email: peter.


Securities and Exchange Commission (2013, September 20). 17 C.F.R Parts 200, 240

+ 249., pages 226-7.




How to Cite

Funk, P. . (2023). Energy Performance Contracting by Public Housing Authorities . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 38(1), 72–79. Retrieved from


