Common and Common Sense Energy Reduction Methods
Reducing energy use and its resulting carbon footprint is something
that all organizations are likely to pursue. Sometimes it is because major
retailers, like Wal-Mart, are annually requesting specifics from suppliers
and vendors on their energy and carbon footprint reduction programs.
Sometimes it is because organizations want a “greener” image, and en-
ergy reduction is one good way to show this. But very often, it comes
down to simply improving the bottom line.
No matter what the reason, achieving large energy and carbon
footprint reductions for your organization can be easy and very cost ef-
fective—if you just understand energy use and how to methodically ap-
proach energy reduction.
This article will provide you with some common and common sense
(two different things) considerations for saving energy and reducing your
carbon footprint. We will utilize real world examples, so you will learn
not only what has worked for similar organizations but also how and
why it worked.