Kuwait Energy Profile for Electrical Power Generation


  • Dr. Mohammad Ramadhan
  • Dr. Abdulhameed Hussain


The State of Kuwait, a major oil exporter, consumes a huge
amount of its natural hydrocarbon resources to meet the rising de-
mand for electricity. The forecasting of domestic energy demand and
optimal allocation of energy resources are necessary requirements for
a balanced energy policy. This article assesses the energy resources
profile of Kuwait in order to reveal the potential base and level of uti-
lization of resources. The analysis of the energy profile indicates that,
in 2009, Kuwait had proven crude oil reserves of 104 billion barrels
and 63 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves. Heavily sustained,
subsidized electricity and water prices are the main factors behind the
rise in irrational consumption (demand). The analysis revealed that the
installed capacity of electricity and water supply can barely meet the
rising demand. The article proposes sustainable strategies regarding
the energy resources required for generating electricity. The strategic
thrusts for the energy policy should now be centered on venturing
into alternative energy, restructuring the low prices charged for elec-
tricity and water, diversifying sources of income in the economy, and
determining the role of natural gas in the energy balance forecast


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Author Biographies

Dr. Mohammad Ramadhan

Dr. Mohammad Ramadhan is an associate research scientist in the Economic Studies Department, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. He obtained his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wollongong, Australia, in 2000. Dr. Ramadhan has published books and several scientific papers in international journals in the areas of international economics, Gulf Cooperation Council economies, energy economics, econometrics, and public policy. He can be reached at mrammad@yahoo.com.

Dr. Abdulhameed Hussain

Dr. Abdulhameed Hussain is an associate research scientist in the Economic Studies Department, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of California-Irvine, USA, in 1999. His research interests include financial institutions and instruments, market structure, industrial economics, and development economics. He can be reached at xhussain@kisr.edu.kw or aah@kuwaitbox.com.


Burney NA, Al-Enez M, Hamada S, Awadh W. (2007) “Peak-Load Electricity Demand

in Kuwait.” Economia International; LX(3):273-90.

MEWa, Electrical Energy in Kuwait (2009), Published by Ministry of Electricity & Wa-

ter (MEW), State of Kuwait.




How to Cite

Ramadhan, D. M. ., & Hussain, D. A. . (2023). Kuwait Energy Profile for Electrical Power Generation . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 32(1), 18–25. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/SPEE/article/view/19795


