New Electrification Technology
Reducing Co2 Emissions—Depending on the sources of electric-
ity production, the use of electricity can be a contributing factor to net
CO2 emissions. What is less obvious is the fact that the increasing use of
efficient end-use electric technologies has the potential to save energy
and decrease overall CO2 emissions substantially.
There are two main mechanisms for saving energy and reducing CO2
emissions with electric end-use technologies: (1) upgrading existing electric
technologies, pro cesses, and building energy systems; and (2) expanding
end-use applications of electricity. Upgrading existing electric end-use
technologies embodies replacing or retrofitting older equipment with
new, innovative, highly efficient technologies. It also includes improving
controls and operations and maintenance practices, as well as reducing
end-use energy needs by improving buildings and building processes. In
essence, this first mechanism is comprised of what are commonly referred
to as energy efficiency and demand-response measures.
The second mechanism, expanding end-use applications of electricity,
involves replacing less efficient fossil fuel end-use technologies (exist-
ing or planned) with more efficient electric end-use technologies. It also
encompasses developing new markets for electric end-use technologies
that result in overall energy, environmental, and economic benefits.
There are many electric end-use technologies known to be su-
perior in their performance, using much less overall (net) energy in
performing the same function as a fossil fuel technology. This benefit
of electricity use stems from several characteristics: (1) electricity is
able to apply portions of the electromagnetic spectrum to a process or
a task (e.g., microwaves to cook food or ultrasonic waves to enhance
dyes); (2) electricity uses a mix of low-carbon primary energy sources,
including nuclear, wind, solar, hydropower, etc.; and (3) electricity can
provide motive power more efficiently than fossil fuel engines.
The Potential to Reduce CO2 Emissions by Expanding End-Use Applications of Electricity,
EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2009. 1018871.
Table 1. Benefits Associated with Use of an MVR Heat Pump
Industry Chemical/petrochemical (NAICS 325)
End-use Separation of propylene and propane in
distillation column
Electric Technology 50.2 MW open-cycle MVR heat pump,
COP = 8
Electricity Requirement 50,400 MWh per hear (172,000 MMBtu
per year)
Displaced Technology Natural gas boiler for steam generation,
% efficient
Natural Gas Savings 1,824,000 MMBtu per year
Net On-site Energy Savings 1,652,000 MMBtu per year (91% savings)
Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment
Program on Technology Innovation, Industrial Electrotechnology Development Opportunities,
EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2009. 1019416.
Global Energy Partners, Industrial Heat Pumps for Waste Heat Recovery, Tech Review,
Heat Pump Center, Mechanical Vapour Recompression Case Study, Pernis, the Nether-