Perspectives on Carbon Capture and Geologic Storage in the Indian Power Sector
India is a major developing country with ambitious developmen-
tal goals. Future development is expected to increase energy demands
and subsequently greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Carbon capture
and storage (CCS) is one of the GHG mitigation strategies that might
be adopted in this context. This article summarizes the scope of deploy-
ment of CCS in India’s power sector. It also offers perspectives with
regard to CO2 capture technologies vis-à-vis Indian power plants. The
potential geologic CO2 storage sites and their resulting storage capa-
bilities are discussed with references to the Indian research work being
This article reviews the scope of CO2 capture and storage in In-
dia’s power sector which is largely dominated by coal. It considers how
coal-based power generation is expected to rise in the near future, the
potential role of CCS, and various perspectives of capture and stor-
age strategies. This is followed by a discussion of the economic and
regulatory aspects of the CCS technology, the two largest non-technical
deterrents to implementing CCS. Finally, recommendations are offered
regarding improving CCS technologies and policies in India. The major
theme of this paper is CO2 capture from the power sector. Applications
in other sectors, such as the fertilizer industry are similar. The Jagdish-
pur fertilizer plant, as one example, has been performing CO2 capture
for a considerable time
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