Fueling Good: Planning Design and Program Management for Alternative Fuels
While petroleum-based fuels are expected to dominate supply in
the near future, the use of alternative fuels is projected to grow rapidly
over the next 30 years. Highlighted by an abundance of domestic natu-
ral gas and greater accessibility of electric drivetrains, alternative fuels
are enhancing the financial bottom-line of organizations while improv-
ing the environment and public health.
Alternative fuels are diverse and include ethanol, biodiesel, elec-
tricity, hydrogen, natural gas and propane. Each has a distinct business
case that can be applied successfully. Social and environmental benefits
vary and must be considered in context with regional and project-spe-
cific drivers. For example, natural gas and biodiesel can yield returns
on investment for large fleets of heavy-duty diesel vehicles. For smaller
fleets with a greater proportion of light- to medium-duty vehicles, pro -
pane improves performance. Electric vehicle technology is evolving
rapidly and is now well suited for fleets of passenger vehicles.
Businesses, private fleets, municipalities, transit authorities, air -
ports, and federal agencies all benefit from alternative fuels. Strategies
to harness the benefits include planning, design and program man -
agement. In this article, case studies of each approach are provided to
highlight best practices and potential lessons learned. Cases include: 1)
a regional planning process involving alternative fuels as a driver for
regional economic development; 2) a design process for a utility electric
vehicle charging program; and 3) a program management approach for
capturing public-private financing for design-build delivery of com -
pressed natural gas (CNG) fueling infrastructure
Energy Information Administration (2013). Alternative Fuel Vehicle Data.
Energy Information Administration (2014). International Energy Statistics.
Energy Information Administration (2013). Annual Energy Outlook 2013.
U.S. Department of Energy (2013). Clean Cities Alternative Fuels Price Report.
California Energy Commission (2007). Full Fuel Cycle Assessment Well to Tank Energy
Inputs, Emissions and Water Impacts.
U.S. Department of Energy (2010). Transportation Energy Data Book, 30th edition.
North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (2014). Alternative Fuels, Vehicle
and Infrastructure Master Plan. http://gis.rsandh.com/Transportation/AFVan-