A New Energy Strategy for the United States: Energy Independence
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men...are en-
dowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” (2nd Continental
Congress, 1776). In 1776, our founding fathers declared independence
from the oppression of a foreign power and took action to create a free
nation to be true to their ideals. Today, this freedom is being threatened
by US dependence on oil supplied by foreign powers. This dependence
is increasingly encroaching on the general welfare of the nation, in
terms of our national security and economic well-being. US dependence
on foreign energy imports is at an all-time high and will likely increase
if current policies and strategies do not change.
Since 2001, natural gas and oil prices have doubled largely due to
lack of global capacity to supply world demand for energy. Fossil fuel
prices will continue to rise over the next 20 years as world supplies of
oil and natural gas struggle to keep up with rapidly increasing world
demand and as countries compete for fossil fuel supplies. Energy sup-
ply and prices affect the cost of all products produced in the US. Fur-
thermore, energy supply greatly impacts US strategic decision-making,
influencing our decisions on how we confront international crises in
terms of deciding which countries to ally with, and which countries to
tolerate despite ideological differences.
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