The Role of Energy Service Companies in Accelerating Solar Technology To Market
With Americans seeing, in the fi rst quarter of 2008, the commodity
price of oil regularly closing above $100 per barrel and regular media
reports on climate change, the awareness of the financial and envi-
ronmental impacts of fossil fuels is ever increasing. This article briefly
discusses the financial aspects of PV systems and focuses primarily on
the role of energy service companies in bringing solar technologies to
market in facilities where they may otherwise be cost prohibitive. Facil-
ity owners, staff, and policy makers can learn from this article how this
can be accomplished by incorporating solar PV technology into a com-
prehensive energy effi ciency performance contract instead of installing a
stand-alone PV system or entering into a power purchase agreement.
Roper, P. “Discovering the PPA—A Smarter Approach to Solar. Is
it right for you?” Alternative & Renewable Energy Development
Institute. [article on-line] (Atlanta, GA: Association of Energy
Engineers, 2008, accessed March 6, 2008); available from: http://