Allergan’s View of the Future for Energy Management
Allergan has projected future energy consumption and cost,
along with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and cost impact, from
2011 through 2020. Allergan has developed strategic visionary goals
that will allow the company to reduce its energy consumption and
cost as well as to significantly reduce its climate change footprint. This
article presents how Allergan intends to do this and what we think the
future holds.
Galitsky, C., S. Chang, E. Worrel, E. Massanet, “Improving Energy Efficiency in Phar-
maceutical Manufacturing Operations,” LBNL-60288, 2006
Winter 2014, Vol. 33, No. 3
Facility Energy Management Assessment Matrix, US EPA Energy Star Program
Galitsky, C., S. Chang, E. Worrel, E. Massanet, “Energy Efficiency Improvement and
Cost Savings Opportunities for the Pharmacuetical Industry,” LBNL-57260, 2005