The ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard: What is it and how is it changing?


  • Michael Brown
  • Deann Desai


The adoption of the ISO 50001 energy management system stan-
dard by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) served
to unite the previously separate national standards and provide a struc-
tured, globally accepted approach to the management of energy. While
the standard has been implemented at over 1000 sites worldwide, re-
cently ISO decided that all their management system standards should
be revised by converting them to a uniform high-level structure. The
new structure will yield improved results and harmonize different man-
agement system standards implemented by an organization. This article
will examine the prominent features of an ISO management system,
discuss the anticipated changes and present the expected effects of the
revisions on implementing organizations


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Author Biographies

Michael Brown

Michael Brown is a project engineer with Georgia Tech’s Enterprise Innovation Institute.

Mr. Brown has more than 30 years of experience conducting energy assessments and analyses of alternative energy. He has also provided assistance and conducted training for sites implementing an energy management system standard. His interests include energy efficiency, alternative energy, measurement, analysis, and verification of energy savings and energy management.

Mr. Brown holds both a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Science in Management from Georgia Tech. He also earned a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University. He is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) and a Certified Energy Manager (CEM).

His email address is:

Deann Desai

Deann Desai is a project manager for Georgia Tech’s Enterprise Innovation Institute. She provides implementation assistance and training to companies pursuing ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Desai has experience in environmental compliance, policies, and regulatory affairs; quality systems; statistical process control; experimental design; and analytical and scientific techniques. She has assisted over 150 companies with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 implementations. Desai is an RABQSA-Certified Quality Management Systems Lead Auditor and an RABQSA-Certified Environmental Management Systems Lead Auditor.

Ms. Desai has M.S. degrees in Statistics and Polymers from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Georgia. She is a member of the American Society for Quality, American Management Association, and the American Chemical Society.

Her email address is:


Paul Scheihing, et al, “Superior Energy Performance :A Roadmap for Continual Im-

provement in Energy Efficiency,” Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment,

Vol. 32, No. 3, Winter 2013, Fairmont Press, Lilburn, GA




How to Cite

Brown, M. ., & Desai, D. . (2023). The ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard: What is it and how is it changing? . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 34(2), 16–25. Retrieved from


