Global Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Development: Focus on Emerging Issues and Strategies for the Asia-Pacific Region
Global warming and greenhouse effects are a direct consequence
of climate change, triggered mainly by emissions of greenhouse gases
(GHGs). Various national and international agencies are actively in-
volved through carefully drawn program initiatives to progressively
reduce GHG emissions. Clean development mechanisms (CDMs),
emissions trading, and the emerging carbon market, aiming at carbon
neutrality in phases, are among some of the major initiatives at both
national and regional levels that are seemingly gaining momentum in
an effort to comply with Kyoto Protocol commitments over time. In-
ternational Financial Institutions (IFCCCs), e.g., The World Bank, ADB,
etc. have played a pivotal role in proactively helping to reduce emis-
sions at the sector, project, national, and regional levels. National and
international policy support towards sustainable energy development in
a mission mode is suggested in this article as a pragmatic approach to
bringing a reversal of climate change processes (while ensuring energy
security and health/environmental safety) through progressive reduc-
tion of emissions. The emerging issues and corresponding strategic
policies related to the larger question of energy security in the wake
of global climate change for the Asia-Pacific region in particular are
presented. A sustainable energy development approach and initiatives
are discussed at some length in the article.
Dr. Sarkar’s references will be published in Volume 30, No. 2.