Energy Perspective of Climate Change: The Case of Bangladesh
Energy systems, computer modeling, energy scenario, en- vironmental effects, electric power, renewable energy, energy security, Bangladesh.Abstract
Previous efforts on modeling energy, the environment, and climate
change perspectives are critically examined, and the structure of energy
and an environment system model is described. Focus is on sustainable
development using Bangladesh as an illustrative example. The mod-
el projects energy supply and demand and its contribution to global
warming. Simulated results show that the demand for electric energy is
increasing, and there is a shortage of electric power. Electricity genera-
tion capacity can increase by either transition to nuclear or renewable
energy resources or both. However, generation capacity needs to be in-
creased for sustainable development, with gradual transition to renew-
able energy resources. Mini-grids are advocated for supply of energy,
information and communication for rural development and economic
growth in isolated areas such as islands. Bangladesh is responsible for a
small fraction of the total anthropogenic contribution of CO2 but could
be seriously affected by climatic change. Energy security aspects are
also addressed. Regional economic cooperation and sustainable peace-
ful resolution of long-standing disputes may help the regional entities
to enhance their individual and collective energy security.
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