Measuring the Performance of Sustainable Communities
Designing a community aligned with a sustainable development
framework should theoretically lead to sustainable performance mea-
surable by key performance indicators. These indicators can be qualita-
tive or quantitative and are used to evaluate and measure of progress.
However, perception is reality for stakeholders, as they readily ac-
cept that green designs will perform sustainably when constructed and
occupied. A 2008 study by the New Buildings Institute (NBI) revealed
that only 11% of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for
New Construction (LEED-NC) rated buildings were performing to their
modeled energy use intensity (annual energy consumption per ft2) [1].
This study led many to question the effectiveness of the LEED certifica-
tion process in creating high performance buildings.
The realization that design intent, modeling and certification did
not guarantee sustainable performance, spurred interest in monitoring
key performance indicators in buildings. The best building designs can
deliver unsustainable performance after occupancy for a number of rea-
sons. Despite this disconnect, few developments are actually measuring
and verifying performance to substantiate these claims. As seen with
individual sustainable buildings, the development industry claims sus-
tainable neighborhoods perform as designed and consumers do request
Turner, C. and Frankel, M. Energy performance of LEED for new construction
buildings, final report. New Buildings Institute.
(accessed 8 November 2013).
Birch, E., Lynch, A., Andreason, S., Eisenman, Robinson, J., and Steif, K. Mea-
suring U.S. sustainable urban development. Penn IUR white paper series on
sustainable urban development.
dia_items/measuring-u-s-sustainable-urban-development.original.pdf (accessed
November 2013).
Coleman, M. Building Performance Partnership: Post-LEED certification. Facilities
ship-PostLEED-Certification--12030 (accessed 17 November 2013).
Katz, Ashley. Buildings seeking LEED to provide performance data. USGBC.
Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment (accessed 8 November
BioRegional Development Group. BedZED monitoring summary. http://www.
monitoringsummary.pdf (accessed 7 November 2013).
Francis, M. (2002). Village Homes: A case study in community design. Landscape
Journal 21, No. 1: 23-41.
Carbon Buzz. (accessed 7 Novem-
ber 2013).