Renewable Energy Potentials in the Administrative Regions of Hungary
The purpose of the national “Energy map (E-map)” project (KEOP
7.9.0/12-2013-0017) was to create an interactive energy map for Hun-
gary to serve as the basis for financial resource use planning and
implementation from 2014 to 2020. The map incorporated all available
regional energy data in sectoral components, using statistical databases
and graphical information system (GIS) methodologies.
This article introduces the methodology and selected results of the
evaluation process. In the first part, definitions of theoretical, technolog-
ical and economic potentials of renewable energy sources are created,
using the National Renewable Action Plan of Hungary. The assessment
considers hydropower, wind energy, solar, geothermal and biomass
energy potentials. It discusses how the regional potential of each energy
source was determined, using available databases. The second part of
the article provides an overview of the results. Finally, we offer an up-
date on recent renewable energy policy changes that have occurred in
National Renewable Energy Utilisation Plan of Hungary 2010-2020 (2011). In
Hungarian: Magyarország megújuló energia hasznosítási nemzeti cselekvési terve
-2020. Ministry of National Development.
Delegation for the National Renewable Energy Action Plan, Volumes A-H (2009).
In Hangarian: Nemzeti Megújuló Energiahasznosítási Cselekvési Terv háttértanul-
mánya, A-H kötetek, Pylon Kft.
Comparison of renewable energy based energy generation technologies, based on
economic and environmental aspects (2014). In Hungarian: Megújuló energiafor-
rást fölhasználó energiafejlesztési technológiák gazdasági és környezeti szempon-
tok alapján történő összehasonlítása. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for
Energy Research.
Renewable energy potential assessment methodologies (2015). In Hungarian:
Megújuló energiapotenciál felmérési módszertanok. Hungarian Academy of Sci-
ences, Centre for Energy Research.