Participating in the De-regulated Energy Marketplace: Cutting Costs Without Losing Your Shirt


  • Paula Coutz CEM, CEP Program Administrator, Northeast Utilities
  • Joan O. Geronimo CEM Program Administrator, Northeast Utilities


This article provides vital information energy buyers need to par-
ticipate in the deregulated energy marketplace, buy energy cost-effec-
tively, and reduce commodity costs. Two energy industry professionals
with combined experience of more than 60 years present strategies and
insider suggestions to achieve best practices and gain significant savings
in energy procurement.
Describing the advantages of participating in the deregulated
marketplace, the authors discuss energy issues within businesses and
address the importance of understanding that energy expenditures, as
operating costs, can be controlled to improve profitability. Grasping
patterns in energy consumption and pricing trends, making informed
purchasing decisions, and utilizing energy efficiency and demand
response programs give energy users an advantage as they compete
in today’s business environment. Their competitors may already be
taking advantage of opportunities in the open market. By gaining an
understanding of how commodity resources (both natural gas and
electricity) are consumed and how to effectively manage and pur-
chase them, energy buyers can ultimately reduce costs and increase
To conclude, the authors demonstrate that understanding market
dynamics, taking steps now to evaluate energy needs, and obtaining the
best possible price will enable commodity buyers to reduce their energy
costs through prudent market pricing, knowledgeable hedging, and
participating in the energy marketplace without “losing your shirt.”


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Author Biographies

Paula Coutz, CEM, CEP Program Administrator, Northeast Utilities

An accomplished professional with more than 25 years of experience, Paula Coutz, CEM, CEP, has worked in both supply and demand sides of the industry, for utility companies, third-party suppliers, manufacturers, and retailers on the east and west coasts. Specializing in energy issues and energy policy, Paula’s MA was from the University of Illinois, Springfi eld, and she continued post-graduate study at Washington State University in Pullman, WA. While working on the west coast, Paula managed energy issues for some of California’s largest commercial and industrial users and purchased energy for sizable accounts in the Pacifi c Northwest. Currently employed by Northeast Utilities, Paula works with commercial and industrial customers as they utilize the Connecticut Energy Effi ciency Fund and Connecticut Light & Power’s Conservation and Load Management programs. In publications and presentations, Paula has addressed a variety of subjects for local, regional, and national audiences. With her experiences in wholesale and retail markets, in both regulated and de-regulated environments, in private and public sectors, including rapid-growth, Fortune 100 corporations, Paula understands energy issues from a variety of perspectives and enjoys sharing her extensive experience, broad-based insights, and light-hearted outlook. Paula can be reached at Northeast Utility Services Company, Conservation & Load Management, 626 Glenbrook Road, Stamford, CT 06906; Tel (203) 352-5451;

Joan O. Geronimo, CEM Program Administrator, Northeast Utilities

Recently recognized for her 35th year of employment in the energy industry, Joan Geronimo, CEM, brings an extensive, change-oriented background from the energy industry. Having worked in both regulated utility operations and de-regulated third-party supply, Joan’s depth of experience managing energy issues and customer concerns and her work in regulated and de-regulated settings, in both supply and demand markets, make her uniquely qualifi ed to discuss these subjects. With a BA in business from University of Connecticut, Joan’s contributions extend from handling day-to-day business issues to managing energy concerns for some of New England’s largest commercial and industrial customers. Her experiences selling gas and electricity in the de-regulated marketplace, working with large-load customers who repeatedly return to her, and her examples of negotiating prices and contracts for aggregations of customers as well as sizable organizations enhance the authenticity of her presentation. Presently implementing Connecticut Light & Power’s Conservation and Load Management programs through the Connecticut Energy Effi ciency Fund, Joan continues to utilize her signifi cant talents and skills, exercise her sense of humor, and share her wealth of experience. Joan can be reached at Northeast Utility Services Company, Conservation & Load Management, 626 Glenbrook Road, Stamford, CT 06906; Tel (203) 352-5460;




How to Cite

Coutz, P. ., & Geronimo, J. O. . (2023). Participating in the De-regulated Energy Marketplace: Cutting Costs Without Losing Your Shirt . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 28(2), 8–23. Retrieved from


