Need an Energy Efficient Cagket?
Kiln drying lumber is an energy intensive process. Although ther-
mal energy represents the majority of the process energy consumed,
electrical energy is required to maintain air flow through the lumber.
The volume of air flow needed for drying depends on a number of fac-
tors including the type of wood used and its moisture content. Greater
moisture content consumes more energy. Air flow requirements decline
during the production cycle as the lumber's moisture content decreases.
This is particularly true with hardwoods such as oak.
This article provides a case study that validates electrical energy
savings from the recent installation of five new kilns. The addition of
variable frequency drives on twenty-five fan motors at the Matthews
Casket Company's manufacturing facility improved process energy ef-
Bergman, R. (2010). Drying and control of moisture content. Wood Handbook,
Wood as an Engineering Material. Forest products laboratory technical report,
chapter 14, FPL-GTR-190. Madison, Wisconsin: U.S. Department of Agriculture.