The Human Side of RCx
Optimizing facility energy use requires more than technical so-
lutions to bring about and maintain change. The human component
of a building energy system not only affects on-going performance,
but can confound retro-commissioning (RCx) efforts if people are not
recognized as part of the energy system and included as part of the
operational solution. My colleagues and I have observed several human
challenges to RCx efforts that repeat: a building’s many stakeholders
often have competing motivations for their actions, they are working
with incomplete information, they communicate less than perfectly, and
they do not have routine procedures in place to retain savings. We have
utilized people processes to address these issues—establishing a broad
spectrum team, discussing objectives and priorities, building relation-
ships, facilitating communications, and assisting with the establishment
of new behaviors. The underlying issues, coupled with constructive
responses, will be discussed drawing on public sector RCx efforts. Field
experiences will be sprinkled in with generalized observations concern-
ing the human side of the physical-mechanical-human system.
ASHRAE. Guideline 0-2005: “The Commissioning Process,” 2005.
ASHRAE. Guideline 1.1-2007: “HVAC&R Technical Requirements for The Commission-
ing Process.” 2007.
Building Operator Certification.
California Commissioning Collaborative. “California Commissioning Guide: Existing
Buildings.” 2006.
Fournier, Donald F. “The Illinois Smart Energy Design Assistance Program.” Strategic
Planning for Energy and the Environment, Volume 30, Number 3 /Winter 2011.
Gazman, Olga. “Industry-based Skills standards for Building Operators—A Business
Case.” Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, Volume 32, Number 3 /
Winter 2013.
Scaramelli, Alfred B., and Robert Best. “No-cost/Low-cost Ideas to Reduce Energy Use
in Office Buildings.” Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, Number 1 /
Summer 2012.
Smart Energy Design Assistance Center,
University of Wisconsin, Department of Engineering Professional Development. “Com-
missioning Process for Existing Buildings.” Training class.
University of Wisconsin, Department of Engineering Professional Development. “Com-
missioning Process for Delivering Quality Constructed Projects.” Training class.
Vidmer, Kevin, “Implementing Behavioral Energy Change (BEC).” Strategic Planning for
Energy and the Environment, Volume 32, Number 1 /Summer 2012.
Zolkowski, Jerry and Gary Nichols. “Building Support for an Energy Management Sys -
tem.” Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, Volume 32, Number 3 /
Winter 2013