Measurement and Verification of Industrial Energy Conservation Projects


  • Kaushik Bhattacharjee CEM, BEP, CMVP Principal Reipower, Whitby Canada


Ontario Power Authority (OPA) is one of the key agencies to im-
plement electricity conservation programs in Ontario, Canada. OPA is
putting increasing emphasis on carrying out measurement and verifica-
tion (M&V) for electricity conservation and demand-side management
projects for all its incentive programs. This article discusses the measure-
ment and verification carried out for some of those projects. The cases are
taken from M&V reviews carried out for various industrial plants located
in Ontario. The measurement and verification was part of the Building
Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) Conservation and Demand
Management (CDM) program, which was supported by the OPA.
As per the BOMA Toronto CDM incentive program, there was in-
centive for electricity conservation and demand reduction measures. The
rigor of the M&V process required would vary depending on the electric-
ity savings. Measures with savings less then 50 kW/400,000 kWh would
fall in the basic category while measures more than 50 kW/400,000 kWh
would fall in the enhanced category. Some of the M&Vs discussed in the
article are implementation of a cooling water bypass pump in a cogenera-
tion plant, lighting retrofit and lighting controls in a brewery, and imple-
mentation of compressed air controls from a coffee packaging facility. In
many of these cases, Option A and Option B from the International Per-
formance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) guidelines are
followed. Elements of the M&V plans are discussed. Some of the issues,
like metering methods used for determining variation of electricity for
different operating conditions, are highlighted. The benefits of the M&V
process to all the stakeholders are also discussed.


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Author Biography

Kaushik Bhattacharjee, CEM, BEP, CMVP Principal Reipower, Whitby Canada

Kaushik Bhattacharjee, CEM, Principal and co-founder of REIPOWER, an energy management firm based in Toronto, has over ten years of energy management experience. He has carried out several energy conservation projects and has guided the implementation of several energy optimization measures in various industrial environments such as plastics, pulp and paper, food processing, and metal tube manufacturing, as well as in commercial facilities such as offices, entertainment facilities, and movie theaters. He has also co-authored two books, contributed articles to a number of trade magazines, and made presentations in several IEEE international conferences, including the World Energy Engineering Congress on Energy Management. Kaushik was given the Energy Manager award for the Canadian region in 2010 by AEE for his outstanding accomplishments in promoting the practices, principles, and procedures of energy management. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and is presently pursuing his masters degree with the New York institute of Technology, USA. He can be contacted at or by phone at 289-468-1000.


Industrial Energy Management—Time Shared Energy Manager Program, Kaushik Bhat-

tacharjee CEM, Proceedings WEEC 2010 Washington D.C.

Measurement and Verification Fundamentals and the International Performance Measure-

ment and Verification Protocol (IPMVP)—AEE publication

Measurement and Verification Industry Practice and Principles—BOMA Toronto CDM





How to Cite

Bhattacharjee, K. . (2023). Measurement and Verification of Industrial Energy Conservation Projects. Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 33(1), 66–76. Retrieved from


