The Illinois Smart Energy Design Assistance Program
ABSTRACT In response to growing energy costs and in support of small business, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) has developed the Smart Energy Design Assistance Program to provide businesses and the public sector with help in identifying opportunities to save energy and money while reducing overhead and operational costs. The program is implemented by the Smart Energy Design Assistance Center (SEDAC), operated by the Building Research Council (BRC) at the University of Illinois at Urb ana-Champaign in partnership with 360 Energy Group, LLC.
In the past four years, the program has assisted over 1,560 Illinois clients. These Illinois entities have more than 43,000 employees, representing a geographical cross section of the state. Of these clients, 427 have received quantitative energy-saving project recommendations. Our analysis suggests that, with an additional first-year investment of $81.7 million, these clients could accrue annual energy cost savings of $17.3 million. For a project life of 20 years, this translates into a 23.8% rate of return on investment. At a 7% discount rate, the energy cost savings represent $107.6 million in net present value.
We have found significant opportunities for energy savings in both new and existing buildings. Our average is about 30% energy savings available. We have also found that clients implement a subset of the recommended projects and attain on average about 54% of the energy savings potential.