Production of Clean Energy from Cyanobacterial Biochemical Products
Photon Particle, Cyanobacteria, Biochemical Mechanism, Photo Bioreactor, and Clean Energy.Abstract
In this article, an improved technology to produce hydrogen
biologically will be discussed as a source of clean energy. The photo-
chemical reaction among photons, ultraviolet (UV) light, and cyano-
bacterial biomaterials in photobioreactors offer a unique methodology
for producing hydrogen energy. A photobioreactor is a bioreactor that
utilizes a light source to cultivate phototrophic microorganisms. Using
this technology, hydrogen production is significantly higher than any
other technology that has ever been used. This hydrogen evolution is
a product of the ultimate reaction of agitated photon electrons into the
cyanobacterial biomolecules, where hydrogenase enzymes function
as an active catalyst. The evolved hydrogen is then clarified using an
electronic semiconductor-based sensor gas chromatograph with the ef-
ficiency recorded using a computerized data acquisition (DAQ) system.
The results confirmed that this larger amount of hydrogen formation
could be an interesting source of clean energy production. It is sug-
gested that producing hydrogen using cyanobacteria could be a method
of meeting future global energy demand. The purpose of this article is
to describe this process and discuss its benefits.
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