Tackling Today’s Data Center Energy Efficiency Challenges— A Software-oriented Approach


  • James Parker PE, CEM, CMVP, Square D Engineering Services
  • Bill Brown PE, Square D Engineering Services
  • Hugh Lindsay Schneider Electric PMC Operations


Energy consumption is a growing concern for data centers. Ad-
vances in server equipment technologies and increased demand for
computing power have increased load densities in the computer room,
which in turn has caused corresponding increases in data center power
consumption. Energy efficiency measures are thus of high importance
for data center designers, operators, and owners. This article outlines a
software-based approach to the data gathering, trending, and analysis
that are necessary to apply successful energy efficiency measures in data
center environments.


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Author Biographies

James Parker, PE, CEM, CMVP, Square D Engineering Services

James Parker is a 1981 graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and has more than 26 years of work experience in energy and facilities management. He joined Schneider Electric in 2006 in Total Energy Control, Power Management Organization and is engaged in development and implementation of energy cost reduction projects for industry encompassing both utility and manufacturing systems. He is responsible for fostering long-term partnerships with industrial customers, leading to improvements in energy efficiency and manufacturing cost reduction. Parker is a past Region II vice president of AEE and a lifetime member of the organization.
James J. Parker, PE, CEM, CMVP
Engineer, Application Staff
Square D Engineering Services
4917 Waters Edge Drive, Suite 270
Raleigh, NC 27606
Phone: 919-227-3908

Bill Brown, PE, Square D Engineering Services

Bill Brown, P.E., is the lead engineer for Critical Power Consulting with Schneider Electric’s Engineering Services group. He provides electric power consulting engineering support for the Square D® Critical Power Competency Center, which is dedicated to providing innovative solutions to the critical power industry. Brown is a registered engineer in the state of Tennessee.
Bill Brown, P.E.
Lead Engineer
Square D Power Systems Engineering
1010 Airpark Center Dr.
Nashville, TN 37217
Phone: (615)-844-8767

Hugh Lindsay, Schneider Electric PMC Operations

Hugh Lindsay is the segment marketing manager for data centers with Schneider Electric’s Power Monitoring and Control group. He is responsible for leading the strategic evolution of Schneider Electric’s PowerLogic® metering and software systems in data center environments. He has worked with data center clients throughout the world to leverage the benefits of accurate, timely, and relevant energy information for maintaining uptime and maximizing energy efficiency and performance.
Hugh Lindsay
Segment Manager, Critical Power
2195 Keating X Rd
Saanichton, BC, Canada
V8M 2A5
Phone: 250.652.7100


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How to Cite

Parker, J. ., Brown, B. ., & Lindsay, H. . (2023). Tackling Today’s Data Center Energy Efficiency Challenges— A Software-oriented Approach . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 29(2), 24–52. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/SPEE/article/view/19893


