Reductions in Energy and Water Use in a Government Laboratory through An Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC)


  • Curtis L. Murphy
  • Sandy Morgan
  • Matthew J. Ossi
  • John Ohlson
  • Kenneth Linthicum


The USDA’s Agricultural Research Service Center for Medical,
Agricultural, and Veterinary Entomology is constantly looking for
ways to reduce its energy and water use while still delivering world-
class research in a comfortable and safe facility. Over the years, the
federal facility has achieved reductions by teaming up with its local
utility provider. More recently, it participated in an energy savings
performance contract (ESPC) with an energy services company to
radically reduce its total energy use from 28,974 MBtu/yr to 23,413
MBtu/yr, and its water use from 426.4 Kgal/yr to 182.0 Kgal/yr while
maintaining occupant safety and comfort. The unique features of an
ESPC allow any federal facility to accomplish energy savings projects
without up-front capital outlays. Both in-house small projects and
large projects can be accomplished through the ESPC process using
private financing, with implementation costs and debt service paid for
out of energy savings.


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Author Biographies

Curtis L. Murphy

Curtis L. Murphy is a Safety and Occupational Health Specialist at the Center for Medical, Agricultural, and Veterinary Entomology in Gainesville, Florida, which is a part of the Agricultural Research Service of the USDA. He and the other members of the location’s environmental management system, along with strong leadership and support from the ARS-South Atlantic Area HQ, have focused their activities on energy and water conservation and resource recycling for several years.

Mr. Murphy holds an M.S. in Entomology from Colorado State University and has spent most of his career doing research at the facility. He may be reached at:
Center for Medical, Agricultural, and Veterinary Entomology
1700 SW 23rd Drive
Gainesville, Florida, USA 32608

Sandy Morgan

United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service Facilities Division, Office of the Director 5601 Sunnyside Avenue Beltsville, Maryland, USA 20705

Matthew J. Ossi

Chevron Energy Solutions Company A Division of Chevron USA, Inc. 4720 Salisbury Road, Ste. 114 Jacksonville, Fl 32256

John Ohlson

Center for Medical, Agricultural, and Veterinary Entomology United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service 1700 SW 23rd Drive Gainesville, Florida, USA 32608

Kenneth Linthicum

Center for Medical, Agricultural, and Veterinary Entomology United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service 1700 SW 23rd Drive Gainesville, Florida, USA 32608


Linthicum K.J., S. Allan, D.R. Barnard, J.J. Becnel, U.R. Bernier, D.A. Carlson, G.G.

Clark, C.J. Geden, J.A. Hogsette, and D.L. Kline. 2006. The Center for Medical,

Agricultural, and Veterinary Entomology: developing new mosquito surveillance

and control products. Proceedings and Papers of the Mosquito and Vector Control

Association of California 74:83-86.

The President Executive Order 13423. 2007. Strengthening Federal Environmental,

Energy, and Transportation Management. Federal Register 72 (17): 3919-3923.

The President Executive Order 13514. 2009. Federal Leadership in Environmental,

Energy, and economic Performance. Federal Register 74 (194): 52115-52127.

Public Law 109-58. Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT 2005).

Public Law 110-140. Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007).

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 45:8.3.3 and 45:8.3.1

Code of Federal Regulations 29CFR1910.1450, Appendix A (C4)




How to Cite

Murphy, C. L. ., Morgan, S. ., Ossi, M. J. ., Ohlson, J. ., & Linthicum, K. . (2023). Reductions in Energy and Water Use in a Government Laboratory through An Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 32(4), 65–76. Retrieved from


